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Shared Misery

Posted on Tue May 3rd, 2016 @ 8:19pm by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Suresh & Seyla & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia / Suresh's Quarters

* Saturnalia *

Riley finally had a few hours off. Gamma shift was continuing the work and while he was supposed to be sleeping, he had another looming issue to consider. He knew just the person to help him consider it, since he might be in the same situation. He had changed out of his uniform and now entered Saturnalia. The wave of noise washed over him, a welcome change after the quiet of the labs. He stood, scanning the room, in search of Suresh.

Sitting on the far side of the establishment, Suresh was at his usual table. He saw Riley enter and sent Farco over to retrieve him. Once Riley was seated and had a drink in front of him, Suresh asked, “Have you heard from Reva lately?”

Riley took a deep drink from the glass, then set it back on the table. “You sure you’re not telepathic? That’s what I came to ask you. Well, about Six, not Reva, so I guess that answers your question.”

“I guess so,” Suresh said, visibly deflating. “Any news from the Fleet? Has Darwin contacted you?”

“Darwin? Last I heard he was on a short vacation and I haven’t seen him.” Riley took another drink and rubbed his eyes. He leaned in closer then, so as not to be overheard. “Things are getting strange, Suresh. One of our science officers has vanished.” He saw no harm in discussing this since Suresh knew the nature of Six’s mission.

“Vanished? This is linked to Six as well?” He glanced across the bar and grimaced, noticing that Robart wasn’t in his usual spot near the door.

Riley nodded. “Yes. Snatched out of a turbolift and it’s looking like he was pulled out of...out of time.” He followed Suresh’s gaze. “Looking for someone?”

“Robart,” Suresh replied. “He could be out there faster than a Fleet ship, check on what’s happened.” He wanted to rush out there, wherever there was, and find Six himself.

“Well, it could be any number of things. No one has appeared at my door to tell me anything is wrong and Reva did warn me that their communication might be sporadic. Still….” Riley fell silent and shrugged.

“Yeah, still....” He frowned. “I don’t like the silence. I need to be doing something.”

“I’ve been doing something non-stop and now I’m scrambling to figure out why someone would want Ian. What I want is some sleep,” Riley admitted. “And a meal I don’t have to swallow whole in five minutes or less.”

“You can sleep in my guest room. The kitchen here can make something for you.”

Riley was obviously surprised. “That’s nice of you, thanks. It might be good if one or the other does call, I can route my terminal down to your place.” He raised two fingers to Shelly as she passed by the table. “How’ve you been managing without Six around?”

Suresh lowered his voice and said, “Not well. You, at least, have had something to keep you busy.”

“Even business isn’t a distraction?” Riley asked, then he nodded. “I get that. Funny how they just take over your life isn’t it? And we love them for it.” Riley smiled and shook his head.

“Exactly,” Suresh smiled too then groaned quietly as he saw his least favorite woman headed their way. “This might spoil your dinner.”

“Well, look who’s here: the bought and paid for Riley. Come to do Suresh’s bidding?” Seyla sauntered to the table and smiled at the two. It wasn’t a pleasant smile.

“Nope,” Riley answered. “I was just in the mood for some pleasant company, which should resume once you’ve finished here.”

“Oh, are you trying to hurt my feelings? Sweetheart, you should know by now: Orions don’t have feelings,” she smirked at him. “Surie, I came by to talk to you about business.”

Riley started to reply with a caustic answer but let it go as Shelly arrived with their drinks. “Anything for you Seyla? Some hemlock maybe?”

“Funny, Scientist,” she sat near Suresh. “We’re missing money, my dear. I’ve sent Marla down to investigate.”

A dark frown settled on Suresh’s face. “Missing how? As in pocket change or something significant? “

“Significant. It’s been getting worse - the amounts have been growing but I haven’t narrowed down which house. It’s one of them on Archadia,” she smiled at Riley and took his drink.

Riley simply rolled his eyes and motioned for another.

“So, first, up, have Marla order them to report separately. That will either show which house is coming up short or get a reaction of some kind. Maybe separate accounts for bit till we see who. What has she found so far?”

“She stirred something up. Dae was there with her, though she didn’t know, and ended up getting one of our employees killed. He woke up in bed next to her body and is still in jail at the moment. Marla’s a little shaken up,” Seyla sipped her stolen drink.

Suresh cursed at the news. “So….someone figured out she had a watcher and managed to get him out of the way. And whoever that is doesn’t want to be found. Any suspicions? You know the people down there, Sey, and have a good sixth sense about them.” He finished speaking and reached for his drink. “I had to say I wanted something to do, Riley. Me and my big mouth.”

Laughing slightly, despite the seriousness of her business discussion with Suresh, Seyla reached over and lifted Riley’s hair off his forehead. “I can see why Reva likes you. You’re very cute.”

“Thanks.” Riley managed a smile. “So I’m curious. Who is dumb enough to try and rip off you two? If they went to such lengths to remove Dae, it must be serious.”

“Now that they’ve killed one of ours,” Suresh said, “it’s even more serious. Money, I can eventually forgive. A life, though,” he shook his head.

Seyla agreed with him, “Obviously, it’s someone at the house she was at. We’ll narrow it down. How are your girls?”

“Busy,” was Riley’s succinct answer. “They warned us they’d be busy.” He glanced at Suresh a moment, but there was a silent warning in the look. “So, we decided to kick back for a little while and take it easy. And before you offer, no, I don’t need someone to keep me occupied.”

Seyla rolled a shoulder in a shrug. “Fine, though, it’s your loss - the only Orion on my books that could top yours is me,” she smiled at him.

“He already declined, Sey,” Suresh warned her off. “Just go see to Marla.”

“Fine,” she stood, “Gentlemen, have a good evening with just yourselves.” She smirked and walked away.

Riley watched her walk away, then turned back to Suresh. “She certainly has a high opinion of herself. Still.”

Suresh laughed slightly. “She might just have reason, you know. She’s bedding down with some of the Fleet higher-ups.” He shrugged. “Bragging rights.”

“I suppose.” RIley shrugged. “I just never really got past what she tried to pull with Reva. Which is why Seyla and I are polite in passing and never linger in each other’s company. I don’t trust her and she doesn’t much trust me because of that incident with Nemi.”

“Nemi?” Suresh’s brow rose. “What incident with Nemi?”

Riley shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “It all goes back to the incident with Six.” He looked down at his glass, not really wanting to meet Suresh’s gaze. “I...ah...saw Nemi down here just before that happened and apparently I terrified her. I don’t recall it all that clearly.”

His grip on his glass tightened slightly, recalling those tense moments when Six was in Sickbay because of Riley’s attack. His gaze followed where Seyla had gone. “Likely she doesn’t even recall that incident. I don’t think she cares whether her women are scared by a client. They’re paid well,” again, he shrugged. “More likely, she’s upset that you won the tug-of-war with Reva.”

That got a laugh from Riley. “Yes I did, though honestly, I wish the circumstances for that victory had never happened.” He sighed softly. “I am worried Suresh. I don’t think it’s a matter of them just being occupied.”

“If it’s more than that, Darwin will come tell us,” Suresh said confidently. “Perhaps they’ve found something entertaining. Six can get consumed with things at times.”

Riley laughed again. “Oh boy, I know how that is. With the two of them together, they can get lost.”

“And they’re on a ship filled with Borg tech. I’m sure Reva is in some sort of heaven, for an engineer like her.” Still, Suresh worried. “Perhaps calling Darwin and Ed is in order. Care to join me in my quarters?”

“Sure.” Riley drained his drink and stood. “If anything comes up science can find me.”

* Suresh's Quarters *

Several minutes later, Suresh had a channel open on his console and was waiting for the computer to connect to Darwin. A hassled Darwin showed up on the screen, “What? Oh... Surie. Shit. Ah, so, how are things?”

Suresh frowned. “Well, that’s quite the greeting, especially since I haven’t seen you in more than a week.”

“Right, sorry. Things are a little crazy,” Darwin replied. “So we’re done, yeah?”

Suresh glanced at Riley, sensing something was up. “Darwin, what things are crazy?”

“Crazy? Did I say things were crazy?” Darwin attempted to look innocent.

Riley raised his eyebrows. He could sense Darwin was in avoidance mode even without seeing the man’s face. He stepped up beside Suresh and crossed his arms. “You did. What gives Darwin?”

“Ho! Riley! Hey, so what’s going on there? Impromptu bachelor party? If I were on the Station, I’d join you,” Darwin was falsely cheerful.

Frowning, Suresh glared at him. “What is going on? Darwin, so help me, I will skin you if you’re hiding something about Six.”

“Hiding? What could I hide about Six? I mean, if her ship had gone missing or something... I’d have to tell you, right? Not lark off on a trip to try to find the missing ship.”

Riley rested his hands on the desk and leaned in closer to the screen. “Is that what you’re saying?”

Darwin frowned and nodded. “It is. The Kohanna is missing and I’m trapped on a tiny little ship with three crewmates who all outrank me and who shouldn’t be on this trip,” he complained. Drawing in a breath, he shook his head. “Sensors were tracking the ship; several hours ago, they lost it. We’re headed to the last known coordinates. Don’t worry, I’m sure it’s just a sensor glitch and we’ll get out there and find them toddling along.”

“Thanks for letting us know before you took off.” Riley stopped and shook his head. “Sorry Dar, I’m a little wound up. This doesn’t feel like nothing.”

“I didn’t have a lot of time before we took off - really, I told Li Hawke and two hours later, we’re taking off.” Darwin leaned forward and whispered, “This wasn’t my choice. And now I’m stuck here with the Admiral!”

“Sucks to be you, but you don’t have a wife on that missing ship, Darwin,” Suresh raged at his friend. “How could you just... run off? Without telling me? That’s it, I’m telling Robart that Reva’s in danger out there!”

“You can’t do that, Suresh! It’ll blow the secrecy of the patrol out of the water and endanger them,” Darwin warned.

“I hate to admit it but he is right,” Riley agreed. “The good thing is that ship will protect them better than just about anything. From what Reva says, it’s rather attached to them. Literally.”

“Don’t worry, you two, we’ll find them,” Darwin assured them and closed the commlink.

Suresh’s eyes went wide and he sputtered, “He... he just hung up on us! He is so dead when he gets back!” He hedged that: “Unless, of course, he brings Six with him.”

“And Reva,” Riley added. “He is worried, and really stressed. Given other recent developments, I don’t like it.”

“What other developments?”

Riley studied Suresh, then crossed to sit down. Given the man’s wife had suddenly vanished, and his knowledge of Six’s real occupation, Riley saw no harm in telling him. “Ian Bren vanished out of a turbolift. He’s been working heavily on the sphere project. We have reason to believe that he was snatched out to a different….time.”

“A different time? Perhaps, then the Krenim have moved the ship to a different time, too,” Suresh reasoned. “Which means that they could be perfectly safe, just in another time. Can you imagine if they showed up years from now, when we’re old?”

“I don’t want to think about that,” RIley answered. “Especially since it would be worse for me. In a century, you’ll look the same. I’ll probably be dead from old age by then. Let’s just hope they can find them. Now that we know, I’m hoping Darwin will keep us updated on their progress.”

“I think he was happy to be on that ship - he didn’t have to tell us in person,” Suresh said. “I’ll call Ed and see if she knows anything. In the meantime, let’s get you set up in the guestroom.”

“Thanks. I am so damned tired I could drop. I think I before yesterday.” Riley yawned.

“I’ll wake you if Darwin calls or if Ed knows anything,” Suresh led the way to the guestroom. “There’s a replicator, so whatever you need. Sleep well.”

“Thanks.” Riley watched as Suresh departed, then got ready for bed.

Out in the living room, the door chime rang insistently, then a knock came on the door. “It’s me, Suresh.” The voice was Edana’s.

“Come in,” he let her in and drew her into the living room. “Are you here to tell me about Darwin’s news?”

“I am.” She passed by him and went to the bar. “You’ve talked to him I see?” She poured two whiskeys and returned to give one to Suresh.

“Riley and I did. He’s in the guestroom,” he gestured down the hall then sipped the whisky. “He didn’t even stop to tell me.”

“Yeah, about that.” Edana dropped into the chair by the sofa and slipped off her shoes. “He got the news, told Li and next thing Dar knew, they were in the Admiral’s office deciding to ship out in two hours. Just the two of them.” She sipped from her glass, obviously not too thrilled about that.

Suresh laughed, “In his dreams, perhaps. He was just complaining about being stuck in close quarters with the Admiral. I take it that makes this stressful rather than pleasurable.”

“The Admiral? Is with them?” Edana laughed briefly. “That’s interesting. I wonder why?”

“Bored of his ivory tower?” Suresh shook his head.

“I think it’s a great idea.” She stopped and let out a long breath. “That’s not really fair I suppose. I mean Darwin promised me there would be no more ...dalliances...with Li. I should trust that and let it go.”

“Dalliances?” Suresh paused to look at Edana as if seeing her for the first time. “Darwin and Li? Oh... well. Maybe that’s why he’s so irritated the Admiral’s there. Built in chaperone. Wow... that’ll make the weeks drag by,” he mused then focused on her again. “Um... I mean, that’s not a bad thing, right? I’m sure he’ll abide by his promise. Hell, he’s probably bunking with the old goat.” He paused. “I mean the Admiral, not Li.”

This time Edana’s laugh was a hearty one. “She will be happy to know you don’t think she is an old goat. To be honest, I’m worried for them. They are going into Krenim space and we have no idea what’s going on out there yet. The one operative in that area hasn’t been heard from in a few weeks.”

“Other than Six, you mean? Who?”

“Someone we sent out after Seren was rescued from The Devore homeworld,” she hedged. “That’s all I can say.”

“Fine,” he nodded. “This makes me absolutely unhappy. Six is out there, somewhere, in an area of space where a Fleet operative has gone missing.”

“In a ship that is virtually impenetrable,” Ed reminded him. “Along with Seren and Vic, who are both very good at what they do, not to mention the rest of that crew. They will take care of each other.” She looked down into her glass, wondering if mentioning Vic was a bad idea. “Don’t worry.”

“Easier said than done, Ed. You worry about Darwin, don’t you?”

She sighed and nodded. “Yes. He promised but I can’t help it. Darwin’s never been known as one to settle down, you know?”

“No, he hasn’t. I’d be wary of settling on him, Ed. I get the feeling that he doesn’t stop to think when women are involved.” Suresh smiled ruefully.

“We’ll have to see.” Edana shrugged. “A lot of people said that about you too.” She drained her glass and set it on the table. “I will let you know whenever I hear anything. They will find them one way or another.”

“Thanks. I’ll likely see you around tomorrow,” Suresh said and watched her leave. He then resigned himself to an empty bed.

Lt. Riley Sukotav
SCPO Edana


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