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Admiral Imposter

Posted on Sun May 29th, 2016 @ 9:01pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Lieutenant Commander Leto & Commander Oralia Zeferino
Edited on on Sat Jun 18th, 2016 @ 10:49pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Command & Control

“Just need a signature on this one,” a yeoman said, holding out a padd to Oralia.

She grimaced but took the padd. She flexed her writing hand and put her finger on the padd, electronically signing the purchase order. “I didn’t realize that the Admiral signed so many things in a day,” she groused. It seemed like that was all she’d done in the Admiral’s stead.

“Sometimes. Sometimes, he golfs. Other times, he goofs off,” the yeoman said, smiling. “There’s a lot of administrative things, though.”

“Great. Joy and fun,” Oralia responded. “Okay, really, I need to go...,” she looked up, sat up straighter and interrupted herself, “Admiral Hawke, how are you doing?”

“At ease, Commander.” Lucius glanced at the yeoman, who hurried out of the office. Once the doors closed, Lucius approached and sat down before her desk. “How’s it going, Oz?” He asked, his tone shifting to the familiar.

“Okay. So far, no emergencies or issues,” she smiled. “The good news is that I’ve been okayed for active duty; otherwise Kh’ali would be acting CO and Leroy would be XO. That’d be interesting. What brings you by?”

“Commander Leroy had his hands full,” Lucius answered. “That’s part of why I am here. I assume you’ve been updated on Ian Bren and Aia?”

“One is missing; what’s with the other?”, she asked. She knew there was a search on for Ian; Gilroy was overseeing that even though they had scans showing a time shift had happened in the lift where Ian was last seen.

Lucius passed her the padd Gilroy had left him. “Aros may be in danger, as is Aia.” He related the story of Aia’s watcher, at least as much as he knew, including the death, and non-death, of Aros. “This Krenim put her back with Aros and then they came to find me. I suspect it’s all tied into Ian Bren. They want what we have.”

“The sphere. Can we give it to them? Not the real one - a replica? Something that will fool them long enough to get us past this? Or will they just see the future on that and not be fooled?”

“I’ve been debating that.” Lucius pursed his lips as he considered it. “I think it would work only if the fake gave off the same sort of readings when scanned. It’s a good question for Commander Leroy and his team. I know the Krenim can manipulate time but as you know, it’s fluid. If they look ahead, they may not necessarily be seeing the results of this particular present, but of another. Commander Winter could tell you why, but I think that is the gist of it.”

“Probably can see the probability of certain outcomes, moreso than the actual future events,” she nodded. “I’ll ask Sciences and Engineering whether such a thing can be mocked up.”

“I told Commander Gilroy to call in Ehlana to go over the lift and Aros’ quarters. We should know something soon. Leto and Nico are due here in a few minutes to discuss the operation as it is now. Given what’s already occurred, what’s next on your list?” Lucius asked. He had some ideas but this was about Oz. He knew she would handle it. She likely just needed a sounding board, which was what Gilroy had suggested.

“I put a security detail on Leroy, Rutheridge and Sukotav because of Bren’s disappearance. Those three are involved in figuring out the sphere. Winters gave Gilroy a device for each team to use; it’ll warn them if there’s a time rift in the area. OPs is on alert as well and running extra scans of the station.”

“Good.” Lucius nodded. “Aia’s security team is is on alert as well. So far, we are doing what we can, though I’d love to get my hands on this watcher that we can’t see. Weren’t you on the team looking for Commander Kh’ali when she was out of phase here on the station?”

“Yes, I was. Chronitons alerted us to where she was. We could run a sweep for those around Aia, but wouldn’t that make the watcher aware that we know about him? And he told Aia not to tell anyone about him?”

“Good point,” Lucius said aloud. He rose to get some coffee from the replicator, speaking to Oz mentally as he did so. The most likely places are in our quarters or those of Aros, since public places might be difficult. If the computer is set to scan continuously, have any detections silently routed to Security, he wouldn’t know.

Will do, Oz agreed. She sent a text message to Gilroy, outlining what needed to be done. “Any other recommendations?”

“I would call Major Lorenz and have the Marines on alert, just in case. Snatching two of our people is a bold move and if it means that much to them, I suspect they won’t stop at that,” Lucius surmised.

She nodded, “That’s what I’m afraid of.” She looked up as Hope entered the room and announced that Leto and Nico were there. “Show them in,” Oz said, standing.

The pair entered the office and nodded to Lucius and Oz.

“Glad you two got here so quickly.” Lucius motioned to the empty chairs. “Commander Zeferino and I have been going over the latest.” He got them up to date regarding Aia and Aros.

Nico was frowning by the time he finished. “This watcher…I can go with Commander Gilroy if you like. I may be able to sense something when he is out of range of the detectors.” He turned to Oz. “With your permission of course.”

“Tell Gilroy I sent you,” she nodded.

“Good idea, once he is back,” Leto agreed. “What else do you need immediately Oz?” She updated them on the situation with Dae down on Archadia.”Last I heard, they were in pursuit of Marla.”

“In pursuit? Marla is on the lam? I thought Dae was in prison down there and Ray and Gil went to talk to him. Isn’t Marla under Ed’s watch?” Oralia shook her head slightly; she was a step behind, an unusual place for her but caused by her status as acting CO. She paused as a message came up on her screen. “There was an explosion in a warehouse on Archadia. The warehouse is owned by Suresh and Seyla’s shell company. Traces of explosive found in the wreckage.”

“Life signs?” Lucius demanded. “Or traces of victims?”

“No life signs; no traces of victims,” Oz said, scanning further down the message. “Oh, and here’s one from Gilroy: he and Ray beamed Marla out just before the explosion. They’re safe in an Intel conference room. But Edana hasn’t been heard from since they left her in the house on Archadia. The Archadian guard is searching for her.”

“Dammit!” Leto cursed. “My apologies. I can go assist the guard, since Nico is needed here.”

Nodding, Oralia waved away the curse and the apology. “You’ll go to Archadia and find Edana. Darwin will be pleased to know you’re on the case,” she smiled.

“I’m on it.” Leto rose. “If I may?” She was looking to Oz, since she was in the big chair. “I’ll report in as soon as I have something.”

“Okay.” Oz nodded, dismissing Leto. “Nico, you’ll look after the Aros-Aia issue. Talk to Gilroy, coordinate with him. Keep me updated. Admiral Hawke, is there anything you want to add?”

Lucius nodded to Nico, who departed to find Gilroy. It was a clear indication that he still has something to discuss with Oz.

“I’m going to take off too, and see what I can do for Commander Nalas. Why don’t you and Jackson come for dinner when you leave here?”

“I’ll call him to be ready,” she agreed. “And I’ll call the Captain of the Archadian Guard to see if she’ll release Dae for us. It isn’t as if he’d go anywhere.”

Lucius had to smile at that. “Unless he decides to fly deeper into the DQ alone, no, it’s not likely. I can go down there after dinner if needed. I’d like to take a ‘look’ at those involved, if you get my drift.”

For a moment, she almost didn’t, but then she recalled: Betazoid. “I do. If you want me to go with you, then I will. Otherwise, I’d prefer a security detail goes with you.”

“You should. As the acting CO, and given my position, they would be fools to try anything, whoever ‘they’ is. We’ll go once we finish dinner and leave Aia and Jackson to catch up.” Lucius rose. “But I’d better get home to tell her we’re having guests. We’ll see you two in an hour.”

“Will do, Sir,” Oz smiled. Soon as he was out the door, she started making calls; the first was to Jackson.

Commander Oralia Zeferino
Just Acting

Admiral Lucius Hawke
Just Checking In

Lt. Leto
Just Looking For Edana

Lt. Commander Nico
Just Taking Care Of Marla’s Business


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