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Isaura's In Demand

Posted on Wed Feb 24th, 2016 @ 11:33pm by Suresh & Ensign Reva Madhava & IKS Ning'Tao

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia / Civilian Quarters

* Archadia III *

“Hey, Isa! Check this out!” Kaeli called out. She held up a filmy dress at one of the market stalls. “Think Raf would like this? You could surprise him when he gets back.”

“I can’t believe he just took off like that,” Isa shook her head but when she turned to look at the dress, she laughed. “He’d likely pull something trying to get it off. And if I wore it outside my quarters? Hoo boy! I think he’d break a speed record trying to wrap a blanket around me.”

Kaeli pursed her lips and looked at the dress. “Good point. Something like this would make Jarad crazy. Too complicated.” She grinned as she passed it back to the seller. “Did Rafael say when they would be back? I kinda miss Joe.”

“No, actually I haven't heard from him. Just as well, really,” she said, lifting her arm and wincing slightly. “He has a sixth sense about stuff like this.” By ‘this’, she meant the injuries she'd received at Drekkar’s hands. Just that morning, she had said something about Rafe without thinking and Drekkar had hit her, bruising her cheek, and twisted her arm behind her back, pulling her shoulder out of joint. Jarad had set that right and eased the bruising; now Kaeli was working on Isa’s shaken spirits. “I miss Rafe,” she said.

“Drekkar better hope that the team gets back soon so I don’t kill him,” she muttered. “I could Isa, and solve the problem.” She had actually made her feelings known to Drekkar and Jarad had suddenly been ‘unavailable’ to remove her finger marks from Drekkar’s throat. She hadn’t told Isa but the thought rising now in Kaeli’s mind likely would.

Isa stopped and looked at Kaeli. “You... thanks, Kaeli.” She nodded, smiling slightly.

“Yeah, he better be glad I restrained myself. I don’t think any of the security forces here would have blamed me one bit.” She picked up something that looked like a pear, paid for it, then took a bite. “I did tell him that next time I won’t stop.”

“With Zeek dead, he's safe here, so we can leave him behind when we go,” Isa said. “There won't be another time.”

“That’s up to you, doll,” Kaeli answered. “But if you decide to, I can make it happen. Oh, that reminds me.” She took another bite of the pear, then bought one and tossed it to Isa. “I know where we can get a pilot.”

“Oh, that's excellent! How'd you find him? Him? Is it a him or her? Not another Card, again, right?” Isa polished the fruit on her shirt then bit into it. “Mm... We should take a shipment of these somewhere.”

“We should take a shipment of these for us.” Kaeli grinned at Isa. “This one’s Bajoran though. He’s that friend that got Nyyar off Cardassia. From what I picked up last time I was in Saturnalia, there’s a whole story there but I think it would work. We just need to find him.”

“Oh... I thought you meant you'd already talked to him. Well, damn,” Isa frowned and they started strolling the marketplace again. “A Bajoran, though, that'll be good. Where do you suppose he is?”

“Well since Zikar is dead, he’s free to move about the place with no worries. Probably the Pit would be my guess. I can call Suresh….” Kaeli laughed. “I’m sure he’d love to hear from me.”

“Okay, good. We’ll contact him when we get back up there.” Isa’s eye was caught by a flash of something bright yellow at the next vendor’s stall. She perked up, smiling, and reached for it; it called to her the way a fleeing squirrel called to a dog. “Oooo! Lookit this one!” She pulled out the dress and held it up to herself. It was short, tiny, and didn’t look very robust at all.

“Much better. There’s a changing tent just down at the end there, try it on,” Kaeli suggested. “Then I can see it and torture Drekkar with descriptions of something he’ll never get to see.” Kaeli’s mean streak was apparent today, set off by Drekkar’s roughness. “I’ll wait here.”

“‘kay,” Isa disappeared down the way, into the tent and changed. She hummed to herself while doing so; things were going well for her and her crew now, or she assumed they were since Ronin hadn’t commed to request help. Out of her own clothes, she pulled the little yellow scrap of fabric on and stopped to admire her own reflection. “Oh... that does work...,” she mused.

A voice over her shoulder commented, “Indeed it does.” Before she could turn towards it, he pressed a hypospray to her shoulder, dropping her into his arms.

Kaeli had finished her pear and had time to start on another. It was then that she realized Isa certainly was taking a long time to get into such a small dress. She wandered down to the tent and stopped outside. “Isa? How’s it look?” When no answer came, the pulled the tent flap aside a bit and peeked in. Isa’s clothes were there, but no Isa and no dress. A scrap of paper lay on top of the clothes and Kaeli moved closer, picking it up.

Kaeli i-Mnaeha t'Khellian, we have your Bajoran. She will be our guest for as long as it takes you to return. We have unfinished business. …...D’Nar Lurius

Beneath the signature was a symbol Kaeli knew well - the Tal Shiar. The half-eaten pear dropped to the floor as Kaeli turned and ran from the tent.

* Starbase 900 - The Pit *

Drekkar stared at the board, eyes narrowed, and sipped his drink. It was, perhaps, his fourth drink and he wasn’t feeling any pain. Which was good, because his neck was still showing Kaeli’s handprint. He reached out and moved a pawn to another level. “Beat the clock, too!” He laughed.

Jarad eyed the board and made his move, then hit the clock. “Take that. That’s a lovely handprint you’re wearing, by the way.” He snorted laughter. “You are lucky.”

“You’re an ass, Jarad. Thirty seconds with a regen and you could have it gone. But, noooo, suddenly you’re too busy to do it,” Drekkar snorted. “How do you figure lucky?” he asked.

“You could have a black eye and a dislocated shoulder I am too busy to fix,” Jarad stated. “You’re also still breathing. Next time you may not be when Kae gets through with you.” He lifted his mug and drained it. “Consider that a warning. Next time she won’t stop.”

“Then she’d better get the drop on me, since I’ll shoot her rather than let her get close.” He made his move and tapped the clock. “You might want to warn her off and keep her close to you.”

“There’s a simpler solution here, Drekkar. Rein in your temper. You profess to worship the ground Isa walks on? Act like it instead of using her as a punching bag and pushing her into Raf’s arms. Your choice though.” Jarad made a move and tapped his clock. “Check.”

“Punching--!” Drekkar growled and sat forward, pointing a finger at Jarad. “I did no such thing! I asked her a question; she was slow to answer me and then sassed me. You know that’s not acceptable; I merely corrected her attitude.”

“You keep correcting her attitude until you’re dancing at hers and Rafael’s wedding.” Jarad smiled back at Drekkar. “But again, your choice. And don’t tell me that I’m giving in to Kae and her attitudes. The gods know she has plenty but I find better ways.”

“More like she finds better ways to wrap you around her little finger. She has you so bound up in kowtowing to her every whim,” he grumbled. He shoved a piece across the playing field then slapped the clock, somewhat aggressively. “Besides, Isa likes my corrections. She knows I do it because I want her to be better.”

“Oh really? And you’re sleeping where these days?” Jarad was interrupted before he could continue by Kaeli’s arrival. “Hello my darling.” He smiled as she kissed his cheek, knowing it would annoy Drekkar. “What’s up?” He noted immediately that she seemed extremely wound up.

“Not much. Isa and I were doing some shopping down on the planet and just got back.” She was being purposely evasive. “Have you seen Suresh, either of you?” She glanced at Drekkar, barely acknowledging him.

“Not today, but I wasn’t looking for him,” Drekkar answered with a shake of his head. “Should we care where he is? And why?”

“No, just something I needed to check with him on regarding that house we visited,” Kaeli lied. “I’ll check the back and find you two later.” She rested her palm on Jarad’s cheek, then leaned down for a kiss. “Be back soon.” She turned and hurried off to the back room.

“See? Wrapped around her little finger you wuss,” Drekkar sneered.

Jarad was frowning. He knew Kaeli so very well and now he knew something was up and she was hiding something. “Something’s going on Drekkar,” he murmured. “I know when she’s lying.”

“Sure you do,” he scoffed. “Maybe she just wants a bit of Romulan for the night.”

Jarad snorted. “Mine always comes home,” he stated.

* Saturnalia - Back Room *

Kaeli stepped through the doors and all conversation in the room stopped. Two men sat at a table with Suresh, one Cardassian and one Orion. She looked at Suresh and cut to the chase.

“I need a favor. Now.”

Farco looked her over and said, “I’d be happy to be of service.” The Orion leered at her.

“Shut up, heathen,” Suresh snapped. Inwardly, he wanted to laugh, but Kaeli’s urgency stopped him (as did the presence of Farco and Patch - laughing about Farco’s attempted pick up would make them wonder who the hell he was). “What favor do you need? And what are you going to pay me?”

Kaeli looked at Farco a moment and her eyes narrowed. “Go find that Orion you’re so obsessed with and piss off,” she snapped. Turning back to Suresh, she shrugged. “I don’t know yet. But the Tal Shiar has taken Isa. They are trying to lure me back home and using her as the bait. I need a fast ship, and I need you to keep this between us. You’ll get your ship back, I swear to you.”

“Uh-huh. I seem to recall another of your crew telling me that once upon a time. Where’s that ship?”

Kaeli took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “This is urgent. I won’t have her killed because I didn’t get there in time. It’s me they have a problem with and I have to go. I can’t take our ship because Jarad would try and stop me. It would also endanger him and Drekkar and the rest of the crew. I won’t let that happen. I know of a man here who can fly it. That’s all I need. What can I give you to make this happen?” Kaeli was clearly desperate.

“You want a ship that just you and a pilot will be on? Something fast but that can withstand the Tal Shiar?” He held up a finger, silencing her, and added, “It has to withstand the Tal Shiar or else there’s no way you can bring it back to me. So, two of you - you and a pilot - against the Tal Shiar? Do you have an army waiting somewhere in the wings? Are you nuts? That’s an invitation for me to just lose another ship to Isaura. Only you’ll both be dead, so there’s no one for me to collect anything from!”

“I still have friends there and know some back ways in.” Kaeli rubbed her forehead, feeling the beginnings of a headache coming on. “Look, Suresh, whatever you want, I’ll do it. I don’t normally beg but this is different. Do you have any idea what they will do to her there? You should!”

“Whatever I want...,” his grin was as slimy as Farco’s had been a moment ago. “Oh, I do like that idea. Okay. Give me... twenty minutes and I’ll have a berth number for you.”

“What’s this going to cost me?” she demanded. Already, she was wondering how she could sidestep Jarad for the next twenty minutes.

“Oh, first it’s ‘anything you want, Suresh’ and now it’s ‘how much?’” He mocked her, physically as well as verbally. “I’m not sure what I want yet, Kaeli. But if you’re not around to pay the price, then one of your shipmates will. Oh... and conveniently, you’re leaving Jarad here, aren’t you? Sit. Patch, watch her a minute.” Suresh turned and left the room via a back door.

Kaeli plopped in the chair beside Patch and gave him and Farco a baleful glare. She had a feeling she might eventually regret this but she had no choice.

Several minutes ticked by during which Farco tried to make conversation. He didn’t get far, since Kaeli shut him down at every turn. Finally, Suresh came back. “Okay, a ship and a skeleton crew are yours. Berth 1182. They’re waiting for you.”

“Thank you.” She managed a tense smile. “Why were you curious about Jarad?”

“I’m not curious, Kaeli. He’s collateral.” Suresh smiled unpleasantly.

* Berth 1182 *

Robart stood outside the umbilical to the Kyllini, arms folded over his chest. He was in his fiercest finest: his piratical boarding armor, complete with shiny knives and a disruptor in a side holster. When he spotted Kaeli coming towards him, he looked her over carefully, noting how she moved with efficiency and grace. He challenged her, “You Suresh’s agent?”

“I am. Kaeli.” She had a bag sling over her shoulder and when she shifted, something in the bag gave a metallic clink. “You are?”

“I am Robart and this is the Kyllini. Suresh said you have an errand to run.” He gestured for her to step through to his ship.

“I do. Did he tell you where yet?” She stepped in and moved aside so Robart could close the hatch. “You get us there and I can show you how to avoid the ones we don’t want to see once we arrive.”

“Rekkar, we are clear,” Robart said into a comm beside the hatch. “I am aware that Romulans are involved,” he said, somewhat ironically, since it was obvious Kaeli was a Romulan, “And that speed is important.”

Kaeli nodded. “It is. I want you to know how grateful I am. I’m not sure what arrangement Suresh made with you but I want you to know that.”

“Of course. I will show you a cabin you may use,” he led her down a corridor to a lift then to a large cabin, lavishly draped in silks and furs. “This is the owner’s suite,” he said.

“Thank you.” Kaeli smiled. “I’ll unpack. Call if you need me on the bridge.” She stepped through the doors and they closed behind her.

* Civilian Quarters - The Cherry Pit *

The doors opened and Jarad stepped in, followed by Drekkar. “Kae?” He moved through and into the bedroom. “Kae? She said she’d be right back Drekkar.”

“Telling ya, she went for some Romulan,” Drekkar twisted his barb a little harder. “She didn’t mention Isa, though. I wonder where she’s gotten off to.”

“Something was up when we saw her,” Jarad commented. He opened the closet and stood there staring. “She’s gone.”

Drekkar started laughing, “Didn’t you just say something about how she always comes home, like a wayward dog? Guess that’s just a little bit wrong. I’m sure when Isa comes in, she’ll have the story.”

The terminal beeped and Jarad moved over to answer, hoping it was Kaeli, or perhaps Isa. Kaeli’s face appeared, her expression grim.

“Hello my darling. I’m sorry to have to leave this message but an emergency has come up. A problem from my past, and you know who I mean, has reared his ugly head. He took Isa from the planet and left with her. It’s all to get me back home, and it’s working. I can’t leave her in his hands, so I’m on my way to get her back. I know where he’s taking her and by the time you see this, I’ll have departed. With any luck, I’ll be back in a week, maybe a little more. You must stay there. I had to go to Suresh to get a transport and he would prefer you remained on 900 to guarantee I’ll return. See you soon. I love you.”

The message ended and Jarad was still as a statue. When he spoke, his voice shook with emotion. “There’s your answer, Drekkar.”

Drekkar was staring at the console. “Computer, contact Ronin, KFS Ning’tao,” he ordered. After a moment, the computer reported that a connection had been established. He started speaking, “Ronin! Get back here right now. You need to be here yesterday and ready to leave as soon as you’re docked and we’re onboard.”

“We’re about three days out,” Ronin answered. “What’s up?”

“Three days! That is not okay!”, Drekkar shouted.

“Tell me what’s going on and calm down Drekkar,” Ro ordered. “Spill it.”

“The girls are gone. Kaeli left me a message that someone from her past has Isa and was headed home to Romulus. One guess who…” Jarad said.

“The Tal Shiar,” Ronin growled. “We’ll be home as soon as we can.”

“It’ll be too late,” Drekkar growled.

“She won’t let anything happen to Isa,” both Jarad and Ronin said at once.

“Trust me on that,” Jarad said. “It’s not Isa they want really so it’s in their best interests to keep her alive and healthy.”

“They will make sure Kaeli knows that too, otherwise they’ll lose what they are after,” Ronin added.

There was no convincing Drekkar, who paced away from the console. “Well, hurry back. Stress the engines if you have to! Just get here.”

“We are on our way.” Despite his assurances, it was obvious Ronin was worried. “I’ll report in soon.” The screen went dark.

Jarad growled and ran his hand over his face. “If I lose her again, Romulus will burn.”

Isaura Panossian


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