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First Dinner.....Then Dessert

Posted on Tue Nov 8th, 2011 @ 6:36pm by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Kit'rin'e's Quarters / The Nexus Club

* * * Kit'rin'e's Quarters * * *

They'd spent the day in, alternately talking, getting used to each other, enjoying the closeness. At some point she had returned to her own quarters to get a dress for the evening and had insisted that Kit'rin'e dress first. She then shooed him out of the bedroom to get ready.

A short time later she emerged, her long auburn hair fell in waves around her shoulders to her waist. The dress itself was black sequins, backless and held up by a strap over one shoulder. A sheer silk drape hung from the strap in back, floating as she moved. She stood waiting as he looked her over.

Kit'rin'e was amused when she removed him from the bedroom, a smile on his face though he left as wanted. While she dressed he stood looking out to the stars wondering what tomorrow would hold in store for him. His first day on the job, a new assignment, a fresh adventure. When she appeared he looked at her. She looked stunning, females on Cait would envy looks such as hers. "You look beautiful." He spoke softly.

"Thank you." Her smile was just a trifle shy, despite the hours together. Moving across the room towards him, she seemed to float and once there, slipped her hands round his waist. She was a few inches taller, her feet dressed in black stiletto heels.

"Ready to make our big entrance?"

"I am indeed." He said. As a result of her dress his fur seemed to contrast well against it, his own attire comfortable yet suitable for such an important dinner. Tonight she was supposed to be working but got the night off, he wondered how those working with her would react to seeing her, with him, as they are now.

She tugged him down to her eye level, brushed a kiss to his cheek. "Let's not keep the people waiting."

"That would be unfortunate." He answered staying at her level. There was that spark in her eyes, he answered with the same rolling growl she encouraged from him earlier. He stood upright again, then pair of them walked out of the room and headed for Nexus.

* * *The Nexus Club * * *

They entered the Nexus Club, drawing even more glances than they had on the walk up. Eli was up front, filling in for her tonight. He looked up as they arrived and gave Sulan a bright smile.

"I think he heard the news," she commented to Kit'rin'e.

"I would not be surprised if all the staff heard." He replied. It was common place that when it came to good news at the work place, the news washed through all the staff in short order. Still things seemed to be going fine, she looked beautiful and they were here to share a dinner together.

"Hi Su, LT. Commander." Eli nodded to Kit'rin'e. Then he leaned in to ask Sulan quietly, "Is it really true?"

"It is." She smiled up at Kit'rin'e a moment.

"Well done sir," he spoke to Kit'rin'e then. "You've scooped up a good one. Chance will be disappointed. Come on, your table's down front."

"Chance?" Kit'rin'e asked, he didn't know who that was. "Who is that?" He continued as they followed Eli.

"Chance is one of the new cadets," she explained as they threaded their way through the tables. "It's actually a bit of a joke since Chance is Eli's....well, Eli's." She left it at that, hoping he understood what she meant.

"I see." Kit'rin'e returned as he followed her, one advantage of being so tall and intimidating is that often when walking somewhere the crowd simply parted, giving him a clear path. Something similar was happening here which in some way he found amusing.

"They are adorable, really."

At Sulan's words, Eli rolled his eyes. "Aww come on Su."

"You, dear, are starting to sound like Jackson. Speaking of which, I'm surprised he's not out here hounding me for answers."

"Oh he will be," Eli answered. "He left orders, orders mind you, to be called as soon as you got here." He stopped by their table, center front. In the center was a large spray of roses and on a stand by the table, in a silver bucket, was a bottle of champagne. "Enjoy. I'll give you ten minutes before I call him. And congratulations, sir." Eli turned and hurried off.

Kit'rin'e saw the flowers, he knew what they were, he'd gone through many Valentines days during his time in Starfleet to see females often walking around with such a flower. Eli disappeared leaving the two of them alone. "Who is Jackson?" He asked.

"Jackson is the owner of this place, well, he and Jan. And the one I called this morning to get tonight off." She moved close to Kit'rin'e, resting a hand at his waist. "Tell me, do you dance?"

"I do, during my early years at the Academy my instructors saw the difficulty I was having fitting in, they suggested doing something, a subject or extra activity." He spoke. "I chose music and dance." The music aspect he enjoyed but the dancing was what caught his attention, especially since it forced him to be more accepting of females even if it caused a few mental problems along the way. "Would you like to dance?"

"Certainly. It will keep us out of reach of Jackson a bit longer too." The small combo on stage was playing an old Tony Bennett song - I've Got The World On A String. Slipping her hand in his, she led the way out to the floor.

When they arrived Kit'rine stood facing her, a smile on his face though maybe not so evident due to his fur. He did have one idea though. His tail coiled about her sash as if it were a tail as well, something private, some might say intimate between the two considering the gesture and importance Caitians place on tails. His large hand came to rest on her side, her hand within his right. Then with practiced ease, he lead, dancing to the music as it played.

They moved easily around the floor, despite the difference in their sizes. Sulan caught sight of Jackson and Janice, who had just appeared from the direction of the offices, as they turned. "Oh there they are, Kit'rin'e."

Kit'rin'e didn't break the dance however he lead her so that they were now side on to the people she was talking about. He was not sure who he was looking out for but took it as she saw them and he knew they wanted to speak. "Should go speak to them if they are waiting for you." He spoke.

"Let's make him wait till the dance is done." She did wave to the pair however.

At the edge of the floor, Jackson stood, watching them for a moment, then turned to Janice. "Care to dance sweetheart?"

Janice grimaced, "With you? Not really, sweetcheeks, but I can't think of a better way to get those two separated." She winked at Jackson and held her hands out in a dance pose. "Let's go cut in on the ...uh... newly mated?"

"You're on." He swept Janice into his arms and they were off, gliding across the floor. Before long, they reached Kit'rin'e and Sulan. "Good evening you two, and Congratulations."

"Jackson, Jan." She gave them a happy smile. "Allow me to introduce Lt. Commander Kit'rin'e."

"A pleasure to meet you." Jackson looked him over, then looked back to Sulan. "You look beautiful, by the way. And you, sir, are a lucky man."

"You say that as if she isn't always beautiful, J," Janice lightly admonished her dance partner. "Say, mind if I cut in, Su?" She smiled up at Kit'rin'e.

Sulan looked up at Kit'rine, then hoping he wouldn't mind, nodded. Better to get over Jackson's questions sooner rather than later. She squeezed his hand and stepped back.

There was a mild sense of unease as his Mate backed away from him. He was taught that touch was sacred, only offered to that of the Mate and before than only if welcomed. Still, he hardly knew this woman and yet he had to touch her in order to dance. He tried hard not to show how he felt, he knew he'd have to wash his hands afterwards, to remove her scent lest it cause problems for him later. "As you wish." Was all he said on the matter as he waited, uncoiling his tail from her sash.

Curious as a cat about the big fellow, and sensing a bit of discord in the male, Janice stepped away from Jackson and moved in front of Kit'rin'e. Bowing slightly, she beamed at him and said, "I don't have much experience with Caitians, but I recall something about touching being somewhat... restricted. Would you prefer to get a drink rather than dance?"

Kit'rin'e bowed when Janice did. Part of him would have accepted the offer of a drink, the other half however told him that it would please his mate. Still, there was a hint of sadness, seeing his mate in the arms of another. Were they on Cait, Kit'rin'e would be within his rights to challenge him for what he'd done. This was not Cait however, this was the Federation and Starbase 900. There with it had to come a degree of 'acceptance' of other cultures. "A drink would be most welcome." He replied, his arm out to the side allowing her to lead the way.

She led the way to the bar, where she requested a martini from the bartender and let Kit'rin'e order before asking him, "Have you reported in for duty yet?"

* * *

Sulan moved over to Jackson, stepped into his arms and they began to move. They had not gone far when he spoke. "Su...what have you done? Are you sure about this?"

"Yes Jackson," she answered softly. "I know it seems sudden to you but I don't intend to be alone my whole life. I don't know how you do it, honestly."

He sighed aloud. "Not by choice, let me tell you. It's just was always easier than answerin' questions, I suppose. Well, that and my incredibly bad luck with women. The thing is, Su honey, I don't want you endin' up like me. I just don't want you endin' up with somethin' that's not right either."

"You trust me Jackson? Trust my judgment?" She looked up to him solemnly now.

"I always did, hell you kept me alive on more'n one occasion as I recall."

She glanced around him to see that Kit'rin'e was doing alright, then looked back up to Jackson. "Then trust me on this. He took the news rather well, actually. What I've had time to tell him at least. As for you young man," she paused to smile a moment. "I don't want you ending up like you have either any woman would be lucky to have you. The right woman. You just need to go get her."

"Is it really that simple?" he mused, and twirled her around. He caught sight of Kit'rin'e at the bar and watched him a moment. "Apparently so."

"Yes. I just knew and decided to take the leap. Jan was right. You should listen to her more often, you know."

"Just knew," Jackson repeated.

"She won't wait forever you know."

"Depends on which 'she' you mean, Su." He appeared lost in thought now.

"Only you can figure that out. Just think less, and do more. Come on, let's go. I don't want to leave him too long. It's something of a critical time." Sulan stepped back from Jackson and led the way back to the bar.

Kit'rin'e tried hard to not ignore Janice. Making conversation as best he could but his eyes kept drifting off to his mate and Jackson. "I hope my Mate taking tonight off from her regular duties has not had a negative impact on things?" He asked. Biting his tongue so to speak to keep his mood in check.

"Of course not," Janice assured him. "We can run on a fairly small staff and Eli is filling in just fine."

"Everything alright?" She slipped up next to Kit'rin'e, wrapping her arm around him.

"Indeed." A half truth at best but something that could be dealt with later. He simply notched it up to her not knowing but still, the effects of her actions stung. "Can I get you a drink?" He asked her.

"Why don't we go back to the table and dip into that champagne they left for us?"

Indicating with his arm to lead on, he simply followed her, giving Jackson a final glance before turning to make sure he wouldn't bump into anyone.

They reached the table where a waiter was opening the champagne. He poured two glasses, then moved away to leave them alone. Instead of sitting down, Sulan wrapped her arms around him and spoke, keeping her voice low. "What just happened?"

"What do you mean?" He asked thinking it was something the waiter did. "The male poured the champagne."

"No, I mean the sudden change in your mood. Some clouds rolled in. I'm not telepathic but something has changed, at least enough that I can feel your emotional waves."

"It was not easy for me to stand by and watch my Mate in the arms of another." Kit'rin'e answered. "I was put in a position that was uncomfortable for me with Janice." Considering his touch was for Sulan only. He accepted that as the female she could do what she wanted, had she told him to dance with Janice he would have done, regardless of how he felt about it. Still, she asked him what was wrong and he answered.

Her eyes widened a moment as she looked up at him. Dancing was such a casual thing among them she hadn't thought twice about it. She explained as much to Kit'rin'e. "I'm so sorry, I just didn't think...Jackson's like family to me. Dancing with the newly married, or mated in this case, is something of a tradition among humans as well."

"That is why we went to the bar." To remove himself from the situation, regardless of how difficult it was. "Janice seemed nice, most don't react that way to me after meeting someone like me."

"Jan is El-Aurian, there is little she has not seen or experienced in her long life. Will you forgive me?"

Kit'rin'e nodded. "Of course." Time would heal the rest, that is pretty much all it needed.

Sulan was silent as she though on the past few minutes. She still had a lot to learn about her Mate and his traditions. She smiled as she lifted the two glasses and handed one to him. "To us."

"To us." He returned. To him the glass was very small in his large hand. Sipping however was slightly difficult but he managed it in the end with none of it spilling onto his attire. "An interesting flavour." He commented afterwards.

"It will go to your head, fair warning, though likely for you it would take a long time." She smiled. "For me? Two more and I'd be putty in your hands."

"You often are." He replied, coupled with that rolling growl for added effect. A smile gracing his features this time, more visible that the others.

She was relieved to see his smile return and her unease settled. "You, my darling, need not worry about Jackson or any other, not ever."

"Few would get on the wrong side of a 500lb predatory feline such as me." Kit'rin'e spoke, he nodded after. "I know, it is just....difficult sometimes." With her having to get used to his ways, he too had to get used to hers.

"I could, however, take that as something of a compliment. And I'll make it up to you. Count on that." She finished her glass of champagne and poured another.

"I will." He replied. He smiled again, finishing his own glass. "Shall we eat?" His tail had without him thinking about it coiled about her sash again.

"We shall, then I think we should take the rest of this champagne home with us and finish it there." She gave him a wink.

"Be careful what you wish for." He snapped his jaws shut as if he was biting something. "You might find you biting off more than you can chew." He hoped he was using the joke correctly. Human humour was so difficult sometimes to understand.

"You'd be surprised what I can chew." With a smile she signalled the waiter to bring dinner.

A feisty little one this one. Kit'rin'e thought. "We shall see." Challenge......accepted.

* * *


Lt.Cmdr Kit'rin'e
Chief Flight Control Officer


Tora Sulan
Newly Mated, Learning the Ropes


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