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More Than a Feeling

Posted on Sun Apr 10th, 2016 @ 1:39pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Ignatius Reilly & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana
Edited on on Wed Apr 13th, 2016 @ 9:22pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia

* Archadia, Ipeirios Sea *

Darwin, these have been the best few days! We must do this again. Soon, Iggy crowed into Darwin’s head.

He laughed, though he avoided looking over at Iggy. She’d downed a bird and was steadily munching on it. Raw. His stomach turned just a little bit thinking about that; the view had been worse, what with the feathers and bird shit scattered around the deck. He’d have to find a place to hose it off later, or get out a bucket and scrub brush. “Yeah, but next time... no bird hunting, okay? You’ve made a mess and you’re not good at cleaning up after yourself.” He looked up the mast, where her net of webbing still hung. It’s how she’d nabbed the bird. Apparently she had worked all night on the net; the bird had flown into it this morning.

Perhaps next time, we could bring my children. This is something they should experience. There is so much they could learn from you! Just as I have learned things from you. She set the bird aside, having eaten her fill for the moment. Could we sail again?

“In a bit, sure. There are some caves just around the point over there that I’d like to explore.”

Caves? Really? Can I go?

“They’re partly underwater, Iggs. I’ll take you with me and we’ll see how far you can go.”

Oooo! Spelunking spider! Should I pack anything?

The question made Darwin laugh out loud. It wasn’t as if the spider needed clothing; she’d already shown she could catch her own breakfast, lunch and dinner, and any snacks in between. “Not that I can think of, unless you have a spider scuba suit and gear stashed somewhere.”

Do they make such things? Oh, if they do, then I could go underwater with you!

“Ah... it’d probably sink you, you know? And you don’t really know how to swim, do you?”

I float, I do not need to swim.

“Exactly. Put a pound of dead weight on you and you’ll sink,” he said, chuckling. “Clean up your bird.”

Iggy was silent for several minutes while Darwin drank his beer. Finally, he glanced over and was immediately sorry: Iggy had wrapped the remains of the bird in silk, but the feathers, shit and blood were still spread out around her. She had one feather caught in her hair, just behind her prosoma. It stuck upwards, with a slight tilt backwards, making her look like a jaunty little pirate. “The feathers, too, Iggs.”

Those too? Taskmaster, Iggy grumbled at him, but set about gathering the feathers towards herself. She worked silently for several minutes (when Darwin glanced over, he saw her scrubbing at the deck with a ball of silk on one tarsi; she wasn’t really cleaning anything - she was just spreading the poop and blood around) then spoke up quietly, Do you miss Li?

Darwin was a little taken aback. “Li? Ah....” Li was a complicated thing for him. He liked her as a friend, liked her in his bed.... “No, actually. Why?”

Iggy’s words came slowly and Darwin realized she was trying to be carefully diplomatic: Have you considered inviting Edana to join us?

“Trying to keep me out of trouble, Iggs?”

It may be prudent to at least see if she has the time to come down, Iggy pointed out. But, yes, I am trying to keep you out of trouble. You have often worried about your body parts when thinking about Edana’s temper.

He choked on his beer as he laughed. “I didn’t think you listened in on random thoughts.”

I do. Bipeds tend to think quite a bit; bipeds like Li can muffle their thoughts. But bipeds like you and Oralia... not so much, Iggy said as she dropped a packet of feathers and silk and poop and blood overboard.

Darwin heard the splat as the packet hit the water and asked, “What are you doing?” He knew he’d have to fish the feathers out later.

Feeding the fish, Iggy answered. So... Edana?

“Fine... I’ll comm her before we head to the caves, okay?”

Good. I like you being in one piece.

* Later *

That was fantastic! Iggy used her legs to bounce up and down on the deck. Although, I did not like going under the water. That was nerve-wracking.

Darwin shook water out of his hair and laughed. “Yeah, sorry about that, but now we know that you bob like a cork.”

I believe Oralia would be okay with me telling you this this one time: Fuck you, Iggy shot back.

“Yes, Iggs, Oz might be okay with that.” He laughed then looked towards the bow as transporter harmonics started. “And there’s Ed.”

Edana appeared at the bow of the boat, dressed in shorts and a tank top, her hair pulled up in a ponytail. She had a small bag, which she dropped to the deck. “Hi Iggy,” she greeted the arachnid, then turned her dark eyes on Darwin. She looked him up and down, noting that he looked far more relaxed. Slowly she approached and took a sniff. He smelled like the sun and the sea and she smiled. “How are you?”

He hugged her close. “I’m good. Just about ready to return to the Station. How has your week been?”

“Return? When?” She tightened her hold on him, hugging him close and sighed happily. It felt so good to be back with Darwin, back in his embrace. “It’s been relatively quiet, aside from Suresh climbing the walls.”

“Return in a couple more days, that’s what I meant,” he said, smelling her hair. “I thought you might like to spend a day or so with me.”

“I thought you’d never ask. Have you enjoyed your vacation? I can tell you Gil was muttering about you being gone yesterday.” She brushed her lip to the side of his throat. “We taking the boat out?”

“Yeah, Iggy wants to sail for a bit, too. I’d like to head for an island a few kilometers from here. On the last island - before this one -” he gestured at the island where they were moored, “I met a person who said that there’s a fantastic little bakery over there, right under the tree line above the beach. We can pull up anchor soon as you’re settled.”

“I’m travelling light,” Ed answered. “I’ll just toss this down and come help. Give me a minute?” She kissed him, a slow, deep one, then took her bag and dashed off down below.

He started the process of pulling up anchor, starting with the bow anchor. By the time Ed had resurfaced, he was ready to raise the mainsail and pull up the stern anchor. “Ready? Iggy, are you holding on?”

Aye, aye, Captain!, came her response.


“I’ll see to the anchor if you want,” she offered, moving astern.

“Ah, good! Once the sail picks up the wind, pull it up,” he said, hitting the button that lifted the mainsail. He had a quick flashback to sailing with his dad on Earth; they had raised the mainsail by working a winch on the mast, cranking like mad to get it up quickly. This method - letting the sail unfurl from the mast - was far, far easier. The wind caught in the sail, tilting the boat as Darwin steered away from the island. “And off we go!”

Edana secured the anchor once it was up and then moved up front to stand at the bow. The wind whipped her shirt around her and lifted her ponytail as they picked up speed. Closing her eyes, she let the moment take her.

Awesome, is it not? Iggy intruded on Edana’s thoughts. Earlier in the week, we hit a speed of seventeen knots! I do not understand why they would measure speed in knots, but Darwin said he would explain it once we are back on the station.

“It is awesome!” she called out to Iggy. “Makes me think back to the days when the fleets were actually on the water. I understand why they were so attached to this way of life. Granted, they didn’t have a lot of the things we do now, so it was far more primitive.”

This week has not been primitive. The first night we were down here, Darwin took us to a place where they caught our dinner right in front of me! It was the best!

“Impressive. What was it?” Ed wanted to know. “Well obviously seafood, but you know what I mean.”

Darwin said it tasted a bit like lobster and Li compared it to crab. I just liked the shellfish - flaky and small. I think I ate ten of them, plus some of the other fish. Darwin dropped me off with the cook and he took me fishing with him.

It took a few seconds for Iggy’s stream of words to come together, but once they did, Edana got the picture. Li had been here and she wasn’t so sure how to take that. “Did you enjoy the fishing?” She purposely didn’t mention Li.

Yes, it was interesting to see the man send a line out into the water and come back with a fish. I did not know that was how fishing worked. It is very much like how I hunt for birds. I caught a bird, Edana! Would you like to see it?

“In a bit, Iggy. I want to catch up with Darwin since he’s been gone for a while.” Edana turned away from the bow and moved back along the deck to the cockpit.

Oh, I will be up here, Iggy said, including Darwin in the conversation for the first time.

“Ed, be careful! Hold onto the lifeline,” Darwin called, concerned until Edana stepped into the cockpit. He reached out to her and pulled her close. “This is pretty sweet, right?”

“It sounds like, from what Iggy says, that you’ve had a great time.” She smiled up at him for a moment. “She was just describing the dinner the three of you had with the fisherman.”

“Ah.... yeah, Li was down here early in the week.” Darwin glanced down at her, one hand on the wheel, one arm wrapped around Ed’s shoulders. As he thought about Li’s visit, and that Iggy had, without thinking, revealed it, he felt an odd mix of emotions - anger, frustration, love. Love? Anger? Why was he getting those? He shook his head and added, “That dinner was stellar. The proprietress of the place went all out because of the royal seal on the sails and hull. There were no other diners, so it was just us. The ah... the reception I’ve had in a couple of other places hasn’t been so wonderful. They expect a female to be aboard. Some of them have eased up once Iggy tells them she’s a she. Then I get treated like Iggy’s errand boy.” He laughed. “Funny, yeah?”

Ed nodded. “Yeah, it is.” She looked out at the ocean around them, wondering if she should mention it. Uncertainty rose in her, causing her to hesitate. “I’m glad you’ve had a good week.”

“So am I. Having Iggy along has been surprisingly good - and not just because she’s paved the way for me a couple of times. She’s been relatively quiet, by Iggy standards,” he paused then reached over and set the boat to autopilot. “Come sit with me,” he suggested, taking his shirt off and pulling her close for a kiss.

She let the kiss linger, then stepped away and settled on the cushioned seat that ran along the back wall of the bridge. Watching Darwin, she was struck again by the power of the man. Now, however, he seemed more thoughtful and she wondered what was up.

“We’re about two hours out from tonight’s island,” he sat next to her and ran a finger along her top. He felt suddenly curious. “Feel like sailing naked?”

“Sure but…” Her curiosity was getting to her and she had to ask. “What about Li? I know your time on the planet was...I understand what that was. Is this something I should get used to?”

“Li... ah,” he sat up slightly, removing his hands from her. “I don’t know, Ed. Um... she’s going to be dating this guy, Maxym, a Betazoid she knew as a kid. She was engaged to his brother...,” he shrugged. “So I don’t know about getting used to it. She isn’t someone I’m in love with, but if she comes around, I’m not necessarily going to kick her out of my bed.”

“I see.” Edana crossed her arms, being careful not to let her dismay at that show on her face. She didn’t like it, however. “So let’s look at this, Dar. How would you feel if the situation were reversed? If, for instance, when you weren’t looking, Janus was slipping into my quarters?”

Even before she said anything, he was hit with dismay and a touch of anger; where did those emotions come from? His jaw set rigidly and tightened when she mentioned Janus. “The engineer?” He practically sneered and realized he didn’t like that idea one bit. It was hypocritical of him, but... “He’s not, is he? I mean, I know he’s not right now, since he’s on a patrol ship with Reva and Six and Carter, but when he is around, he’s not around, is he?” His answer made it fairly obvious how much he didn’t like the idea.

“And if I said….if he comes around I wouldn’t kick him out of my bed?” She quoted his own words back to him. Janus had done nothing of the sort, of course, but she had a point to make.

He bristled. “I keep you plenty busy, Ed,” he said, even though, lately, it was nowhere near the truth. Her point hit him, though. “Ah. I get it. No, I would not be happy with that arrangement. That’s the answer you want, right? So then what?”

Edana nodded. “Yes, now you get it.” She settled in closer to Darwin. “That’s it exactly. It’s not what I want. You are,” she added quietly.

He sighed and put an arm around her. “So... no more Li. And you won’t see Janus. Or Farco,” he glanced at her and chuckled. “I’ve seen how he looks at your ass. Ever notice how I flaunt you a little more in front of him?”

“I have and it makes him crazy, believe me.” She smiled and leaned in for a kiss. “No Janus, no Farco, no Suresh, contrary to what much of the Pit believes. Can you live with this?”

“Yeah,” he nodded, feeling easier than he had since she’d come aboard. “So... naked sailing? Unless the wind shifts, we have at least twenty minutes before I might need to make course adjustments,” he flashed her his best charming smile.

She leaned away from Darwin and stripped off her shirt, revealing nothing beneath it but Edana. “What about Iggy?”

“She knows she’s not welcome to join in,” he said, tugging at the waistband of her shorts.

Edana stood and let him pull her shorts free. “Good.” She smiled back at Darwin and reached out to touch his cheek. Happiness coursed through her suddenly, along with some relief. He’d said exactly what he needed to say and for now, it was enough.

He grinned happily. “Right, c’mere,” he pulled her into his lap then showed her the beauty of sex on a sailboat.

* Later, Black Sand Bay *

“Thought you were going to be discreet about Li being down here, Iggy,” Darwin quietly griped at the spider as he finished tying off the bow anchor.

Iggy was hanging out next to him, watching what he was doing. She was well aware she’d never be able to do what he was doing; without him, there were dozens of things she’d have never been able to experience. His chastisement of her made her feel particularly low. Even so, she had her own logic: I said I would not discuss her having sex with you. I did not mention that part.

“No, you didn’t,” he chuckled. His brow furrowed slightly; he’d felt an odd sort of love and then a bad feeling, something like shame. They weren’t his feelings. “You’re projecting, Iggs.”

No, I am not. You are reading me, she replied.

“I’m not the telepathic one in this conversation.”

She didn’t reply; instead, she turned and headed for where she’d attached her earlier snack to the side of the boat. Darwin watched her for a moment then walked past her to the cockpit, where he found Edana. “Iggs is being weird,” he complained and picked up his beer.

“How so?” she asked, and reached out to nudge Darwin with her toe. “More than usual you mean?”

He caught her foot gently and laid the cold bottle against her skin. “More than usual. She just emoted at me and then said I was the one reading her,” he shook his head, obviously disagreeing with that idea. He put his warm hand over the spot where he’d just had the bottle.

Edana’s brow furrowed. “Huh. It’s not like Iggy to shade the truth, or lie.” What he said had her curious, however. “Are you still picking her up?”

“No,” he shook his head. “But I think she stopped projecting.”

Did not, was Iggy’s comment.

Darwin sighed; he’d thought she had stopped listening. His mistake.

“Umm...are you picking up anything from me?” she asked. She kept her expression neutral, but since Iggy was listening, she asked a silent question. What’s going on Iggy?

Still holding her ankle, he set aside his beer and ran a hand up her leg. “Picking things up from you?” He looked thoughtful, but was interrupted:

She meant emotions, Darwin, not that you should try a pick up line. To just Edana, Iggy thought, He and I have had three days alone. I have noticed that Darwin has picked up on various things without realizing that he is doing so. You give me too much credit, though, if you think I know what is going on or why he is feeling strange. It is Darwin, though, who is being strange, not me.

“What she said. Have you been picking up my feelings since I got here?” Ed asked him. “Besides just understanding me, I mean...more than that. Feeling them maybe?” What Iggy had said concerned her suddenly.

He made a face at her. “Your feelings? Neither of us is telepathic, Ed.” He stopped to think, though.

In the silence, Iggy interjected, He has, Ed. Think of how easy it was to get Ed--

“Hey! You’re not supposed to watch or listen in!” Darwin shouted. His cheeks flamed as he looked at Ed. “Ah... you’re thinking that’s funny, aren’t you?”

Edana smiled. “I was. What else?”

“That was easy - I could see the humor in your eyes. Iggy does have a point, though-”

Of course I do. When do I not?

“-it was easier to ...yeah,” he grinned. “I felt it, too. Things were a bit more intense; I assumed it was for you, too.”

A slow smile spread over Edana’s face, saying all that needed to be said. “What about earlier, when we were in here talking right after I arrived?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know... when we were discussing Li, I felt dismayed. A little angry.” He shook his head.

“Bingo!” Edana replied. “Those feelings were mine at learning….you know.” She slipped her arm around Darwin, drawing him closer. “Iggy says you’ve been picking up things the whole time you’ve been gone. I think you should have that checked when we get home.”

“I have not,” he said.

You have, too, countered Iggy.

“I...,” he didn’t know what to say, so he didn’t say anything. “I’ll go to sickbay when we get back. For now, how about a swim?”

“Sounds lovely.” Ed smiled and kissed Darwin gently. “Last one in…..” She said and hopped up, dashing out to the deck.

He laughed and let her beat him to the water; he beat her to the beach, though.

Lt. Cmdr. M. Darwin
SCPO Edana
Ignatius Reilly-Zeferino


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