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Eldren Catches His Breath

Posted on Sat Apr 30th, 2016 @ 9:27am by Indra Nyyar & Jarad & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Deepspace 9

* Deepspace 9 *

“That should do it.” Jarad turned off the dermal regenerator and laid it aside, then lifted the sheet over Nyyar’s bare back. “The chip is gone. That spot will be numb for another hour yet but after that, you shouldn’t notice it at all.” He was quiet a few seconds, then continued. “You know Drekkar and I will keep your whereabouts a secret. Your husband...ah..Boroca has ordered us to track you down, which gives us plenty of time to do whatever we want. That does not include taking you back to Cardassia. I know it may be hard to trust my word on that, but it’s true.”

“I know,” Nyyar answered. “If not for you and your group, I would still be there and Tohr would be dead. I owe you all a great deal. Thank you.”

Jarad smiled finally. “It was partly for you and partly payback for what Boroca and Zikar did to Kaeli and Isaura. They had it coming. Now, you get dressed and come to Eldren’s room. It’s time to wake him up.” Jarad departed, leaving her alone.

Several minutes later, Nyyar entered the room where Tohr still slept. “How is he?”

“He’s going to be just fine. The repair went smoothly and he’s as good as new.” Jarad pressed a hypospray to Eldren’s neck and there was a soft hiss. “Give him just a minute.”

Eldren’s eyes opened and squinted as they adjusted to the light “Where am… I?” He asked but even before anyone could respond he recalled everything that happened until the moment he collapsed. He Looked around recognizing the room as being part of an Aid Station or somesuch, his gaze focused on Nyyar in the end while a smile lined his lips.

“We made it after all.”

“We did. We're at DS9. Jarad fixed you up and says you are as good as new.” Nyyar bent down to kiss his forehead. “Not that you'll be running laps around this station yet.”

“I'll let you get up in a little while and test that leg,” Jared informed him. “Until then, just relax.”

“I will do.” Eldren replied “By the way what is a Cardassian doing playing doctor in an obviously not Cardassian facility?”

“I called in a favor,” Jarad admitted. “Let me tell you, it got an interesting reaction, me operating on a Bajoran,” he glanced at Nyyar, “well two Bajorans. But I just explained we were travelling together and getting away from a little problem.”

“I’m sure that’s no new thing for you… Indeed. Both operating on Bajorans and skitter away from a problem.”

“In this case, yes, but I think it’s best that you two get on with your lives. Nyyar, let me know if you have any issues with that. I’ll check back in an hour or so.” He nodded to Eldren and hurried out.

Nyyar took his place beside the table and reached for his hand. “How do you feel?”

“I’m hurt… In pride.” He half-joked. That hesitation in front of a hated enemy was not becoming of him. Almost cost his life and maybe someone’s else, perhaps Nyyar’s. “And the worst thing of all is being patched up by a Cardassian.”

“I understand but Cardassian saved your life, along with another Cardassian, a Bajoran, and two Romulans. Crazy huh?” She smiled back at him. “He also did me a huge favor.”

“Mmh… A piecemeal bunch of pirates and two of them still with one foot inside their government for sure. You don’t really trust them, do you? Which kind of favor?” Tohr replied half-heartedly.

“Well, there’s a story behind Jarad and Drekkar but we can save that for later. As for me, while you were sleeping on the way here, Isa found a tracking chip in my back,” Nyyar admitted. “Jarad removed it.”

“I would have you checked over once we’re back to SB900, perhaps there are more or goodfella Jarad placed his own while removing the other…”

“Not a bad idea.” she raised his hand to her lips. “At least I have you back in one piece and we’ll be on our way home soon. We only stopped here to give Jarad a place to take care of you. We’ll be leaving as soon as he thinks you’re ready.”

“I think I’m ready, been all my life. Do we need anyone else’s opinion?”

“Maybe your doctor’s” she teased. “We’ll go soon enough. Can you sit up?”

With a slight wince Tohr moved to a sitting position “I can, it seems. By the way, where is ‘here’? Last thing I remember before lights fading out was just warping anywhere out of DMZ.”

“Deepspace 9,” she answered. “We...ah….kept you sedated for most of the trip to keep you still and keep the pain down. Well, aside from keeping you hydrated and fed the quick way. Isa was afraid the wound was bleeding internally beneath the patch and it was essential that you stayed still.” She took hold of his shoulders to steady him. “Better. I was so worried Tohr. If anything had happened, I would have gone back to Cardassia and dealt with Boroca in person and he would have regretted it.”

Tohr let himself be inebriated by her scent “Why… You’re developing a temper,” he said jokingly, “That frightened girl on the banks of the river Tahl seems so far now… Still, I would rather want you away and safe, shouldn’t I be around anymore. You’ve sacrificed enough of your years to that brood of tormentors.”

“That girl….ceased to exist that day,” Nyyar whispered. “She was gone for twenty-three years. You’ve brought her back to life. Now, I am going to determine my life, not those who kept me caged. I will be where I want to be for the first time ever.”

Tohr nodded slowly with her last statement, gently stroking her cheek with a finger. “A time for serenity has come.”

“I intend to make sure that happens.” She leaned into his hand and smiled. “With the help of our new friends and Suresh. This should end it once and for all.”

“Nothing could appeal me more. But that could be a fine line to thread for you, why don’t you leave that to me and Suresh to take care of?”

Nyyar shook her head. “It will need me to be believable. Kaeli said that Boroca thinks she is responsible for my removal from Cardassia, which means he thinks the Tal Shiar is involved. We are going to let him continue to think that, while Jarad and Drekkar pretend to look for me. The rest I’ll tell you about later, but don’t worry. I know Boroca. It will work.”

“Well then,” Tohr conceded “but I’m not accepting any plan that is going to put you at risk. You’ve been close enough once, I won’t allow that to happen again.” He searched her eyes with his. “Deal?”

“Deal. If all goes well, he will think I am dead,” Nyyar answered. “With Jarad and Drekkar out here to monitor things for him, he won’t send anyone else that might report back that I am actually alive and well. There’s nothing to worry about.”

Tohr regarded her for a moment and wondered what could have happened if, at the time, she could have been recruited in a resistance cell.

She smiled and leaned in for a kiss. “Ready to try your legs now?”

“Ready.” he replied giving in to a long passionate kiss.

“I’ll get Jarad, just to be on the safe side. If you start to go over, I’m not sure I could hold you up.” Nyyar paused a moment as she studied his face. “Then we are going home…..and staying there.” she turned and stepped out of the room to find Jarad.

“I’m not one to go over.” he muttered to himself.


Eldren Tohr
Determined To Not Go Over

Indra Nyyar
Just Determined

Partner In Crime


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