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The Best Plans....

Posted on Sun Sep 4th, 2016 @ 1:56pm by Matt Collins

Mission: Further Challenges


Matt sat in the command chair, examining various displays. Gone were the traditional Starfleet control panels common in a ship and they were replaced by clear surfaces with data overlays displayed on them. Collins had labored long and hard on the transparent control surfaces and they gave the Banshee a sophistication and the crystalline structure of the work station surfaces improved data flow efficiency by a whopping thirty-nine percent.

Zax, the Talaxian navigator for this mission, sat at the helm, happily humming a tune. Matt appreciated the presence of the diminutive navigator on this mission, yet his presence was somewhat disconcerting as Starfleet had mapped the section of space a few years ago, and NGSC frequented this area quite a bit. But, it was a mission parameter and Matt was content to let things stand.

“How long until we arrive at the station, Mr. Zax?” Matt asked quietly.

“Three minutes later than the last time you asked me, Mr. Collins!” Zax replied irritably.

“Hey, you show Commander Collins some respect, you!” shouted an NGSC operator near Matt's chair.

“Stand down, Mr. Ruden!” Collins said sharply to the operator. “Zax, while you are on my sip you will exhibit proper decorum and mind your manners, am I clear?”

“Sorry, Mr. Matt. I have been at my post for too long. Permission to stand down for thirty minutes?” Zax said as contritely as possible.

“Make it an hour, Zax!” Matt smiled. “Eddie, assume control of the helm, keep us on course to point alpha.”

Zax left the bridge and Matt turned to face Ruden. “Thanks for your support, but in the future I would appreciate you not snarling at the mission's indigenous personnel. Am I understood?”

Ruden nodded briskly, then went back to his post.


Zax walked hurriedly to his quarters, nervously looking over his shoulder. He hurried into his quarters and manually code-locked his door. Reaching into his pocket, Zax pulled a small transceiver unit into view and quietly activated it. “This is Zax. I am almost to the rendezvous point. Are you in position?”

=/\=Indeed I am, Zax. You have done well. Make sure that the operators get to the station before you set off the device. I want Collins alive, do you understand?=/\= a low, menacing voice said.


=/\= Excellent. Oh, one word of caution; there is a company of Marines from the station in place on a nearby planet. You would do well to make sure they are unaware of our plans. Their commander, Captain Quentin Harrison, is not known for his polite disposition and will be extremely vigorous in his reprisals if he is aware of this operation=/\=

Zax's eyebrow cocked upwards. He has had dealings with the station's Marines? he thought to himself. Most of the operators in the NGSC are former Marines and Starfleet Special Ops, so why is the boss interested in starting a fight with them? “Understood, sir. My men are in place at the station. Out.”

Zax put the communicator away, hoping that the ship's AI didn't detect the transmission. The Boss had come to him weeks ago and proposed a daring operation against Jim Holbridge's private security company, insisting that the plan was merely an opening gambit in a larger operation to bring down Starfleet in the Delta Quadrant. Zax hated the interloping intruders from the other side of the gateway and was happy to assist the Boss, as he was known.

Zax lay down on his bunk and closed his eyes. He really did need the rest.


The Banshee slipped out of warp and made for the space station to it's left. It was a typical slip-shod Talaxian station, but it was space worthy. Matt took one look at the station and hoped to God no one wanted him to go aboard.

Zax slowed the ship expertly, and Matt was about to congratulate him when the hum of transporters caught his attention. Six men in battle armor materialized and immediately shot holes in the armed operators on the bridge. Before Matt could move, Zax pulled a disruptor and stuck it in Matt's face. “Do not move!” Zax pressed his pocket, activating the hidden transceiver. “Bridge secure!”

A tall man materialized on the Banshee's bridge. Matt looked at the face of the man and did a double take. “You're the former Marine XO!”

“Close, but not quite! I am John Franklin, Major Tom's twin brother and...” John took a detonator from his pocket and depressed it, Matt looked at the station and cargo ships, gasping in horror as they exploded. “I do believe that this ship is all that is left of your force, Mr. Collins.”

Before Matt could reply, Zax turned and stunned him into unconsciousness. “Eddie, this is John Franklin. I assume command of this vessel as of this stardate. Accept override Alpha-alpha-three-one-three-tango.”

“Command override accepted. Banshee is now under your command, Mr. Franklin.”

Zax tuned to look at Collin's motionless form. “What shall I do with him?”

“Put him in an escape pod and get him off my ship!” Franklin ordered coldly. Eddie, engage at warp six to the following coordinates.” Franklin rapidly input a series of commands.

An escape pod suddenly jumped from the Banshee as it leaped into warp space. The pod itself was jostled by the debris from the decoy Talaxian ships and station as it tumbled through space.


Matt Collins
Left To Die


John Franklin
Back From The Netherrealm


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