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Oz Needs a Revolving Door

Posted on Sun Feb 28th, 2016 @ 8:13pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Captain Li Hawke & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy
Edited on on Mon Feb 29th, 2016 @ 12:10am

Mission: Further Challenges

* Piper Medical Center *

“Right this way.” Ophelia smiled at Li and led her down the corridor to an exam room. “Earl will be right here.” She stopped as they entered the room and hugged Li tight. Without a word, she hurried out, leaving Li restlessly wandering the room.

Not wanting to leave Li alone for long, Earl came in almost as soon as Ophelia left. “Captain Li Hawke,” he said, doing his best to sound disappointed and authoritarian, “you were due back in here a couple of days ago. Tsk. But, no, you made me go to the planet and ruin a perfectly good pair of FootJoys.” Sure, the transporter had removed the scat, but Earl knew it had been there and... well, he hadn’t gotten past that mental image just yet.

“Hello Earl. I was supposed to be here at 1000 hours. Yes, I’m a little late. I had to get to Intel, then stopped to see Aia. After this I am going to see Oz and the rest, then I have a dinner date, then...someone else to see.” She looked him up and down, and smiled. “Sorry about the shoes.”

“Uh-huh.” He grumbled, sounding more like a put-out grandfather than an irritated doctor. “They’re replaceable. Besides, Darwin gave me the coordinates. I think he did that on purpose.” He used a tricorder on her. “Sounds like you have a busy day, Li. That’s good, but you can’t avoid feelings forever.” He grunted as he looked at the tricorder’s reports.

“I’m fine, Earl,” she insisted, echoing what she’d just said to Aia. “I just have a lot to do and a lot of people to see.”

“And a beloved husband to mourn. It’s good that you haven’t been using the lexorin as a crutch.” He was, actually, surprised that she wasn’t, but then a reading on the report caught his attention. He decided not to highlight it, though he briefly considered whether Darwin needed a dose of saltpeter in his rations (rather, the modern, medical equivalent). “Although, perhaps you’ve found a different sort of crutch to lean on,” he noted. “Is the lost link causing any issues? Have you made an appointment with Counselor Swift?”

“I’m seeing Robin tomorrow.” She stopped and studied Earl a moment. “What crutch? I’ve not used the lexorin since I came back to the station. The lost link….it’s….hard to explain. Sakkath’s father is coming and I gather he intends to help with that. I’ll think about it once he arrives.”

Earl nodded. “Is that something Lucius will help with as well?”

“It seems to be a Vulcan thing.” She shrugged. “Am I alright? Can I go see Oz now? Or is there something I should know?”

“You’re healthy, physically. We’ll see what Swift says about your head. Otherwise, you’re free to go, Li.” He sent a message to Darwin, ordering him to report asap.

“Thanks, Earl.” She hugged him a moment. “Try not to worry.” Then, without another word, she was out the door and off to see Oz.

* Oralia’s Room *

Oz frowned at the padd in her hand, creating a deep furrow between her eyebrows. Finally, she reached up and tapped something on the screen then her frown deepened, “What the hell is a Jif? Or Peter Pan and Skippy?” Sighing with frustration, she tossed the crossword puzzle aside just as the door to her room opened. “Li! Hi!”

“Oz!” Li rushed across the room, stopping short of sweeping Oz up. Instead, she hugged her gently. “I am so glad to see you home and back with us.”

“I’m glad to see you, too, Li,” Oz didn’t let Li go immediately. Instead, she hugged her fiercely and tightly. “And I’m devastated that Sakkath is gone. I’ve read all the reports; there was nothing... I’m so sorry.”

“It’s alright Oz,” she whispered. “I know there was nothing to be done. I’m fine, really.” She held on to Oz a bit longer. “I made Jackson go get something to eat. He looks like hell.” She had neatly skipped over Oz’s chosen topic.

“He looks like heaven to me,” Oralia said. “I’ll be out of here in time for Sakkath’s memorial. I’ll never forget how he brought Chance back to us.” She didn’t let the topic go just yet.

Li nodded. “Dad is making the arrangements. Sakkath’s father will be arriving in two days and then it will be the next one, according to Dad’s message earlier. How are you feeling? Do you need anything?”

“A little weak, actually. Some of the Borg tech removed muscles and the doctors had to replace them, so... you know how that goes: it leaves you sort of sore and achy and weak,” she shrugged. “Did Jackson tell you he shot me?”

“No! He actually shot you? Why?” Li pulled over a chair and dropped into it, waiting for Oz’s story. “You realize he will never live that down?”

“As if I’d let him live it down!” Oz laughed and related the story of Jackson shooting her, to the best of her Borg recollection. “It was a good shooting, but... he shot me! His wife!” It was obvious she wasn’t actually upset.

“Just wait till you’re out of here. We’ll get together, the three of us. It’s been a while. Then I can tease him about it.” Li smiled warmly, so completely happy to have Oz back. “There is one bit of news you should know.”

“What’s that?”

“You’ve been named Second Officer officially,” Li informed her. “Congratulations.”

Oralia stared at her. “Woah, wait a minute! No, no, no... it makes more sense for the Chief of Ops to be Second! We just have to find a suitable officer,” she avoided saying ‘to replace Sakkath’. “But, me? You know that my solution for things is to toss ‘em in the brig and ignore them! Besides, isn’t Leroy doing a great job right now? Maybe Chief of Science should be second.”

“You’ve always been next in line, Oz,” Li reminded her gently. “You’ll do fine.” She raised Oz’s hand and pressed it to her cheek. “Patrick is doing fine and will continue to do so till you are back on duty…..and I am back too. I can’t, though until Robin clears me. I even twisted Admiral Wegener’s arm and he wouldn’t budge.”

“You need to take care of yourself first and foremost, Li. I might protest, but I know I’m next in line; I know, also, that Leroy needs to get back to the labs - according to the reports there are some things he needs to make sure are analyzed.” Oz pulled Li close and hugged her again. “How are you coping?”, she whispered, wondering not just whether her friend was ‘okay’ but how she was handling Sakkath’s loss.

“Getting through. Darwin’s been a great help,” Li admitted. “He’s kept me sane I think. I don’t know what I’d do without him.”

“Good. He’s a decent guy,” Oz said, just as Gilroy came in the door. She looked up at him and smiled. “Gilroy.”

“Ma’am,” he nodded, being oddly formal. “Captain Hawke,” he nodded at Li.

“Hello Gilroy.” Li flashed him a smile and rose. “I’ll leave you two. I need to get along anyway. I’m meeting Suresh for dinner.” She leaned down to kiss Oz’s cheek. She nodded to Gil as she passed and was gone in a flash.

She was gone so quickly, Oz blinked and looked at Gilroy, as if he might be able to explain that.

He could, but he didn’t. Instead, he approached Oralia’s bedside and, after a moment of debate, hugged her and welcomed her back.

* Meanwhile *

Darwin, moving quickly because of Doctor Crane’s message (which had read: “Emergency re: Li. Get down here now.”), hurried through Piper’s hallways to Crane’s office. He thought it a strange place to go if there was an emergency with Li, but he didn’t doubt Ophelia’s directions. Bursting into Crane’s office, he asked, “Doc? Is Li okay?”

Calmly and slowly setting his padd aside, Earl looked at the much younger man and envied him his dark hair, his height, his build. He was suddenly reminded of the old Terran cliche: ‘Women wanted to be with him; men wanted to be him.’ His look hardened into a glare. “Sit, young man,” he ordered.

Darwin did, responding to the surprising authority in Earl’s tone.

“Are you insane, Darwin? Have you completely lost your reason and intelligence? I have half a mind to salt your rations with saltpeter or a sedative... maybe even an antipsychotic agent!” Earl stood as he got into his lecture. “I thought you were being all noble with Li Hawke and helping her in her grief, but, no! Apparently you comfort with your--”

“Don’t say it!” Darwin cut him off. “She’s an adult, Doc. I asked if she wanted to, she did, I obviously did, so we did. It’s not like I coerced her or used some twisted scheme to get her in bed. Hell, she’s the one who crawled into my bed, wearing only one of my shirts as a nightshirt! Do you know what that does to ...,” he stopped and looked at Earl. “Well, you’re a doctor, I’m sure you’re aware what that does to a man.”

“That’s it! I’m ordering an anaphrodisiac for you!” Earl ranted, throwing one hand in the air as he railed at Darwin. “And then we’ll see how well you can sleep!” He went back around his desk and sat down, ready to write out a ‘script. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s bad form to seduce a new widow?”

“Hey! I didn’t! I took her off-station because she was going to run anyway. It was better for her to have someone there than for her to go off alone.” He shifted forward in his chair, “And let me tell you: she was completely naked down there--”

“I do not need to know her grooming habits!” Earl was red in the face.

“She had no clothes on, Earl,” Darwin said. “Get your mind out of whatever filthy grotto you keep it in.” He stood. “Did you yell at her like this?”

“Of course not! She’s an adult, but she’s also a grieving widow.”

“And you think I was taking advantage?” Darwin shook his head and stood. “I didn’t, so unbunch your panties, Doc.”

He was about to leave when Earl, in a much calmer manner, spoke up, “So you didn’t, but Li might have. As a human, you might not realize what it means to be so close to a Betazoid of Li’s abilities. She’s just lost an essential link and has limited her contact with everyone except you. That might have repercussions neither of us is aware of yet.”

“We’ll handle it if those crop up,” Darwin said. “I’m going to go see Oralia.”

“Do you want some saltpeter beforehand?” Earl asked, earning himself a glare from Darwin.

* Oralia’s Room *

It had turned into a very busy morning and afternoon, Lucius reflected as he approached Oz’s room. After Max left he had finished up the memorial ceremony arrangements, called Tora to tell her he would be late, then had spoken with Major Lorenz. Now he was here to see Oz, who he considered part of the family. He would also see the rest once done here. He could hear voices and arrived at her door to find Gilroy within. He stepped in and gave Oz a warm smile.

“Welcome home.”

“Admiral Hawke, it’s good to be home,” Oz returned the warmth of his smile. “You missed Li by a few minutes. Gilroy was just telling me how well Darwin has been keeping her since she received the news.”

“I saw her out in the corridor.” Lucius glanced to Gilroy and nodded. “We’ll get to that in a moment. First, I want to hear about you, kiddo.” He wrapped Oz’s hand in his. “How are you and is there anything you need?”

“I’m okay. Recovering nicely, as Earl said earlier. I tried to put in some work, but Jackson took all the padds from the room and refused to bring any back. Earl wouldn’t leave one, either. So I need a padd, please,” Oralia said.

Gilroy cleared his throat and shook his head. “Both Doctor Harding and Crane have said you need to rest; no work till they release you, Oralia.” Oz frowned at him.

Lucius had to laugh then. “You and Li are a pair,” he said. “But even I bow to the doctors. Sorry, sweetheart but we can fight it out once they release you. Deal?”

“Fine, I’ll just sit here and heal,” she pouted then winked at Lucius as she dropped the act.

Lucius’ smile lingered for a moment, then faded. “Alright, I give in. There’s one official thing I’d like you to do.”

“If my grumpy minion here will let me, I will. What is it?” Oz smiled up at Gilroy before turning her complete attention to Lucius.

“It concerns Commander Darwin. I’m worried about him,” Lucius stated. “I’m afraid he’s getting into a situation that could be...a problem for him.

She nodded. “That Li might use him to hide from Sakkath’s loss? That sort of thing?” As a human, she didn’t quite understand the danger of a mental link between Darwin and Li, though she was aware that there could be such a thing.

“Yes.” Lucius nodded. “Normally, it wouldn’t be an issue but right now, she’s not really...herself, to put it delicately. I’m sure you noticed. Such mental anguish shouldn’t be pouring into Darwin’s head.”

“You think Li should be trapped alone with it?” Oralia couldn’t help it: the look she gave him questioned his sanity.

“No, it’s not that, it’s that I don’t want her being mentally linked to Darwin as a means of staying oblivious to her life. It won’t be good for her and could cause….well...let’s put it this way, are you familiar with what happens to Betazoid children if they get full telepathy too young, before they are equipped to deal with it?”

“Don’t they go nuts?”

“Exactly. Now, I’m not calling Darwin a child by any means, but he is human and the same problem could arise, at least partially. Perhaps a change of location down to the planet for a few days might be a good idea in this case, Oz.” Lucius shook his head. “I hope he’ll understand.”

“It’s not up to him to understand,” Oralia said. She looked at Gilroy and said, “Put him on assignment on Archadia. But not an assignment that puts him in the palace. Somewhere else. Somewhere quiet.” She nodded. “Something a bit more like a vacation than an assignment.”

Gilroy grinned; had Darwin seen the grin, he might have called it ‘evil’. “I’ll find something for him to do, Oz.” He included the admiral in his acknowledgement.

“Thank you. I’ll speak with him once he’s back up here. By then, maybe things will have levelled out with Li.” Lucius patted Oz’s arm and rose. “Call if you need me. If you’re not out of here tomorrow, I’ll be back.” He nodded to Gilroy and left the room.

“Go on, Gil, find something for Darwin to do,” Oz said. “I’ll be here, waiting for someone to get forgetful and leave a padd in the room.” She held out a hand.

He laughed and shook his head, “I’m not that forgetful, Oz. Besides, I like taking Kai to the Nexus. I’ll call Dar in later and send him off to the planet. Perhaps Seyla needs an escort for a bit.”

“Seyla? Edana might take issue with that,” Oz commented.

Gilroy sighed. “She might. I’ll work it out, don’t worry about it.”

“I won’t.” She smiled as Gilroy headed out. Several minutes later, Darwin came into her room. “Hey, we were just talking about you.”

He stopped and looked around the room, lifting a brow at her. “We? How many are that ‘we’? Should I call Harding or one of the other doctors?”

“Oh! No, I’m not hearing the hive mind, really!” She laughed. “Oops. No, Gilroy and I were talking.”

“That kind of ‘we’ is okay,” he moved into her space and hugged her. “I’m glad you’re back safe,” he voiced the sentiment so many others had already said. He and Oz then started talking about other things, including Li. Suddenly, he jumped as if poked with a stick and his commbadge beeped before Li’s voice spilled from it: =^=Darwin, report to my quarters immediately!=^=

Oz barely had time to comprehend what had just happened before Darwin was gone.

Commander Oralia Zeferino
Lt. Gilroy
Lt. Cmdr. M. Darwin
Admiral Lucius Hawke
Captain Li Hawke


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