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Eyes On Eyas

Posted on Fri Feb 26th, 2016 @ 1:38am by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Maxym Balasz

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Hawke Quarters

* Hawke Quarters *

Aia had left for her lunch with Aros, leaving Lucius restless. He'd tried to focus on the latest updates from Starfleet Command, but it was a fruitless pursuit. Visions of Aia with the younger Brenari plagued him, sharing space with the need to see Tora. Over it all hovered a deep worry for Li and a feeling of helplessness where she was concerned. When she had been there the previous day, he had taken the opportunity to read her thoroughly. What he had seen was a woman lost, numb, and running from real life. He'd also seen her attempts to feel something, anything, and now he was worried about Darwin too. He knew Li was going to blow up and it was just about upon them. Darwin's protectiveness was admirable, but it was putting off the inevitable, Lucius could see. She didn't need a shield. As long as she had him to lean on, she would continue to hide from reality and Darwin would be caught in the cross-fire. She needed to snap out of it and accept what was happening if she was ever to move on. The question

He turned away from the portal and crossed towards the kitchen Two steps in, he put his foot down on something sharp and cried aloud. It was one of Saye’s toys that had escaped notice. He hopped over to the sofa and sank down on it, thinking that whatever that thing was would make an excellent torture device. As he rubbed his throbbing foot, a sudden thought occurred to him. With it came the remnant of a conversation he’d had with Max the night before Aia got home.

Ring her doorbell and let her know you’re here. Just be prepared for a big reaction. ...I wish there was something I could do for her….to help with this or make up for the past and my brother...All you can do is offer, Max and the rest is up to her….

Lucius grew still as the idea slowly came together in his mind. A big reaction. Maybe that is exactly what was needed to pull Li back to reality. A big reaction to someone he knew she has always trusted and cared about more deeply than she had realized. He checked his foot and, glad to see he wouldn’t bleed on the carpet, crossed to his terminal. This time he watched where he was stepping.

* * *

By the time Max arrived, Lucius had dressed casually and had taken the time to begin the arrangements for Sakkath’s memorial. Rick had sent word that Sakkath’s father was on his way, so Lucius had scheduled the ceremony for the day after his arrival. He then sent a message to Tora to meet him in an hour. As he was finishing up, the chime rang. “Come!” he called out.

The doors opened to admit Max. He stepped in and waited as Lucius rose and wrapped him in a tight hug.

“It’s good to see you in person, Max. It’s been too long.”

“It has, Lucius. Not since you were home last, what? Four years ago?” Max asked.

Lucius nodded. “Just about that. Come in, sit down. Would you like anything?”

“No thank you, I’m fine.” Max sat in a chair and once Lucius had settled on the sofa, he continued. “How is Li?”

“That’s why I called you,” Lucius admitted. He looked Max over for a moment and had to mentally shake himself. The resemblance was so striking he could be Rhys. He looked a trifle older, but then Rhys had been gone for almost four years. “Sorry, I don’t mean to stare. It’s just that….”

Max nodded. “It’s alright Lucius, I understand. Remember we were often mistaken for twins, Rhys and I.”

“Yes but there’s a difference.The cruelty in his face is missing from yours. Li never mentioned that but I think she reacted to it instinctively. As for Li….if you don’t mind, I can do this the quick way.” When Max agreed, Lucius reached out to touch the younger man’s thoughts. In a flash, he conveyed his worries about Li, her visit the previous evening, what he’d read in her thoughts, the concerns about Darwin. “You see?”

“I do.” Max frowned as he pondered all that Lucius had shown him. “You are right to be concerned. His motives may be good but what happens when she finally comes apart? I don’t like the idea of him getting hit with that. Especially if she grows attached for the wrong reasons. That would do neither of them any good.”

“No it wouldn’t. Darwin is a fine officer and a good friend. I don’t know that he’s prepared for a Betazoid melting down.” Lucius sighed. “I hope you’re up for it.”

“Me?” Max studied Lucius and finally nodded. “I see. You want me to take the bull by the horns, as you said. Be the surprise that breaks the awful spell.”

“Yes,” Lucius admitted. “I do. I know…...I understand about the past, and you. I know why you never said anything, though I wish to the gods you had.”

“You knew?” Max was unsure what to say now. “I couldn’t make it known. There was no way to cross the desires and arrangements of two of the most powerful families on Betazed. Even so, given all that happened, I wish I had too. She never would have been in such danger from Rhys.”

“We may be telepathic, son, but we can’t read the future,” Lucius replied. “None of us saw the danger in him. However, the past is done. I am concerned about the future of my daughter, and helping her straighten herself out.”

Max was silent for a time as he thought it all over. “You realize what you’re asking of me,” he finally said.

“I do. I think you are the only one who can get through. It won’t be easy on you, I know, but --”

Max held up his hand to stop Lucius. “Let’s hope you’re right, then.”

“Let’s hope. Thank you Max. I owe you...more than I can adequately express.” Lucius’ smile was sad.

“For her? Anything. I’ll find her tonight.” Max rose and moved to the door. “I’m so sorry for your loss, all of you.”

Lucius nodded. “Good luck tonight. Call if you run into trouble.”

“I will.”

Max stepped through the doors and began the walk back to the turbolift. He waited until he’d rounded the corner, then stopped to lean back against the wall. What Lucius was hoping he could do would be difficult and drawn out, but he was right. Li had to come back to reality. On the heels of that thought came another that thrilled him, though it was too soon to consider it. For now, the important thing was helping the woman he’d grown up with and loved his whole life.

"I'm coming, Eyas," he whispered.

Admiral Lucius Hawke
Taking Some Painful Steps

Ambassador Maxym Balasz
Willing To Take A Risk


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