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Rush Hour - And After

Posted on Sat Nov 26th, 2011 @ 3:35pm by Tora Sulan & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Lieutenant Natalia Bren M.D.

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Piper Medical Center

The doors to Piper Medical center slid open and Sulan and Kit'rin'e stepped in. A nurse looked up and seeing the large bloody patch that had seeped through the shoulder of Sulan's robe, and the blood still on Kit'rin'e's face, she rose and pressed the com panel, calling for a medic.

"What happened?" She asked hurriedly, but the question never got answered.

Before Kit'rin'e could speak, the shock from the explosion in Hangar 51 rippled through the medical station, throwing her against the desk, and Sulan into Kit'rin'e.

There was a marked degree of surprise when the station rocked with the explosion. It must have been large to send it rippling through the station that strongly. Kit'rin'e held onto Sulan as she landed against him, he himself landed against the wall. In doing so however with her body one side of him and the force at which they hit the wall broke two ribs. A painful example at just how fragile Caitian bones really were, injury was something they could not afford. He coughed, while holding Sulan to him, blood that he'd coughed up landing in her hair and ran slightly down the strands towards her cheek.

It didn't seem to phase Sulan, though it definitely got the attention of one of the medics.

"Let's go!" He took Kit'rin'e's arm on his good side and the nurse who'd greeted them took Sulan in hand, moving them on through to the back, already barking out orders.

* * *

Treated, Kit'rine stood next to his mate. She lay in bed having yet to wake from the treatments she underwent. Treatments she had to have because of him. That little detail troubled him greatly, while he was satisfying tradition and culture it also posted the problem that he was raised not to do. Harm a female. Yet this particular requirement meant doing just that. Even when she said she was fine, he was not, he wondered if he bit her too hard, could he have been more gentle in his actions?

They had cleaned her wound, though the scars from his teeth would remain, even cleaning the blood from her hair. His own injuries were healed though the discomfort would be a companion for a while. As if guarding her, he stood, patiently waiting in silence for her to wake, regardless of how long it took.

A nurse hovered outside the door of their room, watching so that she could notify Dr. Bren when Sulan awakened. From time to time she had studied Kit'rin'e. There had been no time for details as to how this particular injury had come about, though it didn't take a genius to figure it out. The circumstances, however, concerned her. She was hoping that Sulan would have something to say on that point once she woke.

The nurse entered to check Sulan's vital signs and the readouts from the monitors. "She should be waking up very soon, Commander." With a nod she departed, leaving them alone once more.

As predicted, it was only a few minutes later that Sulan stirred and her eyelids finally fluttered open. Confusion clouded her mind for several beats. She recalled Kit'rin'e's quarters, then Sickbay, then....something....some rumbling....then nothing. She started to sit up, but the arch over the biobed, and the soreness in her shoulder, changed her mind.


"I am here my Mate." He said bending at the waist to bring himself into view close next to her. He didn't want to touch her, the last time he did so put her here. The whole ordeal left him puzzled and confused, taught from a young age to do no harm to a female yet one act does exactly that. He wondered if it was based off Caitian and Caitian pairings where such a bite would cause no to little injury. His voice more feline than usual reflecting his upset at putting her here, he was the cause of her discomfort, her pain and suffering.

He wanted to say more, but what, what could he say that would make up for what he'd done.

She reached up to rub her eyes, then blinked a few times before reaching for his hand. "The scar? They left it, didn't they? I made sure I said --" She stopped to study him a moment. The worry was rolling off of him in waves. "It's alright. I'm fine. I promise. When can I get out of here?" Outside the door, the nurse heard her reply and hurried to get Natalia.

A moment later Natalia walked in, her eyes quickly surveying Kit'rin'e as she continued to Su's side. "Hi Su", she smiled, and then to the Caitian, "Commander Kit'rin'e", her voice was kind, "I'm Doctor Natalia Bren. And it seems..." she looked back to Su knowingly, "the three of us have alot to talk about."

"Dr. Bren." Sulan's voice held a mix of pleasure and curiosity. "Jackson said you had come. How did you --?" She stopped, unsure if she should continued that line of thought or not. She was full of questions, but those would have to wait. There were more immediate questions to be dealt with. "It's good to see you again," she finished. Reaching for Kit'rin'e's hand, she spoke again. "He knows...well...part of it."

Nat raised an eyebrow, although she really wasn't surprised considering what she felt she knew was happening between Su and Kit'rin'e. Her concerns for Su went in more than one direction, and Jackson was there, always there, weighing heavily. She nodded, wetting her lips anxiously as she breathed in deeply. She directed to them both, "When the two of you agreed to be mates, you should of came to me first", showing more of her feelings than she intended, when she was so capable otherwise.

Sulan frowned a moment, squeezing Kit'rin'e's hand. "There really wasn't time, to be honest. It was rather sudden and I don't regret it. I know there are some considerations, however. I also have some questions for you." The nurse appeared once more at the door, this time addressing Kit'rin'e.

"Commander, a request has come in for you from your department. They have requested your assistance on this crash and explosion in Hangar 51."

Kit'rin'e was about to answer the Doctor when his Mate spoke first. He listened, glad that she didn't regret what was happening between them. Then another came in, spoke to him directly relaying the message. "I should go." He said softly as he belt down and brushed his cheek against hers. "I will see you soon." Then departed, leaving the two females alone to catch up.

"The three of us are still going to have that talk. I think that would be for the best, Su, for him as well as you", Natalia said softly, having pulled herself together, "How are you feeling?"

"Never better. Well, my shoulder's still a bit sore but that is to be expected." Sulan raised up on her elbows as much as she could, turning her head to make sure the scar was intact. Satisfied, she laid back down. "All he knows right now is that I am not aging. We got a little distracted and I never got to the rest." Her smile was soft. "Will you have to call Dr. Chong to tell him I'm here?"

"No", Nat shook her head as she scanned Su's shoulder, "They are not looking for you. Besides, longer work for Doctor Chong", she pulled back regarding Su, "Did you have to mention his name?"

"Sorry. But you know as well as I do why I had to get away. And if he doesn't know you are here, he won't hear it from me. Everything look okay?" It was clear she meant her shoulder.

"It looks fine. If you're going to keep the scar, there will be some discomfort for a while. I was referring to Jackson. You did so in front of Kit'rin'e." She looked downwards, rubbing her forehead, "I don't know if Chong knows I am here, but all he has to do is look for me for whatever reasons...I'm not hard to find." She looked around the room, her concern so evident as she added barely above a whisper, "I told Jackson I should leave, but he..."

"Wouldn't hear of it, right?" Sulan smiled. "That doesn't surprise me. He is...a hard one to read but he seemed glad to find you here. Happy, even. He's not said much to me about it but don't be so quick to take off. Besides, you being here means we don't have to go far to be monitored. Especially since Kit'rin'e wants children." Sulan paused a moment, studying Natalia.

Happy, even.. Nat's thoughts went back to the evening Connor was attacked, when Jackson took care of her. To the flowers in her office... Her cheeks coloring, she tilted her head downwards and smiled, "Did I ever tell you I almost specialized in xenopediatrics?" she asked, doing her best to push her thoughts of Jackson away. It was Su who needed her. She looked over at her now, "If you want to know if it's possible for you and Kit'rin'e to have children, yes it is."

The blush was not lost on Sulan, and at Natalia's comment it was Sulan's turn to blush. "He'll be happy to hear that. Thank you. As for Jackson, give the poor guy a break or he will be impossible to live with." She smiled up at Natalia. "So when can I get out of here?"

"Now", Natalia smiled back distractedly, thinking about Su's request on Jackson's behalf. She laid a hand on Su's arm, and spoke to her softly, "I want you to rest, and I would like to see you 'and' Kit'rin'e, as soon as both
of your schedules allow."

"I promise." She waited till the arch over the bed rolled back, then slowly sat up. "I'll go home and be lazy, do nothing. Well, with one exception." The blush rose in her cheeks once more. "Take care." She moved out of the room and into a dressing room to change into something to wear home, leaving Natalia alone with her thoughts.


Lt. Natalia Bren
Chief Surgeon

Lt. Commander Kit'rin'e
Chief Flight Control Officer

Tora Sulan
House Manager, The Nexus Club


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