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Home Fires

Posted on Mon Feb 22nd, 2016 @ 1:06am by Aia Rios Hawke & Admiral Lucius Hawke & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: Further Challenges

* Hawke Quarters *

Lucius and Saye had passed an agreeable evening discussing her trip to see his parents then they had snuggled up to watch a movie. Saye had made it halfway through before drifting off to sleep and now she was tucked in bed. Lucius had put in a call to Tora, then received word that Li was back on the station. She still hadn’t answered the message he’d left in her quarters. Now, he sat, feet propped on the coffee table, book in hand. It was an old volume of maps from the 15th century. When the doors opened, he looked up expectantly.

Aia swept in, still floating. Seeing Lucius, though, brought her crashing back down - she felt guilty for having gone out with a man. “How was your evening, dear?”

“Very good,” he answered. “She told me all about the trip, then fell asleep halfway through her favorite movie.” Lucius’ smile was indulgent as he thought of Saye, but then it faded. “You’re flushed.”

She took off her shoes and smiled. “It isn't just the wine that has me flushed. I'm glad you had a night alone with Saye. She missed you. For the first month, she'd ask me every night when you were coming to see us.” She removed her earrings and headed for their bedroom.

It isn’t just the wine? The thought followed Aia before Lucius could stop it. He rose and followed her into the bedroom. “What happened? Is everything alright?”

She set her earrings in her jewelry box and the shoes in her closet. Lifting her hair, she turned her back towards him and asked, “Would you unzip this, please?” As he did, she looked over her shoulder at him. “No, not just the wine. I won't lie to you, Lucius. Dinner was enjoyable; after we went to the Arboretum and he danced with me. He kissed me, I kissed him.” She let the dress fall from her shoulders and stepped out of it. Hanging it in the closet, she finished with, “And then I came home, to you.”

“I’m not exactly sure what to say, Aia, other than it seems a little sudden.” He frowned for a moment. “Does he know who you are?”

She stopped, bit her bottom lip then winced. “He knows I'm Aia Rios, mother of Saye. Does he know I'm your wife? No. I haven't told him that.” She had the feeling Aros would have very politely ended their dinner and run home if she'd told him Admiral Hawke was her husband.

“He very likely would have,” Lucius agreed, picking up on her thought. “He is Brenari, and I know he won’t go invading your thoughts but he will likely pick up on it or have someone inform him eventually.” He paused before his next question, not sure if he wanted to know the answer. “Will you see him again?”

“Tomorrow. I'm taking Saye for a play date with D’veidh. We’ll probably have a picnic lunch, too. Aros offered to make the arrangements.” She was flattered and incredibly pleased that someone would make that effort for her. “Did you have Tora here for dinner?”

“No. I wanted the night with Saye since it’s been so long and I wasn’t going to have that interrupted,” he answered. He studied Aia, picking up on her buoyant mood, the pink in her cheeks. He was terribly curious about her evening, but wouldn’t dare read it in her head. “Do you like him?”

She touched his arm. “I think he's interesting. And sweet. And I'm flattered that he's... interested in making me happy. Or at least, in making me like him.” She was wondering about Lucius - whether he felt that way about her. She realized he wasn't really reading her - if he was, he'd know she wanted him, as if standing nearly naked in front of him wasn't message enough. But it wasn't, she guessed; they were an old married couple now.

He would’ve liked to put his foot down, demand that she not see that young man again but he couldn’t. Being an admiral stopped at the door and didn’t include issuing orders to his wife. He also had no moral high ground to stand on either. He realized with a start that Aros was Aia’s age and suddenly that pricked at him. And to complicate the moment further, Tora rose in his thoughts and with it came the urge to see her.

“I understand,” Lucius finally said, and he did.

“For a man who can read minds, I don't think you do,” she said. She pulled her robe from her closet. “Go see Tora.” She'd been touching him when that urge had cropped up; the words came out bitter.

“Not tonight, I don’t think --” The terminal in his office began to beep. “Dammit. Give me a moment? Please?”

She shrugged; it wasn't like she had a choice. She waited till he went to his office then went down the hall to check in on Saye.

She could hear him speaking softly to whoever it was that called and a few minutes later, he hurried out. He pulled her from Saye’s room and closed the door. “Li is back from Archadia.”

“Oh, good. Is she coming here?” Right now was... an awkward moment, but she was glad Li had returned.

Lucius nodded. “She’ll be here in a few minutes.” Then without a word, he pulled Aia into his arms. “What are we going to do?”

“I’m going to get dressed,” she said. “You were about to say something, about not going to see Tora.”

“No not tonight,” he answered. “Not because of a disagreement between us. Can I say I’m glad you had a good evening though? And know I mean it sincerely?”

“I did have a good evening. I came home ready to take you to bed, Lucius,” she said, simply looking at him for a moment before turning and going to the bedroom, this time to pull on some casual clothes appropriate for a visit from her step-daughter.

He considered that for a moment and wondered if it had really been him she wanted just then and not the young Brenari. His thoughts were interrupted, however, by the door. He hurried out to open it and when Li stepped inside, he swept her into his arms.

“Welcome home, honey.”

Li nodded without a word, simply held on to Lucius. Finally she spoke. “I needed to come home, though it was tempting not to for a while. Where’s Aia?”

“I’m here!” Aia came out and hugged Li. “Oh, Li, I ... this is just awful. Whatever you need, just let us know.”

She let go of Lucius to cling to Aia, appreciating the female company. She sniffled softly. “I missed you, Aia,” she whispered. “It’s been a hell of a few days.” She let go and wiped her eyes. “How’s the elf?”

“She's good, asleep at the moment. Maybe we could have a family dinner tomorrow?”

Li started to say yes, then recalled she had just accepted an invitation. “I..umm….I’m having dinner with Suresh tomorrow.”

Lucius looked surprised. “That’s not exactly what I expected to hear but so be it.” He reached out to wrap his arm around her shoulders. “Maybe the next evening?”

Li nodded. “That sounds wonderful.” She glanced from one to the other, suddenly picking up a strange undercurrent. “I want to hear all about the trip too,” she said to Aia. “Sometime tomorrow afternoon? I’m going to be in Piper for a while the early part of the day.”

Aia did a mental calculation then nodded. “Saye will be with me; is that okay?”

“Bring her home, after the Arboretum, Aia. That way you and Li can settle in and catch up without any distractions. I think she could use the time.” He smiled and then herded the women over to sit down. “I have cleaned off my schedule tomorrow anyway.”

“Oh, okay, then she’ll be with her dad,” Aia smiled, first at Lucius then Li. It suddenly occurred to her that a ‘family dinner’ now might just include Julisa; would it include Tora as well? She glanced at Lucius, this time with a tiny wrinkle between her brows. “Once I drop her off here, I’ll call you and we’ll decide where to meet.”

Lucius read the worry in Aia and shook his head just enough for her to notice.

“Alright,” Li agreed. “That sounds fine. As long as it’s not my quarters?”

“We can go anywhere you like, Li,” Aia said. “Are you going to be okay there tonight? Do you want to stay here?” Not that they had a bed for Li, but they could figure something out.

“No, I….I’ll be alright. I may camp out with Leto, we’ll see.” She had no intentions of spending tonight alone in her quarters. “I’ll have me comm badge with me so you can get hold of me tomorrow and I swear I’ll answer this time.”

“I’m glad,” Lucius reached over to take her hands in his. “We were worried about you, but I know you are going to deal with this in your own way.” He looked back at her a moment and his brow furrowed for a split second. Tell Darwin I am grateful.

Li nodded. She was still curious about what was going on here but she thought maybe that was better asked of Aia tomorrow. She suspected it involved a certain vedek and now wasn’t the time to ask.

“I have a favor to ask you two also.” Li hesitated before she continued. “We should have a memorial but I don’t know if I can handle making those plans. Would you.... help?”

Aia looked at Lucius then nodded, “Yes. In the morning, I’ll start on that, Li. I might have a couple of questions when we meet up, but we’ll see.” She understood how planning a memorial or a funeral for one’s husband would be... painful.

“Don’t worry about a thing, sweetheart.” Lucius’ smile was a sad one. “One day at a time, Li.”

“That’s what Darwin said too. Already it’s been more days that I can believe since….you know.” She looked down at her hands clasped with those of Lucius. “I need to get going. I’m on my way to see Rick too. He left like a dozen messages so I should go put his mind at ease.”

Aia hugged her tightly. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

“Good. And Dad? I’ll stop by later tomorrow. Good night.” Li rose and hurried out.

Once she was gone, Lucius turned a worried expression to Aia. “She’s not handling this well, Aia. She’s in pieces.”

She nodded slowly. “I can see just how she feels, Lucius. If there’s anything I can do, I’ll do it.”

“I know you will.” He rose and pulled Aia to her feet, then hugged her close. “She’s going to ask you know...about what’s going on here.”

She hugged him back. “I know. What do I tell her? I assume she knows about those two?”

Lucius nodded. “She knows the whole story, though only recently. I don’t now, Aia. I can’t tell you what you should do but I want to know what you want.”

“What if what I want is to remain your wife, Lucius? What then? Will you resent me or go around me to see Tora?”

Lucius wasn’t sure how to answer that. “I honestly don’t know. I have given her up so many times, Aia, but there is also you to consider in this matter. Is that what you want?”

Frowning at him, she shook her head slightly. “I’m not sure what I want. That’s why I accepted a date with Aros, why I didn’t tell him I’m your wife. It might take a while for this to be sorted out.”

“Will you continue to see him?” he asked. “If you want to, I will understand that and it’s alright.”

“It is?” She paused. “I would like to see him again, Lucius. But that... it isn’t because I don’t love you or because I’m angry with you. I’m hurt, yes, and he made me feel wanted. This is messy.”

“It is but I understand. That’s why I didn’t want to see Tora tonight. As you say, I don’t want to go because I am angry. That only makes things worse. Just because I say I don’t mind you seeing Aros doesn’t mean I don’t care. And know that I do love you. Whatever happens.” He touched her hair, then smiled. “So, D’veidh likes it does he?”

“He does. He thinks it looks like fire.” She laughed.

“Klingons have an affinity for fire,” he laughed. “So do some Betazoids.” Before she could answer, he pressed his finger to her lips. “Come,” he whispered, and drew her back to their room.

Aia Rios-Hawke
Saye Hawke
Admiral Lucius Hawke
Captain Li Hawke


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