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Bait & Switch

Posted on Mon Sep 5th, 2016 @ 10:43pm by Falon & Rhian & Amoja Paz & Warrant Officer Awf

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Ning'Tao

Ning’Tao, Middle of Nowhere

“...and that is everything.” Rhian smiled up at Amoja as she shimmied down the ladder and landed at his side. “I told you it was small, but it makes us quicker when the right hands are on the wheel.”

“Well, I’ve enjoyed the tour.” More than that, he’d enjoyed the sight of her shimmying down and climbing up ladders. He could get used to seeing the women do those activities. “Where are you headed now? Bed? Or do you have a shift now?”

Rhian shrugged. “Nah, my shifts are as needed around here. As long as the galley runs smooth, I can do whatever I want or whatever anyone may need help with. What about you? When do you take the conn?”

“‘Nother few hours,” he answered. He knew Ocampa didn’t live long lives; did that mean that they were freer about some things? He risked it: “Feel like burning off a few calories with me?” He didn’t mean in the gym.

One of Rhian’s brow arched up ever so slightly. “Meaning?”

“A little bit of one-on-one cardio. Horizontal dancing.” He shrugged, as if he hadn’t just propositioned her. Poorly.

A rough laugh rose up to meet them, followed by a blonde head that appeared as Falon ascended the ladder beside them. “Really Paz? That’s the best you’ve got?” He climbed out onto the deck and looked from Paz to Rhian.

“Better than you can do,” Paz grumbled.

Yeah, but we’ve got more important things to do, like a certain pilot? Falon smiled briefly, then spoke aloud. “Ro was on his way down and wanted to see us in the galley. As for you chickadee, he said you can go do a run through the hold with Joe and see what needs fixing.”

“Sure.” Rhian smiled and gave Paz a nudge. “I’ll see you later, huh?”

“Sure, sure,” Paz nodded and slid a glare at Falon. “The galley. Lead on.”

They two men entered the galley and Falon dropped into a chair. “Look, I’m not your keeper but I’d be careful with that one. I don’t think she is as pure and innocent as she seems. She’s got that kid Awf wrapped around her finger but her attention is...elsewhere.”

“Elsewhere? Where would that be?” Paz looked into the fridge then pulled out a piece of fruit and bit into it as he took a seat.

“That would be me,” Ronin answered as he entered the galley. “And before you ask, no. Not happening. So feel free to divert her attention if you can.” He approached the table and looked from Paz to Falon. “Everything set with the engine failure?”

Falon nodded. “Yup. Soon as I hit the button, we’re dead in the water.”

“Good. Then you’re up Paz. Hit the bridge and put the fear in him. At this point, I don’t care how you do it. Use Rhian if you need to. Just scare the Fleetie back to where he belongs.”

“Will do,” Paz nodded.

Ro nodded to Falon who rose and crossed to the wall panel. A few taps and immediately they began to feel the ship slow. Moments later, Awf’s voice came over the comm.

“Hey Ro? What’s up? I’ve got no power up here.”

Falon closed the comm and looked to Ronin.

“Tell him there was a malfunction and you’re working on it. Paz, our friends are waiting in my quarters. Take them and get to the bridge.”

Falon did as ordered and closed the comm even as a noticeably uncertain Awf was replying.

Paz nodded and hurried off to Ronin’s quarters then led the way to the bridge. “Awf!”, he shouted as he entered the Bridge. “What the hell did you do? The engines aren’t running!”

Awf looked up from the console where he was tapping the panel. “Hey Falon said there was some malfunction and he’s working on it. It wasn’t me! I --” He stopped as the doors opened and three large men rushed in. One of them pressed a phaser to Paz’s head, the other two approached Awf.

“Get up while you still can,” one of them hissed. The disruptor in his hand told Awf he meant business.

Awf’s gaze flew to Paz and then back to the man. “Uh, sure. No need to use that thing.” He rose slowly, keeping the man in his sights and stepped away from the conn. The second one sat down and began to adjust the route Awf had entered.

“Good. Now then, step over next to your friend there.” The man followed Awf with the disruptor as he edged over towards Paz.

“Where are the rest?” he asked Paz quietly. “What about Rhian?”

“Her quarters, I think. Maybe engineering now, since the engines stopped,” Paz muttered. “Let’s hope she stays safe.”

“She?” One of the men perked up. “We’ll have to find this girl.” He leered at his companions.

The man with the disruptor nodded. “We will. This little stop is lookin’ better all the time. You keep an eye on these two and I’ll go find her.”

“Find who?” The doors had opened and Rhian stepped out onto the bridge. Two paces in she stopped and sucked in her breath. “Ohhhhh….shit….” Her gaze flew to Paz and Awf, unsure just what to do first.

“Well, that was easy.” The man with the disruptor pointed it first at Rhian, then seeing the direction of her gaze, at Awf. “So it’s like that is it? Shoot him.”

The third man, armed with a Klingon blaster, grinned and moved forward to do just that: shoot the young man. Several things happened at once. Paz stepped away from Awf; the man aimed and fired on Awf and Rhian dashed in front of Awf, taking the shot intended for him.

“Oof..” Rhian’s gasp was soft as she slipped to the floor.

That galvanized Awf into action. Taking advantage of the confusion, he swung at the man closest to him but given his small size, he was no match for the fellow. An elbow to the chest knocked the wind out of him and he bent over, wheezing.

“I’d suggest you stay put and not try that again.” The man looked down at the inert form of Rhian, then back to his cohorts. “Bring her along. She should just about cover what Ronin owes me.” He turned and crossed back to the bridge doors. “Leave these two. They aren’t worth much.”

Paz, meanwhile, had stood back and avoided getting involved. Once the men left the bridge, he went to Awf and asked, “You okay, kid?”

Awf finally managed to draw in a breath and nodded but his expression was tragic. “We have to go after them! Where’s Ro? We have to get her back. What the hell is going on around here?”

“A pirate’s life,” Paz answered. “We can’t go after them. You heard what they said: Ro owes them and they’re taking Rhian as payment. That’s how this ship works.”

Awf blinked up at Paz, completely at a loss for words. “How it works?? And you all are okay with this?” The doors opened once more and Falon stepped in, a fresh bandage on his forehead.

“You two okay? Ro’s down in sickbay reviving. Those bastards were tough.”

“They took Rhian. Sounded like Ronin owes them money and she’s payment,” Paz said. He looked at Awf and continued, “Okay with it? Well... if Ronin owes money... there’s really no reason to get involved - doing so just results in getting hurt.”

Falon shrugged. “He’s right you know. It’s not our issue.” He noted the shock in Awf’s face and shook his head. “It’s the code, kid. That kinda debt...they take what they want, and she is worth a fortune. There aren’t many like you two off your home world. At least Ro’s alive. He’s also the one who has to tell Isa, so he isn’t getting off light.”

Awf looked from one to the other, now completely numb. “The..code…” he repeated. “This ship have any shuttles? If none of you are gonna go find her, I will!” He turned and dashed for the doors, but Falon caught him.

“They took the shuttle. And we’re dead in the water at the moment,” Paz said, shrugging at the kid’s obvious distress. “We ain’t the Fleet, fleetie. We don’t go around rescuing folks and doing good works. We’re a ‘eat or be eaten’ type of ship.”

“Screw….this!” Awf struggled against Falon’s grip until he was released. “The bridge is yours. I’m out.”

“To do what?” Falon asked. “Notify the Fleet? Try to raise a rescue? Of a pirate?” He glanced at Paz and began to laugh.

Paz, too, laughed. “They might go after their own but a pirate? No one cares about us or what happens.”

Awf cursed under his breath and stormed off the bridge. Once the doors closed, Falon turned back to Paz. “Good job. They’re taking Rhian on a short run and will return her to 900 in a couple of days. That will give us time to get the boy scout back home and back to where he belongs.”

“He’ll quiz her about what happened. She’s probably scared, too. We didn’t exactly include her in the plans,” he said. “Hopefully she’ll understand the ruse.”

“Maybe but I don’t wanna be in Ro’s shoes when she gets home. Small but mighty, huh? Did you know she could levitate people? I saw her do it once on the station when our flyboy was on a skateboard.” Falon shook his head. “So, I’ll go down and start the engines and we can head for home.”

“Levitate?” Paz, for the first time, looked a little worried. “At least he won’t have to face the Captain. Though, I’ve heard she’s an easy one.”

“Long as you don’t mess with Rafael, that’s the going theory.” Falon grinned and reached up to peel off the bandage. There was no injury beneath it. “Well that’s done, how about we check into that bourbon your girlie mentioned? Autopilot can take care of us for a while.”

“Soon as you turn the engines on. I rather like having life support and moving somewhere. How about meeting me in the galley? I’ll bring the bourbon.”

“Sure thing. See you in a few.” Falon opened the doors then stopped. “She wasn’t really interested in that kid. Just saying….” He grinned and stepped through the doors.

Paz shook his head then went to the console and entered a new destination before setting the autopilot. He then went off to get the promised bottle and Ronin.

The Sneaky One

Amoja Paz
The Calm One

The Taken One

The Excitable One


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