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The Cardassian Complication - Part II

Posted on Fri Jun 10th, 2016 @ 12:51pm by Rafael Hernandez & Kaeli & Isaura Panossian

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: RIS Opius

* RIS Opius - Sickbay *

“Containment fields?” Patch chuckled as he applied a painkiller to Kaeli’s neck. As that took effect, he moved to her hand to pull off the disk of poison using tweezers. He set the disk in a puddle of solvent. “All right, that won’t hurt anyone now.”

“Containment field,” Rafael agreed. “Between her and us, and one that will keep her from getting out for a bit. I know her...very well. It won’t be pretty.”

“I bet it won’t be, but she should wake up feeling okay with the dose of meds I just gave her. She should be awake soon.” Patch checked where Isa’s phaser blast had hit. “She must have used a mild stun, quick blast. There’s no burn.” He looked up at Rafael. “Does she hate livin’?”

“Who, Isa?” Rafael considered how to answer that one. “Isa is complicated. She runs a tight crew, one that’s close-knit with one exception. We’re family. We’ve always taken care of our own but this time? This was personal. This Boroca...he put a serious twist in everything. It’s the only reason she’d ever raise a hand to Kae.”

Patch was making sure Kaeli would be comfortable when she woke up: blanket, pillow, a kiss to the forehead. “Apparently. That guy with her, Zarv, he’s ...uh... he’s devoted to Isa.”

“Also complicated,” Rafael agreed. “To put it in blunt terms, he’s a slave. That’s what his race does, though Isa treats him more like a hired lackey. They share a mental link, also what his race does. They form a bond with whomever they serve.”

Patch paused and looked at Rafe. “That’s interesting. That would explain some of what I just saw down there.”

“What did you --” He was interrupted by a soft groan that was followed by a string of curses. “I think our genteel princess is awake.”

“Ah, Kaeli? Are you feeling okay?” Patch held her hand.

She shook his hand off and started swinging as she came fully awake. The last thing she remembered, they were facing Boroca, then everything went black. “Get off me!” The demand was followed by more cursing and in a flash, she had a knife in her hand.

Treasuring his skin more than anything else, Patch quickly backed off. “Whoa, Kaeli! Hey, you’re safe. We’re safe. We’re on the Opius, all’s good. Kaeli?”

Finally she was coherent and Patch’s assurance sank in. “The Opius? But….how did we get here? We were….Boroca was….” Suddenly the mental curtains parted and she recalled Isa raising a phaser at her. “Isa!”

“And there’s the memory recall,” Patch said. “Isa is fine; so are you. We’re all good here. Boroca is dead. Quite dead,” he swallowed hard.

“Did Isa do it?” She turned to Rafael. “Tell me she didn’t do it herself??”

Rafael shook his head. “No, Zarv did.”

“Good...that’s good. How is she? The things Boroca said…”

“She’s on the bridge, getting us out of Cardassian space. She’s nuts, Kaeli,” Patch moved in closer to put an arm around her.

Rafael could agree with that sentiment, at least temporarily, but he kept silent.

“No, not nuts, she had an old, horrible score to settle. I’m glad she’s okay because now I won’t feel bad when I kick her ass for shooting me!” Kaeli was off the table in an instant, running for the door.

“Uh-oh...,” Patch looked at Rafe. “Should we go after her? Or let her hit the bridge like that?”

“One second.” Raf sprinted out the door behind her. There was the sound of a scuffle out in the corridor, then more cursing, both Rafael and Kaeli. Moments later, he returned to sickbay with her over his shoulder. Kaeli was kicking and hammering on his back with her fists. “Easy there.” He unloaded Kaeli, dropping her back on the biobed. “You stay put.”

“Like hell!” she growled. “You don’t shoot your own men. If you change the plan, you tell them!” She gathered her skirt up, preparing for another dash at the door.

Patch, this time, restrained her with both hands. “Settle down there, babe. Maybe she had a reason. Like bein’ batshit insane.”

She fought against Patch but it was an unsuccessful battle. Finally she grew still. “Then she can try and make me understand, once I get over the urge to strangle her.” She looked over at Rafael. “You can tell her that. I appreciate what you’re trying to do Raf, nothing personal. Now go away.”

Rafael shrugged. “I will but we have a few days travel time, it’s going to be a long trip back. You might as well make use of it to work this out.”

Kaeli didn’t answer and Rafael ducked out of Sickbay. Once the doors closed, she turned back to Patch. “You going to keep me here and away from the bridge?”

“That depends. Will keeping you here involve me getting hurt? Or could I interest you in a bit of sex on a biobed?” He smiled, winking at her.

“Later, back in quarters. How much pain am I going to be in before whatever I assume you gave me wears off?” She frowned a moment, then reached out, tugging him close. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. You shouldn’t be in much pain. Looks like Isa used a very mild stun, quick burst on you. By the time the painkiller wears off, you should be good to go. If you do feel any pain, then we’ll get you another dose.” He settled her against him in a hug.

“I want to get out of here.” Kaeli’s tone was bitter. “Back to my quarters and lock the doors for a while so I’m not tempted to do something stupid.”

“Of course, milady,” he scooped her up from the bed and carried her out of Sickbay.

* The Bridge *

Isa had set course for the wormhole; shields were down but their cloaking device was active. She sat in the pilot’s chair, musing over Boroca’s ring, letting herself touch on memories she’d long ago tried to bury. She knew there’d be a reckoning with Kaeli - she’d screwed up Kaeli’s plans, all to hell and back - but that’d come.

The doors opened and Rafael entered the bridge. He crossed to the captain’s chair and knelt down by her. “She is awake.”

She chuckled slightly and slid the ring into a pocket. She then weakly smiled at him. “Guess I’d better watch my back, huh? She has every right to be pissed at me. I shot her. Not really something a friend does, right?”

“Or a compatriot or one’s captain,” Rafael agreed. “I think she’s more... hurt but you know her. That is one thing she will never admit to, ever. She wanted to make sure, though, that it wasn't you who killed him. Why is that so important to her?”

“I don’t know,” Isa shook her head. “In a way it was me. I can see it from both angles, mine and Zarv’s. It was great, Rafe, to see him die, in pain like that.” Her smile was peaceful.

“I understand that. You should have told her, though. Going off the plan is dangerous, could have gotten you both killed. Do you see?” He reached out to stroke her face gently. “I don’t like you two being at odds. The two of you are the heart of this crew, even if she claims to have none.”

“Without the rest of you, though, we’re nothing.” She paused and unnecessarily rechecked the autopilot. “I couldn’t. She was so adamant on getting in and out with no trace. Zarv’s DNA will lead to a dead end for the Cardassians. His attack looks like an animal ripped him apart. Which, actually, isn’t far from the truth,” she smiled. “It’ll be sort of the same as a heart attack. Cardassia has dangerous animals.”

“As long as it doesn’t point to you or to Romulus. The last thing this area needs is a war between them. His men in the woods look like they were jumped by that same animal from what Patch said.” He took Isa’s hand and raised it to his lips. “It’s over. Patch is keeping her contained for a while.”

“Maybe she’ll be too worn out to trounce on me later,” Isa laughed. “Sit with me a while? Zarv is taking a nap. He’s a little tuckered out, poor thing.”

“Sure.” He settled in the second seat and stretched out his legs, holding Isa’s hand in his.

Rafael Hernanzez
Isaura Panossian


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