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Here Comes Trouble

Posted on Wed May 25th, 2016 @ 8:33pm by Marabeth & Ronin & Rhian
Edited on on Thu May 26th, 2016 @ 3:48pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Cherry Pit / The Nexus Club

* The Cherry Pit *

"I saw her up on the Promenade this morning," Farco informed Ronin. "Talking to another Ocampa, guy looked like a kid. Then again all of them do to me." He shrugged and looked around the market stalls in the square. "Might check in Saturnalia though, she likes to hang out in there. She seems to have made friends with Marabeth. Go figure."

"Yeah, go figure" Ronin grumbled. "Thanks. If you see her, send her in, huh?" He turned and entered the bar. A quick scan of the main area revealed no sign of Rhian.

"Looking for someone?" Shelly sidled up to Ronin with a smile.

“Hiya, Shell.” Ronin sighed aloud. “Yeah. Rhian. Younger, Ocampa, long black hair, trouble following in her wake?”

“Ahh, that kid. She was here earlier. She stopped to talk to Marabeth, and then I heard she jumped into a poker game in the den. I think she got the better end of that game, based on the grumblings afterward.”

Ronin spotted Marabeth at a table with a man he didn’t know and inclined his head in that direction. “My usual? I’ll be with Marabeth.”

“Sure thing, honey. Good luck on your treasure hunt. I think she will find you. Trust me.”

She moved off towards the bar, leaving ronin to wonder just what she meant by the comment. Shaking his head, he strolled through the tables until he reached Marabeth. Both she and the man looked up at Ronin, whose ‘don’t mess with me’ aura had it’s usual effect. The fellow rose and excused himself, then hurried off.

“What was that for?” Marabeth demanded. “He was just working himself up to asking me to get out of here.”

Ronin laughed as he sat down across from her. “He doesn’t have the nerve to ask his own shadow to go somewhere with him.”

Marabeth reached out with her foot under the table and ran it up Ronin’s leg. “So? Make it up to me?”

“Tempting but I’m on a mission. I’m looking for Rhian. Ocampa? Long black hair? Shelly says you know her.” He paused as Shelly herself appeared with his drink, then departed. “She also said Rhian was here earlier?”

“She was. We visited for a bit before she joined the poker game. Gutsy she is, it was some of the regulars here who play seriously.”

“And?” Ronin sipped his drink, still watching Marabeth.

“I heard she cleaned house. Clem said she kicked ass all around.” Marabeth smiled. “Why so interested in her?”

“She’s part of my crew. She’s also young and a little wild and has no real sense of how dangerous it can be down here.”

“So you come running to the rescue.” Marabeth smiled like a satisfied cat. “She’s not that naive, Ro. She knows what she wants out of this life and for her species? She’s not that young. By her reckoning, she’s only about 4 years younger than you in normal years.”

“Your point?” Belatedly, Ronin realized the direction in which Marabeth was leading him. “Oh….ohhhh...oh no.”

“Oh yes.” Marabeth nodded sagely. “Trust me.”

“That’s what Shelly said too. With Kaeli and Isa off the station, and Rafael, I thought I should give Joe a break from keeping an eye on her.”

“You’ll get no argument from Rhian.” Amusement lit Marabeth’s eyes. “If I were you, though, I’d ask her about her little Ocampa friend. He’s a Fleetie. His superiors might not like him being led astray.”

Ro rubbed his forehead, then finished off his drink. “Fine. Time to tug on her leash a little.”

Marabeth raised an eyebrow. “Leash? I wasn’t aware you were into that sort of thing. I daresay she’ll come to heel with no more than the flick of your finger Ro, if you want my advice that is.”

“That’s not what I wanted to hear.”

“Too bad. You might want to keep your little thief well in hand though. Most of this crowd doesn’t realize what strong telepaths they are,” Marabeth whispered to him. “Especially the poker players. It might be better for her to sit the next few out, hmm?”

Ro nodded. “I agree absolutely. I’ll...ah….have a talk with her.”

“A talk with who?” The voice was Rhian’s and she was suddenly standing right behind him.

“Just some business, but it’s good you’re here,” Ro answered. “I’ve been looking for you all over.”

“Oh? Why’s that?” Rhian dropped into the empty chair, all smiles.

“I’m giving Joe the night off of Rhian duty."

Rhian stuck her tongue out at him. “I don’t need babysitters.” She paused a moment, catching a hint of Ronin’s intent. “This is about Awf?”

“Who’s Awf?” Marabeth asked.

Ronin smiled, unable to help himself. “He’s your Ocampa friend?”

Rhian nodded, wondering how much he’d already heard. “He is. Nice kid. I’ve just been helping him have a little fun when he’s off duty.”

“Mmm hmmm.” Ro frowned. “We’ll discuss that later. For now, we’re going to get out of here.” He shot a look at Rhian that left no room for argument.”

“Aye sir.” She gave him a mock salute. “See you later Marabeth.”

“Sure honey.” She waggled her fingers at them as they departed.

Just outside Saturnalia, Ro turned to face Rhian. “So, besides here, what would you like to do tonight?”

“Besides here?” A slow smile spread over Rhian’s face. “Take me to the Nexus.”

Ro started to object but it was safe and was always a good time. Finally he nodded. “You’ll need a dress and I’ll need to change.”

“Sure. Got it covered. Meet me there in an hour?”

“One hour,” he agreed. “I’ll drop you at your quarters to get ready.”

* The Nexus Club *

“You clean up well.” The voice behind Ronin was Marabeth’s. She was on the arm of some Fleet officer who looked vaguely familiar to Ro, but whose name escaped him. “Meeting someone?”

“Thanks, I think.” Ro smiled to the officer. “Yeah, I am. Babysitting duty tonight, remember?”

“Sure it is.” Marabeth’s smile widened. “Well, have fun.” She glanced behind him, shook her head, then she and her officer vanished into the crowd.

“Wha--” Ronin started to ask, then turned to look behind him. The rest of the question died on his lips. A dark-haired young woman approached, her hair up in a mass of curls with a few tendrils loose around her face. Long crystal earrings dangled from her ears and caught the soft light of the chandelier that hung in the reception area outside the Nexus’ entrance. She wore a dress of deep purple, strapless, that fit close and flared out around her legs. He saw a hint of one of those legs through the high slit as she approached. It took a few seconds for reality to sink in.

It was Rhian.

His addled brain wasn’t sure what to make of it. This wasn’t the Rhian he knew at all. That Rhian was a wild teenager with sticky fingers when it came to something she wanted. That one was always one step ahead of trouble. But this one...Marabeth’s words came back to haunt him. ”By her reckoning, she’s only about 4 years younger than you in normal years.” He had heard the same thing regarding dog years and people years, but he didn’t think Rhian would appreciate the comparison.It seemed, however, that Marabeth was right. He hadn’t realized his mouth was hanging open until Rhian drew near and reached out to gently push his chin up.

“I take it you approve?”

“Rhian?” The word came out with too many rough edges. He could only nod. He hadn’t know what to expect this evening, but it certainly wasn’t this. Now it was Kaeli whispering in his head. ”Here comes trouble…” He’d always said that about Kae herself but now, it seemed he was getting round two. “You look incredible. So grown up.” He mentally kicked himself for that.

“I am grown up,” she murmured. “You just never realized it.”

No, he hadn’t. His telepathy wasn’t as strong as Kaeli’s and he had to rely on touch. Rhian’s touch to his chin had revealed far more than he thought he was prepared for regarding Rhian’s feelings.

Oh boy… He was in so much trouble.

“Shall we?” He heard himself ask as he offered his arm. “Our table is waiting.”

“Of course.” Rhian could read the thoughts in his mind and understand the effect she was having, which brought out a sly smile. “Marabeth is right. You do clean up well.”

“Thank you.” Ro knew it was going to be a long night.

* * *

“So who is he?” Dinner was done and now Rhian had coaxed Ro out to the dance floor. She was a graceful dancer, light on her feet, and he was surprised at how good she was. Somehow he still saw only what he knew - a young stowaway. He was doing his level best not to notice how well she fit against him as they moved to the music.

“The Fleetie?” She smiled up at Ro. “Someone we could use - a pilot.”

“Use?’re not seriously thinking of luring him away from the Fleet are you?” A frown settled on Ro’s face. “Bad idea, very bad. Besides, I just hired a pilot to replace Jock.”

“Yeah, but he can’t be in the chair round the clock, can he?”

“No, but Joe’s a good flyer and can relieve him as needed,” Ro replied. “You know Joe gets restless if there’s nothing to do, so it works out well.”

“Still, Joe has other things to do and we could use Awf.” Rhian’s hand crept higher on Ro’s shoulder so her fingertips could brush his throat. “He really does want to see more of this quadrant. It’s why he left our homeworld.”

“Are you sure it’s not you he wants to see more of?”

Rhian laughed merrily. “I’m just there to give him a little push to do what he wants to do anyway, which is not staying holed up here on this station.”

Suddenly, what she’d said sunk in. “Wait, did you say Awf?”

“Yes, why?”

Ronin stealthily blocked his thoughts. If Rhian read just how Ronin knew Awf, she’d also see far more about his own Fleet activities than she should. “I think I met him at the Wormhole, that’s all, though I didn’t realize he was Fleet at the time.”

She studied Ro and could read nothing. “I see. Then you should consider it. He can have my quarters.”

“You just got those quarters when….Olivia left.” It was still difficult to say her name aloud. “Where will you go?”

“Maybe across the hall,” she hinted. Ro’s quarters were across the hall. His eyes widened, causing her to laugh once more. “I’m joking.” Mostly.

“I’ll think about it,” he murmured.

“Awf or moving across the hall?”

“Both.” The word slipped out of Ro’s mouth before he could stop it.

Oh yes, a very long night indeed…..



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