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The New Guy

Posted on Fri Sep 30th, 2011 @ 8:35am by Lieutenant Jason McIntyre & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: SB900 - Ops Center
Timeline: Current

Ricky stood in the ops center walking from console to console just looking over the shoulders of those working, out of sheer curiosity. He'd given Master Chief Brooke the shift off since he was pulling double-duty as Command Master Chief and XO while Commander qeraQ' was away and deserved a little downtime. He also liked being in the ops center so that the crew working in there didn't think he was just some name behind the large oak doors of his office. He was the commanding officer of this base and he wanted to make damn sure that everyone knew it, knew that he cared about the work they did and the base itself.

He had just been advised of the "disappearance" of LCDR Kh'ali and was hoping that, while he was in here, he might hear some more on the subject and hopefully a resolution. That was another thing that his troops, as he called them, liked about their CO. He actually cared about the people under him. It wasn't simply because he needed the bodies to fill the roles, it was known that the "Old Man", as he'd heard was his nickname, wanted to make sure everyone under his charge was as safe and secure as he could make them. That was one of the staples of a good CO, at least he thought it was. You couldn't just fill the seats with warm bodies, you had to make an investment in the people.

"Admiral," a voice said to him as he checked on the status of the fighters that were out. He turned to see a tall Lieutenant in yellow waiting patiently for Ricky's attention.

"Lieutenant," he said, realizing he'd never seen the man before, "I don't think we've met." He stuck his hand out. "Rear Admiral Ricky Wegener, or as I've heard around here, the Old Man." That got a few chuckles from the crew in the ops center.

"Lieutenant Jason McIntyre, I'm your new Assistant Chief Engineer. I meant to report sooner but I felt given the current situation that I should familiarise myself with the Engineering Staff and get a start on things." Jason reciprocated the Admiral's gesture and shook his hand . It was a strong grip and Jason made a mental note of the warm persona the Admiral portrayed. He felt at ease with him which was something that didn't come naturally to Jason, especially when meeting a new Commanding Officer. The last CO he had wanted to string him up for sleeping with his daughter.

"Commander Frost has a fine crew here and they have the Starbase working well. I'm just looking after the place until the Commander returns and hopefully he will be happy that the facility is in a good a shape as he had left it. Though I do have a query Admiral. Unless I read wrong and you happen to be a Trill host you don't look that old to be called 'Old Man', I figure whomever started that one isn't too bothered about their career prospects."

Jason couldn't help but end his last comment with a hint of a smile. The gentle barb would either humour the Admiral or have him tossed in the Brig.

Rick smiled. "It may have something to do with the fact that I'm at least 100 years older than most people on the base." Walking with the Lieutenant, he continued, "So, you've found my base in good working order, then?"

He wanted to make a good impression so telling the Admiral his Starbase needed some work would probably not only put his nose out of joint but his own CO as well but Jason was not known for his tact.

"Well in Commander Frost's absence I have made a few tweaks here and there. I've reassigned Leyland, Howell and O'Hara to recalibrate the Power Distribution Net on Deck 100 as well as a full diagnostic of the Level 2 Engineering Station as it seems that a number of routine maintenance checks were overlooked. I also want to start a review of the Runabouts we have and their maintenance schedules. There are a lot a lot of requests for upgrades and repairs that we are being swamped with. Given that we are heavily involved with assisting the Divitians, I am looking to enlist the help of Operations Staff to get on top of Routine Maintenance Schedules ."

Ricky was surprised. "You've been busy, Lieutenant. I'm glad to see that my engineering department is in good hands while the Commander is away."

Jason felt relieved that the Admiral appeared to be satisfied that the new kid on the block was looking after his Starbase and taking the job seriously.

"Thank you Sir. I'll keep the place in good order."

Before the Admiral could reply the Lieutenant was hailed.

=/\= Engineering to Lieutenant McIntyre. =/\=

=/\= McIntyre here. =/\=

=/\= Lieutenant the had been rupture of the EPS conduits on Deck 87. =/\=

=/\= Casualties? =/\=

=/\= Three injured, two seriously. They are on their way to the Thomas Linacre Medical Station on Deck 115. =/\=

=/\ I'm on my way. McIntyre Out. =/\=

With a curt nod towards Admiral Wegener he turned sharply towards the nearest turbolift. This was going to be a rather busy day...

A joint post by:

Lieutenant Jason McIntyre
Asst. Chief Engineer


RADM Ricky Wegener
CO, Starbase 900


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