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One Hell Of A Night - Part II

Posted on Mon Mar 7th, 2016 @ 12:43am by Captain Li Hawke & Maxym Balasz & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana
Edited on on Mon Mar 7th, 2016 @ 12:50am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Piper Medical Center

* Sickbay, Secure Cell *

“Progress. At least I am back on the Station,” Darwin paced the small room, hands clasped behind his back. He was still wearing the barely-modest frilly robe he’d grabbed on the planet. His only saving grace with it was that it was white.

Gilroy stood at the observation window and remarked to Crane, “Really, the lace just sells it; I wonder if he realizes it’s a bit sheer. I’ll get a uniform for him.”

Crane shook his head. “It’ll be standard-issue sickbay clothes for now.” Both men turned as Li and an unknown male rushed into the room.

“How is he?” she asked Earl. “He hasn’t harmed anyone has he? What about Edana?”

“She’s yelling at a nurse in another room; I don’t think she’s hurt, but just wanted to make sure,” Earl said. He pulled out a tricorder and started scanning Li. “And Darwin was transported straight from there to there,” he pointed at the window. “You need to calm down, Li.”

“Calm down?” she blinked at Earl. “I know what’s happened to him and how dangerous it could be. Plus the fact that it’s hard as hell to hear him speaking and thinking he is Sakkath! Calm down??”

Max stayed out of it. Earl sighed. “I get that it’s hard, but either calm down or I’ll need to dose you with Lexorin. I think he’s being influenced by you.”

“Then let me in to see him,” she insisted. “He’s demanding to see me and I can settle him down. I am about the only one, at least until Sokar arrives.”

“Only if Gilroy goes in with you,” Earl said. He didn’t like the idea at all, but beyond sedating Darwin, he couldn’t settle him down.

Gilroy frowned and went out to the hallway. When he came back, he was carrying a set of pajamas and a thick robe. He startled when he saw Darwin staring into the window and touching his face. On Darwin’s side of the window, it was a mirror. “I’m ready.”

“Fine...,” Earl went to the door and waited for Gilroy and Li before opening it.

Gilroy went in first. “Darwin, brought you some better duds,” he said, setting them on the bed.

“I might look like Darwin, Lieutenant, but I am Sakkath. I am not sure... Li,” he stopped and stared at her.

“I’m here,” she replied. She stood at the door until she heard the hum of the containment field outside the door, then moved forward. “Why don’t you get dressed and then we’ll talk.”

He looked at Gilroy, who held up his hands and turned his back; he watched Li while Darwin dressed. As soon as he had the pajamas and robe on, Darwin approached Li, holding out two fingers to her. “It is agreeable to see you again.”

Li closed her eyes at his words, a fresh wave of grief flooding through her. She held out her fingers, touching them to him, as hard as it was. “And you as well.” She stopped and swallowed, then dropped her hand. “We need to talk about a few things. Please...sit.” She motioned to the bed attached to the wall.

He looked at the mirror. “Maxym Balasz? He is here?” A very human jealousy rose up. “Why is he here?” He sounded more like himself.

“He has been assigned here as Betazoid’s Ambassador to the Delta Quadrant.” She sat on the edge of the bed and motioned to Darwin. “Come sit. Please.” She could feel the jealousy boiling within him and belatedly realized that he’d seen Max in her thoughts. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Darwin was well and fully connected. Tell me what’s going on in your head.

He looked a little wild-eyed, giving Gilroy cause for concern, but settled beside Li. He leaned towards her, to touch his forehead to hers. I do not know. None of this makes sense.

I understand and I am so very sorry. A tear spilled over and ran down her cheek. She rested her hands on Darwin’s shoulders, then began to sift through his thoughts, looking for signs of Darwin. When she came to any, she pushed on them a little, forcing them to the surface. She could see that the things he was saying were simply phrases, words he’d heard Sakkath say over the years and that was reassuring. Do you know where you are?

Piper. Where's Ed?

The question was a good sign. She is here. Li continued to wander in his thoughts and could sense the connection strong and clear. The emotions that coursed through Darwin were almost overwhelming and she could feel herself being affected. Tell me who you are.

He didn't answer right away. Trick question?

Not exactly. Just tell me, my darling. Humour me, okay? She pulled back from Darwin just enough to glance at Gilroy, getting a quick read on him. Given the situation, she didn’t want any surprises.

Gilroy wasn't happy, but he was attentive. Darwin was his friend, and he didn't want anything to happen to him.

Glancing at Gilroy as well, Darwin gave Li a funny look and said, “I'm Darwin. And I'm supposed to be on Archadia. Did I get hurt?” He could feel Li in his head, could sense her worry and concern.

“Not exactly.” She debated being evasive, but knew he’d read it in her mind and demand the truth. “Remember when I asked you to call in case anything strange happened? My concern over you getting too connected to me? It happened. You woke up on the planet thinking you were….Sakkath.” She bit her lip and looked away, working to regain her control, then replayed the memory for him.

“Oh.” He sat back and glanced at Gilroy then the mirror. “And now I'm in the fishbowl.” He sighed.

“Edana called me in a panic and I had them bring you here. You know this link can’t continue, Darwin. It is dangerous for you, as we’ve just seen. You can’t withstand it and I can’t live with you turning into Sakkath. You’re Darwin, my friend, and I want you to stay that way.” She reached up to gently stroke his hair. “Sokar will be here tomorrow and then we’ll get this fixed. You need to stay here till then.”

He nodded. “I’d like to stay Darwin, too,” he said. “No offense to Sakkath.” He wanted to kiss her, but he didn’t trust his own thoughts at the moment. “Max must be loving his introduction to the Station.”

“He’s fine, though worried about you.” She read the thought in Darwin’s mind and looked over to Gilroy. “Can you leave us alone for a moment?”

“Window’s still there,” Gilroy said. But he turned and left Li and Darwin alone.

Darwin’s eyes followed him till the door closed. “How am I channeling Sakkath?”

“When Sakkath was alive, he and I had a mental link that allowed us to read each other, feel each other’s emotions, sense the other’s presence even from as far away as Archadia. When he died, as you know, that link was severed in a rather traumatic fashion. There was no time to ease out of it. It was, for lack of a better term, an open wound.” Li rubbed her forehead gently. “It was incredibly painful. And then there was you. You were perfect. A close friend, someone who was strong, who jumped to help me in a time of need. No complications, at least I thought not. But that link sought out someone to complete it. You did. It explains why my emotions have been within you, why the growing attachment that you hadn’t intended.” And make no mistake, we are attached. But I don’t think it’s what you want, not what Darwin really wants.

“Lemme decide what I really want,” he said, “But, yeah, involvement on this level is not what I want. With anyone. How do we disconnect?”

“Sokar and a mind meld.”

“Oh, well, at least it’s so easy,” he said sarcastically. “Can any Vulcan do it? Like Au’rel?”

Li shook her head. “She’s young, I don’t know that she could. It will be easier for Sokar since he and I have melded before. On Nelvana III, in the prison there when he got Suresh out of my head. I’m so sorry Darwin.”

“Hey, no worries, Li. It’s a little scary to wake up and see Gilroy glowering at me, but... it’s all fine,” he hugged her. “Though, right now? Not so sure I like Max.”

She held him tight and took a deep breath. “Will you tell me why?”

He gave her a ‘duh’ look and said, “He’s moving in on you, my woman.” He laughed. “Sorry that was a joke but not really.”

Li smiled back at him. “He did say that we need to settle things before I move on.” She took his hand in hers and squeezed it. “I’d be lucky to have you. Anyone would.”

“I know. I’m pretty awesome.” He frowned. “Does this mean I have to stay here for another day?”

“Yes,” Li answered. “It’s the best thing for you, and me, and anyone else. I gather you were getting out of control on Archadia. You had Sakkath’s emotions but not his control.”

“Looks like I’m going to have my own little holiday in here, then. Maybe I’ll catch up on sleep.”

Earl’s voice came over the intercom, “That, Commander, is a great idea. Your heart rate is elevated, as is your adrenaline output and a number of other indicators showing that you are at the edge of your limits.”

“I’d say my heart rate is up thanks to doctors using the voice of god to interrupt,” Darwin glanced at the window.

Li turned to look at the mirror. “Close the window, Earl. Consider that an order.” She waited until she heard a faint click, then turned back to Darwin. “I don’t like being in a fish bowl.”

“Neither do I,” he grinned. “Don’t suppose we could... ah, nevermind. I just had sex with Edana and couldn’t....” He knew she was well aware of what he couldn’t do. “You don’t have to stay here and babysit me. I’ll lie down and sleep.”

“They might want to sedate you to make sure he doesn’t return but I could do it better,” she said. “If you want.”

“That depends. Is your way going to make Ed mad at me? He’s not actually in my head, though, right? It’s just my memories, some grief, etc.?”

“No I don’t think so. But Earl is right. Your body’s on overload. And no, it won’t make Ed mad. You’ll feel bliss, then your body will completely relax as you sleep it off. It should lower all your vitals to acceptable levels and give your body some rest without adding drugs into the mix.”

He leaned in and whispered, “That sounds a lot like sex, Li.”

“Without all the complications.” She took his face in her hands, looking into his eyes. “Is that a yes?”

“Yep. I have to say, I liked sex with you.” He smiled then gasped as Li started with the bliss.

“It was wonderful and exactly what I needed then.” She kissed him gently, then closed her eyes as she gave him a good blast. Finally, she pulled back from his thoughts, watching as his eyelids fluttered. In moments he had relaxed in her arms and she lowered him down to the bunk. Unfolding the blanket, she covered him, then turned to the window. “Alright Earl, let me out.”

The door opened and the force field dropped. “Good work, Captain Hawke. Now... I have a room made up just for you. If you’re going through a mind meld tomorrow, you need to be rested. Between this one and other demands on you, I don’t think you’ll get much rest,” Earl said.

Max was right behind Earl, trying to get past him. “I’ll take care of her, Doctor.”

Crane’s look said volumes about how much he doubted that. “Young man, don’t be impertinent. Li needs sleep not an admirer.”

“I’d rather he was there,” she said. “I relieved Darwin but I think I’ll need a little mental relief myself.”

Earl frowned. “You are quite possibly the worst patient I have, Li. And the ruined shoes are on Darwin’s record, not yours. Come along, let’s move this to another room so we don’t wake the sleeping bear.” He turned and shooed Max out of the room and made sure Li followed. He reset the force field and closed the door.

In another room, he gestured to the bio-bed. “Up there.”

Li stretched out on the biobed and let out a sigh. “What a day...and night….” she said. “What are you looking for Earl? I feel alright other than being exhausted. I’m not sick, I’m not….” she hesitated, then carried on. “Not anything else either.”

“Your vitals are... better than Darwin’s but not what they should be,” Earl said. “You’re going to be sick if you keep this up and you’re not even on duty!” He activated something on the biobed.

“Trust me, after Sokar works his magic, and the memorial is over, I’ll slow down. I promise. I’ll make Max take me on a short vacation. We’ll play tourist, go to the beach and be lazy. How’s that?” She grinned up at Max.

He smiled and nodded. “Sounds good to me.”

Earl frowned; it seemed to be his most common expression with Li. “What sounds better is if you stay here, get hydrated and sleep. Then you can see Sokar, do the memorial and then go enjoy some sun and sand. Okay? Okay. That’s the plan.” He nodded. “Max, you can visit for another ten minutes, then you need to go find breakfast or something.”

“Breakfast? What time is it? Never mind. Give us ten. Then I’ll sleep and stop torturing you, I promise, Earl. You know you’re my favorite.”

“Fine. Ten minutes,” he turned and left them alone.

Maxym watched him go then asked, “He’s your favorite? Are the others covered with cactus spines?”

Li laughed aloud. “His bark is worse than his bite. He’s really a sweetheart and would do anything for me. That’s just Earl being worried.” She beckoned Max closer. “Remember what you said about settling things with Darwin?”

“Yeah, that you need to get it done,” Max said.

Li nodded. “I have. How much did you hear? Enough to know that a long, deep relationship isn’t in his plans? Or in mine where he’s concerned?”

“I also heard that he liked having sex with you,” Max laughed. “Can’t blame him. I wasn’t concerned about you wanting to continue a relationship with him.”

“Good. He knows all about you too. It’s all good.” A soft smile lit her face now. “How much time do we have?”

“I figure seven minutes?” He kissed her.

“It’s a start,” she murmured and then pulled him in for another kiss.

Lt. Cmdr. M. Darwin
SCPO Edana
Captain Li Hawke
Lt. Gilroy
Lt. Cmdr. Earl Crane
Ambassador Maxym Balasz


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