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Infinite Diversity, Infinite Combinations - Scene I

Posted on Wed Mar 9th, 2016 @ 7:05pm by Captain Li Hawke & Maxym Balasz & Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Piper Medical Center

* PIper Medical Center *

Li had sat motionless, cross-legged on the bunk, for the past half hour. She could sense clearly Darwin’s emotions and through him, Sokar. The mental energies of Sakkath’s father were intimately familiar to her, thanks to the mind meld on Nelvana III. Emotions were rising high in Darwin and she understood Sokar was walking him through the past few days. She could feel his hesitance to pull away and then….he was gone, replaced by a searing mental pain for the second time in a week as the link was severed again. She pressed her hands to her temples and cried aloud, then she fell over on the bunk.

Earl had been monitoring her; now he ran down the hall and quickly entered her room. “Li, talk to me, kiddo,” he said, though he could see she was in pain. Thankfully she wasn’t broadcasting that pain. “Hang on,” he muttered and pulled up a dose of painkillers into a hypospray. He pressed it to her neck. “That should dull some of this,” he said. He couldn’t do much more: lexorin would likely interfere with the mindmeld; a sedative would put her out, preventing the mindmeld.

“Earl,” she mumbled. “Thanks. Darwin alright?” The physical pain seemed to be subsiding but in its wake came a second helping of loss and separation, this time from Darwin. “Tell me he is okay. Lie if you have to.”

He didn’t answer right away then said, “Yeah, he’s fine.” Even he knew it sounded flippant. Sighing, he said, “Let me try that again, Li.” He had pulled up Darwin’s readings on the console in her room; he checked it over. “His vitals are a touch erratic at the moment, but nothing to get concerned about. I’d hazard a guess that he’s going to be heading for a nap once Sokar leaves him.”

“Good.” Li sat up, still rubbing her temples and now doing her best not to cry, especially since she would be seeing Sokar any minute now. “Do we have to do this here so you can monitor me or can I take Sokar somewhere else?”

He frowned at her and spoke sternly, “You can leave here, but only if you let me attach a monitor to you. It will alert me if something is wrong and transport you back here.”

“I think that is a good idea,” she agreed. She watched Earl a moment as he turned off the console channel from Darwin’s room. “Earl? I…..I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you since….you know. I’ve been all over the place and coming apart at the seams. I didn’t want to be such a pain in the ass.”

“There’s no need to apologize, Li. I’ve seen grief expressed in a thousand different ways.” He recalled how Solis had expressed his when Julisa had died; turning away from Li, he sighed and was glad Ehlana had been able to reverse that death. “It’s always different and always painful, even for the observers. Sometimes especially so, since there’s so very little they can do to comfort the bereaved.” He turned back to her, “Which is how Darwin got into this situation.”

“I’ll always love him for that too,” she murmured. “Is it wrong that I was resentful that others could be revived but not him?”

He had replicated a commbadge for her. Handing it over, he grumbled, “I sort of feel like I should sew this to you or something.”

She took it and attached it to her shirt. “I’ll keep it on, I promise.” She stopped at a knock on the door. “It’s Max.”

“Should he be in here?” Earl asked.

Max came in anyway. “Li? Are you okay?”

“Darwin’s out of my head at least. Which is good, it was getting a little crowded in there,” she joked, but it was weak. She reached for Max’s hand. “I am about to see Sokar and put all this to rest, to get my life back.”

He took her hand, frowning. “Li, you’ll get your head back to yourself but your life with Sakkath is not returning.”

“I know. I meant….my real life. Not being lost, not unexpected bonds with unsuspecting friends….just reality Max. Reality. Now, not the past.”

“Just making sure,” he smiled and gathered her into his arms. Earl quietly left.

“I’m taking Sokar to….another place for this mind meld. I want you to go home, get some sleep since you haven’t really had any. I’ll come there when we are done, assuming you have no business today?”

“Other than seeing to Menna’s needs, no. The outgoing ambassador hasn’t had anything really going on. You can find me there when you’re done.” He heard someone behind him and turned slightly. “Ambassador Sokar, it’s so good to meet you.”

“Ambassador Balasz.” There was no indication of a reaction to Max’s last name, though Sokar was extremely familiar with it. “It is agreeable to make your acquaintance as well.” He looked Max over and nodded. “Li is fortunate to have so many who care for her.”

“She is,” Max agreed. “Well... I’ll... uh, Li, I’ll see you later. Ambassador, thank you for all of this.”

It took Sokar a moment to reply but his tone was even as always. “It is my honor and duty to take care of Li. She is family and in need.” He nodded to Max. “We will meet again before I depart.”

“I look forward to it.” Maxym nodded and waited till the two had departed, Li leading the way. Max stood silent a moment, watching, and hoping that everything worked out, that Sokar was able to put her mind at ease. Contrasting emotions swirled within him and then Li’s voice reached him.

We’ll be fine.

Max smiled and departed, finally, for Menna’s quarters.

Captain Li Hawke
Lt. Commander Earl Crane, M.D.
Ambassador Maxym Balasz
Ambassador Sokar


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