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Sneaking Into The Wolf's Den

Posted on Fri Apr 8th, 2016 @ 8:45pm by Indra Nyyar & Jarad & Kaeli & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Cardassia / CIS Intira

* Cardassia *

They had arrived on Cardassia late the previous night. By the time they had departed the ship and transported home, it was the wee hours and both Nyyar and Boroca had been ready for sleep. Nyyar barely recalled her head hitting the pillow and a deep, dreamless sleep had overcome her. Now, it was morning and she stirred awake. Reaching over before she opened her eyes, she discovered the other half of the bed was empty and relief settled over her. That meant Boroca was already up and preparing to go to his office. He had mentioned it last night, and if he was already up, that meant she had slept later than expected. With a stretch, she brushed back her hair and sat up, just as he entered the bedroom.

“Good morning, my darling.” Boroca was all smiles as he hurried over to sit on the edge of the bed. He drew her into his arms, holding her close, then brushed a kiss to her cheek. “I was careful to be quiet and let you sleep. I’m glad I get to see you before I go, however.”

Nyyar smiled warmly. “As am I, though I have nothing planned today.”

“Then I”ll make a short day of it and come get you for lunch. Then we’ll spend the day enjoying ourselves. Your first day back home and time to adjust to being here again. Going out will let you begin to get used to being seen as my wife in public too.”

“Of course,” she answered. Reaching up, she gently brushed his cheek. “I’ll just take it easy here until you return, but let me know when you are on your way home and I’ll be ready.”

“Perfect. Tomorrow, I will have a full day while I catch up, but that will give you time to go to your old house and do what you need to do.”

Nyyar nodded. “It will, yes. How soon do you have to leave?”

“Now, actually, which is why I came in. You just relax. The staff has been ordered not to bother you until you call them.” He leaned in and kissed her gently. “I’ll be home in a few hours.”

He rose and hurried out and soon, she heard he leave through the front door. She waited a few minutes, then slipped out of bed. What she wanted was a shower, then she had something important to do.

A short time later she emerged from the dressing room that now held all her clothes from Zikar’s house. Boroca had ordered them brought over yesterday and she was grateful for that. She would change before lunch with Boroca, but for now, she wore shorts and a sleeveless shirt. She crossed to the bedroom door, locked it, then hurried to the small sitting area and the terminal. It took several minutes to bypass the house security and secure the subspace channel but soon, the transmission went through to Tohr’s ship. She sat anxiously waiting for him to appear.

The monitor blinked a couple of times and then Tohr’s face came up on screen. He smiled when he saw her even if his expression turned again to a slight frown as he reminded himself of the whole situation.

“How are you? I’m close now…Only a little time more before we come to get you out of there.”

Nyyar smiled at seeing him and reached out to touch the screen. “Tomorrow. Can you be here tomorrow morning?”

“Well, I’ don’t know if I can be on time. There are some kind of... obstacles to overcome. But I’ll do my best. Still have to hear what the comrades are planning.”

“I’ll have some time,” she assured him. “Once Boroca leaves to go to his office, I’m going to my old house to sort through everything. I am going alone but I suspect there may be a watcher or two outside. Tell them that so they won’t be taken by surprise.” She looked down at her hands and casually slipped her left one into her lap. “I’ve told him it will likely take most of the day so as long as you all are here before late afternoon, we should have no trouble.”

“I’ll tell them,” Eldren replied nodding briefly “Be sure to be ready to leave in a very short notice. We won’t be able to talk again until we show up so… If some unexpected ‘adjustment’ to the plan comes up we’ll have to improvise.” His image scrambled a little on the screen then returned clear.

“Sorry, maintaining the cloak on the ship and the full speed of the engines is using up almost all power from the core.” He said fixing settings on the console just outside the field of vision provided to Nyyar by the monitor.

“I don’t know why these guys are helping with the extraction.” He added then once the image was stable again “I think the renegade Cardassian has some beef with this Boroca but I don’t care. Tell you what, the moment I get you safe we scramble our own way and leave them to do as they please.”

“I like that idea a lot.” She smiled back at Tohr, hoping to reassure him. “I don’t want you to worry though, I am fine. He isn’t obsessed like Zikar was, and I consider that a lucky break.” She left the subject of Boroca’s emotions at that and moved on. “He will look for me of course, so we may want to take our time getting home. If your friends offer to do the search, that would buy us more time and keep him at bay longer.”

Tohr’s eyes narrowed at the mention of the Cardassian current attitude towards her, any comment or question about the matter, though, remaining uspoken. In a way he hoped the Fates would have had him come at the right moment to meet Boroca in person. His thoughts lingering an instant as he envisioned the possible outcome… Then he quickly trashed the idea. All of them were running on the edge of a knife and raising an alarm that could put all the Cardassian fleet on their tails was the last thing to do.

“I hope our friends will have a mean to free you from this Cardassian’s attentions in a definitive way.” He said in the end.

“Agreed. I suspect that they will be the most likely ones to put an end to this.” She paused, not wanting to end the transmission, but knowing she should, for safety’s sake. “I should go, though I don’t want to,” she admitted. “But after tomorrow, we’ll be free of all this.”

“Yes we will. Be strong now and don’t worry, is better to end this communication now before having someone overzealous stumble into the transmission. We’ll be together sooner than you can think.”

“Be careful,” she said and closed the channel before she changed her mind. Once the screen went dark, the cleared her tracks and breathed a sigh of relief. Tomorrow, she would be back with Tohr and everything would be right again. Till then, she had Boroca to entertain. She decided to skip breakfast since it was getting late and take a tour of the house that had once been so familiar.

* CIS Intira *

Jarad sat down at his terminal but before he could open a channel, the doors opened to admit Kaeli. He smiled immediately and, once she was close, pulled her into his lap.

“I was just wondering when you would reappear.” He buried his hand in her long, dark curls and pulled her in for a kiss. “Am I forgiven yet?”

Kaeli’s expression softened and she nodded. “You are.” After all, she hadn’t told him the whole truth. He was actually correct in his suspicions but it was best that such an admission remain unspoken for both their sakes. “Any word from Eldren?”

“I was just about to speak with him, so it’s good you are here.” He tapped the console, opening a channel to the Bajoran’s ship.

“I’m here,” Eldren said coming up on screen “and I’ve arrived at the rendez-vous point… Where are you guys?”

“Only an hour out,” Jarad answered. “How was the trip?”

Kaeli smiled at Eldren’s image. “Good to see you again. What’s the word?”

“The trip was cramped and boring and word has it that someone is going to get hurt.” Eldren replied sullenly “By the way, nice to see you Kaeli.”

Her smile lingered as she looked back at him. “Don’t worry, we’ll have your girl home soon, I promise. No matter who I have to kill to do it.”

“Have you spoken to her again?” Jarad asked. “They should have arrived by now I would think.”

“Yes, she contacted me not long ago and told me what she’ll be doing tomorrow and where.” That said Eldren shared what infos he’d gathered from Nyyar with them. “So… How’s the drill now?” He asked in the end.

“I was thinking that you and the girls would be the best to go to the planet. Drekkar and I are supposed to meet with Boroca tomorrow, so we can keep him occupied for as long as necessary until you all get Nyyar off the planet.” He looked to Kaeli who nodded.

“When we reach you, Isa and I can transport over to your ship and we can go do our thing. Once we have her safe, I’ll call Jarad. You can leave Isa and I on Cardassia and you two get away as fast as you can,” Kaeli instructed him. “We’ll be fine down below as long as we stay out of sight.”

“Fine for me. Can’t see the hour to get this over with.” Eldren responded with a slight grin.

A thought occurred to Kaeli then. “Where exactly is she going to be that we’ll be able to get her out?” she asked.

“At her old house, the one where she lived with Zikar.”

“Good choice. Will she be alone or is there something I need to know?” Kaeli smiled. “As in do we need to be ready to deal with some Cardassians?”

“There may be someone on watch. A couple perhaps, so she said.”

“Got it.” Kaeli nodded. “We’ll be ready then.”

“And I suppose we will see you in an hour,” Jarad added.

“I’ll be there.”

Jarad closed the channel and pulled Kaeli close. “This may not be as easy as you think, my love. Boroca isn’t stupid. He will have her watched. You must be prepared.”

Kaeli nodded. “We will be. Don’t worry.” She stroked Jarad’s cheek gently. “Everything will be fine.”

Indra Nyyar
Eldren Tohr


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