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Big Brother

Posted on Fri Dec 2nd, 2011 @ 5:38pm by Jackson Banning V & Tora Sulan

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Nexus Club

As was his custom, Jackson sat in his office preparing for the evening, enjoying the quiet time before the rush began. They had a full house tonight as usual, and much to his relief, Sulan would be back at work. The regulars missed her, and he had to admit he did as well. She had a way about her that could smooth over just about anything, a very handy trait indeed in this business.

His thoughts moved on to someone who had been the focus of his thoughts often of late: Natalia. He had pried her out of Sickbay after what he was certain was a long day that had started very early. He still made her nervous, that much was obvious, but she relaxed with him at least a little more. He would have to tread very carefully here since he had the distinct feeling that if he made any sudden moves, she would bolt.

Given his reputation with women, which couldn't be further from the truth, and everything that had happened in the past, he could understand. He had taken her home and the dinner conversation had been easy. They had moved to the sofa to talk, have some wine, a lovely white zinfandel whose blush had been put to shame by the blush in her cheeks. He'd taken a chance then, and kissed her. He could feel her give in, then she had shied away, spilling her wine.

She had seemed shaken, uncertain, and he had given her some space. She had assured him it was fine but he could see the exhaustion creeping in. So, he'd done the gentlemanly thing, urged her to get some rest, then taken his leave. He was pleased with the evening, actually. Even so, this was going to take a gentle approach and patience, something he was notoriously short of following the Oz situation.

Nice and easy does it every time....

He sure hoped Sinatra was right about that. Outside in the back hall, he could hear voices now. Janice, Eli...and Sulan. He was anxious to talk to Su, and so he rose from the desk. It was time to get dressed.

* * *

It had been several days since Sulan had been to the Nexus. Between the post-mating celebration, then the time in Sickbay, her vacation had stretched out longer than intended. So it was that tonight, she was back on duty. Tonight she wore red, a silky one-shouldered dress that draped to the floor and left her right shoulder exposed. She'd debated for some time what to wear for her return to work. She had little doubt that the fang scars would draw curiosity, and she knew as well that she had to get used to it sooner or later. Besides, covering it felt somehow disloyal. She was afraid that Kit'rin'e would think she was ashamed of it. She wasn't and so tonight, she bared it proudly.

She didn't see Jackson when she arrived, but Janice was there and hugged her tight. Jan had then examined the scar and nodded with satisfaction. "Your mate is proud I'm sure, Su. So am I."

"Hey, we missed you around here!" The voice was Eli's and he pulled her into a hug as well. "I am so glad you are back. I don't know how you stand keeping all these people organized and happy. I'll stick to the bar or the stage. That reminds me..." Eli finally paused to pull a small box from the pocket of his tuxedo jacket. "Mr. Chan left this for you. He said to tell you congratulations."

"It's good to be back, really," Sulan said once Eli paused to let her get a word in edgewise. Taking the box, she opened it. Inside was a gold necklace. The chain bore a delicate white crystal rose. She lifted it from the box and held it up to her throat. "It's lovely...oh! Look!" As the rose neared the red silk of her dress, it changed color, shifting to a soft red glow. She moved it over to Janice, who wore blue, and it shifted once more to a deep sapphire blue. Next to Eli's tux jacket, it became white once more. "Amazing." She stood still as Eli took the necklace and fastened it around her neck.

"So, decided to come back to work I see." The voice belonged to Jackson. Hearing it, both Eli and Janice suddenly made excuses to be elsewhere, leaving Sulan alone with him.

"I did. Believe it or not, I missed you, Jackson."

"I missed you too--" He stopped as she turned to face him, his eyes moving instantly to her shoulder. He stared at it for a long moment, then his gaze traveled to her face and back to her shoulder. ""

"Jackson, it's not that bad." She reached out to touch his arm, hoping to reassure him.

As for Jackson's mind, what flashed through it was an image of long, feline fangs biting through her shoulder. The image sent a shiver up his spine. "Uh..yeah...right. 'Not that bad' doesn't put you in sickbay or leave a scar like that."

"It's tradition," she said simply. "Part of the deal."

Jackson sighed aloud, running his hands through his hair. "It just seems excessive, Su. I'm not against other traditions, but this was dangerous. And it's all over the station what happened with you and that purse snatcher on the Promenade, and what he did to the man."

Sulan's eyes narrowed. She knew he cared deeply for her and was protective to a fault. She generally could forgive his 'big brother' overreactions, but this annoyed her. She was a grown woman, she had sense enough to know what was right for her.

"I need to get to the front. When you can be reasonable, we'll continue this conversation." She turned and started back along the hall towards the club.

"Sulan? Hey Su, wait, I didn't mean--"

Sulan continued to walk, refusing to answer.

* * * Later That Evening

The second show was underway and this was normally the time Sulan stopped at the bar to take a short break. She settled on a stool and Vic set her usual drink before her - a martini, gin, up and dirty.

"Thanks, Vic." She took hold of the plastic sword that held the olives and stirred the drink idly, watching as the condensation on the glass grew heavier.

"Congratulations, Su, I didn't get the chance to say so earlier." Vic smiled at her.

Before she could say thanks, another familiar voice spoke up behind her.

"And I didn't get the chance to apologize for actin' like an asshole."

Sulan closed her eyes a moment. Jackson. She took a deliberate sip of her drink as she debated how to handle this. Finally, she relented. It was Jackson after all. She turned and looked up at him.

"So are you going to stand there all night?"

His relief was immediate and he gave her a sheepish smile as he sat down beside her. A second martini appeared before him, then Vic made himself scarce.

"I am sorry Su. I was just...worried is all. It all happened so fast, and I know it's not the easiest path for a non-Caitian to tread. I've always looked out for you and it suddenly felt like I was just standin' by and lettin' you rush headlong into something with someone you didn't even know."

"I'm a big girl, Jackson. If it was a hasty mistake, which it isn't, it is my mistake to make. I appreciate the sentiment though." She finally smiled at him. "And I understand. But this is a very good thing. He would take on the world for me. I need that. I need him."

Jackson had to laugh softly now. "I believe he would, as your purse snatcher learned. Good for him."

"Yes, well, that guy had it coming." A sudden thought occurred to Sulan and she frowned. "Something happened as I was dressing for work and it was rather distressing."

"Oh?" He reached for his glass again. "What's that?"

"Two security personnel showed up at our door. They informed us that an anonymous report had come in claiming I was the victim of domestic abuse. I came very close to losing my temper. Please tell me that wasn't you?"

"They...what?" Jackson lowered his drink slowly back to the bar, then turned to face Su. He took her hands in his, holding them tight. "Oh hell no. If I have an issue with something, I'll go to the source. I hope you know me better than that."

Sulan studied him intently, finally giving a nod. "I just had to make sure. I really didn't like their tone, especially when they asked about this scar." She slipped her hands out of his and hugged him close. "Thank you."

"For?" he asked, as he enveloped her in his arms.


Jackson finally smiled. "Want me to see if I can find out who did it?"

"Could you? Not that I'd do anything, but I am curious."

"I'll try, but no promises." He gave her a kiss on the cheek, then leaned back. "I'll say this - Kit'rin'e is a lucky man."

"No." Sulan shook her head. "I'm the one who's lucky. He's gotten a whole lot of weirdness and he still only knows a small part of it."

"I don't think he cares, Su. Long as he has you. That's what matters." He raised his glass. "Cheers, and may you two have along and happy union."

Sulan clinked her glass to his. "I'll certainly drink to that."

Tora Sulan
Back To Business

Jackson Banning
Owner & Big Brother
The Nexus Club


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