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Back ON The Trail

Posted on Mon Sep 12th, 2016 @ 7:07pm by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Solis & Suresh & Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane & Seyla & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia / Piper Medical Center

* Suresh’s Quarters *

Suresh reached his quarters with Eldren right on his heels. As they entered, they saw Patch kneeling on the floor beside an inert Seyla. One quick look told Suresh she’d had a rough time of it.

“She’s still out, boss,” Patch informed him. “I was afraid to move her though.”

“Call Piper,” Suresh ordered Eldren, then crossed and bent down to look her over. “So you came in and she was just here?”

Patch nodded. “Farco almost tripped over her since she was so close to the table and we didn’t see her from the door. I’m gonna check the security log here and see if we can tell how they got in.”

In a few instants, Eldren had the call to Piper issued and with some details of the gravity of situation for added pressure on the medical team, then he moved closer to Seyla where Suresh was checking her breath and heartbeat.

“They’re dispatching a medical team. But they said that if the situation is really serious they would prefer to have her transported site-to-site right to Piper. What do you want to do?” He asked Suresh as he eyed the Orion himself to assess the damage.

Suresh nodded. “Do it.” He looked down at Seyla and gently raised one eyelid. “If you can hear me, we’re getting you to sickbay,” he said. He was sure that Harding would be informed immediately. “They ready?” he asked Eldren.

“They are.” Eldren stated as the usual shimmer started to cover Seyla’s body and in a heartbeat was gone.

“They’ve registered the call so we are required there.” Eldren added “by normal means. And I would expect to find Security waiting too.”

“No doubt. Very well, we’ll go on foot.” Suresh moved back and the transporter beam took Seyla from their sight.

* Piper Medical Center *

Will came dashing around the corner on his way to the emergency transport pads and nearly ran
Ophelia over. She adroitly dodged out of his way, then turned to follow in his footsteps. She’d heard the call too and now both of them arrived on the scene to find Seyla arriving. Will stood as they moved her to a gurney, then followed along at her side, his fingers on her wrist to check her pulse as they went.
“Take her to the last room on the left,” he ordered. “And alert Earl and Solis to be on standby.”

“Will?” Seyla mumbled through split lips. “Keep that old goat away from me.”

That got a short laugh from Will. “Well, we know she’s not dead,” he joked. “She still doesn’t like Earl.” One of the orderlies just shook his head as they wheeled her into the exam room, then departed. Will leaned over close to Seyla and gently touched her bruised cheek. “What happened?”

She flinched away from his touch. “I don’t know. Water?,” she swallowed with effort.

He poured a small amount of water in a glass and then slipped his arm beneath her, holding her up enough so she could drink. “Just a sip,” he cautioned. “Until I check you over.” He was obviously worried. “Suresh called as soon as they found you.”

“Mm,” she sipped the water. “Wake me when Darwin gets here.”

“Darwin? He’s not on the station, sweetheart. Security is on the way, though.” He lowered her shoulders back to the biobed, then raised the arch to begin the scans. “You can tell the story when they are here so you don’t have to repeat it. Just tell me who I need to go hunt down.”

She nodded then fell asleep as Earl and Solis arrived to begin healing her wounds. Some time later, Earl commented, “Well, the old girl should be good as new when she wakes up.”

“Screw you, old man. I’m a child compared to you,” Seyla muttered without opening her eyes.

“See? Good as new and just as ornery,” Earl grinned.

“Yeah, maybe, but I wouldn’t get within reach,” Solis advised with a grin. “She’ll kick your ass, Earl.” Solis leaned in to get a close look at Seyla’s cheekbone he had repaired. “Pretty as ever.”

“We do good work,” Earl said. “Come on, Solis. Will and Security are waiting to talk to her.”

“Sure. One of us will see you before you go Seyla.” Solis patter her hand, then followed Earl from the room.

As soon as they were gone, the door opened again and Will rushed in. He looked her over anxiously and, satisfied, he relaxed and leaned down, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Security’s coming in now. You ready?”

“I have no makeup on and I’ll bet my hair is a mess,” Seyla complained.

From the doorway, Gilroy said, “That doesn’t matter to me, Seyla. Tell us what happened.”

“You look just fine,” Will whispered at her ear, then spoke aloud. “Take your time but the last we heard from Bella was that someone appeared at your door and transported out with you.”

She grimaced. “I have a competitor. An Archadian. I don’t know her name, though. She’s big. Blonde. Aren’t they all blonde? And big?”

Gilroy rocked on his heels and nodded. “There are some brunettes. And some who are ...petite.”

“What happened when you got to wherever it was you were taken?” Will asked. “And is this something I should share with Solaana?”

A flash of irritation crossed over Seyla’s features at the mention of Solaana. “No. She had nothing to do with this. You can see what happened. She was convincing me to relinquish my businesses on Archadia. She made me sign a deed for the houses.”

“We’ll talk to Kh’ali and have her work to void that, Seyla,” Gilroy said. “And I’ll send an artist down to work on a description of the woman.”

Will looked up to Gilroy for a moment, then back to Seyla. “What else? Besides the houses? Wait, isn’t Suresh part owner? Without his signature, what happens?”

She shook her head. “He’s part owner of the business. I own the houses. She was ...persuasive about it.” She flexed the fingers of one hand; Earl had repaired the bones in that hand. “Money has gone missing from the accounts of some of the houses recently. It’s why I sent Marla down there. This woman was behind that.”

“Understood,” Gilroy said. “Once we find her, we’ll see what crimes we can link to her.”

“What about Seyla up here? I don’t want to risk her being snatched again. Next time, given they have what they want, they might just kill her.” Will frowned deeply. “She won’t be safe until this is finished. You’ll need to warn Suresh too.”

“So noted, Doctor,” GIlroy said, making a note on his padd. “We’ll post a guard on Seyla.”

“I don’t want a guard!” Seyla protested. “I have Jonah; worst case scenario, I’ll prevail upon Robart.”

Will cleared his throat. “They can fit in and not be noticed down there. Jonah can’t be on duty every hour of the day.”

“Besides, where was he when you were taken this time?” Gilroy stepped back to avoid Seyla’s fist. “If they use the same tactic - showing up and transporting you away, they’d likely have the same result.” He ignored her glare.

“Fine. Darwin?”

“Darwin isn’t on the Station. Perhaps Edana. She can blend in with you,” Gilroy said. “For now, I have enough information and you have some recovering to do. Excuse me.”

Seyla’s glare stayed in place until Gilroy was out of the room. “Damned Klingon,” she muttered.

“He’s just looking out for you,” Will reasoned. “Which I appreciate. You’ll be here a bit longer then I’m taking you home.”

“No date with Solaana?”

“You are more important,” Will answered immediately. “As soon as Solis lets you go. Suresh is waiting to see you.”

“Could I have a mirror and a brush? Then he can come in.” She smiled slightly. “And some lip gloss.”

Several minutes later, Suresh entered, nodded to Will as he stepped out, then approached Seyla.

“How’re you feeling?”

“Rejuvenated. I think Solis might have taken off a few wrinkles when he fixed my cheekbone,” she smiled, coming close to being flirtatious.

Suresh laughed softly. “You gave us all quite a scare. I don’t know why they dropped you in my quarters but I’m glad you’re alright. I hope you believe that.”

“You should be; I keep your accounts full. They dropped me there to send us a message: that they can get to us anywhere they wish to.”

“Gilroy told me what happened, at least what concerns me. It won’t stand up. I’ll kill them if I have to, Sey.” He reached out and squeezed her hand.

“Perhaps they thought they had done enough damage to kill me. I wouldn’t have been around to challenge the deed,” Seyla said. “I want this woman caught, then we can grill her about who’s in this with her.”

Suresh nodded. “Meaning you want me to find her before Security does?”

“Six of one, half dozen of the other,” Seyla said. A second after she said it, she smiled as she realized that she must have picked up that phrase from Darwin.

“Gotcha.” Suresh smiled. “I’ll see to it. You’ll be guarded I’m assuming?”

“Yes, Will insisted, so Gilroy is assigning someone who can blend in,” she said. “I’ll be fine.”

“I’ll get down to Archadia. If it appears I’m there for pleasure, I won’t be watched and I can do some looking of my own. Maybe something will turn up. Who’s the woman?”

“I don’t know. Blonde, big, Archadian.”

“Then maybe she’ll be there and find me. I’m betting she will.” He squeezed her hand once more. “Take care and be careful Seyla. I’ll be in touch as soon as I know something.”

“Okay, thanks.” Seyla nodded. “I’ll likely see you in a few days.”

“Let’s hope.” Suresh smiled briefly and departed in a hurry.

Back in the waiting room, Suresh sat down with Eldren and quickly filled him in on the details Seyla had given. “Seyla’s recovering but there’s something we need to do. How do you feel about an overnight visit to the main house?”

Eldren leaned against the wall arms folded as he envisioned troubles closing in at warp speed. A message had been delivered to the syndicate boss and an appropriate response was in order… As no one could mess with Suresh’s business and get out unscathed. There would have been visits to pay and people to rough up. Only that this time it would have been probably women... A thing that didn’t have much appeal with Eldren even if rumors had it that archadian women were meaner than males of any other race.

“I’m ready anytime.” He said in the end, perhaps with just a hint of resignation in his voice.

“Good. There’s time to notify Nyyar if you wish, then we’ll go. Meet me at the transporter in an hour.” Suresh turned and hurried from the waiting room.

Eldren Tohr
Lt. Commander William Harding
Lt. Commander Earl Crane
Lt. Commander Solis


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