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Keeping Temptation Too Close

Posted on Wed Feb 17th, 2016 @ 12:25am by Lieutenant Bajun Julisa & Bajun Tora & Admiral Lucius Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Solis

Mission: Further Challenges

* Lucius’ Quarters *

Dinner with Rick and El’Shar had been a relaxing affair, despite the current circumstances. They had reminisced about Sakkath for a while and Lucius had even shared the story of the collapsing coffee table, giving them a good laugh. He’d sworn them all to secrecy, though, assuring them that Li would wring his neck if she knew he’d shared that little anecdote. Now, he stood looking out the portal, seeing nothing but his own inner thoughts. He had considered Sakkath part of his family, thus making this the second child he’d lost. He wanted to see Li but she was doing what she needed to do and he respected that. He had given in and sent a message to Darwin’s room at the inn, hoping he’d see it when he was alone, simply asking if they were alright and to call if they needed him.

Another train of thought rode in and this one was another big question. When he had called Aia to discuss the news of Sakkath, she had reported that they would arrive in twenty four hours. He and Tora had gotten so busy they had put off discussing what was to come but the future had suddenly become ‘now’. Soft footsteps on the carpet behind him caught his attention and he turned. When she reached him, he pulled her into his arms.

“What now?” he asked, unknowingly echoing Li’s big question.

“Ah... I have no idea, Lucius. This is your marriage. Just like before, I don't give a damn. But, you're no longer dealing with Marianna, who at least knew she wasn't your first choice. Does Aia have even an inkling about us?”

“No, she doesn't know anything, even about Jules. She suspected someone was here, the night we spoke while Jules was in 2360, but not who,” he answered. “Have I convinced you to stay?”

She frowned and said, “I’m not sure. I’m going to stay for Julisa. We don’t have any other family, so I may as well retire here. But,” she separated from him and took a seat on the couch, “perhaps you and I should cool things till you figure out what Aia wishes.”

A frown settled on Lucius’ face. “Is that what you really want, Tora?” He moved over to stand by her and stroked her cheek gently. “I don’t think it is. I can’t decide what I will do until I know, my love.”

“Luc,” she sighed his name, “Don’t do that. If I say that I’ll stay for you, then I’m the bad guy, destroying your wife’s and child’s family. That’s a conversation you should have with her, first.”

“Very well.” He nodded. “But we still have --” He stopped as a thought occurred to him. “We need to call Julisa, tell her and Solis the news. Do you think they are still up?”

“I think we can wake them, dear,” Tora touched his cheek lightly. “Do you want to walk down there or comm them? If we comm them, you might want to avert your eyes if Solis answers.”

That got a laugh from Lucius. “I think this should be done in person. We’ll go there, then get back here and consider our alternatives.” He pulled her to her feet and kissed her gently.

For a moment, she lingered in his arms then they composed themselves and hurried out of the quarters before her lingering lengthened.

* Solis & Julisa’s Quarters *

At Julisa’s door, Tora pressed the door chime and waited a moment before pressing it again.

It took a few minutes but the doors finally opened to a sleepy Solis. His hair was down loose and in disarray and he was wearing a black robe covered in yellow smiley faces.

“Yeah what is it -- oh, Admiral Hawke. My apologies. Hi Tora. Come on in.” He stood aside to let them in. “What time is it?”

“Late,” Tora confirmed tersely. “Is Julisa home?”, she asked as she and Lucius entered the quarters. She frowned at the shirt tossed over the back of a chair; she could see it was Jules’, not Solis’. Typical of her daughter.

“She is. She's in the bathroom, but she’ll be right out.” He checked the time. “I needed to get up anyway, I am on night shift this week - two surgeries tonight.” He motioned to the sofa. “Have a seat.” Then he wandered to the replicator for coffee.

Tora did, pulling Lucius with her. She worried, just because she could. After just a moment, Julisa, wrapped in a thick robe, her hair wet, came out. “Mom? What’s going on? I could feel your worry all the way in the other room. Are you okay?” She looked at Lucius, as if ready to accuse him of doing something to her mother.

“I’m fine, Jules. You and Solis should have a seat, though,” Tora said gravely.

Solis returned, kissed Julisa, then sat down, careful not to spill his coffee. “What’s up?”

Jules sat next to him, leaning against him lightly. The body language didn’t escape Tora, who smiled at the two. She then looked at Lucius and nodded. “You’ll hear this soon enough through official channels,” she started slowly, making Julisa sit up, “Commander Sakkath, Li’s husband, was killed.”

Blinking arreptitiously, Julisa sat back, floored by the news.

“It’s true. She felt it earlier and the crew of the Hammond confirmed it,” Lucius added.

Solis brushed back his long hair and set down his coffee untouched. “They’re sure? I know they probably are but I had to ask.” He answered his own question. “How’s Li?”

Tora answered, “We’re not entirely sure, but she’s with Commander Darwin on Archadia.”

“Darwin got promoted?” Julisa grabbed at the one spark of goodness in their news. “That’s good; he won’t let anything happen to her.” Even as the comment left her mouth, she winced. “I mean... anything else bad. Can we do anything?”

Lucius shook his head. “At this point, I have no idea. Li’s always been rather closed-off. I don’t know how she will react once the shock wears off. My concern is that she’s been so reserved over the past several years, what if the lid blows off?”

“It’s possible,” Solis mused. “That’s a very Vulcan-like reaction.” He stopped and frowned. “Which makes sense.”

“Commander Leroy is Acting XO, then?” Julisa, ever the attorney, confirmed the command structure.

“He is, until such time as Li returns to duty or Commander Zeferino is fit to return,” Lucius answered. “According to Drs. Crane and Harding, she is supposed to return to sickbay but this is Li we’re talking about.” He shrugged. “You may see her and you may not Solis.”

Solis nodded. “Understood. I could always go down and bring her back, but I value my life.” He grinned a moment.

Tora smiled in return. “Yes, and I value your place in my daughter’s life, so don’t go screw that up.”

“Mom,” Jules chided her through clenched teeth, “Otnay in ontfray of the miraladay!”

Lucius actually laughed aloud at that, as did Solis.

“Since we’re all here, I do have a question,” he said, looking from Lucius to Tora. “Because Jules won’t ask, but I will. Have you two decided what you’re going to do? Time is running out isn’t it?”

Tora nodded and looked at Lucius. “Care to field this one?”

“It is, yes.” Lucius shook his head. “We don’t know and I hate to admit that. But there are things I need to discuss with Aia before we decide anything.”

“I’m staying here, either way. Jules, I want to be close to you,” Tora said.

Julisa could already see how well that'll turn out. Having mom on the Station wasn't a big deal, but if Lucius chose to be monogamous with Aia.... They'd have temptation as a constant companion. “Okay, I like that, mom.”

Solis read her concern, but he nodded. “I think it’s great.” He smiled brightly at Tora. “It will be nice for her to have some family around.” Lucius raised an eyebrow at Solis and a rapid conversation passed mentally between them. “My apologies, sir,” he mumbled.

Giving Solis a warm smile, Tora said, “I doubt Solis meant that as a dig, Lucius.”

Julisa cleared her throat and touched her mom’s arm, Don't be too sure, mom. Out loud, she said, “I'll be glad to have you here.”

“Yes, but not right here, right now,” Tora said, standing, “Come on, Lucius, let's leave these two alone.”

Solis stood to walk them to the door. “If I can help Li at all, please let me know.”

“Thank you.” Lucius rested his hand on Solis’ shoulder a moment. “She has orders from Earl to return to Piper so you may see her before I do.”

Tora and Lucius departed; Julisa put her arm around Solis and her head on his shoulder. “Makes me appreciate what we have.”

“Seriously,” he replied, wrapping her in his arms. “Especially since neither of us is normally in the line of fire. Well, not usually. I’ll likely see her tonight when she returns to Piper. I can’t imagine what she’s going through --” Solis suddenly stopped mid-sentence and closed his eyes. “I take that back. I know exactly what it feels like.”

“Oh, you were so close to forgetting,” she mourned, “Are you leaving right away?”

“As soon as I get cleaned up and dressed. You should go get some sleep, it’s late.” He kissed her forehead gently.

“Okay,” she kissed him. “We’ll talk later, and spend an hour or so cuddling.”

“I’ll be glad to wake you up when I get in. Any message for Li when she shows up?”

“Just let her know that I’m there for her if she wants to talk,” Jules said. “See you later, love.” She retreated to the bedroom and the bed.

Vedek Bajun Tora
Admiral Lucius Hawke
Lt. Solis
Lt. Bajun Julisa


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