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An Unforeseen Twist

Posted on Thu Feb 4th, 2016 @ 10:53pm by Indra Nyyar

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia III

* Archadia III *

With the Bajoran Amoja Paz locked up on his ship, Zikar was in a better mood. Whether Farak had paid the man to get Nyyar away from Cardassia or not was irrelevant. If he had, then Zikar would deal with him later. What mattered was that she has been so willing to go and had gotten so dressed up to meet with him on 900. Someone had been talking, telling her the truth about him and that person mattered far more than Farak. If not for them, Nyyar would be happy, still deluded, and safe at home where she should be.

He had discovered the guilty party in that respect and things were already in motion back at home. It had been a simple matter really. While Nyyar had always charmed his associates, their wives had kept her somewhat at arm's length. It was racism pure and simple. They didn't think a Bajoran worthy of their company. They had been polite, however, given Zikar's rank and position - with one notable exception. That woman had gone out of her way to treat Nyyar as if she were the dirt beneath the woman's shoes and it had been her who gleefully revealed exactly what Zikar did with his time. It was her fault that he was losing his wife and he'd taken steps to remedy the wrong done to him. This woman belonged to a lower ranked official and it had taken a single call to the right person and the matter was settled. She was now in a prison colony in one of the most barren stretches of Cardassia, never to be released. She'd have plenty of time to think about what she had done...and to regret it forever more. She would regret it even more once Zikar returned to Cardassia.

A smile settled on Zikar's face as he crossed the room he'd secured at a small inn just off the main square. He poured himself a glass of some local juice and savored the taste. It was sweet with a hint of spice and he couldn't get enough of it. Glass in hand, he wandered to the window and stood watching the sunset. The idea of getting away from the station for a day or two had been a good one. The sun was warm, the city was pleasant, if not a little bright, and he'd enjoyed the walk he'd taken earlier. The women were delicious to look at too, and he mentally berated himself. He was a married man who loved his wife and had never even considered another. He had no intention of sullying himself now.

The beep of his comm badge pulled his attention from the scene outside and he pressed it. “Zikar.”

“Samir here, sir. You won’t believe what I just saw.”

“And what might that be?” Zikar asked. He listened intently, and with a growing rage as Samir described Nyyar, her dress, and the man with her - a Bajoran. “Wait, did you say you were in a whorehouse? She can’t be with that Bajoran, he’s in the brig on my ship!”

“Yes sir, I did say I am in a whorehouse. Yes, she was with a Bajoran but not the one I incarcerated on the ship. I suspect this one is the real Bajoran issue,” Samir replied.

“My wife is in a whorehouse, dressed as a common prostitute and with a Bajoran? Another one? How dare she expose herself like that, and to another man!” Zikar was shouting now. “I want to know who he is and what she’s doing with him. Has she stopped so low as to become one of those women??”

“No, I don’t think she works here. I think someone has hidden her here and dressed her like one of the women to make her inconspicuous,” was Samir’s answer.

“You stay with them. I want to everywhere they go and everything they do,” Zikar ordered. “And as soon as you get the chance, get her and bring her here.” His tone had turned to ice now. “Send the Bajoran to the ship’s brig so I can deal with him personally later.”

“Understood sir. I’ll report in soon.”

The channel closed and Zikar turned, hammering his fist into the wall. A string of curses fell from his lips and he fought to calm down before he caused a real scene and was asked to leave. He returned to the bar for something stronger than juice. A good shot of whiskey had cleared his head and he stood, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself. Then he notified his officer on duty on the ship to be waiting for a transport request and filled him in on the particulars. That done, he began to pace the room, waiting for Samir’s call.

It was an hour later when that call came through. Zikar tapped his badge. “Report!”

The report was not what Zikar wanted to hear. “Samir here." He filled in Zikar on just how close Nyyar and the Bajoran seemed to be. His next words, however, were oh, so sweet. "The Bajoran is leaving with a bag. I think the way is clear for the evening. We’ll be there soon.”

“Acknowledged. The door is unlocked so you can some straight in without attracting attention. Zikar out.”

He closed the channel and quickly surveyed the rooms. It wasn’t exactly the place he’d planned for a reunion, but it would do until he got Nyyar back to the ship and secured. Besides, they had a lot to talk about first and she had a lot of questions to answer before a real reunion. He hurried off to the bathroom to freshen up. After all, he wanted to look his best when she arrived.

More Than One Way To Foil A Bajoran


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