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Moving Up, Moving On

Posted on Sat Mar 12th, 2016 @ 8:58pm by Captain Li Hawke & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy
Edited on on Mon Mar 14th, 2016 @ 7:06pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: XO's Office

Oralia grumbled and tugged at her dress uniform’s tunic. “I should have had the computer measure me before replicating this,” she complained to Jackson. The days on the ice planet, consuming only energy, and the days in Piper had caused her to drop a few inches. The tunic hung loosely. She eyed Jackson’s suit with a touch of envy; civilians (or pseudo-civilians) had better attire options.

Jackson looked her over, then leaned in to kiss her forehead. “You look wonderful, but I’d say that if you were wearin’ a gunny sack an’ huntin’ boots.” He grinned at her for a moment, then reached out to straighten her pips. “Perfect.”

“I should try that look sometime; it sounds comfortable,” Oz smiled and kissed him. “We’d better stop or else we’ll draw attention.” As she said that, Solis and Bajun Julisa, accompanying an older woman who looked a good deal like Julisa, passed them, nodding in silent greeting.

Jackson smiled to them, then looked back at Oz. “Julisa’s mother.” He was interrupted by the beep of Oz’s omm badge.

=^= Captain Hawke to Commander Zeferino...are you there Oz? =^=

“Yeah, I am.” Oz nodded, as if Li could see her. “Wait... by, ‘there’, where do you mean?”

=^= Attached to your badge. There’s still a little time before the service starts. Please report to my office. Hawke out. =^=

Jackson raised an eyebrow at that. “Huh...wonder what’s up?”

“When I get back, if you’re good, maybe I’ll tell you,” she teased, kissing him quickly and heading off to Li’s office.

* Li’s Office *

Oz walked in and immediately spotted Darwin. “Is this about ...?” She pointed between the two of them then turned as the door opened again, admitting Gilroy. “Nevermind.”

“, not that,” Li murmured. “But that reminds me, I meant to call you earlier. Do you mind waiting till tomorrow to hit the beach instead of tonight?”

Oz shook her head, “No, that’s fine. It gives me another night with Jackson.” She smiled and asked Darwin, “Where are you going on vacation? I’m really pleased you’re taking some time.”

Gilroy huffed. “We need to train some officers to relieve us three.”

Nodding, Oralia agreed, “We do. Gil, make sure that starts happening while Darwin and I are still out. You can pick the initial list and I’ll review it.”

He hadn’t counted on that: being handed more work. “Yes, Ma’am. Is that why we are here?”

“No,” Li answered. “Darwin is here because….a lot of reasons. You and Oz are here for more official ones.”

Oz glanced at Darwin, who simply shrugged at her. She caught the pips on his collar and looked at Gilroy’s collar. “Oh. Right, Gilly, we missed a few things while we were gone.”

“You did.” Li stepped behind her desk and opened a drawer. “I finished up my recommendations while you were gone but then things got a little crazy when you returned.” Reaching into the drawer, she pulled out a small black box, then approached Gilroy. “Congratulations, Lt. Commander Gilroy.” She took out the small pip, then motioned for him to lean down so she could attach it to his collar.

So pleased he couldn’t help smiling, Gilroy bent and accepted Li’s attention then straightened up. “Thank you, Captain, Commander,” he said to Li and Oz.

“It’s well-deserved. For both of you. Darwin, I understand your promotion ceremony was a little more nerve-wracking,” Oz said.

“Just a little, yes. The Admiral has quite the sense of humor,” Darwin nodded. “Congrats, Gilroy.”

“Your day is coming Gil.” Li smiled. “For you, we’ll come up with something just as good and just as abnormal for you. You can count on that.”

“Thank you, ma’am. I think,” Gilroy wasn’t sure that was a good thing, but he’d play along. “Shall we join the others?”

“Before we do-- Oralia? Have you checked on Ignatius?” Darwin wondered whether the spider would be present for Sakkath’s memorial.

Oz nodded and glanced down. “I did. She’s recovering. Ian might bring her. He tried to use a transporter pattern to remove the Borg tech, but that didn’t work well. He’s removed the external hardware - the weapons, at least. The nanoprobes have been reprogrammed, so they aren’t rebuilding those things or trying to assimilate anyone.”

“She doesn’t know it was her drone does she?” Li asked Oz. “Whatever we have to do, I do not want her to know that. She wouldn’t be able to live with it, even if it wasn’t her fault.”

Oz swallowed hard and nodded, “She doesn’t know; it took her a long time to understand why assimilation was bad for us, how it essentially kills us. We need to make sure the Marines aren’t blaming the soldier she used, too.”

“Dad has already spoken to Major Lorenz,” Li informed them. “Iggy has no real contact with the Marines, so besides us, the only ones who know are Nico, Jackson, Bryce, Patrick and Awf. They have all been included in the request to keep that confidential.”

“Thank you,” Oz said, nearly mumbling. Iggy’s involvement, her own involvement, in all of this bothered her, though there was nothing to be done about it.

Darwin, without thinking, reached out and put an arm around her shoulders to comfort her. The move earned him a curious glance from Gilroy.

“That’s all. It’s almost that time but I want to speak to Darwin for a moment.” She smiled at Gilroy and Oz but it faded quickly. “See you two on the other side.”

Darwin let go of Oralia; she and Gilroy left the Captain’s office, though both were curious.

Once the doors were closed, Li smoothed the front of the black dress she had chosen instead of a dress uniform. “I just needed a minute or two with you,” she said. “The link is gone but we are still….us. I wouldn’t have gotten through this without you.”

“You would have, Li. You’re strong and could have done this alone. I’m glad you didn’t have to, though.” He regarded her quietly for a moment.

“Me too.” She slipped her arms around him, hugging him tight. “Sometimes, being the strong one is exhausting and impossible to maintain. That’s when you need someone else. Remember that.”

He was about to be flippant but realized she wasn’t speaking about herself; she meant him as well. “Oh... I will.” He hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head. “We’d better go before Gilroy starts thinking I’m taking advantage of you in here.”

“Bit late for that isn’t it?” She stepped back and took his hand. “I’m leaving right after the service to go down to Archadia and I’ll be there for a few days. Oz is coming tomorrow.”

He knew that wasn’t an invitation. “You’ll be at Suresh’s villa?”

“I will. If you need me, just call. Max will understand.”

He laughed, “Probably better than I would.” He led her to the door then released her hand as they walked to the memorial service.

Captain Li Hawke
Commander Oralia Zeferino
Lt. Cmdr. M. Darwin
Lt. Cmdr. Gilroy


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