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A Bargain With The Devil - Part I

Posted on Sat Jan 30th, 2016 @ 8:34pm by Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Lieutenant Raj Amani & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Chief Petty Officer Siri & Tog & Senior Chief Petty Officer Chelsea May

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: JAG Offices

* JAG Offices *

Ray’s whistling had stopped just after a call had come in for him from Security. It was, specifically, a call from Ensign Carter with news that she was departing for an away mission the next morning. She couldn’t say what exactly, and Ray had realized that she wouldn’t say, even if he asked. It was one of those missions. When Chelsea called in to him that Tog was on his way, he sent word to Admiral Ch’lis, refilled his coffee and walked past Chelsea and Siri without a word.

“So much for that good mood,” Chelsea murmured, just loud enough for Siri to hear her. “Almost makes me feel sorry for Tog.”

“Hmm... Nope, nothing’s going to make me feel sorry for that little... um, whatever,” Siri shook her head and then grunted as the attorney walked in.

“Ladies, lovely as always,” he beamed at the two. “Benson around?”

Pursing her lips, Siri pointed towards the conference room. “Back there. You know where the conference room is.” She wasn’t making any move towards getting up to show him the way.

“Right. And Chelsea, dinner later, on me. I know you can’t say no.” He winked at her as he passed by their desks.

“Wanna bet??” Chelsea called after him. Her eyes widened and she giggled. “Wow, I think Ray’s beginning to rub off on me.”

“So long as that little toad doesn’t rub on you,” Siri grumbled and then startled as Ch’lis walked in.

“Now, now, not all toads are bad,” the amphibious Admiral chided her and strolled past the two. She turned and flashed a smile at Siri. “Though this one? He is.”

Ray looked up as Tog entered the conference room. “Tog. Sit if you have to.” He waved at a chair. “But be warned, I am in no mood for games.”

Ch’lis entered the conference room just behind Tog and asked, “Well, Counselor Tog? What’s the verdict?”

Snarling at the Admiral’s use of ‘verdict’, Tog took his seat and waited till she sat. Then he spoke; “Fifteen years, so long as he can do the time here, on SB900.”

“Good evening, Admiral.” Ray greeted her, giving himself time to think before he answered. “Always a pleasure to see you.”

“Now, now, Mr. Prosecutor, try not to kiss up too much,” she smiled at him. “Fifteen years in 900’s brig? What say you?”

Ray’s eyes narrowed as he looked back to Tog. “Any other requests that he would like me to consider?”

“A quarterly cessation of the neural inhibitors for two weeks; eight weeks each year,” Tog said, starting high so he could negotiate down if necessary.

“That depends. Are we going to have him hunger striking every time we turn around and going off them on his own? I might agree to one week per quarter as long as the inhibitors are administered through the life support system for his cell so that he cannot avoid them,” Ray answered. “That will preclude his tampering with the Brig staff during that week off too, since we can start and stop the inhibitors remotely.”

“Four weeks a year?” Tog pretended to think about that. “Fine. Ease up on the mood stabilizers, too. He’s so mellow I thought he was in danger of melting off his bunk.”

“That will be up to Counselor Amani,” Ray answered. He tapped a note on his padd, then turned his attention back to Tog. “What’s next?”

“Conjugal visits, of course. He has to be allowed companionship, either daily in the form of fellow inmates, or bi-weekly with a female. Remember that solitary confinement, like what he’s in now, is in contravention of the Federation’s penal code.”

The Admiral frowned and shifted to look at Ray.

“Solitary confinement in the case of extremely dangerous criminals such as Niro is not against the penal code as long as there is just cause. That man is a menace and you know it. However, I can agree to weekly interaction with the inmates in the recreation area. Those times will not coincide with his inhibitor breaks.” Ray paused a moment and then laughed out loud. “As for the conjugal visits, exactly who do you think he will get to come near him?”

“There may be volunteers, you never know. Seyla? Perhaps Ensign Madhava will feel nostalgic?” A mean look glittered in his eyes. “What does it matter what female? At this point, I mean.”

“So long as the Federation and Starfleet are not expected to produce a willing volunteer,” Ch’lis said, “he’s right: what harm would there be? He’ll be on inhibitors and won’t be able to manipulate anyone.”

“Thank you, Admiral. See, Ray? She’s reasonable.” Tog gave him a bland smile.

Ray shrugged. “I have no issues with it, but as the Admiral says, we will not provide the entertainment. Those visits also will not coincide with the inhibitor breaks. Also, he will be allowed regular visitors during visiting hours, again, not during the breaks. Are we clear on that point?” He made more notes on his padd. “Next, since I’m sure there is more.”

“Clear on that point.” Tog had already gotten Niro more than he’d asked for. “One last thing: Niro will agree to rehabilitation so long as Counselor Amani is the one conducting it.” He laughed and added, “It seems he might have a crush on the man.”

“Counselor Amani is Kriosian,” Ray commented. “He has this effect on people….you know how that goes. I’ll note it and as long as the Counselor has no objections, consider it done. Rehab would be pointless if he didn’t like the counselor.” Ray made the last few notes and turned to Admiral Ch’lis. “Any objections? If not, we will need to consult with Security and Counselor Amani before I can finalize this.”

“Let us call in Security and Amani, then, Lieutenant,” Ch’lis advised. “I see no reason to raise any objections, though both Security and Amani may have some.” She opened her messaging app and sent a summons to Security and the Counselor. “They should be here shortly.”

Ten minutes later, voices came in the reception area and soon Raj entered the conference room. “Good evening Admiral, Lt. Benson.” He looked the Ferengi over. “And Tog, yes? I’m glad to finally meet you.” He flashed them all a sunny smile.

Eyeing the man suspiciously, Tog greeted, “Nice to meet you as well. I suppose we haven't met before because you're such an upstanding Federation citizen.”

“And everyone knows that Tog isn't,” Darwin said as he entered the room behind Raj. He nodded at Ray and Ch’lis, “Ray, Admiral Ch’lis, good to see you.”

“Welcome gentlemen, please have a seat.” Ray picked up his padd and then addressed the group. “We’ve asked you two here to discuss a possible deal. Counselor Amani has given his diagnosis that Niro is competent to stand trial, but we now have hammered out an agreement that will need your input, and your approval Lt. Darwin, as acting Chief of Security. Let me preface this by saying that this is a bit unusual, but it saves us all a lot of trouble and frankly, I like it better than the alternatives because I know he’ll be under good, competent watch.”

“Unlike Elba II, you mean?” Darwin shook his head slightly. “Is the deal that we turn Six and Reva loose on him? Or, perhaps better: Suresh and Riley?”

“Believe me, I already regret that Six has morals. And, contrary to popular opinion, so do I.” Ray smiled briefly. “The deal is this. Admiral Ch’lis offered fifteen years, rehab included. Niro has made some requests that are not outlandish and I am inclined to grant.”

“Such as?” Raj asked.

Ray outlined the agreement, including Niro’s demands, in detail. “As I said, I don’t have much confidence in exterior, remote prisons. We’ve seen how someone with the means can get out, and Niro has far more capabilities than Suresh. Darwin? What do you have to say?”

Darwin’s expression was a careful poker face; behind it, he was angry that Niro was getting what he wanted. “Conjugal visits?” It was obvious he wanted to ask whether that was a joke.

Ch’lis spoke up, slowly, “Lt. Darwin, you need not like the terms. I understand that you've been close to this investigation and some of the women involved, so you likely think this is a sentence to a ‘resort’ rather than prison. What we need from you is an affirmation that the Station’s Brig can provide the necessary security for this inmate.”

“Ma’am, the Brig facilities here can handle Niro, no worries there,” Darwin said. “Ray, you'll have to explain it to Oz if she disagrees with this.”

Ray nodded. “I don’t like the idea that he gets to remain here, but I refuse to send him off to some place he can fake them out, warp their minds, and get away scot free. Make no mistake, this will be no picnic for him. The contact with other inmates or visitors is out of my hands, however. You know penal code regulations.”

Darwin, well aware of the Admiral in the room, just barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes. He nodded, “That we do.” He glanced at Tog, “Time with other inmates poses a logistical issue: the other inmates can’t be exposed to the neural inhibitors he’s on, so his time with them will have to be limited.”

“Not too limited,” Tog grinned.

“There may be a way around that issue,” Raj stated. “If Niro will be taken to a general population rec area, he’ll be away from the atmospheric ones. He’ll have to be given a dose by hypospray before he leaves his cell. Will that be sufficient Darwin?”

He nodded. “Yup. We’re likely the best facility for Niro - we’re certainly the best informed.”

“Good, it’s settled, then: fifteen years here on the Station,” Tog announced. “Madame Admiral, are you ready to sign off on this?”

Ch’lis frowned, “It’s just ‘admiral’, counselor. Is everyone in agreement?”

“I am curious about something before we finish this up.” Raj turned to Tog now. “Why does he want me specifically? I was under the impression, when we met, that he didn’t think too much of me, likely because I wasn’t buying his bullshit. My apologies, Admiral.”

She shrugged even as Darwin theorized, “He knows you don’t like him, so this is a way to torture you. Plus, you work with some of his victims, so he can, if he’s not on an inhibitor, troll your head for memories of them.”

Tog’s eyes narrowed as he glared at Darwin. “The question was for me, Mikey. To give a better answer, Lt. Amani, Niro likes your manners. He sees no reason to break in a new counselor, so... you’re it.”

“My manners. Sure.” But Raj smiled. “I want one thing added, Ray. That is, that if in my professional opinion a change of counselors needs to be made, it will be. I am likely the best-equipped to deal with Niro, even when he’s got free mental rein, but I want that precaution written in, just in case.”

“Certainly.” Ray made a final note on his padd. “If that is everything….” He pressed his thumb to the padd’s sensor, then passed it to Ch’lis. “Who gets to give him the good news?”

Ch’lis took the padd, read Ray’s proposed order then licked her thumb and then pressed it to the screen. She watched the screen to make sure the order went through. “So it is. Perhaps the telling should be a joint effort: Security and Counseling, since you’ll be the two handling him the most from now on.”

“Very well. Darwin? Shall we get this over with?” Raj rose from his seat.

Darwin gave Ray an evil glare but rose. “Yeah, come on. We’ll go in the back way.” He faced the Admiral, “Admiral Ch’lis, have a good evening.”

“Good evening Admiral, Ray.” Raj glanced at Tog once more. “It’s been...interesting.” He followed Darwin out.

Ray now addressed Tog too. “We are done here. There’s a local issue that has arisen and as much as I hate to admit this, I referred them to you. Consider yourself court-appointed for this one. We’ll talk next week.”

“I do so look forward to our discussions,” Tog smiled, showing the points of his teeth. “Admiral, good day to you,” he stood and followed in Darwin and Amani’s wakes.

“Not bad for avoiding revictimizing the victims,” Ch’lis complimented Ray. “I doubt that you’ve heard the end of this one, though.”

“Thank you. Those women have had enough and I have no doubt it will haunt them for a long time. The last thing they needed was facing him in court. As for Niro? That’s the the thing I hate to admit.” Ray sighed. “I don’t think I have either. He’ll always be a back-burner issue as long as he is here. At least he will be here and not off somewhere escaping.”

“Small comfort there,” Ch’lis said, standing. “Again, I’m collecting Jules and making her take me to dinner. Would you like to join us, Ray?”

“I would love to but Leela’s departing first thing in the morning and so I’m taking advantage of the time we have this evening since she may be gone for a while,” he answered. “But tomorrow night? We’ll hit the Nexus if you’d like?”

“Certainly. My calendar has me here for a few weeks, since we weren’t certain how long this would take.” Ch’lis waved webbed fingers and left to get Julisa.

Admiral Ch’lis
Lt. Ray Benson
Lt. Raj Amani
Lt. M. Darwin
SCPO Chelsea May
CPO Siri


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