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More Family Ties

Posted on Tue Feb 23rd, 2016 @ 3:34am by Admiral Ricky Wegener & El'Shar Blackhorse & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Deck 10 - Wegener’s Quarters

* * Deck 10 - Wegener’s Quarters * *

“The fireplace looks amazing, love,” El’Shar said as she snuggled in closer to Rick on the couch.

It wasn’t a real fireplace, obviously. Open flame on a starbase would be a disaster. But Rick had received a “fake” fireplace that looked and felt like one, heat and all, but there were no real flames.

“I’m glad you like it,” he replied as he sipped the wine.

On the speakers of the room they were listening to Un bel di vedremo, or One Beautiful Day, from Madame Butterfly. The two were just taking it easy today and enjoying being together. They’d gone to El’s new workshop area on the Promenade to bring any supplies and tools she might need, had lunch at Portin and were just lounging now, waiting to start dinner.

Rick hadn’t gone to work today leaving Commander Leroy in charge of the station. He needed some time to himself with El’Shar, and she’d been needing time with him. The day had been fun and they had been so close, holding hands, leaning on each other and just acting like people in love. He’d not been in uniform all day, which, in itself, felt good and it was actually quite humorous to see the looks on the crew’s faces when they finally realized who it was walking around the station. Most saw the uniform first when he was out and about, but seeing him in civilian attire caught a few of them off guard.

“Do you want take out tonight, replicator or do we want to actually make something?” El’Shar asked, setting her glass on the coffee table so she could lay her head on his leg.

“I can eat just about anything,” Rick replied. “Do you want me to make something? You can just lie here and relax while I do. I don’t mind.”

“Ooh! How about I make us some lobster rolls? Canadian style?” she sat up, somewhat excited.

“I’m game if you are. Want some help?”

Just as El’Shar rose to go to the kitchen, the door chime rang. Li had actually been standing outside for several minutes, debating whether to ring. She could sense the relaxed vibe and didn’t want to interrupt the flow. Knowing Rick would want to see her won out however and she pressed the button.

Rick saw El stop and move for the door. “I’ve got it,” he said. “If you’re cooking, I’ll do everything else.”

“You just want your old ball and chain in the kitchen, don’t you?” she replied, making a kissing face as she disappeared behind the half wall. He took a moment to glance back at her in the kitchen and wondered just how he’d ever gotten so lucky.

Turning back to the door he waited while it slid open and stopped in his tracks. Without saying a word he reached out and pulled Li in for a bear hug, taking her a bit by surprise. He wasn’t going to press the issue but he’d missed her and had been incredibly worried.

After a moment or two, he finally released her from his death grip, put a gentle hand up to her cheek and smiled. “El’s starting some lobster rolls and we have some wine that won’t drink itself. Come on in and eat. I promise, no hard questions unless you want to talk, otherwise, we can just do what we always do.”

“El’s cooking, not you?” She smiled up at him. “I missed you too but being away was good. Darwin is good for the soul, as was our little slice of paradise.”

“Glad to hear it. And I offered to cook,” he said loudly so El’Shar could hear, “but apparently Canadian food is her thing.”

Hearing the raised voices, El stuck her head out. “Rick what--Li!” she said, quickly rubbing her hands on the apron she was wearing and coming over for a quick, armless hug. “Sorry, dear, but I have lobster all over my hands.” She looked solemnly at Li. “I’m so very sorry, dear. I really am.”

Li kissed El’s cheek and nodded. “Thank you. It’s still all a little too surreal and I’m bouncing off the walls. Or like a single pea in a can.” She smiled a moment. “But I couldn’t hide out forever.”

It had been a while since El’Shar had used her latent touch-telepathy abilities on anyone other than Rick, but coming into contact with Li sent a flood of emotions rushing through her. She could feel immense sorrow and pain, so much confusion and a sense of being lost. Doing what she could to keep from tearing up, she steadied herself and forced a smile.

“I know that you and I haven’t been friends as long as others on the station, but if you want to just sit and talk, about anything, I could do with a bit of company and wouldn’t mind listening,” El offered. “Or, alternatively, if you’re feeling a bit restless, Rick set up a nice pottery wheel in my shop today if you feel like squishing through some clay, making something, or throwing it around and just causing a mess--that’s the best part, by the way. Who knows? You might be the ‘artsy-fartsy’ type, as Rick calls it.”

“That sounds wonderful, actually.” She squeezed El’s hand and nodded. “I suspect I’ll have time since I don’t think he,” she tilted her head towards Rick, “is going to let me back in my office yet.”

Rick had gone for a glass of wine for Li and came back just in time. “What did I do?” he asked, missing most of the last sentence.

“I was just assuming you aren’t going to let me come back to work yet,” Li answered. “So I’ll spend time with your woman instead.”

“Oh yeah? Well, she’s a hell of a lot more interesting than I am, that’s for sure. She might actually teach you a thing or two.” He handed her the glass and they wandered over to the couch.

“You know, I think this also calls for some Poutine to go with the lobster rolls,” El said over her shoulder as she walked back toward the kitchen.

“Yell if you want some help,” Rick said. “You know I don’t mind.”

“It’s Canadian food, honey, not German. I don’t want to wind up with wiener schnitzel snuck in there somewhere.”

Li laughed aloud and it felt good. “I like her.” She prodded Rick in the arm. “She keeps you in line very well. Not many can...besides me.”

“So you had a good trip with Darwin?” Rick asked. “I remember taking El down there to a cabin a while back. I need to take her back again at some point, but damn that planet is gorgeous.”

“It is. We went on a hell of a hike that took two days to get to the ravine and waterfall. It was like….being the only people in the world. Well, until Gilroy and Jackson appeared on the ledge above us but they weren’t there long. So, yes, it was what I needed. Darwin likely knows more about me now than he ever thought possible though.” Li sipped her wine before she continued. “I just got home not more than an hour or so ago. Suresh stopped by just a few minutes after I got in, then I sent to see Dad and Aia.”

“Oh, damn. How was that atmosphere?” Rick asked, having completely forgotten that Lucius was going to have to come clean to Aia at some point. “I hope they’re okay.”

“I don’t know. I am sure I showed up while it was being discussed,” she said, picking up Rick’s thought. “The air was...a little tense where each other was concerned, but not terribly so.” She shrugged lightly. “I didn’t stay too long, as I wanted to get here and then I’m going to…” She stopped, not sure whether to say what had been on the tip of her tongue.

Rick heard the hesitation and put his hand on hers. “You don’t have to tell me a thing, Li.”

“You know almost everything there is to know,” she answered softly. “But not everyone is so open- minded as you two are. But yes, that’s where I”ll be after this if you need me. Tomorrow, I’ll be in Piper. Jackson needs a rest.”

He nodded. “If you need to crash here, I have a spare bedroom, or I can set up alternate lodging for you if you want it. But don’t leave things undone for too long, okay?”

“I know, I just...I was home for about half an hour with Suresh and the minute he left I had to get out. Is that awful of me? Is it wrong to want the company of a friend?” she asked.

“Hell no,” he said. “I did just the opposite a long time ago and finally got my head on straight and went out to find my friends and family. Sometimes it’s good for distraction, sometimes they’re who you can break down and cry to, but it’s always good to have the company of friends, especially after something like this. And if anyone says otherwise about you in this situation, I’ll crush them.”

“Thank you. It’s just a lot to deal with. Dad and Aia said they would handle the memorial, which is wonderful. I’ll be sure to let you two know what and all that so you can make an announcement.” She finished her wine and set the glass aside. “Can I ask...after Narin….when did you feel normal? How long?”

“It didn’t even start until I had gone back to see my parents and began, almost four months later,” he said. “And that long only because I had just gone wandering by myself. But I started getting into that feeling of normalcy with them because they only really brought it up if I needed to talk or they noticed me acting very depressed. I think if I had just gone and sought them out immediately it wouldn’t have taken me so long, but getting back to work with them did help.” He started to take another drink then stopped. “You’re still not going back to work yet, kiddo.”

“When?” she asked point blank. “Patrick will do a fine job but I can’t wander the station doing nothing for too long. That way lies trouble.”

“That’s really up to Counseling and Medical staff,” he replied. “I’d let you go back today if it weren’t for them, but Counselor Swift made it clear that even if medical clears you, he still has the final say. So you’ll be seeing him at least twice, I’d say, and if all is good, then you’re back on duty.”

Li nodded. “I’m due to see him tomorrow I think. I missed my usual monthly appointment during all the plans regarding the Krenim and Aros’ information.” She stopped a moment, her mouth hanging open. Suddenly something she’s picked up on at Lucius’ place rose to the surface. Before she could share, the sound of Rick’s terminal interrupted her.

He looked at her curiously, but stood. “I’ll be right back,” he said, standing and walking into the study. Sitting in front of the terminal he activated the incoming message.

“Greetings Admiral Wegener.” The face on the screen was Vulcan, older. He was dressed in ornate robes, and the loose sleeve slid aside as he raised his hand in the traditional Vulcan greeting. “It is agreeable to see you again.”

“Ambassador Sokar,” Rick said, kicking himself for not expecting this call. Sometimes he hated talking to Vulcans. His knee-jerk response was going to be “And it’s good to see you, how have you been?” or something stupid like that. But he took a moment to clear his throat, knowing that Sokar would likely have questions about Sakkath. Being jovial, or even cordial, at a time like this would definitely be frowned upon. So he simply said, “It is agreeable to see you as well, although I wish it were during better circumstances.”

“As do I,” Sokar agreed. His placid expression belied the turmoil that boiled deep within. “I have received the news of he who is my son. Marianna Hawke delivered it to me but she had few details. I would like an account from you, if you are so inclined.” The last was an uncustomarily un-logical turn of phrase for Sokar, giving Rick a hint of what he truly felt.

Rick gave a full accounting of what had occurred with the crewmen encountering the Borg, how a rescue attempt had been launched and the specifics of Sakkath’s death at the hands of the Borg. Despite Sokar being who he was, Rick hoped he’d be able to comprehend it all without much distress, but he knew that at some point the man might break from tradition. The loss of one’s child can do that to even the most staunch Vulcan.

Once done, Rick added, “I know full well of Vulcan tradition and logic, Ambassador, but I have to tell you that there is deep sorrow throughout the station regarding Sakkath’s passing. He was very well respected as a leader, as an officer, a role model and as a friend to many. I am truly very sorry for your loss, sir.”

Sokar sat silent for several seconds, then bowed his head. “Logic tells us that life can be fleeting, even for those of us normally long-lived,” he began. “It is an inevitable part of life, of course, that none can escape. We know this without doubt every day that we walk this universe. Avoidance of it is illogical. Even so,” he paused a moment, “there are times that logic fails. This is such a time.” It was a difficult admission for Sokar and as he met Rick’s gaze once more, the redness in his eyes of unshed tears could be seen. His expression never wavered, however. “I must ask about Li. My son may be gone, but she is my daughter as well and still living. I know it is difficult for her.”

“It has been most difficult,” Rick replied honestly. “To be completely honest, she had to get away from the station for a while and went on a walkabout in the woods on the planet below. I think it helped her, I believe, as she has finally returned to the station. What affected her the most, however, was the severed mental link--just losing touch with Sakkath in such a way must have been devastating and horrifying for her. But I can assure you, Ambassador, that her father and I, along with her friends, will be there for her during this trying time.”

“Understood. That link is my concern as well, which is why I will be arriving in a few days. Such a loss can have undesirable consequences, as I am sure you understand,” Sokar replied. “I will be able to help.”

“I truly hope you can. Not only is she my second in command, but she is like a daughter to me and has been since she was born,” Rick replied. “I want nothing more for her than a good life and to be at peace, but this is such a devastating thing that I welcome anything that may help her.”

Sokar nodded. “My ship will arrive in three days. I departed as soon as the news came from Marianna. I have not spoken with Li, but you have explained why she was unreachable. I know that Sakkath was happy there. I thank you.”

“I will have acceptable quarters ready for your arrival, Ambassador. You are always welcome at Starbase 900.”

“Thank you. We will meet when I arrive. Until then, peace and long life.” He raised his hand to give the Vulcan farewell.

Rick followed suit as the connection was closed. He sighed heavily, dropped his hand and stood. He could hear El’Shar setting the table and knew it was time to eat so he hurried on out to see if she needed any help.

In the dining room he saw that almost everything was already on the table. All he needed to do was sit.

“Welcome back,” Li greeted him. “You should insist you be left alone on your day off.”

“This one couldn’t be helped,” he replied, figuring she knew who it had been anyway. “El, honey, this looks and smells magnificent!” he said, changing the subject.

“Three days,” Li murmured. She wasn’t sure whether to be relieved, overjoyed, or frightened - not of the man but of whatever was to come when he arrived. “I need to go. I’m sorry.” She rose from the sofa. “I’ll check in...tomorrow.”

Before either El’Shar or Rick could react, she was walking out the door. “Li, I--” Rick started, but she was already gone. He’d recently been told that he was a loud broadcaster of his thoughts, so he tried it with Li. ”El and I will be here if you need us, Li.”

His heart sank and even he began to feel his eyes well up. If it had been anyone else, it would have been easier, but not with Li. He just felt so overpoweringly upset that she had to go through this, and helpless that he couldn’t do anything about it.

He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, then arms around him. “She’s a strong woman, Rick. I know how much you love her, but if she needs to be elsewhere, that’s what she needs.” El’Shar kissed his cheek. “Come on, eat up. You know she’d be even more upset if you let this food go to waste.”

She managed to get a smile out of him with that. “That’s true. She is definitely a food connoisseur. I guess it was a bit too soon to expect her to be okay, but…”

“She’ll be fine. She has two fathers looking after her and a station full of friends to lean on.” El sat, put a hand on his and squeezed it. A few moments passed before they started eating. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to light some candles for Li and Sakkath tonight.”

“I don’t mind at all. In fact, I think I’ll light a few of my own.”

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Concerned “Parent”

El’ Shar Blackhorse
Canada. ‘Nuff Said.

Captain Li Hawke
Still Wandering

Ambassador Sokar
A Beacon Of Hope


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