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Like So Totally Aggro

Posted on Thu May 26th, 2016 @ 4:20pm by Warrant Officer Awf

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Awf's Quarters

Sleeping in was something that was exceptionally rare for Awf for relatively obvious reasons. He never had wanted to waste what little time that he still had left. Thus today had been no different. Before he returned back to his quarters to record his log, he had already been very active.

Today was technically a day off. A day off for him had involved skateboarding in one of the unused sections again, and a day off for him had involved volunteering for service that was rather quite dangerous.

Considering his track record this wouldn't have looked unusual at all, but for Awf it was supposed to be something of a send-off for his work left in Starfleet.

Once he was back in place, he deftly made a few taps on an LCARS control panel, allowing him to start recording into one of his protected personal logs again.

"Like I am so totally stoked right now that I volunteered for my last Starfleet service that it's unreal! I mean, this is gonna be wicked when I leave. I mean I got everything in order now so soon enough nothin' is gonna hold me back. Sure I'm gonna miss all my friends, but at this point I'm just being held here. Going to the Saturnalia, hearing those stories and everything was a real eye opener for me. I mean, like, before I never would have gone to those decks."

Awf sighed for a moment before he continued to speak.

"Yeah, and well really I don't want most of the kinds of stuff that they offer down there, because that's not for me. What I was looking for though is an adventure, and it looks like I've found it. I'm gonna see the whole galaxy at this rate, and we won't have to be held to anything that anyone says."

Gasping, Awf seemed to be getting a bit ahead of himself really.

"Hey and it looks like I'm going to be teaching her how to skateboard more too." It seemed that the Ocampa had a special accent on the pronoun that he had used. "That's what I think is really gonna be wicked out of all of this. I so totally can't wait one bit until I get a chance to see her again, which really should be quite soon for sure!"

Warrant Officer Awf

Starbase 900 Support Craft Pilot Candidate who Became Pirate Candidate


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