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That Inner Voice...

Posted on Sun Apr 10th, 2016 @ 11:27pm by Ensign Six of Ten

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: EFS Kohana

* EFS Kohanna *

Six had enjoyed her dinner with Vic but she had slipped out as soon as she had finished eating. It wasn't that she didn't like his company, but that it was just a little too...easy...for both of them. So she had promised to see him the next day and hurried home. She wanted to talk to Suresh and then she needed to regenerate in a big way. It had been over a week and the strain was telling on her body.

She stepped into the quarters she shared with Reva and settled in front of the terminal. She encrypted a channel to hide the ship's location, then sent it through subspace. A few minutes later, Suresh appeared, looking barely awake. Belatedly, she recalled the time difference - it was four in the morning for him. He rubbed his eyes and then realized it was Six. He was instantly awake.

"Six! Oh, I am so happy to see you!"

A warm smile lit her face. "And I you, my love. I've missed you so much. How is everything there?"

"Going along," Suresh answered. "Business has kept me occupied more than usual, especially with Eldren off the station. What about you? No trouble so far?"

Six shook her head. "Nothing yet. We stopped at the colony for a day, and it's lovely. We need to take a trip out there sometime when you can get away. " She paused, wanting to say so much but not wanting to worry him. "I miss you," she said again.

"I miss you too. It's just not the same without you here. It's empty," he admitted. "Edana is good company but she's not you."

"No, but she puts up with you, so be nice to her," Six teased him. "I wish I could tell you when I'll be home but I don't know yet."

"I understand, really." His voice softened. "But when you get home, we're taking off for a few days. Make sure Dae and Leto understand that. Just us my darling."

Six nodded. "They won't have a problem with that and I can't wait until I am home with you." A faint whisper reached Six and she paused, looking around the room. It was empty except for her.

"Six? Is something wrong?" Concern filled Suresh's voice.

"No, I'm fine. It's just that I haven't regenerated in over a week and I am feeling the effects. As soon as I say goodnight to you, I am climbing into the alcove."

"Good idea. You're out there with only an EMH, be careful not to stretch yourself that thin again," he advised.

"I'll be more careful. I should let you get back to sleep. I'll check in tomorrow after I finish in the alcove. I love you," she murmured.

"I love you too. Go, rest up. I'll see you tomorrow." The screen went dark and Six closed her eyes.

Immediately the whisper came again, soft and indistinct. "That's it, alcove time for me." She stood but before she could cross to the corner where she had installed the alcove, the whisper sounded again, this time very clear.

"Six Of Ten, Primary Adjunct of Unimatrix 325..." The whisper was one of many voices, so very familiar. Six froze in place, her breathing coming too fast as the call came again. "Six Of Ten, Primary Adjunct of Unimatrix will respond... The voices stopped, replaced by a single voice, the words measured, the tone clear. "Six Of Ten....I know you're will respond....eventually." It was the voice of the Queen. Sheer terror raced through her, making it hard to think. She stumbled towards the door, managing to get it open, and tapped her comm badge.

"Six to...anybody.....I need..." She heard the whisper in her mind once more and then darkness overtook her.

Ensign Six Of Ten


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