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Half The Battle

Posted on Tue Mar 8th, 2016 @ 2:50pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Captain Li Hawke & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Socking Bay / Piper Medical Center

* Docking Bay *

Li stepped from the turbolift with Lucius and proceeded to the docking ring. Sokar’s ship was coming in to one of the secure areas so they could avoid the usual crowds. Li had been silent on the way there. She hadn’t had to speak, she knew her father was reading her. She knew he was still worried and likely wouldn’t settle down till all this was over. ‘This’ being the mind melds, the memorial….a return to normalcy, at least outwardly. He’d picked up the emotions regarding Max and now she finally spoke.

“Oz is joining us to meet Sokar,” she said. “And I know you’re curious about Max. Your instincts are good. It was the right thing to do, even if it was a little painful.” She continued to walk as she talked, giving only a nod to the officer on duty at the portal to the berth. “Yes, it did open up a lot of complications. Some things I hadn’t known, and some things I wish I had a long time ago. Menna’s here, by the way.” They stepped through the doors and only then did Li wind down.

“I see,” was Lucius’ comment. “Just….take your time, honey, but do what’s right for you. To quote a good friend of yours, ‘to hell with what everybody else thinks’.”

Li laughed, hearing Jackson’s oft-repeated words. “He’s right. I see Oz got here first.” Up ahead, near the umbilical, Oz waited.

Oz was talking in low tones with one of her many minions; though she wasn’t yet officially back to work, neither Jackson nor Gilroy were there to stop her and she was catching up on the latest in Security gossip. Because the department was the overarching watcher of the Station, that gossip included tidbits from Earl’s trouble with his golf game to news that Riley had taken Grax to Saturnalia. “Grax,” Oz said, narrowing her eyes. “Madhava, right? So the engineer’s dad and an Orion’s playmate? Lovely. Do a favor, Onda, find out when that Orion is due to be released from prison - if she has a release date.”

“Yes Ma’am,” Onda nodded and shifted. His boss made him nervous on a good day - and a good day was one that didn’t include talking to her. “Ah... Ma’am?”


“Admiral Hawke and Captain Hawke are here,” he said.

Oz turned and smiled broadly. “Admiral, good to see you again,” she said then spread her arms and hugged Li. “You! I hear that you’ve found a way to drive Darwin nuts,” she joked. “I’ve been looking for a method for years now.“

Li laughed once more. “It was pretty effective. He got his own locked room in sickbay, and ….” She stopped and looked at Onda, deciding the rest was best left till he’d made himself scarce.

He was perceptive and moved down the dock slightly, though he kept Oralia in sight. His orders had come from Gilroy and there was no way he was going to explain to Gilroy that he’d lost the boss.

“You mean he had almost a whole day to himself with a bed and no duty or women around to keep him from enjoying it?” Oz laughed and shook her head. “I need to get on him more often about taking actual vacations.”

”He will need one after this, assuming Edana doesn’t kill him first for...various reasons.” She didn’t elaborate. After all, her father was standing right there.

Lucius laughed and shook his head. “I already know. You two should think about taking one too, before you’re both chained to your desks again.”

Oz leaned in towards Li, “Darwin told me a bit; you’re going to dish on the rest, right?”

“I will,” Li assured her. “We can go later tomorrow, Suresh offered me his house on the beach. Pack a bag.”

“Ma’am!” Onda called for Oz’s attention. When she looked up, he added, “The umbilical is secure; they’re opening the hatch now.” Oz nodded and flashed him a thumb’s up.

Li looked from one to the other, her expression suddenly serious. A wave of nervousness washed over Lucius and Oz both. “Sorry, I’m just a little...unsettled.”

“Apparently,” Oz rolled her shoulders and pushed the nervousness away. She watched as the transport’s passengers began disembarking. She chuckled to herself as Onda realized that he was on the opposite side of the passenger stream and needed to cross it to reach her.

He forded the stream and managed to gain a spot right behind Oralia as the stream thinned and Sokar stepped onto the dock.

He stopped to take in his surroundings, then nodded to Lucius, Li and Oz. Stepping closer, he held up his hand in the traditional Vulcan greeting. “Admiral Hawke, Commander Zeferino.” He paused and his penetrating gaze, sea-green eyes so hauntingly like his son’s, turned on Li. “My daughter.” He studied her closely and his brows drew together just a trifle. “I see.”

Lucius returned the greeting. “Welcome to 900 Ambassador Sokar. It’s been a long time, and I wish your visit here were under better circumstances. It is most agreeable to have you here, however.”

“As it is to be here.”

Sokar’s eyes were still on Li and she fought down the urge to squirm. She was held by his gaze, silent as she did her best not to break down before him.

“I understand,” he said simply. He turned his attention to Oz. “I am aware that you have had some difficulties with the Borg as well. It is welcome news indeed to see you in good health.”

“Thank you, I’m pleased by my recovery as well,” Oz tried to keep her emotional response to a minimum. “Though I do wish my recovery hadn’t come at such an awful expense.”

Sokar nodded. “I see that time is of the essence for Commander Darwin. Decius will see to getting my things settled in quarters and I’ll see him now. You will accompany me, Li.”

“Of course.” She motioned to one of the deck crew to come assist Decius. “I’ll call you as soon as we know something Oz.”

“Okay,” Oz nodded. She held back as the three headed for Piper. Glancing at Onda, she said, “Get to Piper and keep tabs on Darwin.”

Onda paled then shook his head and said, “No. My orders are to stay with you, Ma’am. You’re on medical leave, so you can’t give me an order that countermands that.” Oz frowned at him but he was right.

“She can’t, but I can. Get to Piper. I’ll keep an eye on Oz.” He offered her his arm. “Feel like lunch Oz?”

“I do, Admiral,” Oz smiled at him then waved Onda after Sokar and Li. The man sighed and trotted after them. “Gilroy is being a bit overprotective,” she said to Lucius.

“He can’t hold a candle to me.” Lucius smiled back at her as they departed.

* Piper Medical Center *

“We have much to discuss,” Sokar remarked as they entered sickbay. “After you and I have fixed a few problems. You should be aware that once I finish with Darwin, your emotional state will not be stable.”

“That’s nothing new these past few days,” she replied. “I should warn Max, though.”

“Agreed. You may do that while I see Darwin. It will be best if you are not with us,” he instructed. They had reached Darwin’s door and when they stopped, he rested his hand on Li’s shoulder. “Things will work out.” Li nodded and waited as Earl approached.

“Li,” Earl nodded at her then stopped before Sokar. “Ambassador Sokar, it is good to see you. Last I checked, Darwin was awake and doing pushups. I suppose he finds them entertaining; lord knows he doesn’t need to grow more muscles,” he trailed off with a grumble.

Li smiled. This close to Darwin, her connection to him burned bright and the temptation to open the door and go in rode high. She took a deep breath and turned back to Earl. “Where is Max?”

“Where did you last leave him?”, Earl quipped. “Oh, wait, you mean the Ambassador? He said that a meany was calling for him to help her with something, so he left.”

“Menna.” Li did her best not to laugh out loud. “His elderly relative. I’ll call him to return. Ambassador Sokar is ready to see Darwin and I suggest I be put in one of these rooms.”

Earl nodded. “Ambassador Sokar, do you need someone in the room with you while you work with Darwin?”

“I do not and such matters are private in any case.” Solar glanced to Li, then rested a hand on hers. It will not be revealed to any. She nodded and he looked back at Earl. “I am ready to be admitted. I do not wish to have anyone listening.”

Earl nodded and opened the door, giving a start when he saw Darwin standing right there. “Oh, gods! Darwin! Move away from the door, son. Give me a damned heart attack....”

Darwin looked past him at Li then, glancing at Sokar and Earl, stepped back. “Ambassador Sokar, it is agreeable you are here,” he said with a cadence more Vulcan than human.

Earl dropped the force field. “You can enter, if you’re sure.” Earl sure as hell wouldn’t want to be in there with Darwin, not without a full hypospray or three of heavy sedative.

Li reached out and grasped Earl’s arm, as if using him to keep her out of the room. Darwin was suddenly far more in tune with his Sakkath memories than with his Darwin side and the lure was strong.

“Close the door….please.”

“Ambassador?” Earl caught Li’s arm. “I’m going to take Li down the hallway.”

Sokar nodded and stepped into the room. The containment field went up immediately and the doors closed and locked. Li looked up at Earl as he pulled her down the corridor. “I’ll still know,” she said.

“What are you still going to know? That Sokar is in there putting Darwin’s brain back where it belongs?” His grip tightened slightly. “This, Li, this is why I wanted you to return to Piper but, no, you and Darwin decided to play with fire. You should have been on Lexorin!”

“I didn’t think it was possible, Earl.” Her tone was contrite as she answered. “But it ends now.” They stopped before another room similar to Darwin’s and she stepped inside. “Will you call Max?”

“Yes. I know Lucius knows you’re here. Anyone else right now?”

“No. I’ll be alright.” She waited till the door closed, then settled on the bunk.

Back in Darwin’s room, Sokar stood resolute, studying Darwin. “Tell me what is in your mind, Darwin,” he instructed. “I could read it but I want to hear your version.” He motioned to the bunk. “Please, sit.”

“Li is in my mind,” he replied, taking a seat on the bed. “Ambassador....” He thought about telling the man of his grief, but knew Sokar’s outweighed his own. “This morning, I woke up thinking I was Sakkath. Just now, feeling Li out there, I wanted nothing more than to be by her side.” His face crumpled briefly, “That's not normal.”

“I can understand the attraction, but you are correct. It is not. You have taken the place of my son in that emotional connection. Li was worried that it might be dangerous for you, a non-telepath, and she is correct too. It’s time to remove it, if you are ready?” Sokar sat down on the bunk, turned enough to face Darwin. The memory of his visit with Li in the cell on Nelvana III came to mind and the parallels were rather ironic. This time, however, it concerned the man who should have outlived the father.

“I am. Before we start, I just want you know how much I respected and liked Sakkath. What happened with Li... It was supposed to be just a comfort, just physical.” He frowned.

“I understand,” Sokar answered. “She loves you and you know that. You know in what manner too, don’t you?”

“It's mutual,” Darwin replied, nodding. “Let's get me put right, then you can help Li.”

“Agreed. Close your eyes,” Sokar ordered. He placed his fingers along the sides of Darwin’s face and began to intone the words, his voice low and hypnotic. “My mind to your mind… thoughts to your thoughts……” Several seconds later, Darwin seemed to have been transported back to Archadia. He and Sokar were standing on the beach in the moonlight and just down the beach they could see Li sitting motionless and watching the moon.

“The first place she landed,” Sokar commented. “The first time you came to pull her back from the brink, yes?”

Darwin looked around and nodded. “I suppose. I didn't think that's what I was doing. I was just making sure she didn't let her grief push her into something stupid.”

As they watched, Li took off running down the beach and Darwin saw himself chasing after In the distance, the two figures stopped and he hugged her tight.

“The beginning,” Sokar commented. The scene changed and now they were standing on the rocky rim of the ravine and it was dark. They watched as Li dashed away from the fire, into the water and then behind the falls. The sound of sobbing drifted up to them.

“What happened then, Darwin?” Sokar asked.

“Um... I let her cry, then swam out and...,” he looked a little uncomfortable, “kissed her. I may have propositioned her, too. When I've gone through something traumatic, I take a woman to bed.” His psychology wasn't very complex. “She evaded the question and we slept in the tent,” he pointed to it.

Sokar nodded. “Looking back now, surely you see the progression? The small beginning that suddenly became the avalanche?” The scene shifted to his quarters in an instant. “The avalanche that”

Darwin closed his eyes. “I had no idea, Sokar.” He could see it now, how he'd entangled himself, and Li, by offering comfort and protection.

“There is no guilt here, Darwin,” Sokar said, his voice soft. “You offered out of love but the circumstances turned it into what had been taken from her. The link will be removed, if that is what you wish, but part of her will remain, as will part of me now. You have to decide, though, what it is you want, as you said to Li.”

“She's my friend, Sokar. A lover, too, but we're not meant to be connected like this. I want my head to be mine again.”

“Very well.” Sokar delved deeper into Darwin’s thoughts as he began to speak again. “You can break the link, but it will not come without pain. All you have to do now is take that step.” In the scene before them, Li touched him, but then began to fade. “Let her go….”

Darwin hesitated, not because he wanted to hold onto Li, but because he wasn't quite sure how to let go. Sokar nudged him and he saw how. He winced as Li vanished from the scene.

Sokar watched as the image of Li vanished altogether. “You may feel her in your heart but the link is gone. Can you sense her now?”

He shook his head. He had the feeling that he should be feeling a loss, but... he rather liked the quiet in his head. “Should I?”

“If we were successful, no. But as a test, tell me what you think of the Betazoid, Maxym.” Sokar removed his hands and moments later, Darwin was ‘back’ in his room in sickbay.

Blinking, Darwin sagged down, bracing his elbows on his knees and holding his head in his hands. A sharp pain blinded him for a moment; he groaned. It passed and he said, “Ah... I'm okay. Little tired, but... I don't sense Li or hear anything other than my thoughts.”

“And the jealousy?”

His brows rose. “Oh, yeah,” he laughed. “I was a little growly about her friend Maxym.” He pushed on that thought a little then shook his head. “It's gone, too.”

“That is welcome news indeed. Let us hope that it goes so well with Li.” Sokar rose, slipping his hands into the oversized sleeves of his robe. “I suggest you sleep now. Your mind needs it.”

“Thank you, Sokar,” Darwin said. He watched the man leave then laid back down on the biobed and was asleep within moments.

Admiral Lucius Hawke
Commander Oralia Zeferino
Captain Li Hawke
Lt. Commander Earl Crane, M.D.
Lt. Commander Darwin
Ambassador Sokar


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