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Smoke Seen Through The Trees

Posted on Thu Jun 23rd, 2016 @ 7:42pm by Indra Nyyar & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Bajor

* Bajor - Talàhl Village *

“...and as you can see from that report, our Intel has confirmed the death. Ugly scene to be sure.” The man shuddered.

Daren Reim scrolled through the report and the next item in it interested him. He continued to read as his informant stood before his desk. “Thank you. Councilor Dolen will be most interested in this.”

He watched as the young man departed, then turned his attention back to the padd. Each new screen brought yet another bit of eye-opening information. It was time to see Dolen Vral.He rose and made his way to the room in the back of the small house that served as Vral’s office. He knocked on the door and waited to be admitted.

“Come in.” Dolen said without turning from the large bookcase where his eyes were searching for a particular written work. The wooden door of the office creaked softly as it opened, only then Dolen looked back to meet the new visitor.

“Ah… Daren.” He said recognizing the man as he walked back to his desk leaning heavily on the walking stick “I take it you’re not here just for paying a courtesy visit, isn’t it?”

“No, not exactly, though I do find the company pleasant. I’ve just received an update you should know about.” He laid the padd on the desk before Dolen. “There’s a lot there. The main news is that Legate Boroca is dead. It appears that he was attacked, torn apart by some wild animal at a rural location. The only problem with that is that his house was near the coast. There are no species of appropriate size in that area.”

“And that is all we know?” Dolen asked, taking the padd to give a cursory look to the information displayed. “I can’t say I’m displeased with the news. Boroca and his efforts to make the Obsidian Order great again had been worrying me for a long time. Still his demise can turn out a problem as various of his sidekicks will start an internecine war to take his place and the Prophets know who might be the one coming up with the upper hand.”

Dolen put the padd back on the desk, a clear idea in his mind on who might have been the deliverer of such a fate. Albeit the modus operandi would have been generally different… In the form of a garotte and strangling to death. But having no proof of that Dolen thought better to keep his thoughts to himself for the moment being.

Looking up he met the gaze of Daren and nodded, encouraging the man to express his thoughts.

“The next report is from our man on Cardassia. It contains a recent marriage declaration, names are Boroca and Indra Nyyar. Her picture is there, she should look familiar. What we know now is that she was on Cardassia recently.” He paused only an instant. “So was Eldren Tohr.”

“She does.” Dolen responded regarding the familiarity of the woman, a faint smile lining his lips as he regarded the picture. “That wouldn’t seem to be Eldren’s trademark though, I know him well. He’s cold and practical, caring little of consequences… A clean explosion, a blast from an energy weapon or even a knife in the back in the silence of the night. This wild beast thing is just too… Messy.”

Dolen stopped his guessing then and furrowing his brows turned his eyes again on Daren. “Why are you joining Indra and Eldren names in this thing?”

“They left Boroca’s estate together, along with two women. Our operative did not know the women. He has been observing the estate, given the rumours arising about the rebirth of the Obsidian Order,” Daren answered. “He reported also that Boroca’s reason for visiting his vacation home was to ‘retrieve his wife’. That part made little sense until the report arrived from DS9. Eldren Tohr was treated there for a significant wound and a blond woman accompanied him, as did two women - a Bajoran and a Romulan. I have requested that our Intel there see what else they can dig up.”

Slowly Dolen moved from the desk to the great window of the room. He’d always thought it portrayed a good sight - the river was visible quietly flowing as ever and after that a copse of old trees. He was able to spot the place he stood there spying the village with Eldren so many winters before.

“So there’s no real proof it’s been Eldren to devise Boroca’s fall. There are at least two accomplices, the two women. But knowing who did this is largely inconsequential. We should concentrate on the most promising member of Boroca’s retinue. The one with with the highest probability to inherit Boroca’s power and also to know his plans for the future.”

Dolen tapped on the floor with the stick as he went on with his reflections in silence for a while. Then he turned to face Daren. “If you ask me we would have a better probability to gather information on this affair from all the parties involved. Perhaps we could find out Eldren, Indra and the two women that have been seen with them and have some insight.”

“They departed DS9 a few weeks ago. I am guessing they returned to the Delta Quadrant, but we have no direct knowledge of this.” Daren pursed his lips a moment. “When was the last time you spoke to Eldren?”

A bitter chuckle escaped Dolen’s mouth. “More than twenty cycles ago. The day that the war against the Cardassians had been declared over,” He recalled, his mind’s eye sorting through the memories of those days. “We did not part exactly on the best of terms.”

”Perhaps it is time to mend some fences?” Daren gently suggested. “He may not be behind this but given the tie to Indra Nyyar, if the Order begins to follow that trail, it could cause serious problems.” He reached for the padd and pulled up one more report that contained images of two Cardassians. “The one you likely of their butchers.” His tone was harsh. “The other is rumoured to be the most likely candidate to fill Boroca's shoes. Both were on DS9 recently and are reported to be back in the Delta Quadrant as well.”

“The Delta Quadrant seems to have become the fulcrum of many activities,” Dolen thought aloud. “I wonder what these two particular Cardassians are doing right there. Hmm… Perhaps we should make a trip there and try to find out what’s going on… Even if I think fences can’t be easily mended with one like Eldren,” he added slowly shaking his head. “He’s kind of a clockwork machine, single-mindedly pursuing his objective - that is to exact vengeance on those that made us suffer as a people… He’s dangerous.”

“Is there nothing else to him?” Daren asked. “Nothing but a lonely life of vengeance sought? What happens when he has crossed off all the names on his list?”

“As I said I haven’t seen him in many cycles. And for what I’ve known of him for years during the Occupation he is just like that. It is unlikely that one like him can change. It seems we did well our work about him,” Dolen responded, his words lined with a hint of bitterness. “I don’t know what would happen should he reach his objectives; those like him generally get killed in the process. Even if I’m being defied from the numerous reports surfacing from time to time about Cardassian personalities suddenly vanishing to never be seen again.”

Daren was silent for a few seconds, then he reached up to smooth back his blonde hair. “I’ll make the travel arrangements. How soon do you wish to leave?”

“As soon as you’re ready.”

“Very well. I believe the transport leaves tonight at 2100 hours. I will see to the packing if you wish.” There was concern for the old man in his tone now. “You’ve no need to worry about it.”

“I appreciate your solicitude lad but I’m not so old to being unable to pack a few rags.” Dolen laughed. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry. Meet you in a couple of hours ready to depart.”

“Very well.” Daren smiled finally as he turned to go. “I’ll pack the chessboard.” He opened the door and then was gone.

Dolen Vral watched the closed door for a few instants more before turning to walk to the window again, staring intently at the copse of trees. A strange sensation overtook him and for a moment he was sure to have seen them in hiding through the foliage. Two Bajorans arguing bitterly, one of them pointing in the direction of the village.

In a blink of the eyes they were gone. The leaves on the trees were still while the water of the river floated quietly away, ripples forming on its surface as raindrops started falling from a grey sky.

Daren Reim
Designs For The Future

Dolen Vral
Shades From The Past


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