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Late Night Company

Posted on Thu Oct 20th, 2011 @ 9:20pm by Tora Sulan & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e
Edited on on Fri Oct 21st, 2011 @ 5:27am

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Nexus Club / Kit'rin'e's Quarters

* * * The Nexus Lounge * * *

The curtain had come down on the last show and as usual, Janice and Eli had been flawless. The crowd had thinned now in the late hour, the volume a low murmur. Jackson had returned in time to introduce the second show, but he'd been strangely quiet. Not long after, he'd retired to his office and hadn't been seen since.

Based on what Vic said, she suspected he's slipped off to hunt down Natalia. Su needed to go see her too, but there was time. For now, she simply wanted to relax, enjoy the last bit of her evening. She smiled to Vic as he placed a drink before her 'with Mr. Chan's thanks'. He'd taken to sending a drink over as he was leaving, largely for having the patience to deal with him.

She took a sip and as she lowered the drink, a waiter appeared. In his hands was a long, ornately woven belt.

"This was left at table seven, Su."

She held her hand out for it, recognizing it immediately. "Thanks, Wil, it's Lt. Commander Kit'rin'e's. I'll take care of it."

Wil moved away and Su draped the belt over her knees, examining the weaving. It was certainly lovely. The sort of thing one wouldn't want to lose. She was faced now with a bit of a dilemma. Caitians, by habit, were very private about their living space. Normally, she'd send a message and lay it aside for him to pick up, but given the obvious care with which this had been made, she didn't want to risk it getting lost either. Carefully, she folded it up and reached for her drink.

"Vic, can you find out what quarters were assigned to Lt. Kit'rin'e?"

It was the work of a short few minutes and once she finished her drink, she set off.

* * * The Quarters oF Kit'rin'e * * *

It was a most pleasant evening, better than he had expected considering the many stares and gazes that befell him during the course of the night. The meal was acceptable but obviously no substitute for the real thing, prepared in the correct fashion by a talented cook. He had hoped to that the young lady for a pleasant evening but he couldn't see her. Not wanting to get her into trouble he departed and returned to his quarters. The doors closed behind him sealing him into that which would become his home, he brushed the fur between the ears, scratched an itch and caught it again. Her scent on his hand. He washed his hands and mouth making sure the fur returned to its full vibrant white colour that he was lucky enough to be graced with.

Ordering an evening drink, a sort of night cap per say he sat in the large three piece sofa and relaxed.

Out in the corridor, Sulan stepped off the turbolift and moved along to Kit'rin'e's door. Hoping he would not find her visit an intrusion, she rang the chime.

Kit'rin'e wondered who that would be at this hour, he did not meet his staff yet and doubted they knew he was even on board since he arrived ahead of schedule. He stood up, cup in hand held in the palm of his hand. "Come in." His tail gently swaying side to side behind him, the light dim, but enough to see.

The doors slid open to reveal Sulan. She started to speak, but paused a moment, noting the swishing tail. "Commander, my apologies for the lateness of my visit, but you left this in the Nexus. It looked too valuable to leave it there." She held out her arm, his belt draped over it.

"Thank you." He said, a slight bow in greeting, something afforded to all females. He took the belt. "Might I invite you in?" He said, then wondered if due to the late hour and her clearly busy day she would just want to return home herself for some well earned rest.

"Why thank you, if I'm not keeping you up. A little peace and quiet would be most welcome." She was done for the night and as usual, still wide awake. Such was the price of being a night owl. Stepping inside, she stood still as the doors closed behind her.

"Might I get you something to eat or drink?" Kit'rin'e said handing the belt to his tail, a trait that all Caitians could do then returned his hand to meet the other holding the cup. The room was well decorated, drapes, art, there was very little of the typical Starfleet style decor to be seen. Most of the doors were hidden by drapes, it was obvious which was the bedroom since one drape went right to the floor hiding the whole door from view. His most private of sanctuaries.

"Please. Hot chocolate would be lovely." She smiled up at the tall Caitian, then spent a few moments taking in the decor. Her gaze returned to him, a little curious now. "Which department?" Oh smooth, Su. You'd think at your age, you'd come up with something better than that.

"Command." He replied as he made his way to the replicator. His movements fluid, full of ease and grace. His tail even put the belt on the arm of a chair as he passed it. "Chief Flight Control Officer to be exact." He added as he returned with her beverage. "Here you are." Her drink held in the palm of his hand so to not touch her when she took it. Normally to most this would be too hot to do, however to him it was nothing more than mildly warm. "Please, sit, make yourself comfortable." He offered, culture and upbringing playing key parts in his interaction with her, hence the many offers.

She watched the action of his tail and the belt fascinated. Oh, that would be handy some days. His voice pulled her back and she smiled. "Thank you." She took the hot mug carefully by the handle, her hand slightly brushing his. "Flight Control, that would be Barker, Seerdon and Cortel I believe." She sat down on the sofa and blew across the surface of the hot chocolate.

"Correct." He answered. Her scent lingered on the air just as much as the strong smelling beverage she had ordered. The touch of her hand on his made him think about it which was only why he noticed it now. "I hope your evening went by smoothly after your ordeal with that male from before." He asked, he hoped he was not being too forward or bold, interaction with females was still somewhat of a new thing for him on a social setting.

"Mr. Chan?" She smiled, amused, then sipped her chocolate. "He's a regular, and he had to be about a hundred years old if he's a day. A little gruff and grumpy, but he always send a drink to me as he is leaving. He knows he's a but of a pain and that's his way of making amends. We go through this at least twice a week. It was nice of you to be so patient." She paused now, studying the man before her. The few Caitians she'd met in the course of her time in the Fleet had taught her they were generally a polite and patient lot. She'd seen one cut loose once but it was justified and a bad situation. "Tell me about the belt?"

"One of the last things my father gave to me." In fact, it was his fathers, the death of his mother giving birth soon after caused the death of his father since Caitians are so dependant on each other once bonded. The loss of his Mate traumatized the father, he died soon after. He felt bad that he left it behind but didn't remember feeling it slip from him. "Thank you for returning it to me." He also hoped he didn't leave too much of a mess at the table since he found using a knife and fork so terribly difficult to do. Claws and teeth were a Caitians cutlery.

"Then I'm glad I brought it home to you," Sulan said softly. "I can see it's very dear to you." She took another sip of the hot chocolate, then sighed with satisfaction. "Delicious and relaxing, as is the company."

True praise indeed, especially from a female. "I am honoured." He replied. He stood up. "If you would permit, I'd like to change." A slight bow again then he picked up his belt and through the drapes into the bedroom. It didn't take long to change, the pause left her alone to take in the decor or enjoy her drink. When he came back he'd gone from the a blue and green formal attire to a deep red two piece robe set for evening wear. "I hope my absence didn't leave you awkward or unwelcome, but a change of clothing is often preferable to sitting in one outfit all night. Especially having gone elsewhere such as Nexus in it." He didn't know if he'd picked up a stain or two along the way from spilt drinks, food or the like. Caitians being the tidy and clean sort just couldn't stand for having a dirty appearance.

"Not at all, I promise." The deep red was striking against Kit'rin'e's white fur. "I can certainly understand. I usually peel off whatever I wear to work and recycle it by night's end." She stopped, thinking now that perhaps that was a bit too much information.

Had Kit'rin'e no fur perhaps he would have blushed at such information. However his fur did many things and hiding facial expressions such as that rather well. "I hope no trouble was caused by my taking the table, I do not know if whom ever had the table booked prior to me arrived or not after me?" He returned, sitting next to her, a comfortable distance between but not too much as to make her feel out of place or unwelcome. Her scent returned to him, the venture into the other room where her scent had yet to enter gave him a brief reprieve from it but still remained.

"Not at all. As it turned out, it was saved for our Chief Surgeon, but she couldn't make it. Vic said there was some sort of emergency that detained her. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. One thing you'll find about 900 is that despite its size, everyone seems to know everyone. You'll get there soon enough." Su leaned back, resting her head agaist the back of the sofa. It had been a particularly hectic night. The calm quiet of Kit'rin'e's quarters was exactly what she needed. Without a thought, she slipped off the high heels she wore and flexed her feet.

Kit'rin'e smiled, had he done that, 4 large sharp claws would appear at the end of each foot. Though often he had done just as she had done. "Indeed I shall." He remarked, pleased that she felt comfortable in his home and around him. As he understood it, people do not often kick off shoes in the presents of others unless comfortable with them. "Would you like anything, something to help relax your muscles or another drink?" He didn't know how long chocolate would retain its heat having never had one.

"Trust me when I say that there's little that could relax me more just now. When you spend your nights being the life of the party, you grow to appreciate serenity." She looked from her black-stockinged feet to his fuzzy ones. A prickle of envy hit her. No one would ever expect such a foot to be encased in a stiletto heel.

His long tail picked up one of her high heels. "I have often heard complaints about footwear such as this, if they are as people say, why do females harm themselves wearing them." He couldn't fathom why females would knowingly and willingly put on shoes or any garmet that would cause them discomfort to such an extent that they can then not wait to remove it. A typical case of Kit'rin'e knowing very little about females, aside from Caitian ones.

"Because they look good. Here, look." Sulan stood and the long velvet dress draped down around her feet. It was cut higher in the front, angling down to a longer back. "See? Now look at this." She slipped the heels back on, once more completing the outfit. "More polished, more fashionable." And more attractive. The thought rose in her mind, surprising her.

Kit'rin'e took in the demonstration, his eyes initially focused on her feet as she demonstrated the differences. Inadvertently however, when the shoes were on his gaze roamed from the feet up. While the heels only added a few extra inches to her height, she was right, it added to the attire she wore, more appealing to say the least. "I see, you look....." He paused, trying to find the right word, yet again another example of his lack of experience around women. "Elegant." Hoping it was the correct word to use in this situation.

"The things we do for vanity." Her smile softened as she smoothed the front of her dress. "I really should get home and get some sleep. I"ll be happy to show you around the station tomorrow, if you wish."

"I would be honoured." Kit'rin'e stood, he had the next two days free so why not take her up on her offer and see what else there was available.

"Very well." She offered her hand once more and took his, then without another word, slipped out.

Kit'rin'e bowed slightly as she left, such a pleasant and kind young woman. She accepted him for who and what he was, didn't treat him like something to be petted or the like. When the doors closed behind her he felt slightly ashamed that he'd left his belt behind. He should have known better. He went into the other room to do his nightly grooming of his fur and claws, his fangs were every week instead of every day. He looked forward to tomorrow where she would show him more of the station, such a pleasant woman who's company was equally so. He washed up, while that took her scent from his hand it lingered on the air in the main room. She was a friend, or at least willing to be one which would honour him greatly.

He tried to not let the scent get too him too much as he slid under the sheets and closed his eyes.


Tora Sulan
House Manager & Resident Distraction
The Nexus Club

Lt.Cmdr Kit'rin'e
Chief Flight Control Officer
Starbase 900


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