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Dealing With Barbed Wire

Posted on Sat Apr 16th, 2016 @ 12:51pm by Maxym Balasz & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: VIP Quarters

* VIP Quarters *

Max stood in the living room of his former quarters, taking one last look around. Satisfied that he had gotten everything here, he entered the bedroom and gave it a once-over as well. A check of the drawers told him he’d cleared out everything and he was satisfied. Now that he had moved into his permanent, ambassadorial quarters, the rooms here seemed empty and impersonal. Granted, he hadn’t spent much time in them, other than to sleep, but a lot had happened while he had resided here, and all of them had to do with Li. He couldn’t have imagined, as he’d left Betazed and traveled to the Delta Quadrant, how much his life would change.

The realization that he might not be spending too much time in his new quarters either made him laugh. He shook his head, then moved out to the kitchen for one last look there. All was good. He sensed Menna calling him from next door.

On my way, he responded. He took one last look, turned off the lights, and closed the door. Stepping over to the next door, he pressed the panel and entered.

“Hello Menna. How is everything?”

“Rotten,” she grumped then explained, “My tea is cold.” It was her expectation that he’d warm it up or make a new pot for her.

“Allow me.” He smiled and whisked her cup away, then crossed to the kitchen to put on a new pot. “What are your plans for the day?” he called out to her.

I suppose I will putter about this apartment, since you are leaving to take on your position already. Perhaps I will knit. I am working on a baby blanket at the moment, she answered.

That caught Max up short and he poked his head out of the kitchen. “For who?” Her answer had surprised him so much he’d spoken aloud, despite her being in his thoughts.

“I simply want to be prepared for when ...well, whenever,” she turned cagey. There was no baby yet - not even a fetus - but she had hopes. It would store just fine anyway.

“I see. Preparing for Reva and Riley already are you?” He decided to take that route first, hoping it might distract her. He turned back to the boiling water, which he added to the teapot. Settling the kettle aside, he put the lid on the pot and let it begin to steep.

“No. The idea of them having a child,” Max couldn’t see her, but she stuck her tongue out and shuddered with revulsion. That particular emotion radiated along her thoughts to Max. “I think you and Li are more likely going to be the recipients.”

“Cut that out, Menna,” he admonished. He carried her teacup and the pot out and placed them on the table at her side. “You liked Riley, admit it.” He didn’t comment on the rest just yet. He knew she’d pin him down sooner or later, especially since he had moved out next door. “He’s a great guy.”

“Oh, children from Riley will be lovely,” Menna agreed. “He is a fine young man; I am sorry he is tangled up with Reva. Any children from her will be part Orion and they might be ...,” she paused and whispered the word with distaste: “Green.”

“Light green,” he reminded her. “Their children will only be one-quarter Orion, so maybe not green. Mostly Betazoid but with enough Orion to give them more passion. I think maybe that’s why those two get along so well.” He settled on the sofa and smiled at her. “When are you going to cut her some slack? She’s not her parents Menna. Your grievance is with them, not her. She didn’t do it, she was just the result.”

“A result that I had to raise, that prevented Grax from marrying again... can you imagine one of the other families agreeing to have her in their house?” She blew on her tea cup before taking a sip. “She was a difficult child.”

“Perhaps she had good reason,” was Max’s wry response. “A constant dose of condescension can do that to a kid. In spite of that, she’s done very well for herself. Be proud of that.” He shrugged lightly. “As for Grax? He could remarry if he chose to. Maybe he’ll find someone that tickles his fancy out here.”

“If he does, we’d best leave as soon as possible. The only woman who would tickle his fancy is Europa.”

“You might be surprised. You never know who will drop into your lap, Menna. I’m living proof of that.” He smiled gently, then it grew brighter. Li had just returned to the station from a visit to the palace. He could sense her suddenly, one second not there, the next she was.

“What has you smiling like that?” Menna distrusted happiness in others, even more so in herself.

Max shook his head. “Li just arrived on the station is all,” he answered. His eyes narrowed as he looked back at Menna. “What would it take to make you happy, my dear?”

“Who says I am not happy?”

“Are you?” Max countered. “If you are, then spread it around a little. I don’t mean to be harsh but I think it’s time to focus on your own life and let the rest do as they will.”

“Don’t be impertinent. This is my life, Maxym. Are your new quarters closer to Li’s?” She changed the subject.

“One deck down,” Max answered her. He rose and poured the last of the tea into her cup and carried the teapot to the kitchen. “For now,” he added. “”We’ll see how it goes.” He knew Menna was eavesdropping, so he replayed the bit of memory outside Piper when Li had said she was coming home to him.

That is a lovely memory, Max, Menna thought to him. Why even bother with separate quarters? She grunted and laughed, Nevermind; it’s a bit soon for the widow to move on, publicly.

“I think that’s part of it,” he admitted. He set about making a fresh pot of tea. Though that hadn’t prevented the vacations with Darwin. That thought pricked at him and he tried to push it away. It brought out his baser side that wanted to march off to find Li and demand that the dalliances with Darwin stop.

Jealousy is healthy, just don’t let it make you do anything stupid. Challenging a human like the Lieutenant doesn’t seem very wise. Menna based this on Maxym’s mental picture of the man - large and muscled, obviously capable of physically besting Max.

True, and I know, logically, there is no reason for worry. I know her feelings about this man. Still…. He returned with the fresh tea and a shrug. “Emotions are what they are, especially for us.”

“Yes, we feel them intensely.” Menna sipped her tea and thought her own thoughts for a few minutes. “Perhaps later, you could round up Grax and we’ll go for a walk in the Arboretum.” It sounded like a suggestion; it wasn’t.

“Sure, I’ll find him and send him along.” He would find Grax but Max had no intentions of going along. He intended to see Li as soon as he left here. A thought suddenly occurred to Max. “Have you thought about the idea that Grax might want to stay out here?”

“Why would he do that?” She seemed genuinely surprised by the idea.

“Well, because his daughter is here? It’s a change of scene? Maybe because he and Riley have become thick as thieves, to use the old expression?” Max asked. “It’s something to consider. Maybe it would be good for him.” He paused then pressed the point home. “It would put him much farther away from Europa too.”

“He is too ... how shall I put this? Touched in the head? He needs to stay close to me,” Menna said, refusing to see the truth of his comments.

“Even better.” Max set his cup aside and turned his full attention on Menna. “The medical and counseling staff out here are some of the best in the Fleet as I understand it. Perhaps it is time they took a look at him. He’ll have plenty of people around to look after him as will you at home. It would give you some time, also, to travel without having to worry about overseeing Grax.”

“You speak of him like he’s a burden to me...,” she stopped then conceded, “Perhaps he is, to a small degree. He is still my son. We will see how this plays out, Max. I know you’re eager to get to Li.”

“Something to think about,” he agreed. He rose and carried his cup into the kitchen and washed it out. “You’ll excuse me if I’m not around for dinner tonight? Since Li is finally back on the station and not taking off again.”

“I understand. I will invite Riley for dinner,” Menna said. “I can take care of myself.”

“Good. Tonight is the night that I intend to make this proposal official. Wish me luck.” He leaned down to give her a light kiss to the cheek. “Lucius has given his permission.” Lucius had, in fact, prodded him in the first place.

“Wonderful!” She patted his hand. “Call me with the result of that, though I suspect we all know what it will be already.”

Max nodded. “I will. If you need anything, call Riley.” He turned and hurried out.

“Of course,” Menna said to the empty room before picking up her knitting and resuming work on the baby blanket.

Menna Avvarax
An Unpleasant Watcher

Maxym Balasz
A Man With Ulterior Motives


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