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Bar Tab

Posted on Thu May 26th, 2011 @ 7:09am by Captain Claudia Drake & Jackson Banning V
Edited on on Thu May 26th, 2011 @ 7:22am

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: The Nexus Club
Timeline: Current

* * The Nexus Club * *

Claudia walked into the bar and looked around, she could see several people sitting at small tables. They were obviously enjoying each-others company. She walked to the bar and took a stool, she lent her cane against the bar and waited until a server was free to see to her.

"A single gin and slime-line tonic water please" she said with a smile, a few minutes later the small glass arrived, she sipped it gently. "Ah, excuse me, I would like a slice of lime please.." she said handing the glass back without looking at the young woman. Again it returned within a few seconds, and this time it tasted excellent.

"I miss the days you could smoke in a bar" she said with a sigh to no-one in particular.

"Yeah, well, some health initiative decided to save our lives for us, but they never managed to take away the urge for a good Cuban in my opinion." The voice that spoke had a deep Southern drawl, the man attached to it wearing a Hawaiian shirt and a smile. "Good afternoon, Professor."

"Well, well, well" she said with a smile looking at the man, "Long time no see Jackson, or are you using a different name this week?" She said looking at the man who had once been a Cadet of hers. He had been snapped up by Intelligence on his graduation and she had kept tabs on his career until a year or so ago when he had officially left Starfleet. She wasn't sure if that was true or if it was just another cover-story.

"Claudia, my dear, you are as lovely and feisty as ever I see." He raised her hand to his lips gallantly. "I heard you were darkening our doorstep, and it was the highlight of my day. We need someone to stir things up a bit."

She stared at him, "You know you're about 80 kilo's too small to be taken seriously in that god-awful thing...they were kitsch when I was a kid for fucks sake." She drained her gin and pushed the glass towards him, "And iced-tea the way I like it please. We also need to discuss that oh-so-difficult point of, a bar-tab." she smiled showing her perfect teeth.

"You've got it." He stepped behind the bar and poured up a glass of iced tea, dropping in a lime, then adding a healthy shot of gin. "As to the tab, I don't know. Are you good for it? Seems like I recall you slipped out of DS12 and still owed me two bars of latinum from our last bet." He smiled indulgently as he placed the tall glass before her. "Try that."

"Yes I did, but I thought since you owed me 36 from that game of Tongo on DS9 we'd be good." she smiled and tried the drink, "I like to gin up my tea" she said satisfied, "So you left the service?"

"Thirty-six? Was it really? Damn, you don't forget a thing do you?" He smiled at her but then it faded somewhat. "Well, yes and no. Officially, yes, but I still stick my nose in when it's needed for somethin' special, that needs my specific talents. The rest of the time, I'm just the guy everyone knows and loves. Well, loves in the casual sense. I'm still as footloose and fancy-free as always."

"You're still a whore then, I'm glad to see things never change" she said with a smile and took another sip from her glass. "I'm going to see how comfortable those booths are." She stood up, "Drop by my quarters and we'll have a rematch see if you can win back some of that Latinum you owe me."

"You're on, darlin'. And I'll send Eli over to check on you in a few." He offered his hand to help her down from the stool before moving off to his office.

Professor Claudia Drake
Queen Bitch Level 11


Jackson Banning, Who Never Changes
Owner, The Nexus Club


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