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A Bargain With The Devil - Part II

Posted on Sat Jan 30th, 2016 @ 8:35pm by Lieutenant Raj Amani & Niro & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Brig

* The Brig - Solitary Wing *

Scowling, Darwin led the way down to Niro’s private little corner of the brig. From one of the other private cells, an inmate screamed, sounding as if someone were applying a hot iron to him. The sound made Darwin startle. “Let’s be quick.”

“Agreed. I’m meeting Jan for dinner before she starts her night,” Raj answered. “I don’t intend to spend it with Niro.” They finally reached the open circular seating area at the end that faced Niro’s cell. He approached the forcefield and stood, quietly observing.

Niro was asleep on the bunk. Darwin stepped over to the controls and hit a button, making a sharp alarm sound in the cell. He grinned slightly as Niro jumped. “Get up, ass,” Darwin said.

“Fuck you!” Niro grumbled as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. “These damned drugs put me out, Darwin. Tell that fuck, Raj, to tone ‘em back.” He looked up and grinned, “Never mind, looks like I just did.”

“Yeah, this fuck has ears,” Raj replied, but his tone was genial. “Hello Niro. Looks like that bunk is comfortable. That’s good, since you’re going to be using it for a long time to come.”

“Actually, it needs some better cushioning. Someone like Reva or Six would make it much better,” Niro said meanly.

“Good luck ever seeing them again, Niro. You’re going to be living here for a long time under our watch,” Darwin said. “As long as I’m around, no female will cross that cell door.”

“Aside from the visits written into the agreement,” Raj added. “You’ll be glad to know we’ve worked out a deal.” He gave Niro the specifics, then crossed his arms. “I even agreed to your request regarding your rehab, so it looks like you get to see my face twice a week from now on.”

“Oh, joyous day.” Niro forced a smile. “And the neural inhibitors? You’ll give me a break from those each year?”

“Each year?” Darwin looked at Raj.

“One week per quarter, not to coincide with any rec time or visitors of any kind. Rec time and those conjugal visits you seem to think you’ll have? You’ll be given the inhibitors by hypospray before leaving this cell so as to avoid any possibility of tampering with anyone else. Understood?” Raj asked. “The only one you’ll have contact with during those breaks is me.”

Niro started laughing: “Four weeks a year? That’s what Tog got out of you? That’s hysterical.”

Frowning, Darwin looked at Raj. “Apparently Ray could have argued for less time off the inhibitors. I’ll have to let him know about Tog’s tactics.” Speaking over Niro’s fit of gleeful giggles, he said, “Niro, you’ve been duly sentenced to fifteen years of incarceration here on SB900. You already know the other terms of your sentence: neural inhibitors, limited contact with other inmates, mandatory rehab counseling with Raj, etc. You’ve been notified. Your next of kin will be notified as well.”

“Oh good, perhaps he’ll be moved to visit me.”

“Don’t hold your breath or you’ll end up in Piper. Which reminds me, you’ll have an annual physical, and in case you’re curious, Dr. Solis will do that. He’s also one whose mind you don’t want to mess with,” Raj added. He looked over to Darwin. “A week every quarter is reasonable to avoid any unforeseen side effects. Remind me when we leave here, I have a few things to tell you regarding that.”

“Yeah, yeah. Get out of here and let me go back to my dreams. My favorite woman was in this last one.” Niro shooed them away.

“Gladly,” Darwin muttered. “Let’s go, Raj.” Once they were away from Niro’s cell, he asked, “What few things do you have to tell me?”

“Regarding his conjugal visits. Assuming he has any deluded souls who agree….they may not go as well as he likes. Possible side effects from long-term use, let’s just say?” Raj shrugged. “We’ll see if it ever comes up.” He managed to keep a straight face for all of two seconds, then gave in and laughed.

“Please tell me that’ll be permanent after fifteen years!” Darwin, too, laughed. He sobered a moment later. “You realize that we might have to make provisions, then, for him to procreate? That’s an inherent, inalienable right, etc.,” he looked uncomfortable.

“It may not be a factor and that’s not something we need to worry about unless he demands it.” Raj shook his head. “I’d rather not think about that. Alrighty then. Moving along. Has he given a list of allowed visitors?”

“He hasn’t and we haven’t asked. If anyone comes to visit him, we’ll see if he wants to see them. I’m interested to see if any of his crew or anyone from the Pit comes to see him, and if they do, why.”

“Well, Nico won’t be here for a while but I haven’t told Niro why. I suppose that will be something for our first meeting. Criminal or not, he has the right to know about his brother.” Raj frowned. “I did get one message that he wanted to see Drusilla, Nico’s wife. I’ll pass that along to her.”

“How does one turn out so good while the other is so... awful?”

“That’s always interested me in cases like this. It could be anything, really. Environment, some mental quirk that is impossible to detect.” Raj shrugged. “What makes you like oranges instead of apples? Why is it that Jan sings like an angel and I am best left to singing in the shower?”

“Well, all of my awesomeness comes from my mother; everything physical, from my dad,” Darwin said. “So, genetics. I’m guessing that something in Niro’s head doesn’t connect the way it does in Nico’s.” They passed through the Brig’s entry gate and Darwin turned them towards the closest turbolift.

“I’ve asked that his visitor records be sent to me if you have no objections?” Raj asked as they entered the turbolift. “I like to know what’s been happening during his days so I’m informed when I come down here.” He ordered the Security deck, then leaned back against the lift wall. “It’s going to be interesting.”

“I suppose. We’ll send you anything you request on Niro,” he replied, pulling a small padd from his back pocket and making notes. He realized now why he saw Oz with one so often. “I’ll be glad when Oralia and Gilroy are back.”

“I bet. But, at least Niro’s locked away for a good long time and away from everyone finally. Well, except me. I want you to promise me something, Darwin. You know him better than anyone else in Security. You know the people he’s harmed, too. I’ll be reporting to you all on his progress and monthly, I want to meet with you. You’ll be the one who would notice if I begin to act strangely, so I want you to watch for that when you see me. Again, just in case.” Raj’s voice had tightened. “The possibility is remote but since I’ll be seeing him on his inhibitor breaks, I cannot be too careful.”

“We’ll need to meet immediately after you see him on those breaks. Are you going to continue counseling Reva and Riley? You also see Six, don’t you? Isn’t that tough, to see both sides like that?”

“No, not really. Sometimes, an installation only had one counselor for everyone. You learn to separate.You have to learn to keep it all separate or you lose your mind. I’m used to counseling in extreme situations so I can handle Niro. I’d rather Reva and Six not know though.”

Darwin made another note on his padd. “‘kay, Brig personnel will be told to keep your visits confidential. Reva and Six are headed away for a while - exactly how long isn’t yet known. I expect you haven’t been told yet, since their mission is ...well, I can’t tell you about it.”

Raj nodded. “I know they will be away, both called to put off their sessions.” The doors opened on the Security deck. “Take care. I’m going out to try and forget about Niro for a while.”

“Good luck doing that,” Darwin stepped off the turbolift. “I’m going to go find a sparring partner and work out some stress.” He walked away as the doors closed.

Lt. Raj Amani
Lt. M. Darwin


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