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Posted on Fri Feb 19th, 2016 @ 12:48am by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Maxym Balasz

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Betazoid Transport Naresta

* Betazoid Transport Naresta *

Max reached his own quarters and once inside, stripped off his vest and unbuttoned his shirt. His first stop was the bar and a glass of whiskey. He finally settled on the sofa and took a deep breath. What should have been a quiet evening had turned into anything but. First the news that Li had lost her husband, then Aia’s assertion that Lucius was having an affair. Well, that last was easily settled, but he wasn’t so sure the answer as to why Lucius wasn’t sleeping with Julisa would ease Aia’s mind any.

Putting that problem aside, he returned his thoughts to Li as he sipped the whiskey. He was worried about her, deeply worried. First there had been Rhys. Together their whole lives, he and Li had been, arranged by their parents, and then she had met Sakkath. When Rhys discovered Li loved another, he’d lost it, utterly and completely. Max could still recall with perfect clarity the rants from his brother about ‘that Vulcan’ who had stolen Li away. In the days to follow, Max had wished he’d taken the rants seriously and realized how disturbed Rhys had become. It was only when the report came in that Rhys had tried to kill her, and been felled by Security, that the family had realized how serious the situation had become. By then, it was too late. Rhys was gone and Li had to live with the horrifying memories.

When Marianna had shared the news of Li’s marriage to Sakkath, Max had taken that as a sign she was finally moving on with her life and had found happiness. It had not, however, solved his own problem. He had put it aside however, and refused to examine it or even think about it. That had worked just fine….until Marianna’s call tonight. Now that not-so-little issue had escaped its prison and was haunting him once more. The problem was that he had no idea what to do about it.

He rose and refilled his glass, then moved over to look out the portal as they sped towards 900. They had cleared the wormhole just after dinner and now were in the home stretch. Aia was right, Lucius did need to know and he thought perhaps he should speak to Lucius directly. He would be able to advise Max on how to proceed. He didn’t move yet, however, but sipped the whiskey, relishing the warmth as it went down.

The conversation with Menna returned to his thoughts. There was no explaining love, he’d said to her and that was true. He knew exactly why he was still single, despite his family’s best efforts, why no one ever seemed good enough. They had introduced him to quite a few available women, all from the best family lines. And while most of them had been hopeful, he hadn’t been interested. He had successfully buried his desires and gone on with his life, first watching his brother fall in love with the one he wanted, then watching Rhys nearly kill her, and finally watching her move on with another for good. Or so he’d thought. Tonight’s news had thrown his emotions into chaos, bringing back the past he thought long lost.

Round and round his thoughts went until he couldn’t handle it anymore. He crossed to the terminal and opened a channel to Admiral Hawke. Moments later, Lucius’ face appeared and he looked tired.

“Hello Lucius, it’s been a long time. I wish I were calling under better circumstances.”

Lucius nodded and a brief smile appeared on his face. “As do I, Maxym. It has been several years since we spoke, I hope you are well? Marianna occasionally mentions your family but she didn’t say where you were now or what you were doing.” He glanced at the bottom of his screen and suddenly surprise lit his face. “You’re on Aia’s transport? She didn’t mention it, just that Marianna had called, but then she was rather upset.”

“Understandably so,” Max agreed.

“You are coming to 900?”

Max nodded. “That’s why I am calling. I’m taking over for the previous ambassador from Betazed, who has retired. I wasn’t sure whether to inform Li ahead of time and finally decided I’d speak to her after I arrived. Then the news of Sakkath came and now I am unsure what to do.”

“It’s a terrible situation,” Lucius replied, meaning Sakkath’s death. “Your appearance will be...a surprise.”

“That’s putting it politely.” Max smiled.

His comment actually got a short laugh from Lucius. “Well, she isn’t on the station. She’s taken off to the planet and is now out of reach. The doctor who went down to check on her said that physically she is fine. She and the security officer were leaving on a several day hike to a remote area that is, apparently, out of range of communicators.”

“She ran,” Max surmised, and Lucius nodded.

“She did. You always did understand her better than Rhys did. Even before things blew up, he always wanted to corral Li into fitting his ideas of what she should be and what she should do and it never worked. She spoke of you more often than she did him, always.”

That news surprised Max and a thrill ran through him that he didn’t really want to think about. “She will take her time and get over this alone, as usual for her.” He rubbed his forehead a moment. “I hate it that she is in this position. She’s too young to be a widow.”

“As usual,” Lucius echoed. “And I have to let her do it her way, as hard as it is.”

“So how should I handle this when she gets back?” Max asked.

Lucius considered the question, then shrugged. “Frankly, Max, I have no idea what state she will be in when she comes home. To be blunt, and please don’t take offense, but I don’t know if there is a best way to do this. No matter where you meet her it will be a surprise, so perhaps it’s best if you take the bull by the horns and be direct. Ring her doorbell and let her know you’re here. Just be prepared for a big reaction. And if you tell my daughter I called her a bull, you and I will have an issue.” He smiled, enjoying the humour.

“I swear on my life I won’t tell her. If she pulls it out of my head, I can’t be held responsible.” He laughed finally. “I wish there was something I could do for her….to help with this or make up for the past and my brother.”

“All you can do is offer, Max and the rest is up to her.”

Lucius’ ambiguous answer caught him off guard. He wished he could read the man from this far but he couldn’t.

“I see. I’ll do what I can then.” Max hesitated, then plunged ahead. “There one thing you need to know before we arrive.”

Lucius caught the change in tone and was curious. “What’s that?”

“About Aia….I stopped by to see her after she spoke to you. She told me that you’d mentioned a JAG officer and referred to her as Jules. She thinks you have taken this young woman as a mistress. I tried to assure her that was not possible but she didn’t seem convinced. I didn’t tell her why of course, but I thought you should know what you’re up against.”

Lucius sighed aloud. “Thank you. I appreciate that. I’ll be meeting the transport when you arrive. It will be good to see you Max.”

“And you too, sir. If you hear from Li before we get there will you please call me?”

“I will. Goodnight Max.”

The screen went dark and Max drained his glass. It was going to be a long twenty hours to 900.

Maxym Balasz, Betazoid Ambassador
Trying to Ignore The Past

Admiral Lucius Hawke
Unable To Ignore The Future


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