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Emergency Meeting

Posted on Sun Nov 20th, 2011 @ 7:21pm by Captain Li Hawke

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Promenade

When Li returned from assisting with the aftermath of the explosion, she wanted nothing more than to crawl in bed and sleep for about two days. The last time she had been in her quarters was with Iggy and Norval, and Iggy revealed Rhys' intentions to lie in wait for Sakkath.

That thought was pulled to the forefront as she pressed the panel by her monitor. The message light was blinking and the first message sent a thrill through her. Sakkath. And he was on his way home. The longing for him that overtook her in that moment was so strong her knees grew weak. The need of him was palpable and she was worried. He'd been gone too long, the disconnect was affecting her in ways that threatened her control.

Close on the heels of her elation was a wash of fear. It gripped her, leaving her cold, galvanizing her thoughts. Sakkath would be home, but then the real danger began, didn't it? The sudden realization hit that her quarters felt empty.


There was no answer. She was likely out touring the station. Li instructed the computer to leave her doors open just a crack so Iggy could get back in upon her return, then moved on to the next message. It was a voice message, recorded two hours earlier. The man in the message didn't say his name, but there was no need to. It was Lazan, and it was the usual procedure. No names, no identifiable locations mentioned.

I need to see you. He's demanded I bring you and it sounded urgent. I quote...'I need her. Now. Drag her back if you have to.' So you see where I am. This explosion bought some time. I'll meet you as usual, beep me when you get this, then be on your way.

Li erased the message then sent an empty text on from behind a blind ID. Sleep would have to wait.

* * *

Li exited the turbolift and began to make her way along the promenade. On the mid-level was a casino that housed several holosuites that were pay by use for the station's visitors. The casino itself was slowly filling back up in the wake of the explosion and the ensuing chaos. And even though the tables were still down, thanks to the power drain, they were enjoying drinks and sharing the gossip about what had happened, or what they thought had happened, in the previous hours.

Li stopped at the bar and ordered coffee. The bartender, a Talaxian, set it before her with a flourish.

"Good evening, Commander. This one's on the house." He gave her a smile as he leaned on the bar.

"Thanks, Mirax." She took a sip and sighed her satisfaction. Nice and hot. "You have a question, and my guess is that your tables will be up anytime now. Expect a little longer delay on the holosuites, though I dropped in to check one out."

Mirax shook his head. "Dealing with you Betazoids certainly does save time." His tone was wry. "But I'm glad to hear it. By the time they get back to gambling, their judgment will be a thing of the past, and I'll be that much richer."

"Better watch the girl on table nine then, she's skimming." She smiled and, taking her cup, wandered away from the bar as Mirax frowned and began to scan the crowd, looking for the girl in question.

Li wandered through the casino, moving indirectly to the back and the holosuites. One on the end showed an 'Out Of Order' sign. A glance around told her no one was watching and she slid the door open and went in, locking it behind her. Lazan sat on the floor against the rear wall, a drink in his hand.

"About time." He kept his deep voice low, watching Li as she crossed to sit beside him.

"I was tied up. Some of us work for a living you know." She took a drink of her coffee and leaned her head back against the wall. "It was a mess up here. Everything okay down below?"

Lazan shrugged. "A few injuries but we take care of our own."

"So what's the emergency?" She asked the question aloud but she really had no need for him to answer. She could read it in him like a shining beacon. At least most of it. Something had Suresh on edge and he wanted...her. "Details, please."

Lazan nodded. "He set two of his men on a job and they failed miserably. Then lied to him. Finally, thanks to some finely applied pressure, he got the truth out of them. Let's just say he's not a happy man. He gave them three days to do it right or else."

"I see." Li resisted the urge to grumble. Sakkath was on his way home, she did not need this now. "Who and what?"

"The what is your Security Chief. He got a bee in his bonnet about her and sent them to bring her in. What I heard was that they drugged her drink at the Wormhole and had her halfway outta there when they got interrupted by Jackson Banning. A fight broke out and they got the worst end of it. He got away with the prize. And now our man below isn't happy. They have three days to get her can figure out the rest."

"I can. And so I need to go play nice, and distract him, soothe the savage beast. What will he do to them when they fail?"

Lazan grinned. "I suppose that depends on how well you perform. Though to be honest, losing those two out of the gene pool? We won't miss much. Neither of them could find their asses with their own hands in a dark room." He laughed and clinked his glass to Li's coffee mug.

"Alright but I'm exhausted. And Sakkath is on his way home. I can't stay down long. I'll change and see you in thirty minutes."

"I'll tell him to expect you." Lazan rose, stretching his long legs. "You go on out first. And I'll be close by if needed."

"Thanks." Li rose and slipped out of the holosuite. Time was running short.


Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Whispering In The Dark


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