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Posted on Sun Mar 27th, 2016 @ 2:06pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Deck 177, Holodeck 22

* Deck 177, Holodeck 22 *

Running had always been a way for Rick to clear his mind. He could run for miles and zone out, thinking of absolutely nothing and only concentrating on his rhythm and pace. It was a good stress reliever for him and he’d learned long ago to embrace it for this purpose. But today was a bit different. He’d grown tired of the track in the gymnasiums of 900. Sure, they were enormous and provided plenty of room, but there was nothing to see. He was trying to clear his mind, but would a little scenery hurt?

He found himself in holodeck 22 choosing the McKenzie River Trail in Eugene, Oregon on Earth as his challenge for the day. It was a 27-mile trail, but he’d had no desire to run the entire way. Instead, he just enjoyed the trees and hot springs along the route. After ten miles, however, he decided on a break. Then he decided he no longer wanted to run. That’s when he heard the holodeck doors open and close.

“As you can see,” he yelled, slightly winded, “this holodeck is occupied. Please find another.”

“Is that so?” Came Li’s voice as the doors closed behind her. “How many miles so far?” Her voice was growing closer as she wandered her way along the trail.

“Ten, but I’m giving up,” he said, happy to see her. “I decided I wanted something else to do the walking for me. How do you feel about a little horse riding?”

“ I could do with a ride,” she said as she emerged from the trees. With a smile on her face, she drew closer and wrapped Rick in a tight hug. “How are you?”

“Well, a bit sweaty right now--sorry,” he said, returning the hug. “I just needed to clear my head a bit so I came here. It’s worked so far.” Letting go of her he said, “Computer, change the location to Yellowstone National Park, an open area for horseback riding. Also, provide a Black Forest horse and a Rhenish Warmblood complete with all necessary tack. Western saddles.”

The room quickly changed to the black and yellow grid, then to a breathtaking view of Yellowstone with hills and mountains in the not-too-far distance. Soon after, a large Warmblood appeared, chestnut in color and about 17 hands in height. Beside it, the Black Forest horse appeared, dark chestnut with a sand colored tail and mane, close to 15 hands. Both beautiful German breeds that Rick was familiar with.

“That one’s for you,” he said, gesturing his head toward the Black Forest. “I didn’t think you’d need an enormous horse to hold you up like I do.” He laughed. “Besides, they’re a pretty friendly breed and should be easy to control.”

“Better than that camel I had on that one mission several years ago,” she joked. “He was a spitter.” Taking hold of the reins in one hand, she put her foot in the stirrup and mounted up. “I’m glad I came casual.” With a smile at Rick, she waited for him to get in the saddle.

In his own saddle, Rick sat tall on the horse and leaned down to rub its long neck. “Too bad you’re not real,” he said. “You’re gorgeous.” Looking at Li he added, “Where to, Kemosabe?”

Li pointed at a trail that ran along the edge of the forest. “There. Flatter but with a good view. This terrain is breathtaking.” She urged her horse forward and as Rick came up beside her, she looked over to him. “So, what have I missed while I was gone? And had Patrick lost his mind yet?”

“He’s still somewhat sane,” Rick joked. “And you didn’t miss anything that you can’t read up on in the reports later. Besides, you’re still on light duty. You don’t need to concern yourself with anything right now other than your horse.” He added a wink.

“That’s part of why I hunted you down.” Li smiled at Rick once more. “All this leisure time is making me restless. It occurred to me also that Patrick has a big project he’s probably wanting to get back to.”

“Maybe, but he has other duties to attend to right now.” Rick clicked his tongue at his horse getting her to shift from slow mosey to a bit more brisk of a walk, with the addition of a heel in her side for good measure. “I know this is probably horrible for you, but I can’t take the risk of breaking the rules on this one. If I released you for duty before Robin does, and something major happens later, your mindset may come into question and I can’t have that. It’s one of the things that can eventually ruin careers, and I won’t have that happen to you.”

“I’m seeing Robin this afternoon.” Li’s horse picked up its pace to keep abreast of Rick’s horse. “It’s so weird, I keep thinking, as I am wandering Archadia or the station, that I should check in at home so he’ll know where I am. Then I realize there is no need for me to do that.”

Rick knew how that emptiness felt. “It will just take some time, Eyas. When you’re so used to being with someone so closely, having to suddenly be without them feels...strange. Putting out extra place settings, making food for more than yourself, wondering why they’re not home yet until it hits you that they won’t be.” He shook his head and frowned. “I wish I could do or say something to help, but it really will just take time. That’s the best I can do.”

Li nodded. “I think that last one, expecting them home, then realizing it won’t happen, is why I’ve not been home more than a few hours in over a week. Mostly to pack a bag or change clothes and go somewhere else. Two days on a sailboat was absolute bliss. You should try it sometime.”

“It sounds nice. I may have to do that.” Then a broad smile crept across his face. “OH! You’ve given me a great idea for our honeymoon. I’m sure El’Shar wouldn’t mind being out on a yacht for a few days, swimming, fishing and lounging in the sun.”

“Go out far enough and it’s like you’re the only people in the and Iggy.” Li laughed for a moment. “So when are you getting married? I hope all this hasn’t delayed it?”

“I’ve been preparing for it, but we still haven’t settled on a date.” The two entered into a wooded area, the tree canopy blocking some of the sun. “I don’t want to rush her, but I don’t want to make her wait forever. We may as well be married now, we just need to make it official, so I guess it’s just a matter of picking when we want to do it and when I can be off the station for quite a while.” Stopping his horse a moment to take in the view, he added, “Maybe next month? I’ll talk to her this afternoon and see if that will work for her. I’d really like for her family to be able to come and, for those of you here who will be going, I’d like as much advance notice as possible in case there are items that need to be completed. Even my personnel will be gone for over a month just due to travel time. Three weeks to Earth, a day or two for the ceremony and maybe a party, and then travel time back? That’s quite a while to be off the station.”

“It is, and if you’re gone, I should be here as much as I hate to miss it. You could always have a party here when you get back,” Li suggested. “One party is never enough anyway.”

“Not a chance in hell, kiddo,” he said with a laugh. “You’re going and that’s final. We have people to cover our positions while we’re gone anyway. And besides, it might do some good to put those with less experience in charge for a while. Let them get a taste and get their feet wet, so to speak.” He nudged his horse into motion again. “Besides, even if they’re not in the chain of command for the station, there are several officers here with boatloads of experience that can be drawn from if needed.”

“There are. By that time, this uncertainty over the Krenim should be over with. We can hope at least.” Li fell silent as she considered the idea of a trip to Earth. Finally, a slow smile spread over her face. “I may be bringing someone with me.”

“Already planning your plus one, eh?”

“More or less, and contrary to what you may hear on the gossip chain, it’s not Darwin.” She laughed once more. “But we will see how things go.”

“Hey, it’s your plus one. I’m not going to judge.” They rode a bit longer in silence before Rick spoke. “Do you think Lucius will be my best man? He’s my oldest friend--well, of those that I actually keep in contact with. I guess other El Aurians I’ve met don’t really count.”

“You know he’d agree in a second,” Li assured him. “He’d probably me mad as hell if you didn’t ask him. Besides, a trip back to Earth will give him at least a short time to meet with his Intel staff in person. I should warn you, though, that SFC will want to see you too. It may be a long time before their Delta Quadrant leader is back that way.”

He grumbled. “I guess you’re right. I hadn’t even thought of that, but it goes with the pips. I guess it’s a good thing I’m able to take plenty of time off, eh? Of course, they could get off of their stuffy asses and come out here every once in a while.”

“I think that’s a worthy proposal. We can insist that the next visit will be on 900. I can actually fend off most of the business while we are there so you’re not cutting into your wedding celebrations. Dad can as well. Do you think any of the command council will want to come to the wedding?”

He shrugged. “I’m inviting them anyway. A few might come, but who knows? I’ll be too busy getting hitched, so they’ll have to be happy with visiting other junior officers, junior to them, anyway.”

“Good plan. Just remember it’s your holiday. They’ll have to take what they can get.” Li realized that sounded a little harsh and she shrugged. “They might not appreciate that sentiment but those of us out here are in a precarious position every day. If we’re taking a holiday, that’s our main purpose. If it was an easy job, everyone would want to be out here. Notice they aren’t.”

He couldn’t help but laugh. “Believe me, I’ve noticed. Many of them can barely bend over to zip up their boots, to be honest. And I doubt they’ve held a phaser in...well, hell, who knows how long?”

“They are concerned that they might have to face down what Sakkath and the rest of the team did. I’ll have to report on that and I’m warning you now, they will get the painfully blunt version. Unless you think I should spare them?”

“Fuck ‘em. Fire with both barrels. They need to hear it. Whether they act on it or not is another story.” He sighed. “I’m afraid that they’ll just sit on their hands, as usual, and wait until it’s too late to shore the defenses. The Borg haven’t been around here much, but finding that ship just means that they’re poking their heads in around here again and we need to be ready, with or without the Council’s help.”

“It does,” Li agreed. “I’m sure they know of the survivors, which could put them, and the rest of us at risk should the Borg get curious. The patrol team is going to be nearing Borg space by tomorrow too.”

“You’re not supposed to know that,” he said with a sly smile, “but then again, no one has ever really been able to keep anything from you, light duty or not.”

“You forget..Seren’s on that crew. I talked to him just a few minutes ago. They heard the news and he was calling to check on me. Besides, Leto never could keep anything from me, you know that.” They had reached a rocky point over a deep canyon and the horses stopped so they could look down at the river flowing far below. “Absolutely amazing,” she commented.

The view was interrupted by the beep of a communicator. “El’Shar to Rick.”

Pulling the communicator out of his pocket, Rick tapped it. “Go ahead.”

“You wanted me to tell you when I was getting hungry. It is almost that time and I feel like having a steak. I’d like you to join me, after a shower, of course.”

He laughed. “Steak it is,” he replied. “Just finishing up here and I’ll be on my way. Rick out.”

“Tell her I’ll stop in at her studio tomorrow?” Li asked. “I should get along too. I want to check on Oz and I promised Max I’d be there as soon as I got back from Archadia to help him settle into his regular quarters.”

They both hopped down and stood looking at the river once more before it all disappeared. “Computer, end program and save. Arch.”

The arch appeared before them and the doors opened. “I have a shower and steak to get to. I’ll talk to her about setting a date as well.”

“Have fun.” She hugged Rick once more and turned to go. You two may not be the only ones setting a date soon.. She passed the thought to him as she stepped through the arch.

“Wh--wait, what?” She walked briskly down the corridor, away from him. “Who are you talking about?” And in a flash, she was gone. Couldn’t hide things from her, couldn’t keep information from her and sure as hell can’t keep track of her. “Damn that woman and her ninja skills.”

He closed up the holodeck and tapped his communicator again, letting El’Shar know he was on his way.

Admiral Ricky Wegener
A Horseman from Way Back


Captain Li Hawke


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