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Rick & Li Doin' Stuff

Posted on Wed Feb 3rd, 2016 @ 6:18pm by Captain Li Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Admiral Wegener's Office

* Admiral Wegener’s Office *

Li left her office and wandered next door to Rick’s. Hope was in the outer office already, despite the early hour, and LI wasn’t surprised.

“Good morning Hope. Is he in and how many cups of coffee has he had?”

“Unless he had one before he left his quarters, he hasn’t had time. He just walked in a few moments ago.” Hope just shrugged. It was a roll of the dice as to what type of mood Rick was in. Normally, though, Li was safe.

“Oh well, I’m going in anyway. If you hear growling, just ignore it unless someone starts banging on the door from inside.” She grinned at Hope, then passed through the doors as they opened. “Good morning,” she greeted Rick.

He turned from the replicator with a freshly made cup of coffee in hand. “Want something? I need my go-juice before anything else happens.” He turned around and ordered a sausage, egg and cheese sandwich on a muffin.

“Raktajino, double strength,” she requested. When his breakfast appeared, her stomach growled, reminding her she had hit the ground running this morning and skipped breakfast. “ of those too. I’ve been up long enough this is lunch.”

Placing his own food on his desk, he crossed back over to order Li’s food. “What’s had you up so early today?”

“A few the gym to get rid of some nervous energy, then back to get Seren up. The group going out to patrol in case the Krenim start this way had to be at the ship at 0800 to start getting used to it before they leave. Thanks.” She took her food and mug and sat down by his desk. “I have to confess that even I am a little awed by that ship, and I mean that in the overwhelmed and uneasy way.”

“I’m pretty uneasy about it, but as far as anyone can tell, it’s harmless in the right hands,” he sat and started into his sandwich. A quick swallow and he continued. “But it may give us the edge that we need.”

“Agreed.” Li took a bite of her breakfast and sighed happily. “This is yummy.” She had another bite, then continued. “If the Krenim are moving about, they won’t suspect it as Fleet and likely will keep their distance. That ship is small but it will hold its own in a firefight, according to Six. So as far as anyone out there knows? This is a band of pirates cruising about and minding their own business.”

“Argh, matey,” Rick replied after slurping a bit of his coffee. “Oh, I’m meeting El’Shar around 11 today, so I’ll be out of the office for an hour or two. I’ve chosen a few places on the Promenade for her to look at for her workspace.”

“Good!” Li sipped from her mug and nodded. “I think she will do very well. Having Legate Zikar’s wife here now has made me wonder what I would do if I were here and not Fleet, with no specific position. Probably go nuts? Annoy everyone I know to death?”

“That has worried me, especially with her former position,” Rick said, sighing a bit afterward. “I’m always concerned that she’ll want to leave. Honestly? I’d leave with her, if she asked. It’s not as if I haven’t given several lifetimes of work to the Fleet. But I’m happy where I am right now, so I need to keep her happy as well.”

“You know I almost requested her for this patrol instead of Marie,” Li admitted. “Specifically for that reason. I didn’t think that would fly with you however.”

Rick studied Li for a moment, although he wasn’t thinking of her, but of El. “Hmm...I’m not sure if even she would have been good with it. She was more than ready to retire from the fleet when she did, but who knows? Boredom can do strange things to people.”

Li nodded. “Hopefully it will be a long time before I find out. Though do you realize it’s been ages since I set foot off this station? Kozel suggested I go down to Archadia for a day, or even a few hours but right now isn’t good. I’ve sent a team, including my husband, on what could very well be a suicide mission. I need to be here and reachable instantly.”

“Well, if you don’t go anywhere else for a while, you’ll be able to spend some time on Earth whenever El and I decide on a wedding date.” He smiled at the thought of it. “I thought she and I would take a month or so, not including travel time. Maybe you and Sakkath should as well.”

“We’ll see. If we are both gone that long? Oz and Patrick will skin me alive.” She grinned at Rick. “Maybe once the team calls to inform us they are on their way home I’ll hit the beach or accept the Prime Minister’s dinner invitation or something. Or maybe I’ll take a nap. Seren’s been staying at my place with Sakkath gone but he wants to sit up half the night catching up since he’s been out of reach for the last two years.”

“He can’t see fit to getting his own quarters?” Rick asked. “He could see you every day if he wanted, but at least it would give you and Sakkath some privacy.”

“Well, once everyone is home, sure, but it’s been nice having him there despite the lack of sleep. The place is too quiet when Sakkath is gone, both in the rooms and here.” She tapped the side of her head. “You get the idea.”

“I do,” he nodded. “So, what else is going on? Anything new since last night, or something I don’t yet know about?”

Li considered the question, then nodded. “A few things.” She reached out and moved his coffee mug out of reach, knowing her first news might result in the mug possible getting thrown at the wall. “First. JAG’s report. They have reached a plea bargain with Niro, thus avoiding a trial, and avoiding putting his victims through that trial. The sentence is fifteen years, including rehab, and telepathy inhibitors for the duration. He will receive a one week break from the inhibitors once per calendar quarter, with no visitors allowed during those times.” She paused to take a breath. “Given the nature of his abilities, all concerned felt it better that he be kept here, in the isolation wing, to avoid a repeat of Suresh’s escape from Elba II.”

“Are....are you fucking kidding me with this shit? ‘All concerned’!? Who the hell is that because it certainly wasn’t me--the guy who is responsible for the place that loathsome asshole will be staying!” He shoved away from the desk and stood, wishing he had something to throw. “We could just send him down to Archadia and let him get ass-raped by a goddamn fencepost--anything but staying here!”

What frustrated him the most was that JAG, despite being stationed on his base, mostly operated outside of his influence, at least in this regard. When they made a decision, it was final and could only be changed by further court proceedings. Meaning, if the plea bargain was already finalized, Rick was stuck with Niro until he could request that he be moved somewhere that would likely result in his swift and horrible death.

Li was glad she’d moved his mug. “As much as I hate to say this, I agree. His abilities are such that managing to avoid the inhibitors and manipulating prison staff elsewhere would be child’s play. If he stayed in longer than a week, I’d be surprised. Here, Security is acutely aware of what he can do. The inhibitors will be piped into his cell via the ventilation for that cell so he can’t avoid them. It hasn’t done much for his mood but it has rendered him essentially powerless. Counselor Amani will be overseeing the rehab but has put procedures in place to have himself monitored if he has contact with Niro during non-inhibitor times. There will also be scheduled breaks for him in which Dr. Swift can take over as needed. I don’t foresee any problems. I have a request from the prisoner for a meeting but I’ve delayed that. Too much on my plate at the moment.”

“I really don’t like this at all. This is someone who should be housed in a facility specifically designed for that sort of being.” Rick shook his head and tried to calm himself. “You know what? I’m gonna’ have a look at Starfleet’s rules and regulations on this sort of thing. I, as the station commander, should have some sort of say who can be housed in my facility.”

“I understand. But given what he is capable of, I am sleeping better knowing he won’t be off somewhere that can’t hold him.” Li looked around for a moment, then back to Rick. Besides, if he is here, there’s no guarantee that he will last those fifteen years. Just saying….

“It’s not like we’d just be picking some backwater jail with nothing but chicken wire to keep him imprisoned, Li,” Rick countered. “And who’s to say that we’re more capable of holding him that somewhere else? Aren’t there prisons specifically for people with his powers?” He had agreed with what she’d sent him telepathically, but hadn’t responded to it. She knew full well he agreed with that.

Li shrugged lightly. “Elba II was supposed to be the most secure prison possible, considering it’s housed beneath a bubble and the atmosphere on the planet is poisonous. And yet….let’s see how it goes. I will give in and go see him. He can’t read me now but I can still certainly read him.”

“You don’t have to see him, Li,” Rick said, noticing his coffee cup again. It was cold now so he replaced it for a new cup. “But if you do, maybe you can scramble his brains a bit for me.”

“It’s tempting, trust me.” She smiled finally. “Want to talk about something more pleasant? I’ll give you a hint. I’ve just finished all the staff reviews.”

“You’re just trying to distract me from this Niro bullshit.” He huffed and sat back at his desk. “Fine, fine. Lay it on me.”

That got a laugh from her. “I am, is it working?”

“Depends on who you’re gonna’ say got promoted,” he replied. “As long as no idiots were promoted too high, I might be okay.”

That comment earned Rick a stern look. “Do we have any idiots here?” She held up her hand. “Okay, we’ve had a few, like that security officer who tried to kill Jackson. Remember Chase? And there was Lt. Biro, the JAG officer who was on Suresh’s payroll….and..yeah...never mind. Here.”

She passed him a padd. “That’s commissioned and non-commisioned all together.”

“I think you’re forgetting about Hope’s replacement for a while, Lieutenant Incompetence, or whatever his name was.” He took the PADD and scrolled through. “Wow,” he said. “Ophelia is just now being promoted to Lieutenant Commander? How long has she been in service? It seems like it’s taken longer than usual.”

“That is Lt. Young, and he was given to Louie down in the Academy. Louie says he owes me one but I’m not taking that as a good thing.” At Rick’s question, she paused. “She turned it down last time for personal reasons but this time I’m not asking, I’m ordering.” Li’s smile returned. “Gilroy and Awf are away, so we’ll catch them when they return. Leela Carter I’ll get before she departs in a few hours. Robin can see to Drusilla’s promotion but these two, I’d like you to do.” She indicated two names.

“Any particular reason?” he asked, seeing Lieutenants Darwin and Solis’ names listed. “Promotion to Lieutenant Commander is usually handled by the department head, or you. Unless I’m missing something?”

“I’ll be here but I thought it might be fun, knowing those two. We could make them walk the plank.”

“Quite a bit of pirate talk today from you,” Rick said, finally chuckling. He read the list of those being promoted again. “Short list this month. For a base this big I’d think we would be handing rank pips out from a gumball machine on the regular.”

“So I’m picky. I get it from you,” she answered. “So I’ll have Darwin and Solis meet us on Holodeck 4 at 1600 hours. That will give you time to spare for El’s business and get you home in time for dinner. How’s that?”

He approved with a nod. “That’s right. The important things are dinner and El’Shar,” he said with a smirk. “How about that Klingon rite of passage thing for them? With real painsticks? Seems about right to be rewarded with their new ranks.”

Li laughed out loud again, boisterous enough that Hope opened the doors and peeked in. “Sounds perfect,” Li answered. “Show up in costume. Come on in Hope, we’re finishing up.”

“No blood,” Hope said as she sat across from Li. “I wasn’t sure if that was a laugh or anguish.”

“A little of both, actually.” Li stood and carried her dishes to be recycled. “I need to catch up with Ensign Carter, then see Robin and Raj. Call if you need me, otherwise I’ll see you at 1600.”

“1600,” he repeated as she left. Noticing Hope was still there, he asked, “And what is it that you want, young lady?”

She shrugged. “Nothing. I was just bored out there and thought you might have something interesting to talk about.”

He sipped slowly at his coffee, then purposely slurped loudly and for entirely too long before swallowing. “Ooh, that was good,” he said, then slurped loudly again.

He finally finished and the look of bewilderment on Hope’s face was hilarious, but he kept it to himself. “Uh...I take it that’s a no then?” she asked.

“What’s a no?”

“Something inter--ugh! Never mind.” She huffed and meandered back out to her desk.

He laughed. “That was fun.” Waiting a full minute, giving her time to get settled into her chair again, he pressed the call button for Hope.

“Dammit!” he could hear through the doors, the sound of which set him off laughing. The office doors were flung open. “If you’re going to do this all day, then I might have to call El’Shar,” she warned.

“Hmph,” he replied. “Party pooper.”

Acting like a tough guy, Hope replied, “That’s what I thought! ...sir.”

Captain Li Hawke
The Picky One

Admiral Ricky Wegener
The Angry One

Lieutenant Hope Beckman
The Bored One


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