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Getting In Gear

Posted on Sun Aug 28th, 2016 @ 11:32am by Matt Collins

Mission: Further Challenges

Leading away missions, whether for NGSC or Starfleet, was no problem for Matt Collins. An extremely organized methodical young man, Matt always came to the table fully prepared with options and suggestions to cover any eventuality that might come up. Holding dual positions in Holbridge Industries and the NGSC, Matt was a trusted adviser on engineering matters and could kick some serious ass when the situation called for it.

The Talaxian escort mission required the standard four-element fighter-gunabout escort package; three fighters alongside an attack/FAC gunabout with Matt in command of a Holbridge Industries transport ship, the USS Banshee, also carrying fifty NGSC operators that would provide a physical security presence on each Talaxian vessel. Matt didn't know if the attacks were being facilitated by an inside man in the Talaxian convoy, so he was hedging his bets and assigning five operators to each of the ten ships in the convoy.

Matt walked up to the podium with a padd in his hand, looking at the assembled NGSC operators and pilots. Some time ago, the NGSC was made up of only a handful of people, himself included. But thanks to Holbridge Industries' support and a steady stream of work being offered by species in the Delta Quadrant and other parties, Nebula Gold Security Company was thriving. Matt looked at the collection of ex Starfleet Marines and SOCOM personnel, liking what he saw.

“Morning ladies and gents, it's time for our pre-mission brief,” Matt began, silencing the crowd chatter. “We have been contracted by the Talaxian Commerce Guild to provide in-close and armed escort services for the Talaxian convoys to SP-1371, located in the Dromain Cluster, a thirty-day round trip. There are ten freighters hauling colonial supplies bound for the orbital station at the system's entrance. Once we have secured offload, a detachment of twenty operators will remain on station and set up on-site security and begin training indigenous operators. Once the Talaxians are trained, a permanent cadre of five operators will remain on station rotating back here every ninety days.”

Matt looked at a diminutive, shabby-looking Talaxian sitting quietly in the front row. “I would like to introduce everybody to Zax, our mission liasion. Zax is a convoy leader with several years of experience. Each team leader will report to their respective freighter captain. You guys are pros, let's make sure we set a good example.”

Zax stood briefly and nodded to the assembled crowd of operatives, quickly sitting back down. Matt smiled at the Talaxian. “Zax is a man of few words, but he has expressed his confidence in our abilty to keep this convoy of supplies intact.” Zax nodded quickly, smiling at the operators.

“Okay guys, wheels up in two hours. Check and stow your gear. Rhona has your individual and team assignments. Dismissed!” Matt left the podium and walked out with the operators, Zax in tow.

“Excuse me, Mr. Matt, might I have a word with you?” Zax asked quietly.

Matt lagged behind the rest of the crowd, looking at Zax. “Sure, what can I do for you?”

“Your men will be armed, yes?” Zax asked.

“Of course.”

“My crew is composed of less-than-ideal persons of questionable backgrounds. If one of them were to get their hands on a weapon belonging to your men, the results could be unpleasant.” Zax looked nervous.

“Sir, my guys observe weapons safety protocols at all times, and if one of your crew makes an attempt to steal or otherwise procure a weapon he is not authorized to have, that person will be sorry.”

“Still, would it be possible to secure your weapons in a storage facility until it's necessary to use them?”


Zax merely shrugged and walked away. Matt shook his head as he made his way to a turbolift and his private quarters on the station.

USS Banshee

Matt calmly took his place in the command seat of the Banshee, a small, fast starship used by NGSC to transport it's operators and equipment. The Banshee was a Ghost-class ship that was rejected for service by Starfleet, but Jim had decided that his security company needed a reliable starship class and built six ships of the class. The original Ghost had been destroyed in a recent NGSC mission. The remaining five ships were still in service, all named for spirits of folklore.

Matt cleared his throat. “Eddie, begin download of mission files, and all pertinent database links.” Eddie was the informal name of the artificial intelligence master control program written by Jim Holbridge and Matt Collins. Based on the venerable Duty Officer program, but with several modifications, Eddie had proven itself a valuable member of the NGSC Holbridge Industries team and was considered part of any crew.

“At once, Mr. Collins. The operators are prepared for deployment, and all pilots report ready. Mr. Holbridge has sent his compliments and well wishes for the mission.”

Matt grinned. “I'm suprprised he could tear himself away from Rhona's body to pay anything attention!”

“As am I, sir,” Eddie replied neutrally.

“Eddie, would you like a holographic avatar matrix added to your program?”

“I admit the addition of a visual interaction matrix would make interactions easier, however I do not feel a hologram of myself would be necessary as most of the operators and staff are used to me in my current, bodiless form.” Eddie answered in his pleasant baritone voice.

Matt nodded in agreement. “Well, let me know if you reconsider.”

“I will sir.” A pause. “Sir, a Mr. Zax is here as per your request.”

The turbolift doors opened to admit the Talaxian Zax, who was dressed in an oversized pilot's jumpsuit festooned with badly-maintained equipment. “I am ready for departure, captain!” zax said cheerily, snapping to attention.

“First, you need to take that junk off and get it the hell off this bridge. Second, your quarters are on deck six, and lastly, when I need you on the bridge I'll send for you. In the meantime, please feel free to enjoy the lounge and holodeck.” Matt looked at the Talaxian kindly, but his words were stern. The other crewmen looked at Zax with contempt.

“I was informed I would be the navigator on this mission, so my post is here on the bridge.”

“He has a point, Matt.” Greer, a female Deltan WSO said from the tactical station.

Matt sighed. “Take all of that junk and stow it in your quarters then report back here for departure ops.”

The Talaxian happily saluted and clanked back to the turbolift. When he was gone Matt turned to the helmsman. Sola was a Vulcan pilot on par with JD Holbridge and had very nearly beaten Jim in a dogfight before a mechanical issue forced a halt to the contest. “You might have to play second fiddle to him for this trip, Sola.”

“I am unperturbed, sir. My primary mission will be flying escort in my gunabout. I am here to teach Mr. Zax the navigational systems only. Once that task is done I will continue with my primary duties.”

Greer shook her head with a smile. “That's my Sola, a rock!”

The corners of Sola's mouth twitched slightly, the closest thing to a Vulcan smile Matt had ever seen. “Indeed, Greer.” the Vulcan said cooly.

“Two minutes to departure, guys. Mr. Zax to the bridge, please.” Matt ordered.

"This should be most entertaining!" Sola remarked, causing Greer and Matt to grin at each other.


Matt Collins
Mission Commander

Smart-Ass Tactical Officer

Vulcan Robot Pilot


Talaxian Pain-In-The-Butt


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