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Ready for Piracy

Posted on Fri May 20th, 2016 @ 11:36pm by Warrant Officer Awf

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Awf's Quarters

Admittedly Awf seemed to be in a great mood most of the time. He wasn't the pensive sort, expect when he had experienced a loss before. That had really hurt him bad. Ironically it probably hit him more than more people. However, the vast majority of the time he had been apparently in a really great mood.

Now, though, he seemed even better than usual. Looking around, he placed his skateboard leaned up against the wall with the wheels facing away from it. While this might have looked like an unusual ritual for those not familiar with why he did it, it was because if one placed it on the floor with the wheels up then it's easy to trip on. Alternatively, if they had with the wheels down then there's a good chance that someone might step on it and as a result go flying.

Facing away from his bed, the Ocampa threw out his arms and allowed himself to fall backwards, bouncing onto it in the process. He loved the feeling, and felt light and free.

"Computer, commence logging! Keep file private flag on until otherwise noted."

With a prominent beeping noise, it seemed like his voice was now going to get recorded.

"So man I am so totally stoked! I want this to stick around secret for now, but I'm actually planning on leaving the station. I've been cooped up here too long, and want an adventure. That's why I left Ocampa V in the first place anyway, and I was looking to go many places throughout the galaxy anyway. Well, as a result, I've decided to sign on with a pirate crew. That's right no more rules or regulations to guide me! This is going to be a barrel of laughs, I'm sure."

With a laugh, Awf then elected to continue what it was that he was saying.

"Well, there's a certain someone that I went skateboarding with, and now I'm going to run off with her crew. My resignation as a Warrant Officer will have to be approved, because if Starfleet elects to not do so, there's actually little that they can do if I just completely leave the station. Are they really going to send out a search party for one single guy who never even got a commission? I highly doubt that one! Like...they so totally have other more important things to worry themselves about besides me!"

Warrant Officer Awf

Starbase 900 Support Craft Pilot and Pirate Candidate


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