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Once More Into The Breach - Part I

Posted on Wed Apr 6th, 2016 @ 10:53pm by Lieutenant Seren Hawke & Vic & Commander Adara Gunnar & Lieutenant Commander T'Rowl N'Riss C.Phil & Ensign Leela Carter & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Valhalla Colony / EFS Kohanna

* Valhalla *

“Oh, you are a good boy... yes, you are,” Reva rubbed the dog’s ears and kissed his nose. He was loving the attention and his stubby little tail was wagging his whole rear end. Reva let him go and tossed his stick; he ran after it, kicking dirt up as his paws dug into the ground. She laughed, watching him. When she sensed his guardian coming up beside her, she tried to straighten up.

Adara put a hand on her shoulder, “No worries. He’s enjoying your attention. You and the others are heading out soon; I trust everything here has been good?”

Reva thought about her first night - both her first night on the Kohana and the first night at the colony. Neither had been good. On the Kohana, she’d woken, screaming and clawing at her sheets, from a nightmare. She had frightened Six and hadn’t been able to sleep again that night. The following night, she’d ended up sleeping with Six, holding onto her friend like a lifeline. After that, she had taken to sleeping during the day in short catnaps. During the first night on the colony, she’d wandered till she was exhausted then retired to her shared quarters and, about an hour later, had woken Six again, this time crying in her sleep. Being away from Riley and back on a small ship and then on the colony had reawakened her fears from her time on Fisher’s ship. Her wardrobe choices were showing the shift as well: she’d taken to wearing jeans and a t-shirt and a heavy cardigan. Right now, the cardigan had sprigs of dried grass on its hem.

Nodding, she smiled and assured Adara, “They’ve been good, yeah. I’ve appreciated being allowed to play with Cody.”

“I appreciate having someone for him to play with. With the start up of the colony, my duties sometimes limit my time with him. He’s been training with the Marines, though - which means he can now run forty-two kilometers without a problem,” Adara said, smiling. The dog was just returning with his stick; he had stopped to check out a native rabbit-like creature. Seeing Adara with Reva, Cody picked up his speed and barreled towards them.

Reva laughed as Cody raced past them then slingshotted around to come back at them. This time, he slid to a stop near them. He wasn’t still: he was dancing, stick in mouth, and whining at Adara. “Oh my, Commander,” Reva said, watching him, “He loves you.”

“You can read animals?”

“Sometimes. Even without my empathic sense, that look he’s giving you? And that he brought the stick back to you even though I threw it?” Reva was smiling at Cody then her mood dampened slightly and she looked over to see Seren walking toward them. “I think my break is about over, Commander,” she commented. “Hi Seren,” she greeted iem.

“Commander Gunnar,” Seren greeted her as they arrived. “Reva, how’s it going? About ready to hit the trail?”

“I am, Seren,” Reva nodded and pulled her sweater close around her. “The sooner we head out, the sooner we can return home.”

“And return, you will,” Adara commented.

“Six is already aboard with Vic and Janus.” He nodded to Adara. “I’d like to come back out here when I have time to linger. It’s pretty amazing what you’ve got here.”

“It is; we’re enjoying it so far. There have been a couple of attacks by raiders, but the Marines have repelled most of those,” Adara said, rubbing Cody’s head. “We’ll see you on your next break from duty, Lieutenant, Ensign.”

Nodding, Reva started walking back with Seren, leaving Adara to distract Cody with another round of fetch. “Raiders? We’re not that far from the Station; that’s stupid of the raiders.”

“This area is very close to the flyover zones of the rebels out here too,” Seren answered. “I don’t think they fly over on a regular basis but given it’s a Starfleet installation, they might just be testing the waters a little to see what’s what out here.”

“I can understand that. Push to see what kind of response they get.” Reva looked up at the sky. “I sort of miss being on a planet.”

“Me too sometimes, and I’ve only been station-side a short time. Granted, the last planet I was on wasn’t all that friendly.” He laughed shortly. “Tell you what though. When we get home, I’ll take you down to Archadia. There’s some interesting things off the beaten path.”

“So long as we can make that a double-date? Riley and whomever you’re dating?” She smiled.

Seren laughed out loud again. “Riley is fine but you are being overly optimistic where I am concerned. Leto and Eldren only brought me back what? A week or two ago?”

“Hey, some folks work fast,” she shrugged and they crossed into the campus’ transporter room. In short order, they were back on the Kohana and Reva had gone off to check on engineering.

Seren tracked down Vic and found him in their quarters. “Heya chief,” he said, dropping onto the sofa. “What’s the good word? Had any good ice cream lately?”

“Watch yerself or I’ll convince Reva to fix it so the replicator makes only sushi-flavored ice cream for you, no matter what you order,” Vic grumbled then chuckled. “She’d probably get that done in under five minutes.”

“If she takes her time,” Seren agreed. “Ready to get along to the interesting part? As in approaching Borg space? I know that’s one of Leto’s worries.”

“One a’mine, too,” Vic said. “All those Borg... and they’re the ones that took Sakkath.”

“Yeah.” A frown settled on Seren’s face. He still was having a little trouble coming to grips with that, plus he hated the fact that he was so far from Li. “They’re also the ones who might want our Borg back, given half a chance.”

“And why not? Think of all the lovely Starfleet information we’ve entrusted to her. Hopefully she’ll be able to ignore the Borg’s siren call when we get close,” Vic said before pondering that statement. “Maybe she’ll be like our early warning system.”

“There is that,” Seren agreed. “I’d suggest sticking close, Vic. For whatever reason you need to tell yourself.” He studied his friend closely. “I’ll help unless it’s something you’d rather do alone?”

Vic frowned and looked askance at Seren. “You can help. I don't really need that temptation. I'll sic Reva on her, too.”

“There is Janus too,” Seren reminded him. “He and Reva are around her the most. In fact, that’s a good idea.” He reached up to tap his comm badge. “Seren to Reva. Please report to my quarters.”

A grumble came over the comm as Reva’s reply. Vic chuckled, imagining how well Reva had responded to that. Several minutes later, he stood and let her in. “Hey there, sunshine.”

She glanced at him then Seren. “I feel like I'm being set up for something.”

“Come in.” Seren motioned her on in from where he sat with his feet propped up. “You’re right, you are, actually. We have a job for you.”

In, she went, and took a seat. She mimicked Seren’s pose then looked from Vic to Seren. “Really? What job?”

“Watching,” Seren replied. “We’ll be nearing Borg space in another day. I hate to be the one to ask you to spy on your closest friend….well...actually I don’t. That’s exactly what we need - for you to keep watch on Six. This is the first time since she was liberated from the Collective that she’s been back in their orbit. It might be tempting.”

“Ick,” she said, meaning the idea of Borg life being tempting. “I'm already on watch for Borg-ish stuff from her, since this whole ship talks to her, in a way.” Suddenly, she looked stricken. “I'm not sure there's anything on the ship that she isn't aware of.”

“I meant tempting for the Borg. As Vic has pointed out, what she knows now would be useful.” Seren looked concerned now. “Why is that a problem?”

“A problem? I don't know that it's a problem, except that she might know about this conversation.” If she had the ability to listen in anywhere, she might just pay more attention when her name was mentioned.

“I doubt she feels the need to listen to everyone on the ship. That would get tiresome very quickly. We’re not spying on her because we think she might turn back to the Borg but as a protective measure. We all know she wouldn’t choose to return of her own free will.” Seren looked over at Vic. “Would she?”

Vic shrugged. “Maybe. Who knows how seductive the Borg hive mind is.”

Reva laughed. “I kinda think that Suresh trumps the Borg. Really guys, sometimes you need to think like a woman... As Iggy would say: you won’t find that easy, since you’re just males.”

Seren rolled his eyes but he had to laugh. “Suresh? Oh yes, I recall that story.” He glanced at Vic a moment. “Still, we should be on watch. We can keep the shield frequencies rotating, yes? So they can’t just transport her off?”

“Yes, the frequencies are rotating. They’re even on a random pattern,” Reva said, a touch defensively.

Vic put a hand on her shoulder and thought to her, Chill, he doesn’t mean anything by it. He hasn’t worked with you yet.

Seren’s expression softened. “I didn’t mean anything by that. It was an honest question since I am nothing close to an engineer, especially on this….whatever this ship is now. It’s a little mind-boggling.”

Smiling slightly, Reva nodded. “This ship is amazing, though also a little creepy. The other night, Six reached for something and the ship met her halfway with it. That was almost too much for me.”

“It did?” Vic frowned then winced as Reva nodded. “We could just be borrowing worry here; let’s hope that’s what we’re doing, but at least we’ll be prepared. Reev? You’ll watch her?”

“I told Leto and Darwin I would and I will,” she said. “You wanna trade roommates instead?”

Seren raised an eyebrow. “And do what? Move me in with you?”

Vic was quick to say, “Oh, no. No, no, Seren, Reva could stay here and you go stay with Six.”

“I don’t think there’s a need to switch roommates yet. Well, unless I come home and find a tie hanging on the outside of the door.” He grinned at Vic. “I do, however, think we should let the XO in on this concern.”

Immediately, an image of running her fingers through N’Riss’ fur came to mind for Reva. Vic, who was closest to her, raised a brow. “Ah... I’d have to say that Reva agrees. How about you two go talk to him?”

“Sure. Why don’t you go check on Six? Get a little more familiar with engineering?”

Vic sighed resignedly. “Fine. I’ll go see Six; you two go see the furry XO. Reva, I recommend keeping your hands in your pockets.”

She turned a darker shade of green. “Come on, Seren,” she stood and headed for the door.

Seren followed her out, trying unsuccessfully not to laugh.

* Mess Hall *

“I tracked him down to here. Apparently we missed dinner. Care to eat while we’re here? Then you can run your fingers through his fur,” Seren teased her.

“Shush! He’ll hear you!” Reva punched him on the shoulder. “Besides, who wouldn’t want to do that? That’s gotta be... I mean....” Her cheeks hadn’t lost their dark shade as they joined N’Riss at a table.

Hey, I get it. I love cats. But he’s….yeah...alrighty then.

Seren nodded to N’riss. “Good evening, mind some company?”

At this point, N'Riss hadn't at all realized what they had been talking about, though he had smelled them coming. Turning upwards with a purr, N'Riss shook his head and then flicked his tail back as he seemed to be looking toward her blush, though he didn't actually say anything about it just yet. Instead, he shrugged carefully, seeming to accentuate each of his motions with feline grace. "I wouldn't mind having company at all." Predictably, it looked like the food he'd replicated for himself was some sort of ground fish.

“Thanks.” Seren held a chair for Reva, then sat down himself.

Tempted to stroke his hand, Reva instead smiled at N’Riss. “...,” she opened her mouth to speak but realized she’d just completely forgotten why they were here. “Ah... Seren? Go on.”

Looking down for a moment, N'Riss seemed to be mystified by the fact that Reva had twitched her hand ever so slightly. It wasn't something a human might have noticed, but a cat's vision was based on motion, and Caitians were no different. "...may I help you, Rrrrreva?"

She blinked before looking at Seren again.

“This is a matter for the XO,” Seren began in a low voice. “Concerning our location later tomorrow and Six.”

She nodded, “Borg space. And that the Borg might come after Six or that she might... somehow lose her mind and go haring off to join them.”

N'Riss soon ignored what he was looking at a moment ago and instead focused on the mention of the Borg quite quickly. "Does she still have anything inside of her that would work as a Borg transponder? Murrr..."

Seren looked to Reva at the question. “Does she? She’s never really said anything to me but I don’t know her all that well.”

“Ah... that’s a medical question,” she hedged, only then she realized it wasn’t a medical thing, not really. Not right now, at least. “She and I have talked about this. Mostly because... well... I’m an engineer and find it really interesting. The Borg implanted it in her brain before she was fully adult; her brain grew into and around it,” she squished her hands together, fingers meshed together. “So, yes.”

Seren grimaced at the description. “The concern is that she might be a tempting target for them if they realize she is here. We can hope we won’t run across any but you never know. Reva can keep the closest to her I think.”

Having seemed to give it some thought that was punctuated with a noticeable purr and a flicker of his whiskers, N'Riss nodded slowly before he added further thoughts. "Since she is currently detached from the Collective, if they were to activate it she might verrrry well fall over in pain at first. That would give us a few moments to subdue her if anything were to happen."

“Subdue...? We might need to start carrying around hyposprays, then. Although, her nanites might shorten the efficacy of any sedative,” Reva mused.

“Let’s hope it won’t come to that.” Seren frowned a moment. “But I do think it wise to be on our guard in case something does happen. It’s likely if she hears from them, she’ll say so and then we can deal with it as needed.”

"Certainly I wouldn't want it to come to that either, considering that I look at everyone here as a friend of mine, merrow." N'Riss looked up, hoping that the other was right and that she would have been able to say if the Collective got in touch with her. He didn't want what he had suggested to happen by any means.

Reva had reached out and lightly touched N’Riss’ arm, lightly fingering his silky fur. “None of us want that to happen, Sir. I’ll watch out for her. Although, Seren has offered to switch rooms - and roommates - with me.” She smiled at Seren.

Seren gave Reva a mock glare. “I”m sure you and I will get along fine, Reva.” Then he smiled.

“Oh, no, you’re going along with Six; we shouldn’t leave Vic and Six in the same room,” she countered, “Besides, you can read her from across the room. I have to touch her.”

“I was kidding, Reva.” He smiled once more. “But maybe we should ask her if it’s alright? Suresh might not appreciate it. You have a point about reading her though.”

Continuing to purr for the moment, N'Riss looked down toward the fact that his fur was being stroked. He loved the feeling, but purely in a platonic way. If Orions were known for their overt sensuality, then Caitians were the polar opposite. "Who exactly did you want as your roommate in that case?"

Her eyes widened for a just split second and she pulled her fingers back. “Vic is fine. Though, really, there’s no need - it is just a joke. We do need to be aware of Six and our proximity to Borg space.”

Swallowing a bit, N'Riss had wondered at that point why she had stopped, but he didn't say anything more about it considering that he had feared that any such mention could very well have been construed as rude in turn.

“Janus can help as well. Will you inform Leela?” Seren asked. He turned then to Reva. “We might want to split the watch. I can do the overnight duty.”

Reva nodded. “Go for it.”

“In that case, I’m off to find Janus. Vic’s supposed to be with her right now so I’ll have time to catch Janus up on things.” Seren rose. “Enjoy your dinner.” He turned and strolled out of the mess hall.

"While I always enjoy my dinner, the threat of anything against a friend makes such sweet fish taste a bit more sour, merrow." While his words might have sounded obtuse or even poetic, they were once more quite normal as a comment coming from him.

Reva was about to respond when Carter entered the room, looking darkly thunderous. “Ah... Sir, it’s been ...I gotta go,” she rose and hurried out.

Carter noticed Reva’s exit, but didn’t worry about it; she ordered some food and approached N’Riss’ table. “Do you mind if I join you?”, she asked.

With a purr, the feline officer shook his head, completely inviting Carter to come and sit with him in his own way. "No, I do not mind at all, murr. Was there anything that you had wanted to talk about?"

“No, I just thought some company would be nice.” She took a seat and settled herself before continuing, “Did you get outdoors while we were at the Colony?”

"Certainly; as you might imagine, as much as I do enjoy the rigors of spaceflight, I feel much more comfortable in an outdoors environment, murrr." N'Riss flicked his tail a bit as he looked toward the other. "How about yourrrself? Did you get a chance to get outside much while you were at the Colony? I assume in many ways that we are in the same boat as far as enjoying any time outside."

“I did. I went for a jog; the colony has a trail the Marines have worn down already. It was beautiful and there were some fragrant flowers along it. Man, that was the best,” she grinned and took a bite of her dinner. “Any chance I get, I’m on a planet. ‘Course, being in Security, on 900... we get busy.”

"You know, I never actually got to visit the trail you were talking about, but maybe next time that I am down there I would have a look, murrr. Like you had said about security, heading up the flight decks on Starbase 900 does not leave much time for taking a jaunt elsewhere." Once more N'Riss punctuated his words with a purr as he finished the rest of the food on his bowl by lapping it up with his tongue. "How were the flowers?"

“You know... I didn’t actually see the flowers - I just smelled them,” Carter admitted. “Maybe next time, I’ll look around for them.” She shrugged and turned the subject to another topic; she and N’Riss sat talking for a bit longer before finishing their meals and heading their separate ways.

Ensign Reva Madhava
Commander Adara Gunnar
Lt. Seren Hawke
Lt. (jg) Leela Carter
Lt. Commander T'Rowl N'Riss


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