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What A Difference A Day Makes - Part Two

Posted on Tue Nov 1st, 2011 @ 10:14am by Tora Sulan & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e
Edited on on Wed Nov 2nd, 2011 @ 12:40pm

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Sulan's Quarters

"As you wish." Kit'rin'e replied. He knew this was no small ordeal for her, especially now since he'd pretty much laid it out that there was no going back or it could kill him. Even in Human standards that was extreme. However, she had something to say, so he would wait to hear it.

"You said just now that you would live to be a hundred of my years, that the flesh changes but the person inside does not." Now that she was right down to it, it was proving harder than she thought it would be. Hoping the words would come easier if she was not looking him right in the eye, she turned, moving back to the sofa. "I'm not exactly what everyone sees, Kit'rin'e. This sword, for instance. Would it surprise you to know that I can handle it like a master?"

"I had my suspicions that you knew of my ways." Kit'rine replied. "I could feel it when you were around me." Kit'rin'e was skilled with the blade, many years of teachings and instruction. While he knew she lacked the tail to use the other blade, he could. "I would be honoured to spar with you at some point."

"That would be my pleasure. How I learned to use such weapons I'll have to explain in time. But as to your comment about the flesh changing, it doesn't always."

"How so?" He asked, puzzled yet curious at the same time.

"Mine won't, as far as we know." Her voice was so quiet as to be almost a whisper. "Nothing of me has changed in the past twelve years." Her fingertips danced across the edge of the box that held the sword. Whether he realized it or not, she had just given her answer, a gift that ensured she intended to keep him close always.

He was not surprised as much as he thought he would have been from that explanation, on the plus side however it meant that she would be forever beautiful while he aged. "You do not need to give me an answer right away, I understand this might come as a lot to take in and consider." Kit'rin'e's inexperience once again kicking in, not seeing the hint to her answer. He still had much to learn about the techniques of being subtle.

"I have answered you," she said quietly. "What I just told you is known to only about 5 people in this universe - one other who is like me, three doctors, and someone in Starfleet." Finally, she turned to face him. "And now you. I would only tell it to....the one who will, I hope, be around for a very long time to notice the lack of change. If you'll have me, that is."

Kit'rin'e's fur hid so much, overjoyed, exploding with happiness yet on the outside he was still the Caitian that stood before her unchanged. "I am honoured." He replied with a bow, though this time there was a noted change in his voice, it was more feline sounding over the universal translator. "If I may, I do have one thing that I require from you to help me adjust, mentally" He didn't mean it to sound wrong or cold, but he needed something of hers, an article of clothing, a pillow, something that'd been in recent contact with her skin or something that had repeated contact over a long period of time. He needed her scent close to him for a night for his mind to accept her, instead of him fighting it.

"What's that?"

"I need something of yours, with your scent on it."He spoke softly. "Something that's been in recent contact of you or prolonged contact over a long period of time. With the inability to be around you constantly for the next month my mind needs to accept your scent as a permanent adjustment," he explained.

"Alright." Su glanced around her quarters, examining and dismissing most of the things in the living area and kitchen. It was not until she slipped her hands into the pockets of her velvet robe and felt the softness against her skin that she realized it was the perfect thing. "This robe."

"If you will not miss it, you might not see it again for almost one month." He replied. He didn't want to leave her without something that she needed or prized.

"I have another'll have to excuse me a moment, because I...what I mean is that I need to...put something else on." She ducked back into her bedroom and dashed to the closet. It was only now that what had just happened really sunk in and a thrill hit her so hard her fingers tingled. She was not at all sure what the procedure was for people intending to mate, so she wasn't sure baring all was part of that picture just yet. Hurriedly she threw on a skirt and tank top, then returned to the living room with the robe.

Kit'rin'e waited patiently. The room was filled with her scent which for the first time he took in willingly and deeply. He looked around while she was in the other room. When she came in, freshly dressed with the robe in her hand he smiled. She seemed keen, eager to explore this new path with him, which in turn made him feel good, much better than when he walked in. Though there was one thing he did want to do with his new Mate, but she would have to consent to it. Though with his gaze on her neck it was obvious something was up.

"Will this do?" She started to continue but noting his gaze, fell silent. Something was definitely afoot now.

"It will indeed." Kit'rin'e replied. It was still warm and radiated her scent strongly. He took another step forward, he leant down slightly, slowly. It was a difficult thing for him to do because over the years he'd taught himself not to do it. He smelt her hair, only with her as his Mate he could now touch. He brushed against the side of her head with his own, drawing in the much stronger, fresh scent of her. He continued down to her neck where he snuck his nose, though cold tipped, under the veil of her hair and smelt her neck.

She stood still beneath the attention, but the warmth that radiated from him was so very welcome and she had the sudden and inexplicable feeling that she'd come home. There was no telling what the weeks and months to come would hold, as this was a new path for her, but it felt as if she was supposed to be here. When his nose touched her she shivered a moment and reached out to take hold of his arms.

When her arms touched his, his tail snaked forward and took the robe from him, freeing his hands. With delicate movements his hands came to rest on her waist. She was his now, and he hers. What lay ahead would be an adventure but one that both of them would willingly share and walk together. Her smaller frame fit his larger one rather well, while it was expected that if he ever did find a Mate she would be smaller than he, her frame felt surprisingly right to him. "Is there anything I can do or offer you?" He asked. His hands delicately holding her.

"Closer," she whispered. "You are allowed to touch me now, I want to feel you wrapped around me."

Kit'rin'e slowly pulled free from her, using his tail he placed the robe on the arm of the chair as he walked around to position himself behind her. He placed his head down and over her left shoulder, turned in slightly so his nose was under her chin but his face pointing towards the floor. His left arm came up under hers and placed it up and around his head while his hand came to rest on her right shoulder, his right doing the same though resting on centre of her waist with her arm atop of it. His tail coiled about her once, then she would feel his claws, the tips of them resting against her, his embrace gentle yet somewhat protective.

She let out an audible sigh of contentment as he did, indeed, wrap almost completely around her, his fur soft and warm. The world as it was seemed to drift away, leaving only them. "When can you....stay?"

"When ever you wish it." As the female it was her right to demand, ask for or request in any way something from him. If she wanted him to stay, all she need do was state it. She didn't seem to mind the addition of his claws on her.

Sulan wasn't sure how to address that. She had only known him a few days. But did that really matter? Would it help with really marking him with her scent? So many questions, to which she added one more. "Do you want to?"

"I would very much." He replied, hoping that in doing so would not prove to be an inconvenience to her.

"Very well. I....need to get some more sleep. You can..." Can what? Hang out? Watch a movie? She was suddenly at a loss for words.

"If you wish it, I can stay in here while you sleep in your room?" He said trying to put her at ease since she seemed to struggle with her reply.

"I think I'd rather...have you close, if you don't mind? I'll be back up in a couple of hours." It was a good first step, at least until she figured this all out. For now, a step at a time.

"Of course." He replied. "Please, lead on." At least then he would be shown where she wanted him to sleep. His tail picking up the robe again from the chair.

Su glanced through the door of her room to the single bed there and frowned. That wasn't going to do it. With a shrug, she led him to the sofa. At his size, she could curl up on him and barely make a dent. "This is about it for now, I'm afraid they believed me when I said I was single."

Kit'rin'e looked at the sofa. "If you wish, my quarters has a bed many times that of yours, a racial requirement. If you like, you can use that?" He offered. He didn't have to share it if she didn't want to, but the offer would provide more comfort to both of them.

She'd made her choice, why not? It was an even better way of surrounding him with her scent that he craved and she nodded. "Sounds good." Reaching out, she took his hand and brushed it against her cheek, hoping she wasn't too wound up now to sleep.

Kit'rin'e smiled. With seeming ease he picked her up with one arm, almost as if she was seated on it. She was his Mate, he'd carry her anywhere if she wished it. His tail still grasping the robe, he walked out of her Quarters. Some might have seen it as strange that he was carrying her instead of letting her walk, others saw it as a cute and affectionate thing. When they arrived at his quarters, he placed her down and made one quick adjustment on his computer. "You should now be able to enter here freely."

"Thanks." The late night was telling on her however and with a brush of her hand on his arm, she passed on through to the massive bed. In no time she was undressed, since he seemed to have no issues with the idea, and was curled up among the pillows, sound asleep.

Kit'rin'e followed after a few moments, allowing her time to change out of her attire and get into the bed, which he heard with the bedsheets. Then he walked in and did the same, the lights were off yet still able to see better than most. He slipped under the sheets with her, his hand holding hers, fearing if he got too close that he might injure her with his weight from this new experience.

She murmured softly, slipped closer without waking and finally, grew still.


Lt. Commander Kit'rin'e
Chief Flight Control Officer

Tora Sulan
House Manager, The Nexus Club

Crossing That Bridge Now That They've Come To It


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