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Growing Pains - Part II

Posted on Sat Jun 11th, 2016 @ 11:23pm by Commander Dae Nalas & Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Crewman Apprentice Xavier Slandala

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Security / Archadia

* Security *

A good half hour later, Nico appeared in Gilroy’s office. He was wearing a fresh uniform, but his hair was still a little damp. He smelled faintly of some woodsy soap.

“Thanks. I got medical to send down a neutralizer.”

“Good idea.” Gilroy was nursing a cup of hot coffee. “Get anything from Seyla, besides a good dose of why Orions shouldn’t be on Fleet ships?”

“She swears she has no idea who’s behind this and that she didn’t sell out Marla. That’s the truth too. Suresh didn’t even know ahead of time. What she said about that warehouse being storage for old furnishings from other houses is bullshit. Umm….” Nico paused to try and sort through all the impressions still swirling in his head. “She actually sent Dae with good intentions, so whoever this is had to improvise.”

“Explains why there are so many holes in the case against Dae. It’s scary what they could do with some time to plan,” Gilroy said. “Can you tell what the real purpose of the warehouse is, or was? Are they smuggling something that could have caught the attention of organized crime?”

“That’s what I wonder,” Nico agreed. “Though Suresh is organized crime here. But what would they be smuggling?” A sudden thought hit Nico. “What if someone has hidden something down there with plans to move it later? They know no one would touch the place because of Suresh and Seyla, so it’s a good spot to keep something out of sight. The missing money could be part of that deal.”

“It could be. Lots of things for us, and the Archadians, to check into. I’ll send a message to the Captain down there. For now, we just need to find Edana. Any progress on that?”

“Nothing from Leto yet. I’d like to go join her if you don’t mind,” Nico answered. “I am a little concerned about Dae though. You said he recognized the voice of one of the guards as being involved, if she suspects that, he may not be with us long.”

“I haven’t made that known, Nico.” Gilroy pulled out a padd. “But we do have voice exemplars now. Take them to Dae, see if he recognizes any.” The request was implicit permission to go join Leto.

“I’ll change and get down there. We’ll find Ed. You want to send one of yours along?”

“Yeah. I’ll have Xavier join you,” Gilroy said. “I’ll notify him and he’ll be ready when you are.”

“Good. Have him meet me in Transporter Room Two. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.” Nico rose. “No uniform.”

“Twenty minutes.” Gilroy turned to his console to send the order to Xavier.

* Archadia *

Grinning like a little kid on his first errand alone to the candy store, Xavier, who hadn’t been given a solo assignment since Pash had cut his hand off, looked around the Archadian street with interest. “Wow, they are so ...well-built here.”

“You haven’t been down here before? Seriously?” Nico asked. He looked over at Xavier as one of the locals passed by, giving them a long, lingering look.

“Seriously. I’ve been having a good life up on the Station, holodecks and all. Besides, Zeferino got a little protective of me after the hand thing.” He waggled the fingers of one hand, as if to demonstrate there was nothing wrong with it.

“I heard about that. Good thing someone was able to fix it so completely.” Nico scanned the street, then began to walk again.

Xavier rolled his shoulders. “Yeah. Good thing.” He followed along with Nico, watchful of the things around them. “We’re off to the jail?”

“We are. It’s a few minutes’ walk is all. I wanted to have a chance to scan the area, if you get my drift? See if anyone has Edana on their mind. Once we’ve seen Dae, we’ll go check out that house. That’s the last place Ed was, with Ray and Gilroy.”

“I see,” he nodded. In a few minutes, they came upon the jail and turned into it. Nico presented id and they were soon in front of Dae’s cell. “Commander Nalas, Ensign Xavier Slandala. We have a few questions.”

“Hey Nico, Ensign. What’s up?” Dae asked.

“How are you?” Nico asked aloud. I spoke to Gilroy about your recognition of the voice of the guard. I think you should keep that quiet down here. If it’s her, you are in danger.

Dae nodded. “I’ve been better, but it could always be worse you know? What would you like to ask, Ensign?”

Xavier nodded, sorting out the mental conversation from the verbal. “Commander Zeferino is working to get you released on her word.” He leaned in slightly and smiled, “She’s the acting CO of the Station; Admiral Wegener is on vacation. She’ll have you out soon. Did you tell anyone that you were coming to Archadia to watch over Marla?”

Dae shook his head. “No, not a soul. Seyla asked me to come and I left immediately. I went straight to the bar where Marla was checking the books. The bartender tried to pick me up and then Marla sent her home. I waited till Mar left and followed her. I ran into some woman in the alley who tried to kick my ass, then caught up with Marla. I was watching her and then...blackout.” Dae shrugged. “You’ve seen the report about where and how I woke up.”

Nico nodded. “We have. The evidence is almost non-existent except for seeing you talking to the bartender while she was at work, then the police catching you at the hotel. We brought you some reading material in case you’re bored.” Voice prints from Gilroy. See if any match who you heard in the alley. Be careful. If that guard is one of them, you are in danger here.

Xavier passed the padd over to Dae. “Self-explanatory, all the usual, coded to you only.”

“Thanks fellows.” He studied them a moment, then frowned. “A bomb under Marla?” He was on his feet in an instant. “Is she alright? Who did this?”

“She’s alright, I’ve seen her,” Nico answered. “She’s at home, your place, under guard. We’re looking into it.”

Dae began to pace back and forth. “I have to get out of here.”

“Um, that’s what Commander Zeferino is working on, Commander,” Xavier said, almost defensively. “And Security is guarding Marla. She’ll be fine.”

“No offense meant, Ensign.” Dae sighed aloud. “This all needs to end now.”

“Agreed. We also have to find Edana. She went off the grid when Marla disappeared. She was tracking her and then suddenly stopped answering.”

Dae stopped and faced them. “Any more bad news?”

Xavier started to shake his head then stopped and looked at Nico. “Is there anymore?”

“No, there is no more. Oz is doing her best,” Nico replied. “We’ll check back in before we return to the station.” Is that guard here?

Dae shook his head no. “Alright, I‘ll be here. No plans to go out.” He smiled but the joke was hollow.


The Main House - Archadia *

“Well, your first time on Archadia and your first time in the house of Suresh and Seyla.” Nico smiled a moment. “Beware, they’ll love you here.”

“Oh. That’s what they’re paid to do,” he nodded and stepped inside. Heads turned, mostly to just check out the new arrivals. Once the pair were raked over by a half-dozen gazes, the gazes went back to what they had been doing. Except for one, who remained wary of the pair. Xavier headed for the bar behind Nico.

Nico ordered drinks for them and seemed content to sit at a small table as they sipped them. He opened up his mind and began to fish for what he could find. “The bar here’s decent, actually,” Nico murmured. He kept the conversation light so he could concentrate.

Xavier didn’t have that need to concentrate. He looked around the bar, sizing up the various patrons, trying to put a profession to those who didn’t appear to be employees of the place. He had the feeling that the muscled woman being talked up by a couple of employees was a business professional of some sort. He asked Nico, “Do you really think they’d have her here or be discussing her here? I mean... those involved are most likely gone, hiding out wherever it is they’re hiding her.”

“Unless they are here watching for the likes of us,” Nico suggested. “You’re human and thus more likely to be affected immediately. Smell any hint of Orion?”

“Orion? No? Uh... no,” he shook his head, sniffing the air. “Yeah, no, I don’t smell anything like an Orion around here. Though there is a male over there, a grey one. ‘Course they don’t have the pheromones the way the females do.”

“That’s Farco,” Nico answered. “He’s an ally you might say.” He lowered his glass, his attention now drawn to a man entering the lobby, watching him casually. “What do you make of him?”

The security officer casually looked everywhere but where Nico had just gestured. Finally, he took a side glance at the fellow. “Bit too casual, isn’t he?”, he remarked.

Nico nodded. “He’s scoping. I want you to leave and wait outside the front door out of sight. I suspect he’ll be making an exit in a few minutes and I want you to follow. I’ll catch up with you.”

Xavier nodded, finished his drink and stood. He left without a word and went outside, where he waited.

Nico sat facing away from the door still as the man approached the bar. As he drew closer, Nico turned in his chair to face him, making himself visible, openly watching the man, waiting to be seen.

The man, an Archadian, made a circuit of the bar and finally made his way to Nico. “Looking for someone tonight?”

“I’m just here enjoying a quiet drink on a night off. What about you?” Nico smiled slightly and took a quick read of the man. He appeared outwardly calm but inside he was anything but settled. “The liquor’s good here.”

“Indeed it is,” the man smiled and settled in a chair close enough to Nico that he could pat the man’s knee and rub his thigh. “My name’s Simon.”

“Looking for a little action?” Nico asked. He reached beneath the table and captured the man’s hand, holding it still where it rested on his thigh.

“Aren’t you?” Simon smiled. “I know of a private little place down the way. Or just upstairs, if you want something a little less private.”

“That all depends on what exactly you’re offering. I’m not one much for public displays. You understand I’m sure? The Fleet frowns on such things.” Nico leaned closer. “I could, however, be tempted to step out of here. Tell me where.”

“It’s down the way, left out of here, seven doors. Knock and I’ll let you in. I assume we’re leaving separately?” He smirked and stood. “It’ll be a fun night, Fleetie.”

“We are leaving here separately,” Nico answered. He took another quick read of the man and it confirmed what he’d already sensed - that this man had more than a hookup in mind. “I’ll see you in ten.”

“I look forward to it,” he said, grinning as he walked out. He knew it was obvious what they were doing; anyone who was even slightly familiar with the bar knew how things worked.

Outside, Xavier saw the man go past. He waited a moment then followed him and stayed outside the seventh door, waiting for Nico.

A few minutes later, Nico arrived, looking over the building and not Xavier. He inside?

Yeah. Went in just a minute ago, Xavier nodded slightly.

Something is up. He’s really unsettled and he approached me, got a little too friendly too fast. He knows I’m Fleet so I am guessing an ambush. Think we’re getting close?

Let’s hope. I haven’t seen anyone else go in. If it’s an ambush then it’s just the folks who were already in there. Isn’t this one of the extensions for the brothel? Xavier glanced down the street away from Nico.

Nico shook his head. I don’t think so, this seems more like some private hovels. He closed his eyes and reached out with his mind. He’s in there and two others and….I think Ed. Ready?

When you are, Xavier nodded and readied himself to go into the place.

Nico nodded and pulled out a wickedly sharp blade that he held down by his thigh. Stepping up to the door, he knocked.

After a moment, the door opened and Simon, beaming happily to hide his nervousness, waved Nico in. When he saw Xavier behind Nico, he said, “Oh, you’re more fun than I thought. Three of us? Okay, then, come in.”

Nico moved on in with Xavier right behind him. A quick glance around told him the others were not in the room with them. He reached out, took hold of the man’s shoulder then, quick as lightning, had him pressed to the wall, the blade at his throat. “Not a sound,” he ordered. “The other two? In that room?” He nodded towards a closed door.

Simon yelped then stammered, “W-w-w-woah! Ah... I’m ...I’m just an errand boy!”

Xavier went beyond them to the doorway and glanced at Nico. “I can open it. Ready?”

“And I thought you wanted me for my body,” Nico joked. “Stay put or I’ll slice you to ribbons.” He then nodded to Xavier and moved to stand to the side of the door.

Stepping back, Xavier took a moment then kicked the door. It popped open, inward, and he brought his phaser up, ready for an attack.

Inside the room, a figure in the shadows raised his arms as if taking aim and another shouted, seeing Xavier’s phaser. “Get down!”

Xavier fired twice, once on the person raising his arms, again on the one that shouted. He missed the verbal one but stunned the first. “Nico! Watch it!”

“Got it,” he grunted. He dropped to his knees and leaned around the door frame. A flick of his wrist sent the knife in a straight shot. It sunk home in the second man who cried aloud.

Xavier reached behind Nico and hauled the smaller Simon toward the door. “You have an Orion here? Edana?”

Simon shook his head. “No. We don’t have an Orion named Edana. Not here. Not in any of Suresh’s and Seyla’s houses.” He laughed. “Is that who you’re looking for? An Orion? They’re a dime a dozen.”

Lt. Commander Gilroy
Lt. Commander Nicolao
Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Crewman Xavier Slandala


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