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Conflict of the Heart and Mind

Posted on Sat Oct 29th, 2011 @ 7:45pm by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Kit'rin'e's Quarters

After escorting Ms Sulan back to her quarters Kit'rin'e headed back towards his own. Tora was a most remarkable woman, her personality was pleasant, even accepting when he offered for her to join him in the tree. It had been a while since he'd been able to work out in his usual Holodeck programs so enjoyed the quick few second bound up the tree. It felt good to have a new friend, a female one at that whom was not afraid of him. Her touch on him was welcome, a gift in his eyes from her to him. Something which told him she felt comfortable around him. The night prior and today's events confirmed, at least in his mind that she took some pleasure at least in his company. He was pleased about this, a new assignment, a new friend, new adventures lay ahead.

As the doors to his quarters closed behind him sealing him in the dimly lit room his eyes began to change, enabling him to see more clearly with so little light, more so than normal Human eyes ever could. It was this peaceful tranquility that he enjoyed. To be surrounded in that which was familiar and known to him, his little piece of Cait, on a station far far away from it. He dropped to his hands and feet, much like the feline he was and with a stretch of the body a few cracks of protesting joints and a slight growl in relief he stood again. He pulled off his knee length robe folding it neatly, before he put it down though something caught his attention. Bringing the artcle of clothing up to his nose it told him right away what it was, or more importantly, who.

Her scent was stronger on the one arm and the side, having transferred from his sleeve. One sniff was all he needed, one too many. She was a friend, she wouldn't be interested in him why would she?

Hes a feline, a predator. Most species often find pairings within his or her own people. He was intimidating, standing at near enough Seven feet tall, a touch over 500lbs, the claws, the fangs, his whole being screamed that he was different so why would someone not Caitian be interested in him? He wondered if he should give her a gift, hoping to seek forgiveness for possibly seeing more to this then there actually was. His mind told him there was but his heart told him that there was nothing to begin with. He slowly put the folded robe down, a sad sort of movement of realisation and in some ways acceptance of the facts, even if he was unsure if they were right or wrong.

He tended to the fur on his head, his fangs and claws. A quick wash freshened him up slightly but did little to his mood. He took off the trousers and folded them too before placing the entire attire in a unit for cleaning later. His tail was slow and lazy, a clear reflection that his mood had changed dramatically. Anyone that knew alot about Caitians or had been around them for some time could read a Caitian much like a Caitian would normally. The tail, ears, posture, body language was something Caitians could easily read. Even sounds were indications which one could learn to pick up on over time. This was the hardest problem of new assignments, the re-adaptation of being around others and new faces both male and female. Males were easy, few gave him trouble for obvious reasons while females were the difficulty for traditional and cultural reasons.

He wondered what gift he would give her, it had to be something personal to him, a sacrifice to him, for her, to make up for what he'd done. They had not made any plans for the next day, he didn't know what her plans were and considered contacting her in the morning to find out but there in lay the rub, would he be imposing which, to Caitians to a female was not allowed. Maybe he would drop by her quarters and hand her the gift, explaining why this was needed and maybe then she would understand him a bit more. Pulling the sheets back he slowly slid into bed, it was larger then the norm because of his sheer size and his racial habit to move about a lot during the night with if he fell out of bed would cause himself an injury.

It would be a long night, a difficult night. Sleep was now a luxury, one he was not sure he could afford tonight.


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