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A Meeting of the Watchers

Posted on Sat Mar 5th, 2016 @ 12:16pm by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Leto & Maxym Balasz & Suresh & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin
Edited on on Tue Feb 2nd, 2021 @ 10:41am

Mission: Further Challenges

* Cravings *

Leto entered Cravings, intending to grab a quick snack before meeting Nick at the gym. It had been a stressful few days and they both needed some time on the mats to pound on each other and vent that stress. It was the perfect cure, at least for them, and it was fun. She was on her way to the bar to order something quick, when she caught sight of Suresh at a table alone. It surprised her since this wasn’t his usual place to hand out. She changed direction and stopped at his side.

“Been a while Suresh, how’s it going?”

Frowning, Suresh looked up at Leto. “Not well. Li was supposed to meet me here, but... as you can see, she's not here.”

“Oh?” Leto frowned and checked the time. “How long ago?” With Li as she was right now, Leto was immediately worried. “Have you checked with Darwin?”

“Long enough that I’ve ordered and eaten without her. Darwin said she’s fine, just give her some space. I’m going to head her way when I leave here.”

“She may have just gotten sidetracked,” Leto replied. “When I saw her this morning she was pretty scattered. But, if something is wrong, call me immediately, please.” A waiter appeared with her food wrapped to go. “I’m meeting Nick but if something is up, it can wait.” She smiled and turned to go.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Suresh answered as he watched her go; he then got up and, true to his word, headed for Li’s.

* XO’s Quarters *

Max rose from his place beside Li, then leaned down to kiss her lightly on the cheek. He then retraced his steps to the kitchen and put on another pot of coffee. The growl of his stomach reminded him that he had left Menna’s before dinner, then come straight to see Li. Maybe it was time to replicate something. Before he could decide and instruct the replicator, the door chime rang.

“Popular place,” he muttered as he went to open the doors.

Blinking, Suresh stared at Maxym for a moment before stepping back and checking the number on the quarters. He had the right place... “Who are you?”

“Max, who are you?” His voice was soft so as not to awaken Li. “Looking for Li I take it?”

“Where’s Darwin?”

“He was here, then left to go to Security a little while ago.” Sensing Suresh’s confusion and concern, he smiled. “Sorry, it’s been a wild night. I’m an old friend of Li and her family. We grew up together. Come on in but quietly, she’s asleep.” He stepped aside to let Suresh, then beckoned him to the kitchen.

Following him, Suresh caught a glance of Li sleeping on the couch. “So, Max, an old friend of the family? I’ve never heard Li refer to you.”

“It’s complicated. My brother was her fiance before she met Commander Sakkath. There were some...problems. He’s dead now. Coffee?” Max refilled his own and pulled out a mug for Suresh.

“No, thanks,” Suresh shook his head. “Her fiance? That was Rhys Balasz?” He wondered if this Rhys and Max were like those in his universe. He hoped not.

Max nodded and, picking up Suresh’s thought, he frowned. “So you are not from here. Interesting. As for Rhys, he was every bit as bad you you recall. He tried to kill her twice and failed, luckily. I should have…..never mind. What brings you by tonight?”

Frowning, not liking that his thoughts, however ‘on the top’ they were, had been read, Suresh finally told Max his name, though he had the feeling that, by now, it might be pointless. “I’m Suresh. Li was supposed to meet me for dinner. As you likely know, she didn’t.” Suresh frowned.

“Oh, my apologies. That was entirely my fault but I didn’t know. I arrived unexpectedly and then things just sort of blew up from there. When they settled down, she had dozed off. It was terribly draining, mentally. I still feel like someone punched me in the head.” Max sipped from his mug, then smiled. “I know she’ll be sorry she missed it though.”

“We can always have dinner another night, unless you intend to fill her nights from now on. Darwin didn’t punch you in the head, did he?” He knew Max meant the feeling was from Li, but one could hope that, perhaps, Darwin had gotten a shot in. He wasn’t entirely sure why Max was rubbing him wrong.

Max had to laugh at that. “No, he didn’t punch me in the head, but he almost did before he realized I wasn’t Rhys. The Rhys here has a bad history with this crew.” He sensed Suresh’s annoyance and it puzzled him. “What did he do to you?”

“To me? Nothing. In my world, he was ...,” he waved a hand and shook his head, “Let’s just leave it there. Neither of you were really Li’s favorite person.”

“It’s interesting at the differences between worlds isn’t it?” Max pursed his lips for a moment and shook his head. “Except that Rhys was apparently flawed in both. I’m having a hard time forgiving myself for not stopping him or not….taking a stand before things went crazy. He kept that side carefully hidden from the rest of us.”

“And he was family. We tend to forgive them for their trespasses, don’t we?”

“We shouldn’t. I overlooked and excused and put what I wanted aside in favor of Rhys and what he was supposed to have. Now, I intend to make up for that.” Max smiled once more. “Assuming no one punches me in the head.”

“Talk to Darwin about staying his hand. I don’t have a pony in that race.” Suresh suddenly realized that Darwin had rubbed off: that phrase was a Terran phrase Darwin used sometimes instead of the normal, ‘I don’t care’ or ‘I’m not interested’. “So you’re sticking around because of Li?”

“No, actually. I am the incoming ambassador from Betazed. The previous one retired and I got bumped up the ladder, as they say. We had just cleared the wormhole when the news about Sakkath reached us.” Speaking of the trip out reminded him he needed to check on Menna. “Her mother called Admiral Hawke’s wife, who was on the transport here.”

“Bumped up the ladder? Seems to me more like you’ve been shuffled off to the ass-end of everything.” Suresh laughed, ignoring that the Delta Quadrant was an exciting place to be, with all of the new races and species and political entities coming to the Station to do business.

“Possibly, but it’s the ass-end where everyone wants to be these days apparently.” The conversation was interrupted by the chime. Max pushed away from the counter. “Be right back. This place is popular today.” He left the kitchen and once more opened the main doors.

Darwin entered, obviously not entirely happy about something, and stopped short when he saw Suresh there. “Surie,” he nodded in greeting then looked at Max and, more importantly, past him at Li on the couch. “Are you moving in?”, he asked Max.

“You just left here two hours ago, Darwin.” Max studied him a moment and frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“I’ve been assigned to new task,” he answered. “On the planet.” He looked at Suresh, “I’m going to count myself lucky that Gilroy didn’t set me to guard Seyla or the Prime Minister. Again.” Suresh’s brows went up.

“Why Archadia?” Max asked. Darwin’s unhappiness brought their previous conversation to mind. “Or why do you think you’re being sent to Archadia might be a better question.”

Darwin gave Max a look that questioned his intelligence. “Possibly because I’ve been a little too available for Li.”

“I see.” Max looked back at Li for a moment. “I hate to say this but maybe that’s a good thing for her. I think she may be ready to take a look at real life now.” He wondered what impact this would have on Darwin, however. “Can you still sense her in your head?”

He jerked a thumb of at Li, “Doesn’t she need to be awake for that?”

“Depends on how deep that connection has gotten,” Max began, but stopped as Li stirred.

“Be awake for what?” she mumbled, and rubbed her eyes.

Darwin rocked slightly - enough that Suresh stepped forward to balance him. “Well and there she is,” he went over to her on the couch, “Are you feeling okay?”

Li’s gaze moved from one to the other, then settled on Darwin. “Better, actually. It’s a little hard to describe. What’s up?” She studied his face a moment, then sighed. “They want me to have some breathing space I see.”

“Apparently. Though Gilroy said this is an Oz demand. I think it’s more likely your dad via Oz. End result: I’ll be out of touch for a little while.”

Suresh frowned. “How long and have you told Edana?”

Darwin winced. He hadn’t talked to Edana and was a little afraid to do so.

“What have you told her about any of this?” Li asked. She sat up and brushed back her hair. Max arrived with coffee and she smiled up at him. “Well? Sit down if you’re not leaving, all of you.”

Suresh took an armchair; Darwin sat next to Li. “Ah... I haven’t told her anything, actually. Other than that I was going home to sleep alone and then I ended up not.”

Suresh looked confused. “You haven’t slept?” The question earned him a glare from Darwin. Suresh got a clue, late.

“No, not exactly,” Li answered for Darwin. “For how long and where? I think Sokar will want to see you when he arrives.”

“Kind of out of the way, for an unknown amount of time. But I can beam back, I’m sure.” Darwin wasn’t sure, but Li could override Oz’s orders.... at least if she went to her dad and got him to do so while she was still on medical leave.

Li took Darwin’s hand gently in hers. “I think that maybe some distance will be good for you. We’ll have to bring you back when Sokar is ready to see you but I’ve leaned on you enough for now. Your mind needs a rest.” Body too, she sent to him silently.

I’ve been ordered to leave in an hour, otherwise I’d kick these two out.

Better that you don’t, but I’ll miss you. We’ll figure things out when you are back. Li smiled and then realized the room had fallen silent as she and Darwin ‘spoke’.

“Sorry, I’m still waking up.” She smiled at Max, who was lounging in the door to the kitchen. Suddenly she recalled dinner. “Oh no! Suresh, I’m so sorry.”

“No worries, Li. We can eat another time.” He looked at Darwin and said, “And it looks like I have a bit of catching up to do. For now, I should go...,” he recalled Six wouldn’t be there, “unless you need me to stay?”

“I’m…” Li started to say fine and changed her mind. “I’m doing much better. I think Sokar will be here tomorrow. He will expect to see me first thing. Let’s do dinner the next night. I promise I’ll be there this time.”

“Day after tomorrow. Sounds good.” Suresh stood and headed for the door. “Max, care to walk me to the lift?”

Max suspected it was not a casual question and nodded. “Certainly, if you wish.” He moved to the door and then looked back at Li. “I’ll be back shortly.” He opened the door and followed Suresh out.

With the two interlopers gone, Darwin grinned at Li, some of his carefree womanizing side showing. “I do have an hour. It won't take me that long.”

She reached out to touch his cheek gently. “And Max will be returning in a few minutes. I wonder why Suresh wanted to talk to him? Grilling him perhaps?” She had neatly avoided the offer for the moment.

“More likely he's being a wingman,” Darwin said and chuckled. “Giving me a few minutes with you without Max in the room.”

“Max concerns you I see. And you concern me, Dar. I am afraid I’ve pushed you too far.” Her hand slipped down to his shoulder. “Is it the physical contact you desire, or is there more?”

“You haven't,” he said, shaking his head slightly and pulling her towards him. He kissed her then said, “You're my friend, Li. You also happen to be a beautiful woman who I like being intimate with.” Somewhere between his brain and his mouth, he had cleaned up his language in that statement.

“And if I said I fear my father may be right?” The smile she gave him was soft and beguiling at once. “I want Sokar to see you and then we can see where we are. I just don’t want you to suffer any ill effects because of me.”

“Right now, I think the worst of the effects will be the tongue-lashing I get from Ed. But that's a few days away; by then, she'll be happy to see me back instead of mad at me because you were in my bed... if she knows that was you, which she probably does.”

Li nodded slowly, then a memory popped to the surface. “Oh. I bet she does. When I left you and went to Intel, she hugged me to welcome me back. Orions….sense of smell….oh dear.”

“Mmhmm,” he nodded. “It'll be fine, Li. She'll either get over it or she won't.” He shrugged, seeming not to mind either option. “Like Suresh, though, maybe I'd better get going.” He had half a thought to take her into the bedroom and lock the door... but that was Sakkath's bedroom. Taking a grieving widow to his own bed was one thing; doing so in the widow’s bed when the deceased husband was a friend of his? Completely different action that Darwin wasn't okay with doing. “Max is an old friend? Will he be around to help if you need him?”

Li nodded. “We grew up together. Rhys was always jealous of him where I was concerned. It’s a little complicated but back then? It wasn’t Rhys that interested me, though there was nothing to be done about it. The arrangement had been made when we were born.”

“I will never understand that practice in this day and age,” he said. “But Max can... Is Max going to spend the night here?” He had a small niggle of jealousy gnaw at him.

“We haven't gotten that far. After my meltdown, I fell asleep on him in the middle of a conversation.” She glanced at her bedroom, then back to Darwin. “I’ve only been in there to change clothes. If Max stays to sit watch, he can use the spare bedroom. I’ll sleep here on the sofa. I’m better but not ready to sleep in that bed yet.”

“You can use my quarters if you want to,” he offered. “I’ll set the command before I go. You need to sleep well, not on a couch.” Standing, he pulled her up with him. “If you need anything....,” he couldn't really finish that since he was off to the planet. “Yeah. I'll be back in a few days, hopefully.”

“If I need you, I will find you and nothing will stop me. Don’t worry.” She wrapped her arms around Darwin, hugging him close. “Promise me that if something goes wrong, you will call me. I don’t know how far this connection has gone but if you begin to feel off or anything strange happens, I need to know.”

“I'll call, I promise,” he hugged her tightly. “Nothing weird will happen, though.”

“What are you reading now?”

“Um.. I'm not much of a reader, really. That's Gilroy. I like old movies. New ones, too.” He thought that was a strange question and was done answering it before he realized she meant telepathically. “Oh, um. Huh. You gave him the leaves in his necklace. That's kind of weird that he still has them.”

“I had that necklace made for him.” She smiled up at Darwin. “I suspect he will need a couple of days to recover from the blast I gave him.” She stretched up to kiss him. “You'd better go before Gilroy comes looking. Again.”

“Yeah,” he nodded, looking down at her. “Be careful, Li.” He kissed her forehead then stepped back and headed for the door. “I’ll tell Max he can come back in.”

* Suresh and Maxym - Hallway *

Suresh had waited a moment for Max to come even with him then turned to walk towards the turbolift. He didn’t say a thing to Max as they walked.

“So, what is it you want to know?” Max looked over at Suresh as they strolled along the corridor, their pace a leisurely one. “Or should that be what is it you intend to tell me?”

Laughing suddenly, Suresh shook his head. “You Betazoids.... sometimes you miss things because you rely on your telepathy. You didn’t see the body language in there?” He looked askance at Max.

“I saw a man who is in deeper than he thinks he is,” Max answered honestly. “Darwin seems to be the footloose type but I think he’s missing things too...not seeing his own feelings clearly. As you saw….body language, yes?”

Suresh nodded, slowly. “Perhaps. He doesn’t admit things easily, particularly feelings. Just now, though, it was pretty clear he wanted a minute with Li, without you sitting right there. Or me, too.”

Now it was Max’s turn to laugh. “Yes, I got that, which is why I agreed to join you.” He was silent for a few seconds as they continued along. “She still has a lot to work through, but I think all of you will see that she has stopped running. I gather she’s spent the past few days doing just that?”

“She was on Archadia with Darwin; I’m not sure where, but I know he’s a bit of an outdoors-man and that they talked quite a bit.” He left out that they’d apparently spent the night together last night. “There was, quite possibly, no one better for her to have been with during that. Other than Sakkath himself.”

“I think so too,” Max agreed. “I just hope Darwin’s circuits haven’t gotten overloaded.” There was another slight pause before Max continued. “So where do you fit into all this?”

“I’m the crime boss in the Station’s underworld,” Suresh said. “Li and I are friends.”

“That sounds like an odd combination, no offense.” Max shrugged. “But I can sense that she thinks a lot of you, and I see you’d be willing to do almost anything for her. It’s good she has so many who care so much. Sometimes, being the XO can distance people.”

“Almost anything... yeah,” he nodded. “Well, here’s me,” he said as they approached the turbolift and he pressed the call button. “I’d let Darwin come out before you go back inside.”

“Yeah, I figured. I suppose we’ll see you soon. And try not to worry too much about Six. She will get home just fine.”

Suresh’s countenance darkened and he asked, “Do you even know who Six is?”

Max nodded. “You tend to broadcast your thoughts about her. I know what it’s like to ….love someone that deeply. It helps to trust they will come back.”

“I trust her. Those around her? Perhaps not.” The lift door opened and he stepped in. “See you around, Ambassador.”

“You too.” Max turned and began the walk back to Li’s quarters. As he did, he saw Darwin emerge up ahead, so stopped to wait.

“Hey,” Darwin approached Max and was about to pass him by but stopped. “She knows how to reach me if she needs to. She could also call Surie so you don’t need to stay with her.”

Max considered that a moment, then nodded. “Likely not, but now that things have settled down, we have some catching up to do. Well, and a dinner I caused her to miss. Take care Darwin.”

“Yeah.” Darwin watched Max head for Li’s quarters and, for just a second, felt very protective of her - to the point that he nearly snarled and headed after Max to show him who the alpha was. He shook off the brief desire and headed for the lift and his new assignment on the planet.

Captain Li Hawke
Lt. Commander Michael Darwin
Ambassador Maxym Balasz


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