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News From All Sides

Posted on Wed Dec 7th, 2011 @ 9:19am by Major Patrick Smith & & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Piper Medical Center

Pat walked farther into sickbay with the nurse following him and began to look about for Connor to tell him the good news.

Taking the lead, Kier led him into one of the neurological exam rooms, where Connor sat on a stool before one of the several consoles along one wall. Pressing a hand against one leg, he studied once again Sakkath's readings; they disturbed him. He pushed himself away as he heard them come in, turning the stool to face the two, and looked between them, his eyes narrowing at Kier. He was staying away from patients for the time being, only to be bothered, or consulted, if he was really needed.

Kier explained, "I'm sorry, Doctor McKinney. He's been hit with a phaser set for stun, and he demanded that you be the only one to treat him. Considering Nenita brought him in, I thought you would want to see him."

Pat looked up as they approached the Doctor. "I figured you'd might want to know what I've been up to tonight."

Connor looked back at him after accepting a tricorder from Kier. It came to him who he was, and he dismissed her, "Thank you, Kier. Lieutenant", he said, indicating for Patrick to sit on the biobed, "please tell me this has to do with Oralia."

"Well I managed to get Oz out for you guys. Took this stun and a fall to do it but I think it was worth it," he replied.

Allowing himself to breathe, Connor wanted to know. "Out of where? Who had her..?", he looked away from him as he began taking readings.

Pat considered telling him but decided against it. "I can't tell you that unfortunately. Would have to be Li or Oz."

Lines forming between his brows, Connor stopped, his eyes moving up to Patrick, "How long were you unconscious from the stun?" He was wanting to assume Oralia was no worse off than Patrick, as she wasn't there with him. She would still need to be checked over. He was anxious to get to her, to see for himself that she hadn't been harmed.

"Not long. Couldn't have been more than 5 minutes. Hit my head on the ground as well. Hurts like hell," he said rubbing his head as if to emphasise the point.

"It was definately a light stun, Lieutenant. There's no damage to your central nervous system 'n' no concussion from your fall. Lay back and I'll reduce the swelling, take care of that headache", he picked up a dermal regenerator from a tray and paused, "But you're going to tell me first, where is Oralia? Why isn't she here with you?"

Patrick lay back before answering, "Li decided it would be safer if she stayed in intelligence for a bit as it is much more secure than other parts of the station. Nenita is on the first shift up there."

Stressed, beginning to feel he was fighting for the answers he was needing, Connor tossed the medical tool down, "Those responsible are not in custody?"

"Not yet but no doubt she will waste little time in sending her minions after them," he replied.

Patrick may have been about to say more, but Connor's commbadge chirped and a gruff voice spoke, =^=Doc McKinney, Gilroy here. I need some folks in your department on stand by, just in case. Oz is safe, but she's ordered us to go in and arrest someone.=^= This was Gilroy's way of circumventing some of Oz's 'secrecy' order.

The lines along his jaw tensing, Connor responded, directing his anger to the security officer, "Why isn't Oralia yarning at me?"

=^=Ah... um... she's not with me, Commander,=^= the part-Klingon managed to sound apologetic. =^=I'd hazard a guess that she's hurt; she covered the console to prevent me from seeing her.=^=

Connor's commbadge chirped again and a soft voice spoke, =^=Connor? I need you=^= It was Oz, sounding strangely vulnerable.

He reeled away, grabbing a med kit as well as his medical tricorder. "Take a couple of bloody aspirin, Lieutenant", he said tightly, slipping the tricorder into one of his labcoat pockets. "I need you to take me to her now."

Pat grumbled, "That's what I'd planned to do before Nenita dragged me here." He sat up and turned round ready to move off the bed. "I think I should warn you about something before we go."

Connor turned impatiently from within the doorway, "What is that?"

"She covered the console for a reason." He paused before deciding that the best way to do this was to say it. "The guy who took her cut her hair."

Oh damn..., Connor winced, " much was cut."

"A lot I'm afraid." Patrick got up and started walking to the door. "Lets get you up there. I'll take the aspirin."


Doctor Connor McKinney

Lieutenant Patrick Smith
Intelligence Officer


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