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All Clear

Posted on Thu Oct 6th, 2011 @ 6:19pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: SB900 / USS Evariste

* * * Starbase 900 * * *

Lucius and Ricky had spent the better part of an hour talking shop and enjoying the impromptu buffet. Lt. Beckman had indeed been pressed into service to inform Aia of the abrupt change in plans. She'd departed the office shortly thereafter, having agreed to assist Aia in settling into yet another set of new quarters.

"Likely plotting against the two of us," Lucius had commented with a smile.

Now, the meeting was over and Lucius had some business to take care of - one last thing before the Evariste departed. Departing Ricky's office, he made his way to his own new office.

Stepping through the doors, he found himself in a semi-circular waiting area. The room was well-appointed and against the far wall, offset from another set of doors, was a desk. The desk was also in a semi-circle, the material dark. Moving behind it, apparently unpacking and settling in, was a young woman who looked to Lucius to be no more than about fourteen. He watched silently as she bent down to stow something in a drawer. When she didn't come back up, he cleared his throat.

The young woman's face popped up above the desk and seeing Lucius, her eyes widened. She stood hastily, smoothing her uniform. "Oh, Commodore Hawke, I didn't see you come in." As she looked back at him, she casually swept a padd into an open drawer. "My apologies." Her accent was soft, with the lilt of a native French speaker.

"No harm done. And I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, Miss....?"

"Kai. Sarkozi. Ensign." A faint pink tinged her cheeks. "Ensign Kai Sarkozi, sir. I'm to be your aide here on the station."

"Ensign." Lucius inclined his head with a smile. Ensign. That meant she'd graduated the Academy, despite how young she looked. They say the older you get, the younger everyone else looks. A sad truth, to be sure. "Might I ask you a question?"

"Of course sir." She was still somewhat flustered and bumped into her chair, causing a small box of supplies to tip off the desk to the floor. The pink in her cheeks went to full red alert and her nervousness flooded over Lucius.

"No need to be anxious, Ensign."

"How did you know I...oh, yes, Betazoid. Of course."

Lucius smiled now and she seemed to relax, at least a little. "How old are you Ensign Sarkozi?"

"Twenty-three sir. Why?"

"Just checking." He crossed the office towards the doors to his office. "Contact Captain Sanborn on the Evariste and put it through to me. The ship is currently waiting for departure, but is holding for my call."

"Of course, sir." Kai reached for the terminal, then scrambled to press the button to open his office doors.

Lucius stopped just inside his office and looked back at her. "Ensign?"

"Yes sir?"


"Yes sir."

* * *

Lucius sat behind the desk regarding the face of Captain Sanborn in his monitor. "Hello Roman. I'd like to apologize once more for the delay, it was unavoidable."

"No need to apologize, Commodore. When duty calls, we answer. I hope nothing is amiss?"

"Not amiss, but soon to be missing. Admiral Wegener made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Our Task Force XO has taken over as the CO of Task Force 86, leaving an open position here - a position which the Admiral offered to me."

"Roman smiled back at him. "I hope you said yes, if not we need to have a long talk, sir."

The comment got a laugh from Lucius. "I did indeed. And while I am sorry to leave you so soon, it's a necessary move."

"All things considered, I agree. Aia has been informed?"

"Yes and she is seeing to having our things moved back tot he station. It should not delay you too much longer."Lucius paused a moment, considering. "As for your Diplomatic department, Ensign Sukotav is more than capable of overseeing it."

Roman nodded in agreement. "He seems somewhat singularly devoted to duty, that one. And given what we may encounter, he'll be kept busy. Once we are underway, I'll give him the news."

"Very good. I expect frequent updates, and it may be that I will be onboard in the future, for local missions. You have an excellent crew, Roman, and are well-prepared for where you'll be going. I'll also send along my notes for Mr. Sukotav once you and I finish here."

"Thank you, sir. And it goes without saying that you will be missed. Congratulations." Roman smiled now.

"Thank you Captain Sanborn, and travel safely."

"We will, sir."

Lucius ended the transmission, taking a moment to consider the whirlwind that was the past two hours. A small part of him was sorry he'd miss exploring the wilds of the Quadrant, but it was a notable step up for him. It was better all around, for Aia, and it meant being close to Li, at least for a while. With a mutter, he realized he had not informed her that he'd be staying on the station. He'd call her shortly, he knew she was busy working with Security regarding the missing Chief Diplomat. Maybe dinner tonight. With Sakkath on Divitia Prime, he suspected she might be lonely.

His thoughts were interrupted by a timid knock at his office door. A knock? The out-of-character sound amused him. "Come in!" he called.

The doors slid open and Kai peeked in. Finally she stepped in no more than two steps.

"Ensign Sarkozi, I promise, I won't bite. No need to be so skittish." He addressed her in French, hoping to put her at ease.

It seemed to have at least something of the desired effect, as she relaxed just a little more. "That's good to know sir."

As serious as she answered, Lucius couldn't help laughing. "That, my dear Miss Sarkozi, was a joke. What may I do for you?"

"Oh. I see." She regarded Lucius curiously. "I'm just noy used to Commodores who have a sense of humour, sir."

"You have much to learn then." He smiled and motioned her forward. Especially when Marianna calls.

"Operations sent word that your belongings have been delivered. A Miss Aia Rios called to say she was there now and everything was fine."

"Good, good. In that case, we have some time, you and I, to get acquainted and get to work."

Kai glanced around the office, taking in the distinct lack of chairs, other than the one Lucius occupied. "I'll need to have a chair brought up, sir, unless you prefer I sit on the desk?" She kept a poker face but he could see amusement lighting her eyes.

Lucius bowed his head to her once more. "An ensign with a sense of humour. Touche."

"Indeed sir. I'll just see to that chair now."

As she reached up to touch her comm badge, Lucius stopped her. "Order us some lunch while you're at it. Also, if someone named Marianna calls? We are all very busy. Got it?"

Kai smiled immediately. "Loud and clear sir."

* * * Aboard the USS Evariste - Captain's Ready Room * * *

Roman leaned back in his chair as the channel closed and wondered if things always moved at such a breakneck speed on SB900. Then again, out here, you had only yourselves for support and often had to react as the situation demanded.

"All clear."

Commander Alij's voice spoke just behind him, and he jumped. He hadn't even heard her come in.

"Damn it woman, you are sneaky as a cat." He gave her a mock glare, then smiled.

"It comes in handy when the Captain's daydreaming." She returned the smile, her slanted eyes enhancing the feline image. "And we have the all clear. The Commodore's things have been delivered, and both he and Aia are on the station. We've been cleared for departure."

Roman stood and rubbed his hands together, a boyish smile on his face. "In that case, Commander, let's hit the trail.

Commodore Lucius Hawke
Task Force 38 Executive Officer

Captain Roman Sanborn
Commanding Office,r USS Evariste

Commander Alij
Executive Officer, USS Evariste

Ensign Kai Sarkozi
Commodore's Aide


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