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That Certain Feeling

Posted on Sat Apr 2nd, 2016 @ 2:06pm by Lieutenant Bryce Kendrick & Aros

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Deck 277 - Java

* The Promenade *

Nevros emerged from the turbolift and stopped to watch the crowds milling about on this level of the Promenade. Bashev had been right. To say the place was massive was a vast understatement. He reached up to run his hand through his newly-long hair. His trip through Krenim Intel’s medbay had left him looking like a human and he still wasn’t quite used to it. The fact that no one spared him a second glance proved their work had been effective however. He checked the chronometer on his wrist, making sure he knew what year he was in. Three years back had been a simple jump and then a quiet trip here. So far so good.

He began to walk, wandering slowly as others seemed to be doing. A delicious aroma drifted to him from an establishment on his right and he stepped out of the flow of traffic to look up at the sign. Java it read. There was an open area with many small tables where people sat in two’s and three’s, all drinking from large mugs. Since he saw no food, he was left to assume that whatever was in those mugs was the source of the scent. He took in another deep breath.

“Delicious,” he murmured.

Hearing the stranger seemingly speaking to himself, Bryce ignored him. There was a large black coffee that desperately yearned for his attention and he was not one to disregard the wants and needs of his coffee. However, the proximity of this man set something off in Bryce’s head, a feeling he’d not had in awhile. A feeling that something wasn’t quite right. But it was just one man. Normally it was only associated with some sort of time distortion, or when realities had been mixed or changed.

He sipped his drink and looked around. Nothing seemed amiss, everyone was acting as they should and that feeling was starting to fade. He wondered, briefly, if it might have just been an after-effect of the Borg implants messing with his head and then dismissed it.

Nevros glanced at the large man as he passed, then turned his attention back to the tables. He strolled into Java and sat at one of the empty tables. Moments later, a man dressed in plain blue appeared and asked what he’d like. It was doubtful that they’d have anything that Nevros was used to so he decided to play dumb tourist.

“Perhaps you’d bring me something that is popular here? It’s my first time in and I’m not exactly sure what to order.”

The young man smiled. “No problem. I’ll have it ready in a few minutes.” He moved away, leaving Nevros to survey the people around him.

The coffee was rich and dark, just the way Bryce liked it, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something about that man was off--not even the taste of his favorite coffee. He decided to try and get a better look at him. Luckily, the man had taken a seat not far from Bryce’s allowing him to sneak a few glances and form a better vision in his head of what he looked like. He watched as one of the servers brought a mug to the man and set it before him.

Nevros thanked the server, then lifted the mug. His first sniff smelled deep and rich and sweet. He took a careful sip so as not to burn his tongue and closed his eyes, savoring the taste. It was complex, with a roasted flavor overlaid with an almost syrupy sweetness. After another sip, he decided he could simply sit here the rest of his time on 900 and keep drinking. The sense that he was being watched crept up on him. He glanced around once more, but no one seemed to be paying him any attention, at least that he could see.

A few more sips and Bryce looked up again, this time seeing the man looking around and seeing him. Coolly, Bryce found one of the servers and waved him over, acting as if that was what he had been searching for. The server came over and he placed an order for a ham and cheese on rye with a dill pickle on the side. He wasn’t really hungry, but he had to play the part now that this man was looking around, and he certainly didn’t want this man, who might not amount to anything more than Bryce’s mind playing tricks on him.

Several women entered, all dressed in Fleet uniforms and catching Nevros’ attention. One of them was Vulcan and he studied her face for a moment. He’d never seen one in person but the descriptions he’d read made him curious. They were not a species to be trifled with, he knew. After another sip of his coffee he watched as the man nearby had food arrive.

“Pardon me,” he asked. “But what is that?”

Bryce hadn’t expected him to address him, so ignored him and thanked the server. When he heard him ask again, he looked up and pointed a finger toward himself. “Ham and cheese sandwich on rye bread.”

“I see.” Nevros’ stomach growled even as he spoke and he realized that one of the usual side effects of time jumping - hunger - was affecting him. “It looks very good.”

Bryce shrugged. “It’s not the most amazing thing in the galaxy, but it is pretty good when you don’t want to eat a big meal.”

Turning back to his own food, Bryce took a bite and hoped that he wouldn’t be bothered further.

Nevros smiled slightly and returned to his coffee. In truth, he thought that sandwich looked exceedingly strange. He’d just been curious about the man. For now he decided the fellow had just been looking around, much as Nevros himself had been doing. He finished his coffee and when the server returned, he paid him. He still had a Brenari to find and given the size of the station, it was going to take time. He needed some decent food, then it was time to start looking. He rose and began to move casually towards the door.

As he walked past Bryce’s table, that feeling came over him again. He fought the urge to look up at the man again, not wanting to make him suspicious. One thing was certain, he was going straight to Piper after this little...situation was played out. It could have been nothing, but he had to know for sure.

A few bites later and the sandwich was gone. Standing, he checked for crumbs on his shirt then decided he didn’t care since he wasn’t on duty. Unconsciously wiping the front of his shirt anyway, he walked out for the nearest turbolift.

A Man Out Of Time

Lt. Bryce Kendrick
That Same Old Feeling


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