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Infinite Diversity, Infinite Combinations - Scene V

Posted on Sat Mar 12th, 2016 @ 1:49am by Captain Li Hawke & Maxym Balasz & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: VIP Quarters

* VIP Quarters *

Menna wasn’t the fastest or most agile mover on the Station, but she was an early riser. As such, she caught Maxym as he was leaving his quarters. He was surprised she was up and out, but glad that that meant no long breakfast with her. He allowed Menna to enter his quarters and admonished her, “Just don’t wake Li yet. I’ll be back as quickly as possible.”

“Of course, dear. I’ll just keep her company in case she wakes,” Menna smiled and, using her cane, walked to his kitchen. He hesitated a moment then left.

Soon as he was gone, and out of her reach, Menna peered around the corner of the kitchen wall at the guest room door. She tossed a pan, spatula and several pieces of metal silverware to the floor and shouted, “Oh! Dear me!”

Li’s old intel habits hadn’t changed and she was awake and on her feet in an instant. It took her a moment to figure out where she was in the wake of the previous night’s emotional exertion, then she was through the door and into the kitchen, her hair in disarray and dressed only in a shirt Max left for her. She obviously wasn’t expecting company.

“Oh….Menna. Good morning. Are you alright?” She covered a yawn with her hand. “Sorry.”

“I’m quite all right, my dear,” Menna said, smiling at Li. She hadn’t yet picked up the tossed items. “Did I wake you? I didn’t mean to; I was just thinking how lovely it would be to have breakfast ready for you.”

“Oh.” Li smiled and bent to pick up the utensils. She left them on the counter, then turned back to Menna. Moving closer, she gave the old woman a gentle hug. “It’s been a long time...well...since we’ve seen each other, not since we’ve talked.” A faint blush colored her cheeks as the memory of her arrival here the previous night returned.

Menna hugged her back, recalling her as a young child and then a teenager. “Yes, last night was a bit entertaining. It’s good he put you to bed alone. You look,” her eyes went to Li’s hair, “Wonderful. You have my condolences, Li. I know losing a husband is never easy.”

“Thank you.” Li took the old woman’s hand and led her back to the living room. “It has been an unusual time. One I hope I never have to live through again. Is Max gone already?”

Menna sat in the armchair then nodded. “He went out just a few minutes ago and said he’d be back soon. He’s just running an errand.”

“I see. Tea? And have you had breakfast?” Belatedly, she realized what she was wearing in front of Menna. “I’ll….make it and ...make some clothes while I’m at it.”

“You’re a good girl. I’d love some tea; I’m not a big breakfast person but I could make do with an egg, hashbrowns, toast and some fruit,” she smiled at Li and made no effort to get up again.

“I’ll have to replicate it; I don’t think Max has stocked this kitchen. Give me just a few.” She hurried back to the bedroom and soon emerged in a skirt and tank top. The next stop was the kitchen. She replicated breakfast, but made the tea. Finally it was all on the table. “Ready.” She held a chair for Menna, then sat down.

“Thank you, Li,” Menna was pleased by Li’s manners with her elders. It showed good breeding. What are your intentions with Maxym?

Li choked on the tea and managed to set the cup down without breaking it. That was Menna, direct and to the point. Might that not be a better question for him?

He’s been ready to marry you since you were children. There’s no doubt what his intentions will be. Once you’ve recovered and settled, at least.

Li nodded. “It has come up,” she said aloud. “Did he tell you any more? That it was him I wanted back then, not Rhys? That I couldn’t tell any of you because it would defy tradition?”

“A bit more,” Menna said just before the door opened and Maxym walked in, carrying a small vase with several sprigs of a small white flower with tiny green leaves. He stopped on seeing the two of them at the table.

“Good morning, ladies,” he said and presented the flowers to Li.

“Ohh. Thank you.” She kissed his cheek as he leaned down, then set the vase on the table. “Join us? We were just catching up a little.”

“Let me replicate something,” he answered and went to the kitchen.

Maxym, we have discussed things and there is a consensus about your future. The plans Reva has for her wedding can be transferred to the two of you, Menna shared her thoughts with him and Li. There was a loud bang and the clatter of a dish falling to the floor in the kitchen.

A moment later, Maxym, whose pants now wore a bowlful of a Betazoid porridge and a few fruit pieces, stared at Menna. “Stop. Just ...!” He put his hands out in a ‘stop’ gesture. “Menna, Riley is going to marry your granddaughter whether you like it or not. We’re not going to take their wedding plans away from them.” He looked at Li and added, “Besides, they don’t have a date set.”

Li’s eyes widened a moment as she puzzled out what that might mean. “We won’t,” she agreed. Then it dawned on her that she had just, basically, said she would marry Max. “I still have a lot to deal with too, Menna. It’s not like we’re tying the knot next week or something.” She shot Max a helpless look. “I mean….” She had no idea what she meant to say, but then the words just slipped out, likely thanks to her new loss of restraint. “Reva and Riley are beyond thrilled about their wedding and I’m happy for them. No one’s going to deny them that.”

Menna’s countenance was pinched. “We’ll see about that,” she huffed then changed her demeanor, “But you two! That’s thrilling!”

Max took a seat and tried to calm the discussion with a hand gesture. “Now, now, let’s just step back... We should wait a respectful period. And there’s a lot to talk about and do...,” he gave Li a quick smile. The smile wouldn’t go away.

Li smiled back at him, Menna gone from her thoughts for a moment. Finally, she came back to reality. “Have you spoken to my mother, Menna?” she asked, suddenly curious.

“I have not. I thought it might be best if you tell her of your renewed ...friendship... with Maxym.”

“I will once things settle down here. The service is this afternoon and I don’t foresee much time to talk at all today.” Li finished up her breakfast, then reached for the vase. She ran her fingertip over the small leaves, then leaned in to inhale the fragrance. Slowly, her smile returned.

“Again, Li, my condolences. Please pass them to Lucius as well,” Menna said, gathering herself to stand. Max stood and hurried to help her up; he handed her her cane and walked her to the door then down the hall to her own quarters. It took him a few minutes to get her settled before he could return to Li.

Li was standing in the kitchen with a mug of coffee in hand when he returned. “I think this is the best coffee I’ve ever tasted,” she said. “Maybe it’s just me...doesn’t matter which. Still good.”

“I’d guess that you’re hyper-aware of things, Li,” he said. “I need to change. Do you want me to accompany you to Sakkath’s memorial?”

“If you want to come, then you should but that is something I need to do on my own. I’m meeting up with Dad, Aia, Admiral Wegener and El’Shar.” She paused, then changed the subject. “What just happened here Max? With Menna? Did she really pin us down so easily?”

“Were we avoiding being pinned down? Does it matter? We’re not rushing off and getting married on the beach tomorrow,” he said. “Though this does open the door for Menna to drop hints about having children.”

“Oh….yes, I can see that. But I can be very diplomatic you know.” She smiled at him and beckoned him closer.

He pointed at his pants, “I’m going to go change before I get you sticky, too.” He winked and headed for the bedroom.

Li poured more coffee, then strolled out to the table, once more leaning in to smell the flowers. As she did, she caught sight of the time. It was still a few hours till the memorial but she felt panic rise within her. She would be expected to put on a good face, but she wasn’t so sure she could do that. Especially with her old, habitual restraint gone. Her hand shook and she set the mug on the table, then tried to clamp down on the panic before it reached Menna and Max.

Maxym returned after a few minutes in clean clothes. “Li?” He looked at her carefully. “Have you considered going to Piper? Maybe checking on Darwin?”

“Darwin?” The question surprised her. “Why? Sokar said he would be fine and I’ll see him in a few hours anyway.”

“Then don’t, that’s fine.” He touched her shoulder. “You’re nervous about the memorial. Why?”

She nodded and took his free hand in hers. “I am a wife that lost her husband but I was also his XO and he was the Second Officer here. So who goes to the service? Which one of me?”

“You were his wife before all other things; don’t put him behind your career,” Max counseled. “He deserves more than that.”

“He does and he will have it.” She finally smiled. “So, I need to call Oz about meeting me on the planet tomorrow instead of going tonight. We’ll leave as soon as the service is over and I’ve seen anyone that wants to speak after.”

He smiled as well then kissed her. “I look forward to it. I’ll call Riley and ask him to have Grax tend to Menna.”

Her commbadge chirped and Darwin’s voice came over it: “Commander Darwin to Captain Hawke.”

“A moment,” she said to Max, then tapped her badge. “Li here, how are you Darwin?”

“Good. Earl called me ‘well-rested’ this morning,” he chuckled. “Question is: how are you?”

“It was an interesting evening, I’ll admit.” She laughed softly. “I think I interrupted half the VIP Quarters deck.” Belatedly she realized how that sounded. “Umm….it was because I was yelling.” That really didn’t help, she realized. “As I was walking down the corridor.”

Darwin’s laugh resounded over the comm, “I’ll bet Gilroy fielded a whole host of complaints about that. Did Security pick you up?”

“I got shushed by an…” She started to say old lady but realized Menna might be eavesdropping. “By Reva’s grandmother.”

There was a lengthy silence then Darwin said, “Did you say Reva’s grandmother? shushed you? I’m not sure I could have come up with a stranger sentence if I was drunk.”

“I’ll explain when I get there.” She had recalled she was supposed to bring the cortical monitor back to Earl. “I have to drop something off for Earl.”

“I’ll let him know you’re on your way here,” he signed off.

“I should go. I’d forgotten Earl wanted this monitor back. After the memorial, meet me at my quarters?” she asked.

He nodded. “Go on, I’ll see you there.”

Li leaned in to kiss his cheek, then hurried out before she changed her mind.

Menna Avaavax
Captain Li Hawke
Ambassador Maxym Balasz
Lt. Commander Michael Darwin


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