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Fun In The Sun

Posted on Mon Feb 15th, 2016 @ 3:51am by Céline Valois & Commander Louie Rousseau

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia Beaches

* * * Archadia Prime * * *

After what seemed like miles and miles of walking around, Celine and Louie had decided to stop for lunch at what looked like a bistro. It was in view of the beach so it was obvious that their next stop was going to be down in the sand, but Celine had enjoyed her time on the planet so far. The Archadian Museum of Art & History proved to be the most enjoyable for her as she learned about the planet’s past and saw how their religion had formed, how the females of the species had become dominant and learned quite a bit about the inner working of the current government. As a teacher, she thought it important to be familiar with these things as she would likely be teaching her children about the Archadians as they were not only a Federation Protectorate but also next door neighbors to anyone living on Starbase 900.

“I believe I’ll have to come back here and take notes,” she said as they waited for their food to arrive. “The station’s computer has a massive amount of information on the Archadians, but being able to visit their museums, see the exhibits and learn first-hand, of a sort, is much more interesting than just reading about it on a screen. I might even see if the Archadian government would authorize a field trip for the kids to the museum.”

“That would be a great idea. The cadets work down here from time to time on projects as well and it’s been a great thing for them. Real world training but away from the station. It’s a fascinating society, don’t you think?” Louie paused as a waiter came to refill their drinks.

“Absolutely,” she replied, nodding to the waiter. “There are so many similarities but also so many differences. I enjoy learning about different races and cultures, especially the small nuances that really define them.”

“You could spend a lifetime down here then,” he answered with a smile. “I’m also given to understand that the culture isn’t as straightforward as it seems but is incredibly nuanced, as you say, with a plethora of customs.”

“It’s too bad that all of the races in the Delta Quadrant aren’t so happy to see us. It would be nice to take a few day trips to some of the other places here, but Archadia is a good start.”

She turned to look out onto the beach. There were a few people milling about out there, many being off-duty Starfleet or Federation personnel, but there were also some locals.

“There are plenty who are, though,” he answered. “Once the session is over and you have a longer break, you should go see the new colony. The Dendrian Order is very friendly. Ambassador Kh’ali could give you a whole list of our allies our here, or at least those who are on friendly terms, and those places to avoid like the plague.”

“It’s worth a shot,” she admitted, “although I’m concerned that some of the parents might not want their children going out on trips in an area of space that isn’t exactly friendly.”

“A lot of those would not make for good field trip spots, no,” he agreed. “Especially at the age your students are now. Down here would be a fine choice though.” The food arrived and with it a young man with a basket of flowers. Louie chose a large red blossom, paid him, then turned to Celine. “A good color. Right” He tucked it into her hair over her left ear. “You could pass for a native,” he teased her.

She laughed. “If I bulked up a bit, yeah,” she said. “Have you not seen the muscles on all of these women? Even the smallest ones are intimidating!”

“I have and I….well….maybe I should keep my opinion to myself,at least while we’re here, hmm?” Her comment had amused him and it showed. “Dig in.”

“So when do you have to go back to work?”

“Day after tomorrow,” Louie answered. “I promised Kahuna a trip through the holodeck tomorrow. He wants to see a replay of the 1991 World Series. That one was a real nail biter, let me tell you. I have some project progress reports to look over but that’s about it. What about you?”

“Same. Day after tomorrow. Okay, so even as a spider, Kahuna can see the images on the holodeck?” She shook her head in awe. “His species is amazing. I bet the science staff just love having them around to study.”

“It’s been...interesting so far. And I have to admit, having a cheery voice greeting me when I come home, or commenting on life during the day at work has its good points. The cadets would spoil him if I weren’t careful. And can I admit something here?”

“Of course,” she said, taking a bite of the...something...that was on her plate.

“I think it’s pretty great that he doesn’t make you want to run for the hills. I don’t know that he’s a permanent resident but he will be around often enough and I’m glad you are taking the time to get to know him.” Louie reached for his glass and had a drink of the water within it.

“You know, you speak of him like he’s your own child,” she said with a playful smirk.

“Well, I never had kids but if I ever do, let’s hope they don’t eat Kahuna’s preferred diet, yeah?” he grinned. “Or develop the vocabulary he has. Iggy is likely going to give me a stern talking-to when she gets home.”

Celine chuckled. “Nothing like getting dressed down by a sentient arachnid.”

“Or embarrassed by personal questions when I bring a lady to my quarters?” he teased her.

“Yeah, there’s that,” she replied. “I guess he hasn’t really figured out the whole brain-mouth filter thing yet.”

“From what I understand, neither has his mother.” Louie laughed and laid his form aside. “I’m stuffed. Good thing we planned the beach after so I can run off this lunch.”

“Run?” Celine scoffed. “I don’t think I can walk much less run. I may just get a little sun for a bit until all of this settles, then maybe a little swim.” After saying that, however, she wondered, “They don’t have anything dangerous out there, like sharks, do they?”

“Not up here,” Louie answered. “I have a question for you though. Have you spoken to your parents again?”

“Not since they finally told me everything,” she replied, trying the drink in front of her. It was orange and blue, very bubbly and very sweet. “At least that particular transmission ended better than the previous one.”

“Will you tell them we’ve been talking?” He watched her as she sipped the drink, then shook his head. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound like an old man.”

“I don’t see why it would hurt,” she replied honestly. “I mean, they would have to know that you and I would want to figure this out and try to come to terms with it. And you are an old man, Louie.” She laughed. “You’re going to have to come to accept that.”

“Oh, I’m crushed,” he joked. “You’re right I am in many respects but Cy keeps trying to convince me otherwise. I will say that I prefer this body to the most recent other one.” He nodded now. “I just don’t want them to worry as you did when we first met.”

“I wouldn’t mind a little rejuvenation myself,” she said. “But I guess it’s fair to say in this day and age that your years don’t really matter to anyone. Heck, look at the Admiral. I’m told he’s a bazillion years old, or something, and his wife is gorgeous.”

“Half a bazillion.” Louie grinned. “They aren’t married yet but soon I hear. But I’m glad you feel that way. Shall we go lie in the sand and bake ourselves?”

“Absolutely,” she said, waving the server over for another drink to go with her. “I don’t know what this is, but it is simply amazing.”

“I’d advise sipping slowly or it will punch you between the eyes. Thus saith the old man.” He laughed and got to his feet.

It was a short walk to the beach and the shoreline seemed to go on for miles. Celine commented on how strange it was that, even on an alien planet that had a beach, they had large umbrellas and beach chairs out. She settled on a location about twenty yards from the edge of the water and few people around. Having always been confident in herself, and her own body, she suddenly felt a twinge of embarrassment in soon being in only her swimsuit. It was bad enough with Louie there, but she didn’t want hundreds more people looking at her. She wasn’t so vain that she thought everyone would be gawking, but sometimes being in certain stages of undress made you wonder about parading around half-naked, even on a beach where that was the norm.

Looking down a bit from where they were settling in, she saw several people in their swimsuits, some large, some small and many Archadians who were much more attractive than she’d ever be. So, she just went with it and hoped it didn’t get awkward. Dropping the light cotton top she’d had on, and removing her shorts, she stood in the royal blue two piece swimsuit and placed her towel down on the long beach chair so she could lie down.

Louie had to force himself not to stare at her as she stretched out on the lounge chair. Then he had to force himself not to focus on the fact that he was one hundred and thirty-eight years older than her. He had to be cool. It took him a moment to get back in motion but he peeled off his shirt, leaving himself in his swim shorts and stretched out beside her, hoping she hadn’t noticed his reaction.

“This is a nice beach,” she said, trying to come up with some small talk. “I’ve been to a few that weren’t quite as clean as this one.” She was lying on her back and had remembered to find her sunglasses so the sun didn’t burn her retinas through her eyelids.

“They take great pride in their beaches and the laws down here are pretty strict...about the cleanliness, not the lack of clothes. Obviously.” He laughed a moment, then let out a happy sigh. “This was a great idea.”

He was right. Celine hadn’t been stressed, other than recent events, and coming down to the beach was absolutely relaxing and worth the trip. The sound of the waves lapping at the beach, some of the families and their children laughing and was something she could get lost in.

“I might have to make this a regular thing,” she said.

“I’d say you have the right idea,” Louie murmured.

* * *

Several hours later, they wandered their way to Celine’s door, both warm and relaxed. Louie set down their bags smiled down at her. “I’ll say it again, that was a great idea. I haven’t felt this good in a long time. I think we both needed it.”

“The water was colder than I thought it would be, but it was fun. And that weird eel-like thing was so funny, wasn’t it?” She smiled remembered it swimming around her, being very curious and almost acting like it had been someone’s pet. “It almost acted like most dogs do, interacting with us. But it scared me senseless at first.” She laughed. “And how it acted like it was sorry for scaring me?”

Yawning, she reached up to cover her mouth. “I guess I’m a bit worn out,” she said. “One could even say a bit somnolent. I guess it’s a quick sonic shower, a sandwich and bed for me.”

“At least you don’t have to go home and answer a dozen questions,” Louie laughed. “But go home I must. I had a blast.” His smile lingered as he looked down at her. “I’ll see you soon. Dinner.” He picked up his bag and stepped back.

The doors to her quarters opened and she stepped inside. “Well, Celine,” she said aloud to herself, “that was a good day. And Louie’s turning out to be a good guy. Much better than the creepy stalker you had initially thought he was.”

Celine Valois
Itty Bitty Blue Bikini

Lt. Commander Louie Rousseau
IBBB Admirer


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