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An Evening Out

Posted on Thu Sep 15th, 2016 @ 12:03am by Maxym Balasz & Suresh & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: XO's Quarters / Lady Ella's / Main House

* XO’s Quarters *

Max emerged from the kitchen and stood looking around the living room. It looked dramatically different compared to a week ago. Li hadn’t had time to cancel her orders with both the quartermaster and several shops on the Promenade and so, two days after her departure, a crew had shown up to remove all the furniture, and the order said absolutely all. Shortly after, more people showed up delivering all manner of things from furniture to new decorations that had come from the Risan shop and gave the place a sumptuous, sensual atmosphere, especially with the plethora of orchids and other plants that filled the quarters. It couldn’t look better if Max had picked it all out himself. Once again, she had proven how linked they were, even without being here.

He stretched leisurely, thinking over how much he especially liked the new bed. It was comfortable, despite his restless sleep, which wasn’t the bed’s fault at all. It was the lack of communication from Li.

I’ll call often. I won’t be able to resist. Please try not to worry too much?

Li’s words as she departed echoed in his thoughts and he shook his head. It had been a little over a week and there had been no word at all, which could mean anything. He had to assume that they hadn’t run into trouble or he would have been notified. That much he was sure of, at least, and it was his only relief. Unless the worst had happened and there was no one to inform 900. He shook his head and refused to follow that thought.

The notion that arose next was one he really didn’t like and concerned Darwin. Max had been in Li’s head and knew how big a temptation the security officer still was. He understood how complicated it was for Li, how tangled her emotions still were over everything she’d lived through recently. He got it. But even knowing as deeply as he did how Li felt about him, Darwin was still a real concern. He was wise enough, however, to see that it wasn’t his place to demand an end to it. That would solve nothing. It was Li’s issue to work through and he couldn’t rush that.

His gaze settled on the terminal for what seemed the millionth time in the past week and with it came the urge to make contact with the cha’Do. Just to put his mind at rest. But he had no idea what was happening out there and had to assume that if Li was in a position to make contact she would. He decided that sitting here wondering was doing him no good. His full day on the job had been a good distraction, so maybe another distraction was called for now. He turned towards the bedroom to get dressed. It was time to go out.

* Lady Ella’s *

Max entered Ella’s to find that same blonde singer onstage with the jazz combo. Her voice really was arresting and he found himself caught up in its smoky tones. It was several seconds before he realized the hostess was speaking to him, asking if he would like a table. He nodded and soon found himself at a table for two near the stage. His drink had just arrived when a familiar voice came from behind him.

“Mind if I sit down?”

He looked up with a warm smile. “Edana, lovely to see you. Of course, please join me.”

“Thank you, Ambassador.” She settled in the chair across from him, dressed tonight in a strapless dress of deep blue. Her hair was in a messy updo and several tresses had escaped, the waves framing her face. Before he could stop himself, he reached out to tug at one of them, then pulled his hand back.

“My apologies for the forwardness. You look lovely. How are you?”

“No harm done,” Edana answered. She nodded to the waiter who brought her usual drink. “I’m doing as well as can be expected, under the circumstances. How about you?”

Max shrugged. “Not as good as I hoped. There’s been no word from Li and I’ve passed worried five days ago.”

“Same here,” she admitted. “I’m out tonight mainly keeping my ears open on a matter for Suresh.” Her voice was just above a whisper and she leaned in close so Max could hear her. “I know you probably know about Suresh if you’ve been in Li’s head at all. If so, you know about me.”

Max smiled briefly. “Enough so I understand the covers but nothing more. That’s the way it has to stay too, Edana.”

“Of course. So, right now, there’s a man in the corner who’s watching Suresh’s toy snuggling up to the XO’s man. He’ll tell Suresh, of course, because he will think this might be very useful to Suresh.”

“And I’m guessing he still think’s Suresh is carrying his obsession for Li?”

“Likely, Ed agreed. “I just wanted you to be aware we’re being watched is all. I promise you that if I hear from Darwin I’ll call you immediately.” She reached out, knowing Frank was keeping a close eye on them, and brushed her fingers over Max’s cheek. “Shall we get out of here? I don’t feel like being watched.”

“Certainly. Come back to your place, we can plant ourselves on the sofa and watch a movie.”

“That sounds great,” she whispered at his ear, then took his hand and rose. “Just making it look good.”

“Understood.” Max stood and let her lead him from Ella’s.

* XO’s Quarters *

“Geez,” Edana groaned. “I am never looking at another clown again. Ever.” She shivered, then reached for the large bowl of popcorn, scooping up a handful. “That was awful, and I say that despite all the bad things I’ve seen. Who writes that stuff? Was he a psycho?”

Max laughed aloud. “Back in my brother’s Academy days, his roommate showed us this movie. It was based on a book by a Terran author in the twentieth century. Stephen King was his name.”

“And people read this stuff.” Edana shook her head, propped her bare feet on the coffee table and tossed a popcorn kernel in her mouth. “What’s next?”

“Singin’ In The Rain,” Max answered. “Something a little, okay a lot, lighter. I hope you like musicals.”

“Bring it on,” Edana laughed and reached for more popcorn. “I can’t tell you how great it is ti be outta the spotlight for a little while.”

* The Main House - Archadia *

The opening of the front door caught Suresh’s attention. He watched as Frank entered the lobby and casually scanned the crowd. Suresh turned back to the blonde seated across the table. “Wait for me at the bar.”

She flashed a smile at Suresh and rose. Strolling away across the lobby. Frank finally spotted him and hurried over.

“Glad I found you,” he said and he dropped into the recently-vacated chair.

“Make it fast,” Suresh ordered. “I am in the middle of solving a serious problem.”

“Sure thing, boss. It’s about Ed. I was keeping an eye on her like you said, just in case she ran into trouble. She went to Ella’s and you won’t believe what she did.”

“Try me,” was Suresh’s reply. He was sure that whatever it was would amuse him.

“She sat down and got all cozy with that Betazoid, you know...the one the XO is seeing? They talked for a few minutes, then they left together. From what I saw, you can bet they are up to something. I came straight here to tell you. Darwin won’t like this.”

It took great effort for Suresh not to laugh out loud. Instead, he merely nodded. It’s alright, Frank. It’s good in fact. If she’s playing with the XO’s man, then I’m betting she’ll get hold of something useful for us. I wouldn’t worry about it.”

Frank looked visibly relieved. “Then you can tell Darwin.”

“I will. Now then, get back up to 900. Edana will check in before long.” He watched as Frank departed, then rose and made his way to the bar where the blonde waited.

“Ready?” he asked.

“As I’ll ever be.” She slipped her hand around his arm and smiled.

Ambassador Maxym Balasz
SCPO Edana


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